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5548761 No.5548761 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you realize we're all just brains in a meat sack
>we're just brains
>in the cockpit of a body we control

>> No.5548776

Materialists pls

>> No.5548778

>a body we control

>> No.5548782
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>implying transcendentalism

>> No.5548788

platonic dualists pls go

>> No.5548790

>Implying free will = spirituality

>> No.5549386

It's funny that in trying to reduce us to mere meat you invent a subject.

>> No.5549396

No, the body is an extension of the brain.

>> No.5549403

Brain is extension of the body dingus

>> No.5549411


>> No.5549421


Care to explain? You say physical characteristics are an extension of what you have in your brain? That thought can be made into matter as you say? Alchemist fag?

>> No.5549483

You people, are simple, I swear. I mean extension in a hierarchic sense.

>> No.5549504

>extension means hierarchy
You're not good with words, are you?

>> No.5549509
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>> No.5549520

Implying "you" is your material brain and not an ongoing self-modelling process created by the brain.

>> No.5549525
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Do you control your brain or does your brain control you?

>> No.5549524
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>tfw I went to a cemetery near my pad and I saw tens of thousands of graves
>tfw they all had a story
>tfw I'll be 6 feet under one day
>tfw people in a hundred years after my death will see my tombstone and look at the dates
>tfw they reminisce in a time that used to be
>tfw what will have I accomplished with my life in the time that I have remaining
>tfw my children and their children will all go through the cycle of life
>tfw my legacy will just be surname
>tfw we all die broke
>tfw I won't succumb to the capitalist machine
>tfw I will live the life that I want to
>tfw that's how it's meant to be
>tfw it's not about the money

It's not about the money, friends.

>> No.5549532

Yes it is, life is a just contest for the most extravagant gravestone

>> No.5549541

>there is "I"
what is this, 18th century?

>> No.5549545

It's about the feet! Walk on them, , look at them, fly on their winged brilliance, or else the death's lifebestowing cycle will be denied you by the tyranny of the written word.

>> No.5549548

But, friend! You are surely mistaken.

Don't you want to explore the corners of the world?

Don't you want to see the vibrant cultures that the world has to offer?

Don't you want to fuck cheap ladyboys in Bangkok?

Enjoy working in a cubicle, pleb.

>> No.5549555

What I wouldn't give to lick those feet.

>> No.5549566

>Don't you want to explore the corners of the world?

You need money

>Don't you want to see the vibrant cultures that the world has to offer?

You need money for that

>Don't you want to fuck cheap ladyboys in Bangkok?

That's cheap but getting there is costly

Money for money is obviously wrong, money for opening opportunities is better. You don't know shit about poverty

>> No.5549571

We're just ideas intersecting on a node. It's more than that OP. We are each nodes in a vast communicating network, a human network, of ideas. And each node is a specific intersection of many concepts.

Or as Lewis Mumford said, we are like the sex organs of technology. More than that. We are the sex organs of ideas. We allow its mutation and recombination.

I think less and less of myself as an individual. I'm just an ape carrying a vast collection of ideas.

>> No.5549581

>implying that I don't know poverty
>posts from his MacBook in his American suburban home


>> No.5549593

>so we go inside and we gravely read the stones
>all those people all those lives,where are they now?
>with their loves, and hates, and passions just like mine
>there were born and then they lived and then they died
>it seems so unfair
>i want to die

>> No.5549595


You are clearly bad at making generalizations for ironical replies, just leave tripfag

>> No.5549604

Let's drink the kool-aid together, anon.

>> No.5549607

So what you're saying is that capitalism is universal reality?

>> No.5549612

let me finish my tea

>> No.5549623



no, what I said hasn't anything deep or meaningful

>> No.5549634

>can't handle the bantz

>> No.5549638

I was just mocking you because you seem so defeatist.

>> No.5549644

it was just BANTA

>> No.5549655

Where u at doe

>> No.5549657

tfw you realise that most of your body is controlled by your brain, without your subconscious input.

>> No.5549663

england brah

>> No.5549666

>tfw you realize you're just __
>insert particular way of seeing the world
>arbitrarily think its the only valid way of seeing the world

k bud

>> No.5549670


The brain is just a receiver, a crude one.

>> No.5549680

>tfw you realise john calvin was right
>we're just predestined
>only some will be saved
>the rest shall have eternal damnation

>> No.5549686

>without your subconscious input.
keep telling yourself that, consciousness

>> No.5549812
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I meant *consciousness...

>> No.5549834

Your body is just an overly developed part of your upper spinal cord. We're all just spines. Now go practice yoga.

>> No.5549851

>explore the corners of the world
>vibrant cultures

You backpacker kids are the worst.

>> No.5549856

you're just the electric currents running through your brain

>> No.5549886
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>tfw you're wrong
>tfw we're just balls and pussies and our brain is a rube-goldbergian way of passing our cum and eggs into the future

>> No.5549894

>not deadlifting
my spine could rek your spine

>> No.5549899

I remember when I thought that. Middle school was cool.

>> No.5549901


Are there non-material states or processes involved?

>> No.5549903


I'm going backpacking in South America next year!

>> No.5549904


Graveyards as we know them will likely have been abolished by the time you pop your clogs. There's going to be a bit of a glut of deaths in the Western world over the next 30 or so years. Ain't gonna be room.

>> No.5549909


go to bed kp

>> No.5549935

>tfw when you realize the brain named itself

Also OP, it's a lot more complicated than that. There's the spinal cord, for one. and then the millions of nerves connecting everything. Saying the brain is in some way detached from the rest of the body is a huge overstatement.

>> No.5549961

It's not a surprising realization

Brains are currently discussing themselves over a large network made by brains

>> No.5549966

>tfw the brain named itself

>> No.5550054

I hate all of u <3