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File: 28 KB, 460x276, Christopher-Hitchens-008[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5562258 No.5562258 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Talentless hacks

Pic related.

>> No.5562262

what was so talentless about him?

>> No.5562284
File: 129 KB, 400x533, britney-spears-camel-toe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone PLEASE edit Christopher's face from the OP's pic into this pic?

I .. I n-need it for a school assignment.

>> No.5562287



>> No.5562290

The man spent his life pursuing a cause which was utterly dead. The cultural revolution killed religion long before Hitchens decided to take up the fight. He was just a vulture, circling the dying carcass, looking to see what self-satisfaction he could pick from its bones. Rehashing arguments made decades ago doesn't take talent, nor is it brave. Any attempt to glorify this man and his shoddy unoriginal work is socialist idiocy, little more.

>> No.5562295

I love how Hitch's entire debate style is basically listing bad shit religious people did with a serious tone and there are people who consider him an oratory genius

>> No.5562302
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>> No.5562320

Yeh, religion is more or less gone now.
You are utterly ebin :^)

>> No.5562324

Western Religion*

>> No.5562325

I've always wondered if anybody who actually knows shit takes these pop science guys with even a modicum of seriousness, or just views them as the televangelists of science.

Don't get me wrong, I think it's great that people like Hitchens and Neil DeGrasse Tyson and such are popularizing at least the idea or ambition of not being a fucking retard when it comes to intellectuality, but I've tried reading books from the New Fedoras and a few pop science books and it was nothing mind blowing. I'm don't know shit about science or atheist arguments but even then, I learned hardly nothing from these books.

Hitchens, Dawkins, etc. basically just write 300 page reddit posts about HURR RELIGION IS EVIL LOOK AT THESE EXAMPLES as if I couldn't fucking google it, spicing it up with arguments that even /pol/ already knows from image macros. Pop science books are a little better but I feel that they are ultimately just a collection of random data with no practical application, because people serious about science will take the time to learn the subjects proper, and casuals will forget the angle of planet X1920498's rotation a month later.

These guys just seem like any other demagogues who in it for the money to me.

>> No.5562333

shit I butchered English in this post

I'm sorry you had to see this

>> No.5562344

>"popsci guy"

how to disregard a post one sentence in

>> No.5562352

what is the USA

>> No.5562358
File: 15 KB, 435x123, Talentless hack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5562359

don't worry, the point you're trying to make is even shitter

>> No.5562363

new atheist "philosophers" are effectively in the same camp as sagan, tyson, nye, etc.

deal with it

>> No.5562365 [DELETED] 

Can't find a photo of Pynchon.

>> No.5562402

A nation showing exactly the same gradual movement towards apostasy that the UK showed in the 70s and 80s. They're a little behind, but religion has been on its way out in the US for a long time and you know it.

It goes some of the way to explaining why people were so happy to praise Hitchens and Dawkins when they appeared; everyone had been thinking atheist thoughts, they just needed atheism to be articulated in an easy-to-understand way to give liberal socialists something to rally behind. The work didn't need to be good, it just needed to be simple and to put their feelings into words.

Go and watch an interview with Hitchens on American TV. See how idolised he is. If what you're saying is true, and religion is as prevalent as ever in the US, why didn't they tell him to fuck off?

>> No.5562429

1. They're way behind
2. Little to suggest religion is on its way out, at best the uncertains perhaps have a higher chance of falling to the other side. Still the vast majority are some sort of religious in the US
3. Plenty did tell him to fuck off
4. What the fuck is your point? He disliked religion, he along with others helped fuel a larger debate and make atheism in murrica less taboo.
5. Most importantly, you are a faggot

>> No.5562471

in this thread : more butthurt religionists

>> No.5562475

US church attendance numbers are dwindling, liberal as fuck legislation everywhere like recent supreme court effectively making sodomy-based marriage legal in 30 states, political correctness that flies in the faith of much religious dogma

you can't deny that most people here are nominal christians at best and no long give a fuck about lynching gays and the relevance of abstinence before marriage. hell, marriage isn't even serious anymore

religion in the US is done for

meanwhile, in europe...


>> No.5562482 [DELETED] 

#jammingouttosometechhouserightnow #feelsgoodnigga

>> No.5562493

>at best the uncertains perhaps have a higher chance of falling to the other side
Substantiate this, please.

>Plenty did tell him to fuck off.
I mean, I wasn't saying nobody objected to what he was saying. Are you stupid? Obviously some would object, but his book reached No.1 on the Times bestseller list. Can't imagine the critical reception for atheist literature in Saudi Arabia would be anywhere near as strong.

>What the fuck is your point?
As I've said, my point is that his work didn't require much talent to write. It was simplistic, lazy and focused far too heavily on anecdotes to carry much weight outside Tumblr.

You are the faggot, here.

>> No.5562497

I mean it's not like these are just random guys off the street that somebody gave a microphone to so they could shout their pop-sci/new atheist views out there. NDG is an astrophysicist (though I can't attest to his work, at least he's in the field), Dawkins is one of the most important evolutionary biologists of the 20th century, Hitchens is a damn good journalist (subjective opinion, I know, but you have to admit he's better than 90% of working journalists these days). The only one who isn't really a specialist in their field is Bill Nye, but he's always been an educator and he's just so damn likable that I think it's fair to cut him some slack.

>> No.5562502
File: 53 KB, 1224x1209, face - straight.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you plainly don't know what you're on about

>> No.5562515
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Reminder that atheists consider this man to be a great thinker

>> No.5562516
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>> No.5562523


>> No.5562532
File: 284 KB, 487x536, 1410572432283.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dawkins found I need a fat bitch guy.

Holy lel.

>> No.5562543

you can just imagine his idiot face as he struggles to figure out which of that guy's genes caused him to mistakenly believe such behavior was in his self-interest

>> No.5562559

>US church attendance numbers are dwindling
Church attendance != religiosity. In the age of mass media and Internet there's little point in attending Church anymore.

>> No.5562586

Some keep the Sabbath going to Church –
I keep it, staying at Home –
With a Bobolink for a Chorister –
And an Orchard, for a Dome –

Some keep the Sabbath in Surplice –
I, just wear my Wings –
And instead of tolling the Bell, for Church,
Our little Sexton – sings.

God preaches, a noted Clergyman –
And the sermon is never long,
So instead of getting to Heaven, at last –
I’m going, all along.

>> No.5562615
File: 18 KB, 366x380, 1357770485752.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you seriously fucking suggesting that a drop in the number of churchgoers isn't in some way an indication that America is becoming less religious? You actually think that when people stop practicing their religion they are as religious as when they do practice? Jesus fucking Christ...

>> No.5564955
File: 239 KB, 960x626, 35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

His brother is better

>> No.5564980

Talentless? No. He just took the wrong path towards liberalism later in life, that's all.

>> No.5565000

ITT: Americans who think that they haven't been conditioned to oppose any and all criticism of religion/faith/spirituality

> muh tolerance

>> No.5565009

>His brother is better
objectively lol'd

>> No.5565013
File: 78 KB, 850x400, 26.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's wrong with his brother?

>> No.5565014

yeah, no

>> No.5565019


>> No.5565023

I disagree with him on almost everything but i admire the fact that he goes on these shows and faces down the hate.

>> No.5565030
File: 420 KB, 1846x1018, 1392052421787.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5565430

Fucking brilliant