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/lit/ - Literature

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5557030 No.5557030[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Aggressive reminder that if you read from an e reader, then, you are a pleb-tier, basic faggot.

>> No.5557032

I like my Kindle. It's more convenient and cheaper than actual books.

>> No.5557034

Fite me, faggot

>> No.5557037

y-you too

>> No.5557046
File: 216 KB, 1003x1458, 1412439029802.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How? Books are generally cheaper on an e-reader, and I can carry around like 1000 books on a small, light-weight device.

>> No.5557047

Where u at nigga

>> No.5557050

Can you please go back to /mu/ for your shitposting? I left there to get away from you people.

>> No.5557055

This board is full of coffee-shop hipsters that do nothing but listen to /mu/core all day.

>> No.5557056

>being this basic

e readers are for pseudo faggots

Paperback master race reporting for duty

>> No.5557062

>pseudo faggots

Are you even trying?

>> No.5557069

Can I ask a serious e-reader question?

Would the original Kindle be good enough to get nowadays? I know I'm missing out on at least a couple of neat things, but is there anything that should seriously make me consider trying for one of the newer ones?

>> No.5557071


No, I'm actual really tired.
>tfw I shitpost for free

>> No.5557076

That's a step up from the misanthropic NEETs that won't shut the fuck up about Kanye.

You guys also have the capability to discuss things beyond spouting "its shit" and "no its not". I'll take coffee-shop hipsters over /mu/tants with extra chromosomes any day.

>> No.5557080


>> No.5557134

Don't be mad you can't afford anything beyond your library card bro

>> No.5557137

Kobo H2O will be the only way to read in a nice warm bath with your feet rested up at the end. :)

>> No.5557138


Read the thread, you pleb faggot.

Anon said that he uses an e reader because he's a closet faggot and it's cheaper than buying paperback master race.

>> No.5557140
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Boy, it just got really hot in here.

>> No.5557141

WARM bath, not hot bath, you plebby. >:(

>> No.5557144

That's him not me. In reality the cheapest option is library. Which I believe is your only option.

>> No.5557148

convince me to become a fascist.

>> No.5557149
File: 44 KB, 508x390, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm s-sorry

Please don't be a trap
Please don't be a fat chick
Please let me worship your feet

>> No.5557154


Why do u fite me irl, u cunt

>> No.5557160

Okay, imagine a world where everyone was forced to study philosophy or else they'd die.

I'm not
I'm not
Do you have a big dick?

>> No.5557161

Troll harder please

>> No.5557164

i don't very much like that.

i like philosophy but i don't want to force other people to study it.

>> No.5557166

Meh, a little over 7 inches. But I've fugged a total of 14 girls, which means I'm not bad in bed and am a decent kisser. Also, I'm bretty gud at foot worshipping.

>> No.5557171

No convincing you if you don't think forcing people to achieve their potential is good.

>over seven inches
Pics or didn't happen

>> No.5557173

>implying in going to post pictures of my comrade on an Indonesian cartoon image board for some trap to get off at

>> No.5557174

Who gives a fuck you shit-posting dick head

>> No.5557176

how is philosophy the only means to achieve ones potential?

do you not think that other fields are also valid? such as mathematics, or the sciences?

>> No.5557177

Suit yourself.

>> No.5557183

It's not the only means, but it is an important facet.

Those fields are valid as well, but all fields should be studied vigorously, even ones you are not a professional in. Every teenager should have read the Greeks, and everyone over 20 should have read all the major philosophers.

>> No.5557188

that's fair, but how is this only achievable in a fascist society? couldn't you restructure the public education system to achieve similar goals?

>> No.5557189

>cry harder

Post ur bean

>> No.5557190

Yes, but you aren't going to get niggers and trailer trash to actually care about it without death threats.

>> No.5557192

I'm a "nigger" and I care.

Although I didn't start getting interested until recently.

>> No.5557193

Not really no, i think the improvements were minor things concerning weight and clearer text display.

>> No.5557197

Do you think most poor people would care, which most of hue happen to be?

>> No.5557208

I don't think they can care because the education isn't available to them. If it were I think some would, and others wouldn't. There are some people who are fine with living a life devoid of intellectual activity. Which is fine with me, someone needs to clean the toilets.

Also the "hue" thing was funny.

>> No.5557217

>I don't think they can care because the education isn't available to them.
It's called a public library. Do you see poor people checking out Spinoza and Descartes much?

>hich is fine with me, someone needs to clean the toilets.
Toilets can be cleaned by machines, and even if they couldn't, even toilet cleaning should be forced to think critically.

>Also the "hue" thing was funny.

>> No.5557219

Post feet or gtfo

>> No.5557222

Post dick

>> No.5557227

no u

I actually can't, though. I'm Z; Everyone here hates me because they can't handle the bantz

>> No.5557235

iz ur dick as big as ur banter

>> No.5557238

U no it, trap

>> No.5557239

I don't think it's fair to expect most poor people to be suddenly decide to study philsophy with no knowledge of it's history or importance before hand. It's not like someone told them what it was and how it could be interesting and useful in their lives, they probably just had a cursory explanation of it in their shitty school.

I mean there are going to be outliers whose intelligence drives them to seek this knowledge without any kind of provocation, but they're in the minority. Most people who seek these things out have someone who at least pushes them in the direction.

Also, why should someone be forced to think critically? Why does it matter if some people are inclined not to be intellectuals? Why can't someone be allowed to live a simple life?

>> No.5557243

>people still consume non digital content
are you faggots from the past or something

>> No.5557250


Basic bitch

>> No.5557259

>Also, why should someone be forced to think critically?
Because when 99% of humanity thinks critically instead of 1%, then society will move beyond our shitty paradigm of consumerist-buzzword-nihilist swamp. Everyone will be able to be reasoned with on a sophisticated level, and we will be able to alter and improve our world decisively.

>> No.5557272

Wouldn't that only matter if they could be brought to agree with one another to enact said change? Even if they're educated, people have a tendency to form mobs.

>> No.5557281

I'm speaking of a far more critical education than what passes for 'educated' today, which is basically just about occupational usefulness. A group of thousand people who are intimately familiar with 2500 years of philosophy are not nearly as likely to act with mob mentality, and they will certainly require more substantial bullshit than the slogans marketing and politics tend to use.

>> No.5557285

Fair enough. Thank you for having a conversation with me.

>> No.5557286

Fuck off, faggots

>> No.5557291

his poor cock is thirsty for a kiss, isn't it? :(

>> No.5557295

I've read the entire eastern canon on my E-reader, untranslated of course

>> No.5557298

>then society will move beyond our shitty paradigm of consumerist-buzzword-nihilist swamp

Monumental [citation needed]

>> No.5557302

More like a good sucking

>> No.5557303

>a group of thousand people who are intimately familiar with 2500 years of philosophy are not nearly as likely to act with mob mentality, and they will certainly require more substantial bullshit than the slogans marketing and politics tend to use

Again, you have no idea whatsoever if this is true or not.

>> No.5557304

by cheaper he means they're all free
>still pays for anything

>> No.5557307

>being a Wikipedia scholar
If people understand the exact mechanics of mass manipulation, and also understands what is needed to seriously substantiate an argument, they will easily discern corn beef from cotton candy.

>> No.5557308
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>Using the word buzzword in an amalgamated buzzword

>> No.5557309

would you run your fingers through my hair?

>> No.5557310

to be honest reading in the dark with the backlight is one of the biggest achievements in eBook history. kobo glo or kindle with the light is exceptional.

>> No.5557314

>any term is a buzzword if it has an emotional association

>> No.5557315

Yes, luv'.

I'd kiss your shoulders and back, too.

>> No.5557317

I'm having difficulty visualizing the logistics of that.

>> No.5557319

I mean, at least if I'm sucking your dick at the same time

>> No.5557320
File: 81 KB, 1024x678, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying that you won't be lying bed
>implying that I'm not a master of foreplay
>implying that I won't kiss you all over
>implying that I won't eat your bean
>implying that I won't worship your feet

>> No.5557324

Yes they will be able to discern the two, but you don't know which one they will prefer. Humans like that may genuinely prefer those things on a logical level.

>> No.5557326

You're not a master of anything, you'd just get all reddish in the face as I undid your pants. You're probably ejaculate before my fingers even brushed your cock.

>> No.5557330

I guess plebs don't whine about e-readers on 4chan.

>> No.5557331

They might prefer the sound of them logically, but they would be able to discern the strong discrepancy between sound and reality.

>> No.5557344


Babe, who do you think you are?
I'm the best sex you'll ever have.

>implying that your pussy won't be wet
>implying that my cock won't slipnin and out of your pussy
>implying that I won't pull out right before I come and force my cock into your mouth and then explode
>implying I won't eat you out afterwards

>> No.5557351

wtf has /lit become.

>> No.5557353

I can fug u, too

>> No.5557354

>implying anyone who cybersexes with greentext isn't a virgin flusterrace

>> No.5557358

>tfw I'm pretty sure I'm talking to a trap faggot

>> No.5557360

Exactly, consumerist-buzzword-nihilism isn't all voodoo marketing tricks. That shit is rooted in human behavior, reward, and social reward systems. Its 'abuse' of hardwired biology. If you talk to a lot of serious drug addicts, you'll realize they are shockingly aware of what's going on, they just give zero fucks because deep emotional satisfaction will often beat out all other contenders.

>> No.5557361


Post feet or stop talking to me

>> No.5557368


Reason allows one to prioritize long term satisfaction above short term.

>> No.5557369

Na, its cool. Really im good. Think ill just go read my kobo

>> No.5557376
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Was fun while it lasted
