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/lit/ - Literature

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5544681 No.5544681[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are you currently reading and what do you have back logged, /lit/?

Pic related: it's my girlfriend

>> No.5544734

Fermat's Enigma.

And I still haven't touched Snow Crash

>> No.5544736

lmao. did your gf approve to having a photo of her posted on an indonesian cartoon board?

>> No.5544756
File: 258 KB, 996x1500, Grass, Gunter - Tin Drum (Houghton Mifflin, 2009).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(Pic) currently reading.

Up next: Either finish the trilogy (depending how I liked the book) or perhaps.

Asimov, Foundation, or
Follett, Century Trilogy, or
Selby, Last Exit to Brooklyn, or
Pynchon, Gravity's Rainbow, or
Nick Hornby, Slam

Depends on my mood.

>> No.5544785

>Animal Farm

>> No.5544804

currently: Bleeding Edge

next few (in some order)
Mason & Dixon
Carpenter's Gothic
The Name of the Rose

>> No.5544807


>> No.5544809

jane eyre

i'll probably translate some ovid tonight

>> No.5544830

Just finished: The Catcher in the Rye (re-read)

Currently reading: Lolita

Up next:
Notes from Underground
On the Genealogy of Morals
Paradise Lost

>inb4 Überplebsch

We've all got to start somewhere..

>> No.5544832

Can I have your girlfriend? Mail me your girlfriend and I'll send you a pizza roll and a Thomas Pynchon novel.

>> No.5544840
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Im reading The Elemental Particles' Houellebecq...
Feels nice but also a cheap camusian novel..

Ive turned out Kafka On the Shore... Still want to read it

>> No.5544846

Im also reading Genealogy of Morals... Its brillant.

>> No.5544884
File: 18 KB, 235x406, thenatureofprejudicebook.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's my girlfriend
you fucking wish. And so do I.

Reading The Nature of Prejudice. Great so far. I know that in this age of political correctness and obnoxious tumblr liberals there's a knee jerk groan reaction to anti-racism texts, but this was written in the '50s so the racism he's calling out is entirely legitimate and his examination was pretty groundbreaking at the time. Also, it's a thorough examination of prejudice in general, not only racial prejudice. Only a few chapters in, but at this point, I highly recommend it.

In line is the second half of Notes from the Underground, started reading it last week but didn't finish. Shit was depressing and I put it on hold until I'm less busy with school work so I have time to digest it. Decided to read something easier to digest in the mean time and picked up pic related.

After that, I think I'll read The Sound and the Fury. Will be my first Faulkner and from what I've heard I think I'll like him.

>> No.5544926
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Currently reading Wolf in White Van by John Darnielle.

Gonna start on pic related pretty soon, along with some Laird Barron. Pretty much just planning on reading spooky stuff the rest of the month+

>> No.5544940
File: 22 KB, 173x250, October_country_first.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Currently reading The October Country, cause, well, October.

I've got a pretty huge backlog... I pretty much buy a book as soon as I figure out that I want to read it. I've got short story collections of Gogol and Chekhov from the library, so I guess I'm looking at those too.

>> No.5544941

Currently re-reading Blindsight, next is the sequel, Echopraxia. Both by Peter Watts.
Following that, Proxima by Stephen Baxter.
Later, something from Brian Lumley, either going to finally start the Necroscope books, or the Titus Crow books.

>> No.5544956
File: 12 KB, 300x300, 41JPQZBRYVL._SL500_AA300_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Fermat's Enigma.

Don't bother. Read pic related instead. You'll get a much better grasp of Wiles' proof.


>> No.5544967

Current backlog:
Jonke - Homage to Czerny
Nabokov - The Defense
Barth - Lost in the Funhouse
Lowry - Under the Volcano
Kilodney - Excrement
Breton - Nadja
Silko - Almanac of the Dead

>> No.5544993

Currently reading A Clockwork Orange.
Just finished The Castle of Crossed Destinies,
and If On A Winter's Night A Traveller.

>> No.5545029
File: 90 KB, 500x667, nbl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rereading taipei (lol) and ficciones

actually reading gravity's rainbow, at a pace like 3 pages a day before i feel straight up burdened with pynchon's goofy shit. i might drop it.

backlog: blood meridian, the sound and the fury, underworld, more litcore paperbacks

>> No.5545062

>being this basic

Go away.

>> No.5545093

Why do you have to lie in the internet, Zeeburg? It bums me out.

>> No.5545129

Nothing screams pseudo-intellectual like solemnly posing with a bunch of books. Fuck you and fuck your girlfriend.

>> No.5545134

Really like posting that picture huh?

Reading Blood Meridian. Maybe.

>> No.5545141
File: 128 KB, 500x366, tumblr_lm4859lNET1qz5ay9o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

they're posted everywhere actually

>> No.5545147

last exit is really fucking good

>> No.5545159

What is the source of this?

>> No.5545164

wow, anon's gf is a whore

>> No.5545167

more pls

>> No.5545193

look it up yourself, Heidi Systo

>> No.5545194
File: 3 KB, 300x57, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I can kinda see her pussy. She's a whore! *glee/disgust*

So cliché

>> No.5545242

>currently reading
Achebe- Things Fall Apart
Conrad- Heart of Darkness
Bellamy- Looking Backward
Dostoyevsky- Crime and Punishment
Twain- the Prince and the Pauper
Dickens- Great Expectations
Hansberry- A Raisin in the Sun
Wells- the Time Machine

>> No.5545248

She is a whore though

>> No.5545259

Animal Farm and Palahniuk
Look at this entry level bitch.

>> No.5545266

>my feet are a little dirty
>so am i

really jesus christ

>> No.5545355

I'm sorry, anon. What do you want from me?

>she's smarter than you
>you're obviously an overweight cow

She' a beaut' ain't she na'?


Fite me irl, dirtbag.

Get out of my thread.

>> No.5545361

I. Like. Feet.

>> No.5545383

Half way done with Infinite Jest and losing interest quickly. I want to take a break and go back to it, but I'm afraid I won't.

Next up is probably going to be Neil Gaiman's American Gods. I've been shitty on Neil Gaiman for too long not having read any of his books.

>> No.5545386
File: 21 KB, 420x294, You can count on me.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Get out of my thread.
>Begging for attention.

>> No.5545388

I want more of these.

>> No.5545397

Omg! Is this our first argument?

We are truly destined for each other!

>> No.5545406
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>> No.5545419

Have you read The Collector by John Fowles?

This is a literary fetish of mine.

>> No.5545429

I'm insanely basic and I love to be basic and I love to read basic books

>> No.5545434
File: 318 KB, 827x1024, heidi-systo-05[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have actually. You wanna lock this girl in a basement til she gets ill and dies?

Captcha: plebeian ghtdomer

>> No.5545442

To be honest, I never actually finished reading it.

That's a true confession of mine.

>> No.5545451

How about you read some of my books, luv'.

>> No.5545459
File: 146 KB, 500x370, 5572639251_805e78c47b[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I read it because a qt gave it to me. It's good enough to finish.

>> No.5545465

Reading "The Pact" by Jodi Picoult

Next is "Gone Girl," cause I thought the movie was cool. Only reading The Pact because I had to order Gone Girl in, and it's not here yet.

>> No.5545469

what are your books my man. should I just look up the author "Goldstein" on Goodreads and Amazon and stuff

>> No.5545479

Please, I need more.

An old hag working at used-book store recommended it to me.

>> No.5545493
File: 242 KB, 1040x772, Heidi Systo horz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5545496

I meant favorite book, silly.

>> No.5545498

Nothing backlogged in the sense that I own it and haven't read it yet, but an infinite list of stuff I *should* read.

Currently reading Kafka's collected stories, picked up the book for cheap from a used store and I'm just kind of killing time with it until my shipment comes in. Then I'm going to be reading either Infinite Jest or Against the Day. Donno which first, yet.

>> No.5545505

I'm done. reverse image search or just search the name.

>> No.5545510

damn your bitch is going to ruin the spines get her away from them damn books nigga

>> No.5545515

Thank you, Good Samaritan.

>> No.5545516

she's actually pretty ugly lol

>> No.5545518

well how the heck am I supposed to know what that is? also please refund me for the $300 worth of books by various Goldsteins that I just ordered on what I thought was your recommendation

>> No.5545519

She's only like that because we just finished fuggin'.

>> No.5545530

dgaf the books nigga! THE BOOKS!

>> No.5545532

Look, anon-sama. Now, you can't go blaming this on me. We're just going to have to work something out.

Do you take doge?

>> No.5545541

>implying that I read paperback books
>implying that I'm not an e reader master race
Made me kek.

>> No.5545555

then you don't really read.

>> No.5545559

the only alternative currency I accept is 1930s Catalonian anarchist labor vouchers

I will consider your debt partially discharged if you tell me what you think I should read instead of the backlog I posted that you so rudely declared basic

>> No.5545640


you're making me kek faggot

ereaders are proved to be the inferior format

>muh weak back can't carry a paper brick


>> No.5545745
File: 63 KB, 375x444, [JEWING INTENSIFIES].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5545757

your stupid threads literally have less content than Sunhawk's

o tempora, o mores!

>> No.5545798

Kindle app on my iPad

>> No.5545867

Did we just become best friends?

>> No.5545872

*internal hatred intensifies*

>> No.5545883

I like your style, anon. It's quite witty, really.

I hope you like Garcia Marquez: the book you'll be reading is Love in the Time of Cholera.

>I'm too stoned to continue this discussion

>> No.5545888

shut up, bad poster man

>> No.5545890

Trips confirms that I am a faggot.

>> No.5545896

bury her under dirt, she's disgusting

>> No.5545901

oh, that's actually on my backlog too, bought it since I've only read One Hundred Years, loved it though. I'll read that one next now.

>> No.5545911

Report back to me, when you do.

I'll have your next assignment ready.

>> No.5545917

Where's the damage control?