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/lit/ - Literature

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5560375 No.5560375 [Reply] [Original]

What is some good right wing literature? I'm looking for books that explore the negative impacts of multiculturalism, effects of regulation on the market, race, nationalism, traditionalism, impact of religion on society, impact of atheism of society, etc.

>> No.5560401

Mein Kampf

>> No.5560410

Your best bet is to read the philosophers and thinkers who existed before leftism really took root in the west(which began in the Renaissance and Enlightenment)

Everyone from Kant and Schopenhauer, over to Heidegger and Evola express some kind of right-wing sentiment. The integral element of it all is the belief in some kind of higher existing order that structures civilization and man, a tradition which has been lost, or a hierarchy supplanted.

You'll find barely anything among late 20th-21st century writers, those conservatives largely being impotent reactionaries against the tide of leftism sweeping over them.

The thing you have to look for are people who don't simply see the rise of leftism as a cancer to be eradicated, because they fail to understand history. You have to look for people who understand leftism and why it can be attractive and even truthful, but who realize its a sort of endgame to a society's progression, it ends in waste. This is not to say Evola and Spengler and co. are right, their cyclical view of civilization completely overlooks the dramatic progressivism of our times in not only thought but our material existence.

I think a new dialectic needs to be created, not between progress and tradition, which is now outdated, but between some other form. The cultural deficit of modern society is obvious, but the effect multiculturalism has on it, while negative, pales in comparison with the effect the consumer industry or the housing developments, for example, have. We are obviously entering a new paradigm of humanity and the leftist/right dichotomy has ceased to make any sense to anybody paying attention. Nobody from the past 50 years who actually believes in either of them will matter to posterity

>> No.5560411

Peter Hitchens

>> No.5560425
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>> No.5560430

i cant read your emoticon

>> No.5560441

i haev crush on u

>> No.5560448

The Dispossessed Majority by Wilmot Robertson has to be a top pick for negative impacts of multiculturalism.

>> No.5560454

Interesting perspective.

>I think a new dialectic needs to be created, not between progress and tradition, which is now outdated
What are your thoughts on a balance between the two, a la radical centrism or the 'third way' thing? Do you believe this is also ultimately aimless?

>> No.5560457

But wouldn't you say that nationalism was a major part of preserving European cultural identity? I understand where you're coming by saying consumerism are degenerating this identity, which is obviously true, but I think the stigmatization of ethnic European pride/nationalism has definitely played a key role in the degeneration of traditional European cultural values. It just seems that by rocking the pillars of the western world, a huge part of which is ethnic nationalism, is detrimental to the West as a whole. Today Europeans who express pride in their heritage are looked down upon because they have been burdened with the onus of bearing the sins of their forefathers. Not only is it considered taboo to express national pride these days in Europe, it is encouraged and even fashionable for the average European to spit on his history, ancestors and traditions. It's fashionable to do so, it is acceptable and encouraged to do so.

The fact that most people of European descent are denounced by modern society for expressing any form of national pride is none of than the result of this dogma of forced equality achieved mostly by handicapping the masses in various ways and attenmpting idealist notions of egalitarialism, a very vague and ambiguous concept to begin with. To be honest, once this school of thought of "progressivism" began since WWI, we have seen a gradual decline in classical western ideals, a process which has been sped up exponentially by globalization.

>> No.5560474

Third way, like the Génération Identitaire? I think they're trying to turn history back and won't ultimately succeed, though I see why it's enticing- the David clearly inspires more than Moore's reclining woman.

We're becoming something altogether different. The very existence of the Internet should be a cosmic bell of alarm to anybody searching for our past glory. We're a scattered, dissected people, whether we can create something pure and meaningful from this chaos remains to be seen, but what is sure is that we can't go back. It's like humanity has experienced adolescence, the most powerful of us continue to exploit the weak but strangely, for the first time in history, the mass deity, the Us military doesn't extend in every imperial direction but sometimes attempts to give humanitarian aid. the very fact that the warlord of our times tries to help the suffering weak should be a huge wake-up call to everybody. Progress doesn't mean anything when Detroit burns and cools as billions pour into Gaza, both fro Israel and the Palestinians.

I think the next paradigm will be power, in all its forms, monetary, military, social and artistic and every other form, power wll instruct our new understanding, because within our current capacity to interpret the world it rules supreme.

>> No.5560514

But if things are turning for the worse and society is degenerating as a result of left-wing ideological injection into society, wouldn't it be logical for a person who understands this to try and preserve tradition to the best of your ability to try and halt progressivism from doing any more damage or try and reverse it all together? It's just a natural reaction to fix something once you discover the cause of breakage, similar to patching up a cracked water pipe. Also believing that monolithic power would create good with no ulterior motive is incredibly naive.

>> No.5561177
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>radical centrism

also bump

>> No.5561190

> I'm looking for books that explore the negative impacts of multiculturalism, effects of regulation on the market, race, nationalism, traditionalism, impact of religion on society, impact of atheism of society, etc.

first you should actually find out what the right wing is

>> No.5561194


you mean 'forming'

>> No.5561233
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Start with Thomas Sowell. This one was much, much easier to digest because it was written for laymen.

>> No.5562746
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The "core" of right-wing thought is not even racism, nationalism or cultural exceptionism. It's just the belief that individuals are not equal. Thus should not have equal rights. Everything else is just variations of this thought.

>> No.5562777

>. It's just the belief that individuals are not equal
I don't think it's fair to frame it that way. It's more the notion that there's an inherent order in reality, a hierarchy that's supposed to be followed. Equal rights is a bit of another matter.

>> No.5562798

Believing is some natural social order, a lot of movements could qualify for that. But I've never met a right-wing guy or even a reactionary who thought that all people are equal.

>> No.5562803

well there aren't any leftists who really believe that either. Try asking them if Nazis are equal

>> No.5562812

Leftists think all leftists are equal. Rightists thing nobody is, not even rightists. Huge difference.

>> No.5562816

nerds on 4chan pretending to be reactionary should be sterilized for the sake of the eugenics they like to support

>> No.5562819

>should be sterilized f
by an authoritarian government?

>> No.5562821
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No GF anyway

>> No.5562876

Russell Kirk I think does a good job formulating a philosophy of conservatism. He's not a hardcore reactionary and draws a lot of inspiration from old Whigs like Edmund Burke, but I feel his emphasis on prudence and trepidation are especially valuable to political thought that many of the far-right are missing out on.

>> No.5563414

A book that deals indirectly with the negative effects of multiculturalism is Bowling Alone by Robert Putnam,especially dealing with eroding social trust.

>> No.5563553

Paul Gottfried works are pretty good to understand current politics.His trilogy After Liberalism,The Strange Death of Marxism and Multiculturalism and the Politics of Guilt try to explain some the changes on the political spectrum since WWII.
You might find also The Conservative Movement in America:Making Sense of the American Right interesting although i have not read it yet.

>> No.5564934

I enjoyed that book MUCH more than I was expecting to.

Best thing I ever got from /pol/ was a rec for that book.

>> No.5564947

Did he ever give a good reason for why he wrote that shitty addendum to the multiculturalism study?
You know, the part where he says that multiculturalism is good anyway?

>> No.5565044

Because he would have been crucified otherwise

>> No.5565068

I'm sure that's the actual reason why he did it, I'm just wondering if he ever gave an official justification.

>> No.5565107

why we have this thread once a day when there is a perfectly good chart made by /lit/ during a month of research

>> No.5565116


People hoping to get some of those dastardly 'liberals' to start whining.

>> No.5565151

the chart is shit

>> No.5565225
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>the right wing lit chart
>pretty good

>> No.5565378
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>> No.5565385

In a surprise twist, he concludes it was 8 million.

>> No.5565391
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>> No.5565396


>> No.5565400
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>> No.5565402

>>radical centrism
Nothing wrong with this.

>> No.5565418
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>> No.5565437
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>> No.5565447
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>> No.5565451
File: 60 KB, 267x400, way of the druid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5565481
File: 9 KB, 183x275, dream culture of neanderthals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5565490
File: 7 KB, 116x180, tax racket.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5565504
File: 35 KB, 317x475, table talk.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5565507
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>> No.5565515
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>> No.5565521
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>> No.5565531

Houston Stewart Chamberlain - The Foundations of the Nineteenth Century

Arthur de Gobineau - An Essay on the Inequality of the Human Races

>> No.5565537
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>> No.5565548
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mein mensch

>> No.5565549

I work in a bookstore. A very large one.

Not a single work mentioned in this thread is stocked in my bookstore.

Shit sucks yo.

>> No.5565567
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A natural end result of cultural marxism.

>> No.5565609


Now you get SJW's reading Foucault and flinging shit about power relations everywhere

>> No.5565626

Right-wingers are incapable of producing good art as creating art is intrinsically a revolutionary act.

>> No.5565648

>Not understanding that revolutions naturally go back to the beginning
>Not seeing that that is exactly what right-wingers want.
Shiggin that diggy.

>> No.5565695
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>right wing

>> No.5565698
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>> No.5565697

SJWs don't read Foucault. They read Butler, who didn't understand Foucault.

>> No.5565701

What exactly makes this right wing?

>> No.5565702


>> No.5565708

Wrong image

>> No.5565714
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>> No.5565720

Tom Wolfe.

>> No.5565724

Which is why Fyodor Dostoevsky is a nobody while Maxim Gorky is considered the greatest name in Russian literature, right?

>> No.5565734
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>he posted it
>he thinks this is right wing literature

>> No.5565749

Some certainly are, some are arguable, some are strange and others are absurd (William Blake? Henry James? Kurt Vonnegut???)

>> No.5565769

That's pretty much my point. It's a shitty list and seriously needs to be redone. Particularly not by people that don't know shit and claim there's no such thing as right wing literature because they're so shallow minded.

>> No.5565792
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I think it was all just a troll on them.

>> No.5565812

Then you should read Confucius and study Eastern Meritocratic societies. It seems those are the only 'right wingers' that are working right now.

>> No.5565841
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Then it was a pretty good one

>> No.5565881

Butler didn't understand Foucault, and Foucault didn't understand Nietzsche. Derrida is probably the most useful poststructuralist and a bit of what Kristeva wrote can be useful but the rest is pretty crappy

>> No.5565884

I've enjoyed some of Baudrillard's ideas, but besides that I agree with you.

>> No.5565891

Not him, but Baudrillard's fun to think about, but hard to take seriously on the whole.

>> No.5566388
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>weekly "I'm here from /pol/, give me some books that confirm my bias" thread

>> No.5566406

>recommend me books that tell me things I already believe

I thought summer was over

>> No.5567968

Maybe he/she desires to expand their knowledge on the history of and reasons for right wing thought.

Maybe OP is a leftist who is trying to understand a different perspective.

>> No.5567977

>hourly kike shill post

>> No.5567978

>Evola virus thread

>> No.5568016

/lit/ is /pol/

>> No.5568018

OP is not.

>> No.5568036

shill meme!

>> No.5568141

That's assuming "revolutionary" is even left-wing to begin with, which is nonsense.

>> No.5568148

The career of Sir Robert Walpole will give you insight into the conservative way of thinking.

>> No.5568150


No, /b/ is /pol/ and /pol/ is one giant meme

>> No.5568165

Doesn't matter as long as it gets him to read good stuff. Besides when you start to read higher level stuff you're bound to want to read things on the opposite side.

>> No.5568171

ok, /b/ is /pol/ is /lit/

>> No.5568178

The world needs more well-read white supremacists.


>> No.5568200

>When I was attending the German Saturday School in California some 15 years ago I found an art book being used to teach German to adults.

>I took it home, as my Mother and I were in charge of cleaning and locking up the facilities, as well as being a student, and of course returned it the following week , but the main body of art I found during the period of time I refer to above in this book really showed a severe decline in the beautiful art you mention in your opening post, FlowShannonWaters.

>I showed the book to my father, who was born in Berlin in 1935, as much of the artwork came from there and remember asking him, "How can they call this art, Papa?"

>His honest and succinct answer was, "This is the dreck that Hitler was trying to stop!"

>> No.5568202

>I don't use other boards but you guy sure are offensive LOL!

Just leave you huge retard

>> No.5568209

>I green text implying implying

>That is literally the most retarded thing I have read on 4chan ever. And I've been here for 10 years.

>Being this buttmad.

>Fucking faggot nigger kike

>I am on 4chan and I say things.

>> No.5568211

>I don't use other boards but you guy [sic] sure are green text green text implying

>Just leave you huge retard implying top kek nigger say things

>> No.5568212

Jesus christ, stop dripping undilluted idiocy all over the board, you dumb newfaggot.

>> No.5568220

You are obviously the same angry moron. if 4chan triggers you so much then just don't come here, holy shit.
>Right wing thread go

>> No.5568236

>kek niggers gonna nig

>fuck off back to tumblr sjw

>kike shill

>ur fucking retarded m8

>fuck off

>fag sperg shitlords get aids

>> No.5568241

trigger meme

>> No.5568246

ITT tumblr attempts to be sarcastic, ends up shitting self 4 times in a row over mutation of "gb2/gaia"

>> No.5568251

More samefagging

>> No.5568254


>new right pomo based edmund burke

wut wut
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i sed g0

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bc i sed
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i will no tgive in2 ur peer pressur
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poop it out
i will no tgive in2 ur peer pressur
do et

>> No.5568259

Look I broke it! Please respond to this post too.

>> No.5568260
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