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5544857 No.5544857 [Reply] [Original]

Can God make a burrito so hot even he can't eat it?
I'm being serious here, has any theologian covered the possibility of an omnipotent and all-powerful god making something that he is too weak to handle.

>> No.5544871

Take your babby-tier theology crap to /pol/.

>> No.5544877


>> No.5544881

hell yes, then he would scarf that motherfucker down anyway. now i want a burrito

>> No.5544888


>> No.5544901 [DELETED] 

burrito it's something like hamburger? i think somebody told me once but i forgot

>> No.5544914 [DELETED] 

⇒tfw I don't know the difference between burritos, tacos, tamale and hotpockets
⇒tfw my european taste in food is too patrician to ever consider eating american fast food

>> No.5544917


>> No.5544929

>to ever consider eating american fast food

can you blame them

>> No.5544931

God does not do human things
God doesn't heat burritos so hot
He doesn't eat it and he doesn't too weak to handle. He might but he doesn't.

>> No.5544936

Would you say your taste in food is better than his?

>> No.5544947

⇒Would you say your taste in food is better than his?
no because I'm a pleb

>> No.5544948

Yes. Here's your answer.

The question is flawed from the outset, god is omnipotent and what you're basically asking is "Can god make himself fail" which obviously an omnipotent and perfect being couldn't possibly do. The fact that he cannot do it isn't a flaw in his omnipotence, it's just another manifestation of it because it means he's infallible- he cannot fail. He could make a burrito of infinite heat and still eat it perfectly fine, because he's just that fucking perfect.

Or to look at it from another perspective, Augustine would say that evil is a privation of good in an otherwise good creation (well he stole it from Aristotle, but whatevs). Thus if god were to create a burrito that burns him it would be an evil burrito, which is impossible because god and everything he creates is perfect and a burrito has no free will thus its perfection is immutable and infinite.

So no, god cannot create an evil burrito.

>> No.5544955


u r so adorable.

>> No.5544963

Not according to le bibble, remember Genesis when he walked in Eden?

>> No.5544968
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>tfw I don't know the difference between burritos, tacos, tamale and hotpockets
This is the last straw, arrow

>> No.5544975

the lebibble has two different Gods
the God of the Jews and the God of the apostles
something happened

>> No.5544977
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>yfw there are guys in the church

>> No.5544978

>something happened
The Kikes happened

>> No.5544981

They're the same guy, anon.

Welcome to the incomprehensible majesty of YHWH.

>> No.5544984
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>> No.5545022

You know come to think of it no one has ever questioned the idea of an omnipotent god or any contradictions such a being would imply.

No i think you are the first person to ever consider the implications of infinity. Congratulations OP you are clearly a genius.

(Read Summa Theologica by Aquinas if youre feeling euphoric my good sir.)

>> No.5545030

>Read Summa Theologica by Aquinas if youre feeling euphoric my good sir.
I read his argument on God's existence but what I basically got was the latter half of >>5544948

>> No.5545190


he made 5 different arguments but none of those remind "the latter half of >>5544948", 3 are related to infinite regress and therefore 1st clause, 1 is about degrees of perfection and their supposed pinnacle and 1 is that since the universe follows some physical laws it must be designed to do so

the questions of omnipotence and of existence of evil are diffrent matter

>> No.5545300


What the fuck are you on?

>> No.5545307

In his defense, the first two are Texmex creations.

>> No.5545381

God could make it and eat it and make it so doing so wouldn't be a contradiction since he's omnipotent

>> No.5545411

>the first two are Texmex creations.
Not the Taco

>> No.5545456

This question is over a thousand years old. If you were to ask this to some scholar in the Middle Ages, they'd be able to give you like fifty citations and their preferred theologian's ironclad response offhand. It even has its own Wikipedia article, which of course includes a chronological overview and bibliography of the discourse: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Omnipotence_paradox

Every time someone asks /lit/ a basic philosophical question like 'how is suchandsuch reconcilable with free will', one that has been asked a billion fucking times, instead of actually talking about or recommending the LITERATURE on the subject, people mostly just give their own intuitive answer. Like it's a spitball session. It's really weird to watch.