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File: 1.13 MB, 1600x2400, Sigmund_Freud_1926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5552447 No.5552447 [Reply] [Original]

Freudian analysis of texts is worthless, and can be applied to almost anything in the real world just as easily

> hurr hurr that long thing looks like a dick

One of the lecturers at my university literally said this about a pencil held by a chess piece in Through the Looking Glass

>> No.5552455

So you're worried about your small penis?

>> No.5552460

Of courshe

>> No.5552472

>and can be applied to almost anything in the real world just as easily
doesn't this make it more value?

>> No.5552473

that is the exact opposite of freudian analysis

>> No.5552496


>> No.5554020

I really doubt this is the way psychoanalytic analysis of texts works . Of course some ideas can be represented as phallic in nature , such as a pencile represented as penis ,but what purpose does it serve ?
True psychoanalytic analysis of text should be about reality and pleasure , the character's childhood phobias and oedipal conflicts .

>> No.5554721


Dude you just wanto fuck your mother dont you?

>> No.5556214

I've put this poorly. The IDEA of Freudian analysis, namely phallic symbols, has become a crutch for vapid people who say without shame some of the most retarded things, and get away with it because it's in the name of something relatively academic.The fact that it sounds so edgy doesn't help either.

>> No.5556222

I've analysed your message and I've concluded after very little deliberation that you're leaking some of the space from between your ears and landing it quite consistently before each punctuation mark. This shows that you're troubled but in a quirky way and would probably feel at home on tumblr dot com. Also you have penis envy.

>> No.5556223


>> No.5556224

>[really any kind of] analysis of texts is worthless, and can be applied to almost anything in the real world just as easily

>> No.5556294


>> No.5556303

Writers like Thomas Mann contemporary to Freud read Freud's dream theories, so they used the symbolism introduced by Freud in their works, so it makes sense to analyze them from a Freudian point of view.

See for example Aschenbach's dream in Death In Venice.

>> No.5556306

I have read probably 75% of freud's works . Yeah ,this is pretty much as OP described it . Example: doors in dreams represent sex .