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File: 29 KB, 702x788, iq feel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5556536 No.5556536[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

ITT we post our smart feels

>tfw I figured out god's non-existence in 4th grade
>tfw others need to read a book to learn it

>> No.5556543


I figured it out in grade 7 and converted a jew and a christian to atheism within two weeks of my discovery

the jew grew to hate me, but that is their way.

>> No.5556545

>tfw incredibly insecure about 'intelligence'

>> No.5556586


Did he renounce the traditions, customs, and culture of his people?

>> No.5556607

>iq circlejerk
seriously, get the fuck out of here with this shit.

>> No.5556621


I'm pretty sure this thread is 100% satirical.

>> No.5556641


nope, he still loved money.

>> No.5556643

>tfw it's the only thing that gives me some self-esteem

>> No.5556649

Just because you want to disregard it with saying the thread is a joke, it is a annoying joke.

>> No.5556651

>tfw you're ~95% sure you're the next DFW

Sucks being a tortured genius guys :^)

>> No.5556680

>tfw I convinced a woman on the grey hound bus to give me a handjob using synthetic judgement
Not really, but I did get a handjob from a woman on a bus. I said, "you're pretty." and she said, "Oh, thank you. :)" then I snatched strokes of her arm, and when she finally started to notice, I asked her if she minded if I touched her, and then she said smiled and shook her head, and slowly, over the court of about five minutes, I got to massaging her thigh then kissed her neck, then she started in my eyes for two seconds and we started tonguing in each other's mouthes, then she groped my dick and I unzipped my pants, and she looked nervously around and gave me a handjob. it was dark in the gery hound, the lights were out, and I ejaculated all over her hand.

that was years ago, but I swear it's a true story, even though no one will believe me.

>> No.5556716

>tfw read nietzsche and realised that god doesn't real

>> No.5558198

How much did you pay her?

>> No.5558321
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>That feel when others employ unpopulated datasets as primary evidence for emotive-based claims about the world or anything else.
>That feel when others flagrantly parade their misunderstanding as virtue.
>That feel when wisdom can't be taught or communicated; everyone has to endure peak experiences or traumas to jostle themselves enough to begin to explore the world with less provincial culturally-bound interpretive lenses, which eventually grants them native wisdom.
>That feel when most people seem to have very local memory maps of the world. It's like the net of their mind just doesn't catch many bugs, most of life seems to slip through them uncatalogued. Like they were never even there..
>That feel when they use their misunderstanding to staple words onto people's backs, words which abate their chronic self-shaming status anxiety. Bolstering their own esteem at the expense of others, when really, they're simply demonstrating their emotional needs and their inability to perceive situations clearly.
>That feel when talking with most people is like talking to myself at 12. Specifically in terms of "scale." The concepts I played with at 12 are the same concepts many adults play with when they fancy themselves intellectuals.

in b4 'if you're so smart then why're you on /lit/?'

>> No.5558329

If you're so smart then why did you stop being 12 ?

>> No.5558334

>>tfw I figured out god's non-existence in 4th grade
this isn't something you "figure out"

>> No.5558346
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If I'm so smart then why did you stop being 12?

>> No.5558370

My thinking as well. (I'm not OP).
For me personally, the process wasn't so much that I figured out anything about how the world works, I simply noticed how it doesn't work. And my logic paths were insufficient to adequately demonstrate in my mind's eye that god was a distinct reality, the pieces never fit together properly. I specifically figured out nothing about the world, I just noticed that the christian lego set doesn't build a viable framework of reality. i was under 10 when i noticed these things, thinking alone was my hobby early on.

>> No.5558385

I went through my militant atheist phase around the age of 11.
It's strange to see dudes in their late 20's and early 30's still going at it.

I try to enjoy Christian mysticism, even bringing myself to such states of consciousness, without ever really going into full-on reborn mode.

>> No.5558401

Every kid figures out god isn't real around age 10.

Some people never grow up, either.

Atheism literally the only claim to intelligence stupid people have. Intelligence is the only claim to worth a lot of otherwise useless people have. You figure it out.

>> No.5558404

So you're religious?

Or schizophrenic, havin a hard time deciphering what u mean m8

>> No.5558413


Schizophrenic most likely.
Sometimes I have this inexplicable fear that the person besides me is fake.

>> No.5558425

Why even post such an obvious troll. It's not even amusing.

Go write better stuff.

>> No.5558427

>have a long think about whether or not different people see colours differently aged 4
>people in their 20s now post the same thing on twitter and act like it is a mindblowing possibility

>> No.5558451

Did anyone of you actually become an atheist because of a book?

I can't imagine that.
You either accept that logic and science work and become an atheist because of that or you believe in supernatural stuff and in that case everything is possible so not even a book could change your mind.

>> No.5558452

>tfw I distinguished my gut feeling of the non-existence of god from a logico-mathematical proof for the non-existence of god
>tfw seconds later I figured out that in fact they are NOT equivalent means of justification
>all in my mother's womb

>> No.5558462


Some obviously DID become atheist because of a vulgar atheist manifest, pretty much in the same way someone is 'reborn' by reading the Bible or the Quran.

When will atheists admit the religiosity of their lifestyle and postulations?

>> No.5558467

>could recite Thus Spoke Zarathustra word for word in original German at age 3
>didn't even read the actual book until age 12

>> No.5558469
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>logical proof for the non-existence of god

>> No.5558479

What's the matter casualfag, haven't you heard about the omnipotence paradox?

>> No.5558483

>tfw agnostic at the age of six
>tfw figuring out the nature of space-time, and realizing the possibilty of self-replicating universes at the age of nine
>tfw coming to a full understanding of the spacial dimensions (beyond the third) at the age of twelve
>tfw autistic since birth

>> No.5558488
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>reality is logical

>> No.5558489
File: 24 KB, 356x333, 1412706332623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Sitting with my dad and my grandparents.
>They're talking about the origin of humans.
>I'm about 7.
>Grandfather says "Well, when adam and eve were in the garden, i mean, how did their children reproduce?"
>They have a big discussion about this.
>Grandad then says "They must have fucked a monkey." everyone has a laugh.
>I say "Well it's just a story, it didn't actually happen."
>They all go silent.
>Realize how stupid they are.
>Silent for about 10 seconds.
>They talk about something else.

Vividly remember that conversation.

It was the moment i realized i was hot shit.

>Claim: X exists.
>Evidence for claim: None.
>Evidence against claim: Infinite.
>Ergo, X has not been proven to exist.

>> No.5558490

>self-replicating universes

>> No.5558493

>someone is 'reborn' by reading the Bible or the Quran.
I claim that not a single person was "reborn" because he read the Bible or the Quran.
Those books are absolutely retarded. Did you read the Bible? It starts with a huge list of people growing hundreds of years old.
How could anyone take this seriously.
People have the same religion as their parents in 99% of all cases. You simply believe what your environment tells you is right.

>When will atheists admit the religiosity of their lifestyle and postulations?
and if I accept that Physics and Math are real because I read it in a book, does that make Science a religion too?

>> No.5558498

>not grasping the concept

>> No.5558499


I realized God wasn't real when I was in elementary school and my mom/teacher told me that there are thousands of religions

I remember thinking "then what makes Christianity right?"

>> No.5558507
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>> No.5558511


top kek

I had the "is my blue your blue? what if my blue is your red?" thoughts when I was 16. It was the closest I ever came to getting being popular because some girl overheard me explaining to a friend and I ended up in a big discussion with the whole class who thought it was a really interesting idea.


>> No.5558516
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>mfw Americans think being atheist at 9 years old is impressive

>> No.5558520

>tfw I master atheism at the age of 14

>> No.5558525

>tfw convinced all my friends I was smart without actually being smart

>> No.5558531

But Anon, we are not born believing that gods exist. I never took their existence seriously.

>> No.5558533

iktf i used to think a lot about ego and shit when i was like 4/5 although obviously i had no words for the concepts

>> No.5558538

>tfw was an obnoxious atheist for two years
I want to bang my head against a wall whenever I remember that time I went full euphoria on one girl

>> No.5558539

>tfw i finished reading infinte jest before DFW finished writing it

>> No.5558549

>no friends
>I can make friends easily but nobody interests me enough to bother
>no friends

>> No.5558551

Atheism exists since the beginning of time
Atheists Billions of year: Christians 2000 years


>> No.5558577
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>be 7 years old
>grandma is a hardcore catholic that drags me to church every week
>sit in front watching television with her, munching on a sandwich, nobody speaks
>turn towards her and say "maybe god is just an alien that came to earth and engineered humans"
>she looks at me "that's preposterous!!" and loses her shit
>"exactly" I smile at her
>awkward silence

>> No.5558588 [DELETED] 

Who here as fugged a /trap/?

11/10 would do it again

>> No.5558595

Did he still have his dick?

>> No.5558598

I would kill myself if I had to live with that.

I'll probably kill myself anyways though, so it's not saying too much.

>> No.5558606

If only there were boards where this kind of post fit in. Ah well, I suppose /lit/ is the closest to "homosex general".

>> No.5558612
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>> No.5558628
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>mfw this is true even though there's /lgbt/

>> No.5558629

define useless.

>> No.5558665



>> No.5558674

Fuck off, we don't want them either.

>> No.5558683

i remember one time in the school feel the teacher is talk about nothing. i have in that moment a vivid image of the world in the space and the little person that is talking, and a strange feeling in the stomach. never totally engaged in the educative system.

>> No.5558690

If you're so smart why did you use apostrophes as quotation marks?

>> No.5558697

I never believed in god.

>> No.5558730

>2000 years of forgetting to predicate your premises
shgddy diggy

>> No.5558734

Yes, this.

>> No.5558742


>> No.5558787


What do you get out of trolling? I understand that people post dumb one-liners for fun sometimes, but why go out of your way to string together multiple sentences of stupid shit?

>> No.5558792


Did she later explained why it was so easy or something?
Did you met her at a later time?

>> No.5558817

there was never a point in my life where 'discovering' atheism felt like a big deal. i was raised nominally but not too seriously christian, went to church sometimes, one side of the family was pretty religious so i was very well acquainted with religion. i can't pinpoint a time when the idea that god didn't exist seemed novel to me.

anyway i had a pretty big existential crisis when i was 10 and spent a lot of time thinking about the futility of life, lots of weltschmerz, got very depressed and thought a lot about the inherent absurdity of existence.

>> No.5558825

Subs and you should kill yourself for being a faggot

>> No.5558862

Watching other people brag about their precocious atheism gives me those feels, I guess. It doesn't convince me that I'm intelligent so much as it makes me believe that those people are stupider than I am.

>> No.5558875
File: 24 KB, 396x360, kill everyone ITT 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5558889


>>Thinks the only god is a god with a penis and prerogative.

>> No.5558908

I've gotten multiple handjobs on buses get on my level noob. And I also got my dick balls deep into one chick pretty much walking down the street with a bunch of people walking around, but then she slapped it out and slapped me lol... it was dark...
>tfw a bunch of people lied about religious belief

>> No.5558909


I'm still 12, like ur mom.

>> No.5558911

>tfw you mention something you thought to be common knowledge in daily conversation
>tfw people around you have no idea what you are talking about

>> No.5558912

And I've gotten handjobs while waiting for buses mind you. And waiting to be collected from buses after getting off. GET ON MY LEVEL

>> No.5558913


Wait till you get to the point where you look back on looking back on such things with furious embarrassment and feel only mild amusement and a sense of nostalgia. Feels good man.

>> No.5558927

I have definitely gotten over 20 handjobs on buses.

>> No.5558928

Check your fedora out :^)

>> No.5558930

I was never a militant atheist. Instead, I didn't really care about God, until I tried to make myself believe at around 13 (wanted to see if the experience was worth it). Almost felt truly religious for a few moments, in the middle of prayer, in about three month of practice. I later stopped, seeing as it was not my thing. But by then (age 14) I had understood the value and trappings of religion as practice and lifestyle.