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/lit/ - Literature

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5556539 No.5556539 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5557007


Calm down Gene

>> No.5557021 [DELETED] 

>being this buttblasted

>> No.5557031

The Nobel prize in literature doesn't mean shit. No one even remember who won the last one. Its like the peace prize at this point.

>> No.5557035 [DELETED] 

>buttblasted Pynchon fuccboi detected


>> No.5557061

I don't care much about Pynchon getting it but that is a good example of why its irrelevant.

>> No.5557075 [DELETED] 

>stay pleb

I'm having a though time deciphering your faggotry

I don't understand u

>> No.5557095

I don't personally like Pynchon much but still think he should win a Nobel prize, and him continuously losing to literally whos calls into question the authenticity of said prize.

Modiano's writing is, borrowing the words of Nabokov because they feel so accurate, "cold pudding". Maybe its better in French, but it cannot be exceptionally better than the mediocre work I read.

>> No.5557104 [DELETED] 

Dude, I'm not going to waste my time with you. I just want you to know the following:

You. Are. A. Faggot.

>inb4 m-muh big words
>inb4 m-muh dad jokes
>inb4 m-muh shit plot
>inb4 m-muh low iq convinces me that he's a good author

You fucking dumb faggot

>> No.5557106

You have to be some 16 year old ironic fag from /mu/, people can't be this insufferable and arrogant unless they're thirsty for negative attention.

What's wrong? tfw no gf?

>> No.5557107

Alice Munro won it last year. she's okay. pretty hit or miss

>> No.5557120 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 1024x753, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>being THIS much of a faggot
>thinks Pynchon is a good author
>b-but m-muh /lit/ told me to read it
-/lit/ said he Is a g-good writer

Pic related: it's my girlfriend, faggot

>> No.5557128

He's some faggot who came here to get the sextuplet get, failed, and never left. Just ignore him.

>> No.5557129 [DELETED] 

>Pynchon fuccboi detected

It's me-- Z.

>> No.5557130

Pynchon may not be quite as significant in the wider literary world as he is on /lit/, but that the Nobel committee would award Jelinek before him is a travesty.

>> No.5557132

You WISH that was your gf, tripfag.

>> No.5557136 [DELETED] 

Kill yourself

>implying that she doesn't allow me to worship her feet every night
>implying that she doesn't fuck me in the bum with her 10 inch strap-on
>implying that she doesn't like to defecate on my chest
>implying that I'm not her gimp

>> No.5557181

Pics or it didn't happen

>> No.5557195 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5557199

Pynchon is too well known. They pick the most hipster faggot seriously no one has ever heard of and hand them the fucking price.

Nobel Hobel

>> No.5557922
File: 50 KB, 165x230, Heil Wolfe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5557961

He is well known in France and sort of well known in Germany, Sweden is so fucking boring they have to read the French literary magazines

>> No.5557965

Gene Wolfe, Isaac Asimov, Harlan Ellison

>> No.5557972

Ha, I've watched this, it's awesome. Do things like this even make it onto TV any more?

>> No.5557986

Hopefully not, no one would catch it there

>> No.5558023

Is Pynchon that well-known in the US ? Modiano has had four movies made after his books, and had already got twice as many prizes as Pynchon, including foreign ones, before the Nobel prize. Apparently he was also in the top contenders of some betting site like Ladbrokes.

So it's a pretty huge stretch to call him "a hipster faggot seriously no one has heard".
It would be more accurate to say "he's not in the top 20 comptemporary authors that /lit circlejerks about).

>> No.5558034


Gene is so nice and humble.

>> No.5558492



>> No.5558518

Pynchon's probably United States most famous literary author next to McCarthy and Roth. /lit/ wouldn't care about him if he weren't so famous

>> No.5558677

you americans need to stop crying about not winning. it's ridiculous. as if an american writer needs to win or is more deserving of winning because you've read him and he's from your country. pynchon, roth, et co. can fuck right off

>> No.5558684 [DELETED] 

Absolutely this

>> No.5558688


I just want Gene to win, his health won't last much longer

>> No.5558707

The question is how famous can a "literary" author be.

For instance Yves Bonnefoy is France's most famous contemporary poet, but almost nobody outside of people who study lterature have heard of him.

"Literary author" seems a bit broader category than "poet", you can see a literary author on tv. But I'm not sure that this crosses border well. The US are a huge exportator of cultural product, yet the only contemporary American authors than French people generally know are those associated with movies (wrote screenplays or had works made into films).

>> No.5558718 [DELETED] 

We Americans are ignorant, anon-Sama.

Don't forget that the world revolves around us.

Fairly sure that more that half these faggots never left the country.

>> No.5558719

If he didn't win for Peace, why would he now?

>> No.5558782

>why didn't an american win?

>> No.5558852


>> No.5558878
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>> No.5558920

Because the Nobel is awarded based on a body of work, not an individual book. Peace could still win him the prize, along with all of his other writings.

>> No.5558966

Pynchon is studied by english majors in France, and is not unknown among readers - I've seen many references to him in indie stuff. But not well-known beyond that, no.

>> No.5558992

That's what I had figured. Of course people who study English literature are going to hear about him, but assuming he would be well-known past would be like thinking that most people in the US have heard of Houellebecq or Nothomb.

>> No.5559134


>> No.5560257

This is a Gene Wolfe thread, the greatest living writer we have. Every other writer can fuck off

>> No.5560290

Damn, where do you live that there are people who've heard of those authors? Because no one in Florida knows anything about post-WW2 literature

>> No.5560701
File: 1.17 MB, 200x118, 1384844366716.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is a Gene Wolfe thread, the greatest living writer we have.

>mfw this is literary true

>> No.5560803

I"m more than a little confused. and aroused.

>> No.5560811

ayy lmao

>> No.5561046

'Peace' is his simplest work, kek.

>> No.5561526



>> No.5561547

Wolfe would be lucky to win another Nebula, let alone the Nobel.

>> No.5561588

oh, that prize which they give to literally my little pony fanfics