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/lit/ - Literature

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5550074 No.5550074 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the best writer on /lit/?

>> No.5550077


>> No.5550078

I am, obviously.

>> No.5550079

Nameless Irishman

>> No.5550080

Your mom

>> No.5550103

Lord Fagley, of Wokingham, though I heard he died recently.

>> No.5550109

Anon Anonymous?

>> No.5550113
File: 288 KB, 1024x768, Will_Self_at_Humber_Mouth_2007.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5550117

Definitely the Irishman

>> No.5550126

me tbh

>> No.5550159

not fucking tao lin thats for sure

>> No.5550171

he writes poems that would appear in a 19th century newspaper written by a slightly rebellious housewife

i don't know why he gets so much praise here

>> No.5550177

Because he writes poems that would appear in a 19th century newspaper.
That can't be said about anyone else who posts here.

>> No.5550178

Because that standard is way better than anything else /lit/ has produced

>> No.5550184


If it's that Tell Them In Jerusalem guy, that specific one was OK (the last line was fluffed a bit) and the rest were too self-consciously archaic in style for my taste.

>> No.5550190

People severely overrating 19th-century newspapers ITT

>> No.5550192

Chuck Palahniuk

>> No.5550195

Depends on the newspaper I suppose?

>> No.5550204


Maybe. Shouldn't be regarded as a hotbed of quality, they printed actual nursery rhymes and the like.

>> No.5550212

ok fair sort of

but i feel there's got to be someone here who can do better. i've seen much better poems in critique threads than his

>> No.5550218

Then by all means post 'em, there's not enough good poetry going around.

>> No.5550271

Go to bed Tao

>> No.5550274

When the wind turns cold and it smells like rain
and the windlass rattles like a gibbet chain
and the dead leaves pile up by the wall

When the old elms creak and the willows shiver
and the mist hangs white and still by the river
and the overcoats hang in the hall

Then its hard to believe that the tales aren't true
and no hags huddle over bubbling brew
and speak some childs name---someone like you
and theres no such thing as witches

When the old cat curls up near the fire
and the raven roosts in the stable spire
and the stalls are made fast in barn and byre
Does noone put off their mortal attire
and walk out under the sky alone,
a sylph legged maiden, a crooked crone
go barefoot over the shivering stone
all naked before the blazing eye
of Ephesian Diana awake in the sky
and pick up a black broom stick and fly?
I s there really any good reason why
this should not be, and should not be I?

this one has a few errors in it but it's pretty good

>> No.5550495 [DELETED] 

Zeeburg, that's who.

>> No.5550546


His poems are publishable. He's also lucid, which even a lot of the better writers aren't capable of because all they read are modernists.

>> No.5550564

Is anyone else writing for a major hollywood studio? If not then, me.

>> No.5550592

Hoe did you get started?

>> No.5550799

Me, obv, but I write in spanish.

>> No.5550813

Holy shit.

>> No.5550833

well said

>> No.5550943

Kaya is so qt :3

>> No.5550947

Thomas Pynchon, for sure.

>> No.5550950


>> No.5550954

I be best writtter. Me grammar need imrop[oving yet I writ good. I can be best 4 /lit/.

>> No.5550985

Definitely anonymous. Irishman gets a way too much praise here, same with the person I refuse to name lest he enter the thread. Tao Lin is meh but is improving. Then there is Pinecone but he posts as anonymous anyway.

>> No.5551061

Wrote screenplays for films I'd like to watch, networked.

>> No.5551113

That was actually pretty good. Nice work. Will memorize for a campfire rhyme, my people are big on em.

>> No.5551119

Not making as much money but probably hitting the same via prose. Anything of note?

>> No.5551181

No question. It's Laurie Penny.

>> No.5551307


>> No.5551334

what studio my man? I've gotten some minor TV money from a few places but nothing on the level you're making

>> No.5552257

I remembered this also, sehr gut

>> No.5552284


>Good writing

Not to stomp on your hopes, dreams, ambitions and overall success but is it? I've been living under the belief that Hollywood hasn't done much worth writing a postcard to Ma' about since the 1970s.

>> No.5552305

It's fun, that's about it

>> No.5552331

Like something I'd read as a kid

>bubbling brew

Come on now

>> No.5552606


>> No.5552702

Nope. One of my books is being adapted to a screenplay for a studio project though.

So I'm actually a level beyond you. Suck my dick.

>> No.5552707

needs to learn to fucking use meter if he's gonna use rhyme

>> No.5552716

Probably not, since these studios are mostly looking for ideas and not some guy's over-developed brainchild. There are enough resources available out here to create your own film, so no one is busting their ass to force amazing ideas through major studios. It's mostly a means to make money until we can afford to leave and work on our own projects.

Anyone can sell a story to a studio. Unless you're respected enough to where the studio will actually give you some involvement in the film, you're no different that the waitress who managed to sell her script by meeting the right people.

>> No.5552749


>> No.5553304

I am. I'm going to be the greatest writer of this age. I'm not at the moment, of course, but in due time.

>> No.5553443

i like it

its fun to read

it gives you feels

its a nice poem

fuck anyone who says otherwise.

>> No.5553471

major hollwood dick in butt studio.

>> No.5553479

I will see you at the top, friend.

>> No.5553487

Get out

>> No.5553567

whatever happened to TAR? we used to see some moderately good shit in there.

>> No.5553585

Thanks /lit/ for not saying that one guy that people liked for a couple months but no one cares about any more

>> No.5553705

Not with that attitude

>> No.5553723

me i got a score of no1 on my ap essays on the test/exam

>> No.5553724

The Brazilian Anon

>> No.5553752

I am, my novel will be on the lips of everyone on a year or two

screencap this, I included a subtle shoutout to /lit/ in one of the chapter names

>> No.5555019

it's really fun though

you don't know anything about prosody

that's the point you dumb idiot

and i don't even mean "it's bad on purpose", but the poem wouldn't work without references to bubbling brew, willows, and old elms.

>> No.5555148

capped, whats your book called?

>> No.5555318

God damn, she's adorable.

>> No.5555323
File: 112 KB, 603x470, 1412056120687.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this guy >>5555224

probably best

>> No.5555438

She tries too hard

>> No.5555477

You try to resist too hard.

It only makes your penis harder

>> No.5555484

Ok, fine, I want to ravish her and have wild sex with her. But still, she's really trying hard to look "cute" with her forced and exaggerated mannerisms. She's a fake cunt but yes, good for sex.

>> No.5555495


>she's really trying hard to look "cute" with her forced and exaggerated mannerisms

something about her just says giant borderline personality headache. she's hot as all fuck no doubt but i can't even get into her that much because she looks like she's barely able to cover up what a total bitch she is.

>> No.5555497

>she's really trying hard to look "cute"

This is... a bad thing, somehow?

>> No.5555502

Yeah, she's the kind of girl who would manipulate the fuck out of you, try to make you jealous, cheat on you, get you to be dependent, etc. The forced fake cutieness about her says it all.

>> No.5555503


Go back to /jp/ you kawaii ass sperg.

>> No.5555505

I have that same sweatshirt and I'm a male

>> No.5555511

You read too much into a single moment here

>> No.5555515


No, seriously - it's bad for a girl to try to look cute?

>> No.5555537


If they continually infantilize themselves as part of a marketing strategy for their image then yes, yes it is.

>> No.5555540


So it's OK in one gif?

>> No.5555554


>implying she only has done it in one gif

Are you one of these people who don't believe in context when it doesn't suit you?

>> No.5555582


I'm not aware of her doing it a lot (hasn't she more or less stopped being famous since Skins anyway?) nor did you refer to her doing it habitually, only to her doing it there, and you did so in a manner suggesting that her doing it there was ipso facto bad.

So yeah, I'm all good with context.

>> No.5555598


>I'm not aware

In more ways than one.

>> No.5555599

The original quagga poster

>> No.5555607
