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File: 17 KB, 310x352, china_310x352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
555645 No.555645 [Reply] [Original]

China Mieville is a DUDE?

Why does he have a girl's name?


>> No.555662

>Implying China is a name at all.

>> No.555674

Foyglekh? Op is a kike. And so am I.

>> No.555684
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>> No.555687
File: 38 KB, 363x380, the-jewish-conspiracy-is-why-im-not-a-winner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


This thread is now about the uses and abuses of Yiddish, you putzes.

>> No.555700


>> No.555709

>a thread about the abuses of Yiddish
dos broykh ikh vi a lokh in kopp, khaver

>> No.555712
File: 14 KB, 266x200, ugliest2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


no nazis allowed in /lit/ little boy.

go back to /b/ where they tolerate your kind.

>> No.555713
File: 51 KB, 400x603, HJSCover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

baruch atah adonai eluheynu melech haolam borai puree hagaafaan

>> No.555716

I wasn't surprised that he was a man, but I was surprised that he looked like that after reading the entirety of Perdido Street Station. People who use big words should be fat and have neckbeards! If they show up bald and burly it throws everything I know into disarray!

>> No.555717
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>> No.555718


>> No.555720

you lost me at "borai"

>> No.555721

Jews didn't kill Jesus, Mel Gibson did.

>> No.555723


Just goes to show how sneaky they really were.

>> No.555735
File: 4 KB, 360x588, Puzzled1.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


And black troops fought for the confederacy.

Then there are those gays who are Republicans and/or Catholics...

The vagaries of human nature...

>> No.555746

>no nazis allowed in /lit/ little boy.
I disagree. What we do not allow are ignoramuses. the enlightenment, liberal and socialist traditions and whatnot all have their skeletons.
Personally I'd tolerate even a nazi as he's a mentsh who can face objection and explain his views like a mentsh. what i cannot tolerate are people who go with the flow like most of the /b/tards.

>> No.555765

But then we'd have no Heidegger

>> No.555767

While I'm not a Nazi, I do tend to believe Fascism is favorable over the culturally numbing liberal democracies. I think Fascism is an overall Romantic idea *in the sense of literary Romanticism* and therein lies its appeal. Unfortunately, 99.9999percent of Fascists/Nazis are boneheads w/ no life and no intellect.

>> No.555812

99% percent of fascists on my campus are loners with the average intellect for a student, but drowning in drool over their great and untapped potential.
Fascists are people who believe that might makes right, that ends do justify all means, that all the other theory is but a masquerade for intellectual fools.
They do exist in every party.
The boneheads, on the other hand, are a walking anachronism much like the masons or the jacobins. Calling them fascists would deflate the term.

>> No.555823

Fascism appreciates heroism, unfortunately you combined that with the egalitarian sense of students and you get everyone wanting to be the hero which is not how it works.

>> No.555828

China's name comes from cockney rhyming slang

An example of cockney rhyming slang is that "China plate" rhymes with "mate." Therefore "China" is a slang term for a friend/pal/mate. That was the logic behind China Mieville's name, if you have an issue with it take it up with his mom.

>> No.555835

>implying there are any actual Fascists on your campus

>implying Fascist is just a perjorative term for aspects of political parties you don't like and not its own political philosophy and system of government

Wow, they aren't teaching you much at your college are they?

>> No.555842

not that anon, but when i talk about fascist i mean anything from neonazis to the third position.

>> No.555843

The Romans killed Jesus.

Catholicism itself has nothing against gays, there is a long and proud tradition of homosexuality in European monasteries

>> No.555844

I like it when people use "Eichmann" as an insult against people that do not share ANY of Eichmann's personal traits.

>> No.555850

It's possible to be a Fascist without being a Nazi. However the idea of Fascism is blackened both by its association with Nazis and by the stigma that has on it on most political circles.
As for me I wouldn't mind finding a serious Fascist political discussion group in my area that doesn't have Nazi ties.

>> No.555851

that's why it's an insult brah. but yeah you don't here people shouting Nigger at white hipsters drinking starbucks, but maybe they should....

>> No.555857

What about when white hipsters at starbucks call each other Nigger?

Or in another case, I had a (white, southern) friend who was beaten and physically abused by a teacher's aide who kept calling him a nigger pig

>> No.555862

Of course it is it's own political philosophy espoused by Stalin, as much as by von Speer and Ruppert Murdoch. Realpolitik and Cynicism are synonyms.
The third position fags and racist boneheads are, to put it bluntly, nobodies today.

>> No.555865

wow. good point, that. but, still, calling someone eichmann doesn't have to be the facts it just has to offend them. also, sad story bro.

>> No.555864


Did he make him squeal like a nigger pig?

>> No.555859

precisely. I don't think Fascism is inherently evil, it is somewhat an inversion of Socialism. In stead of coerced egalitarianism, you have the best being placed above the rest. (people have this idea that capitalism does the same thing but unfortunately in liberal capitalist democracies the people at the top are just parasites and represent nothing great about the human character.)

>> No.555867

right whenever i met with the local AntiFa group i felt like ''What's the point?"

>> No.555879
File: 24 KB, 234x199, ObamaFacepalm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying Stalin and Rupert Murdoch are or were fascists

>> No.555888

Eichmann was a devoted Kantian. To me all moralfags are Eichmanns - live with it.

>> No.555900

Were Jews who fought for Germany exempt from death camps? Or the moment they left the military was it like OFF TO THE GAS SHOWERS

Also, the most fucking stupid and impractical part of the death camps was that they were killing people who could have been perfect soldiers, laborers and strategists actually helping Hitler unite the German nations and win the war.

>> No.555932


Most of the prisoners weren't fit for labour, they were doctors, bankers etc. etc. (yes, I know that's a stereotype lol, but the demographic really was stacked that way).

The Nazis knew this, and actually used hard labour to kill off as many as they could while still producing something in the process. Those that were too malnourished or sick to even hold a pick-axe were executed expediently.

>> No.555945

Germans supported some zany zionists in palestine because they bombed the brits. Both were content with it.
>the most fucking stupid and impractical part of the death camps was that they were killing people who could have been perfect soldiers, laborers and strategists actually helping Hitler unite the German nations and win the war.
Hitler was a victim of the German fascism as much as the Wehrmacht soldiers and the Jews. ;)