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5551887 No.5551887 [Reply] [Original]

Does Stirner have any prerequisite reading?
Other than the greeks

>> No.5551895


>> No.5551905

Oh yes yes before reading him you must become a colossal faggot, post him incessantly on /lit/ and overrate his achievements

>> No.5551916

I'm gay, so I already become a colossal faggot

>> No.5551920

Okay now spend 2 weeks spamming Stirner meme gifs and shitpost in every Nietzsche thread. Also make threads about how no other philosopher is needed

Only then may you read

>> No.5551925

no, stirner doesn't require any reading, read someone worthwhile instead, i suggest spinoza

>> No.5551953

You don't understand me, I need it for a paper. I have a class on gender theory, I wanna "spook" them. I've read it somewehre that he refuses the trad. gender roles.

>> No.5551959

The only thing you have to do before reading stirner is dig a tomb for your spooks

>> No.5552009

Read Hegel

>> No.5552015

Stirner is best enjoyed in animu form.

>> No.5552028

read Stirner's Critics.


>you are more than a male, but you are also a male; but humanity and masculinity do not express you exhaustively, and you can therefore be indifferent to everything that is held up to you as ‘true humanity’ or ‘true masculinity.’


>> No.5552031

Hegel and Bauer.

>> No.5552040

Kant, Hegel, that sort of stuff. Read Stirner and you won't have to waste your time with Plebsche and other trash.

>> No.5552043

Why not just read all of the young Hegelians?

>> No.5552048
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>> No.5552157


>> No.5552758

Thanks mate

>> No.5553332

I haven't read any of the Greeks, aren't they mostly simple epics? If anyone gives a good reason to read them I will bump them up on my backlog.

>> No.5553389

>what is Plato's "The Republic"

I'll tell you what it isn't; an Epic.

>> No.5553448

>gender theory
U fookn wot m9?

>> No.5553459

Uh, Homer is mostly epics, but Greek writing that isn't epic poetry is mostly not epics, no. You have non-epic poetry, history, drama, philosophy, etc. They had a rich culture.

>> No.5553462


>> No.5553570

>I haven't read any of the Greeks, aren't they mostly simple epics?

There are five extant Greek epics (as defined by moderns: "epos" covered other forms too) - Hesiod's Theogony, and the Iliad and Odyssey attributed to Homer are very early; Apollonius'; Argonautica is a learned, literary product of a scholar in Hellenistic Alexandria; and much later there is Quintus Smyrnaeus' continuation of Homer, and Nonnos' Dionysiaka, the single longest poem surviving from Greco-Roman antiquity. So epic is a tiny part of the extant Greek corpus. There is also lyric and other short poetry (surviving in everything from books of complete poems, like Pindar, Theocritus, Theognis, and the collection in the Greek Anthology; to tiny fragments), tragedy (Aeschylus, Sophocles, Euripides), two distinct forms of comedy (Aristophanes, Menander), history (Herodotos, Thucydides, Xenophon, Polybius, Arrian, Cassius Dio), philosophy (Plato, Aristotle, Plotinus, Epicurus, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius, plus lesser texts and fragments of lost works by people like the Pythagoreans, and the "Presocratics"), oratory (Demosthenes, Andocides, Isocrates, etc.), and fiction (Longus, Achilles Tatius, Xenophon of Ephesus, Heliodorus); including writers who span forms or genres (Xenophon, Plutarch, Lucian).

>> No.5553591

I had to take it

>> No.5554643

Stirner is the end of philosophy.

You need nothing else. The Greeks are a waste of time, with perhaps the exception of Odysseus' dog, Argos. He is the perfect execution of depicting the soul of a living thing.

I guess you can use Stirner for your feminist faggotry course, but don't expect anyone to understand. Gender theory is for angry genetic failures....I doubt they have the intellect to even understand what spooks are.

>> No.5554650


I learned everything I needed to learn about the Greeks from The Golden Ass.

>> No.5554944


nigga was right

>> No.5554979

Apuleius was a Roman

>> No.5555005

Stirner is pure petite bourgeois ideology
No thanks, I will not be fooled

>> No.5555104
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>I have a class on gender theory

>> No.5555176

just some assburned Nietzshit eater mad a superior philosopher is popular

>> No.5555223

gender role is one of the most tenacious spooks of our times. Period.