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File: 716 KB, 630x760, walterbenjamin-art.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5543146 No.5543146[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is it possible to redpill me on the link between Kabbalah, Cultural Marxism, and Neoconservatism.

I know there's a link but I want details. How exactly is Jewish mysticism related to Cultural Marxism and Neocons?
>FYI /pol/ are dummies.

>> No.5543200

>Cultural Marxism
doesn't exist
like Jewish Scientology or Church of Christ Scientist, has nothing to do with Madonna or culture at large
probably doesn't mean what you think it means

in conclusion, there's no connection, please post on a different board, sage, etc.

>> No.5543251

/pol/ is invading /lit/... again.

Someone stop this travesty.

>> No.5543254

I don't know why I post in /pol/ bait threads but here I am.

>> No.5543264

I don't even know what you're talking about, I know a thing or two about Benjamin, the Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory and Neocons but you're not making sense.

>> No.5543313

/pol/ claims Kabbalah is Satanic, and something something something Jewish Bolshevism something something something Frankfurt School.

>> No.5543431
File: 10 KB, 251x242, 3ccc5a7a-eef7-4b96-b2e8-aa12bd3fd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cultural Marxism

>> No.5543691

>still believing Cultural Marxism is a real thing
Go back to philosophy class please.

>> No.5543694

I think the reference on the subject is "the culture of critique" by kevin macdonald, but I haven't read it.

>> No.5543696

As one who studied kabalah, it's pretty much the jewish take on zen, nothing too amazing.

>> No.5543719

There is no connection between Kaballah, Cultural Marxism or Marxism, and neoconservatism period. Because individuals with ancestors who followed Judaism or who came from the Khazarim nobility have adhered or were foundational to the two latter movements or the composition of the Jewish Mystical text does not mean they are connected in some insidious conspiratorial way. --- What is the conspiratorial connection between representative democracy and Nazism... must be a connection because they were established by Aryans, right?

>> No.5543732

I thought that was Fat Tony from le simps in the thumbnail

>> No.5543772

>Feminism isn't cultural marxism
>LGBT isn't cultural marxism
>Mass immigration isn't cultural marxism

>> No.5543788

>Cultural Marxism
>Structural Anti-semitism
>any conspiracy theory

>> No.5543792

Still denying the Frankfurt School's march through the institutions? Doubleplus goodthink, comrade.

>> No.5543808

>It's all just progress
>muh lolberty

>> No.5543818

Their influence was and is not that pervasive... I had on, COUNT IT, ONE, marxist professor at University. He was the best credentialed professor there, a Cambridge man at a third rate school, and he was teaching there because he was marginalized for political reasons!

>> No.5543830

I practically have a psuedo-commie teacher in my "advertising theory" comm course.

He actually believes Marx is the greater economist on Capitalism.

>> No.5543839

marxism and cultural marxism are not the same thing.

>> No.5543849

>uses /lit/
>being this ignorant

>> No.5543851

on a subject like advertising I'd take Marx over neoliberals pretty much any day

pre-marginalists don't have too many advantages over those after them but a willingness to see social structures as systems of power rather than natural meritocracies is one of them. when you're talking about advertising you're pretty much by necessity talking about how the best, most productive actors don't necessarily rise to the top

>> No.5543854

You're not making sense.

Gotta return to the beginning of this thread: /pol/ please go, right wing degeneracy isn't always expunged here, but you can take your Cultural Marxism conspiracy theory back there, because people here know that it's shit.

>> No.5543856

Isn't he a neo-nazi?

>> No.5543861

Walter Benjamin was friends with Gershem Scholem (scholar of Jewish mysticism) who was friends with Leo Strauss (prominent Neoconservative thinker).

That's all.

>> No.5543862

>Redpill me on X.

>> No.5543867

>I had on, COUNT IT, ONE, marxist professor

looks like its working guys

>> No.5543870

>>Cultural Marxism
>doesn't exist
Being this ignorant.

>> No.5543886

So: cultural marxist and neocon were both friends with and were taught by a kabbalist, therefore CM and NC are connected.

By that logic, I share the same political views as my classmate who worked on his senior philosophy thesis at the same time as myself.

My god /pol/ is bad with conspiracies.

>> No.5543896

>what is the overton window

Congrats, you have a token extremist and thus can freely ignore the politics of the mainstream. IOW, you're a textbook example, not a counterexample to 80 years of history.

>> No.5543901

The link is that all three are empty buzzwords, just like neoliberalism or critical theory.

>> No.5543908

Not that I'm aware.

He does seem rather obsessed by jews though. Doesn't mean that he shouldn't be listened to, though.

>> No.5543909

Is it true Benjamin was a rapist? Some feminist told me this in class the other day.

Also, were Frankfurt Schoolers religiously Jewish at all or no, and if they were, how did they combine Judaism with HistMat?

>> No.5543912

Most sociology and philosophy profs are extreme liberals, not at all marxists.


>> No.5543915

There are only empty buzzwords when you have no idea what they mean and refer to.

Someone misusing words to generate particular thoughts or responses doesn't mean the word has no meaning, it means the conveyor is being disingenuous.

>> No.5543921

isn't that trollollollooo guy a cultural marxist, he's Russian right?

>> No.5543923

Soviet culture was more conservative than american culture when the 1960s rolled in.

>> No.5543928

"Cultural Marxism" means "anything in academia that right-wingers don't approve of".

>> No.5543931

You've gotta be trolling... Frankfurt schoolers were MARXISTS, Marxists are intrinsically irreligious and often hostile to religion.

>> No.5543932

oh not him then, everyone loves trollollolllooo man

>> No.5543933

>Is it true Benjamin was a rapist? Some feminist told me this in class the other day.
I honestly have no clue, as I have yet to read the new biography on the man. However, if this was told to you by a FEMINIST chances are she's bullshitting and pulling her "OMG MUH FEELZ" hysteria on you, masquerading her anger of male cultural theorists as a moral issue.

>> No.5543936

Yea, the Red Scare was all about how the Soviets were subverting American culture with practically Cultural Marxism.
Whether it's real/happened/happening is open for debate.

>> No.5543937

except neoliberalism isn't really an empty buzzword, might be used as such by some people but really is a term with great meaning.
see? a very fixed definition and history. Similar things go for critical theory

>Is it true Benjamin was a rapist? Some feminist told me this in class the other day.
I have never heard of anything like it, which I think I would have heard about in leftist circles, and googling "walter benjamin rape" comes up with nothing, so I'm going to assume she ment someone else?

>Also, were Frankfurt Schoolers religiously Jewish at all or no, and if they were, how did they combine Judaism with HistMat?
They weren't, the Frankfurt School is more of a lose association of post-1920s German marxist scholars, rather than an actual school, even though many of them worked at the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt, which is referred to as the Frankfurt School.
Benjamin was influenced by Judaism but he wasn't a practising Jew, as for HistMat, he wrote a whole book about it that's pretty influential called Theses on the Philosophy of History

>> No.5543941


>MacDonald testified in defense of convicted Holocaust denier David Irving, where he alleged that the suppression of Irving's work was "an example of Jewish tactics for combating anti-Semitism."[50][52] MacDonald was quoted as saying he was an "agnostic" in regards to the Holocaust, though he denied the accuracy of the quote.[50][53] MacDonald's testimony caused a backlash among his colleagues.

>Journalist Max Blumenthal writes that MacDonald has an extensive following among white nationalists and neo-Nazis.[54] Former Ku Klux Klan leader David Duke has praised MacDonald's work on his website.[50][55] When MacDonald won his award from The Occidental Quarterly, the ceremony was attended by: David Duke; Don Black, the founder of white supremacist site Stormfront; Jamie Kelso, a senior moderator at Stormfront; and the head of the neo-Nazi National Vanguard, Kevin Alfred Strom.[50] In 2005, Kelso told The Occidental Report that he was meeting up with MacDonald to conduct business.[50] MacDonald is also featured in the Stormfront member Brian Jost's anti-immigration film The Line in the Sand, where he "blam[ed] Jews for destroying America by supporting immigration from developing countries."[50]


Good attempt at trying to cover for him though.

>> No.5543946

I think this feminist means "any man who had sex with lots of women is a de facto rapist". Because that's what feminism has come to these days.

>> No.5543949

>They weren't, the Frankfurt School is more of a lose association of post-1920s German marxist scholars, rather than an actual school, even though many of them worked at the Institute of Social Research in Frankfurt, which is referred to as the Frankfurt School.
Point with that was that they aren't actually a fixed group that could have a completely coherent ideology, they were just "allied" thinkers, usually in variations on the base/superstructure model, usually influenced by Nietzsche and Freud, sometimes Heidegger.

>> No.5543957

Only a small number of Bolsheviks were Jews, and there's zero evidence of them being interested in Jewish mysticism.

>> No.5543960

Cultural marxism is more like a manner of deconstructing a society by attacking it's most traditional and unique aspects as something alien and dogmatic. It's not about right wingers, it's about the people whose culture was diluted with ideas of cultural assimilation and stagnation.

>> No.5543963

>Only a small number of Bolsheviks were Jews
Top kike

>> No.5543966
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The world is already run by a small group of elites(most likely some people that HAPPEN to be mainly Jews, not THE Jews). Worrying about politics is useless anyway, because everything is consciously orchestrated with a plan in mind and you can never change it.

>> No.5543979

Dialectical materialism also comes from satanic mysticism. Google it. The Hegelian Dialectic has its roots in anti-Christian Satanic theory and practice.

>> No.5543980

>The world is already run by a small group of elites
>being this dumb
Is that a comforting thought for you, you big baby?
Yes, don't let life worry you, everything is under control, the jews have the rudder and by the way they're evil, don't you engage in politics you bad boy >:

Fucking degenerates in my /lit/, rightism is okay but anti-semitism/conspiracy theories need to get fucking liquified

>> No.5543982

What is gramscism.

Why leftist are so ashamed of themselves?

>> No.5543987

Gramsci wasn't Jewish tho. He was Albanian from Sardinia and Roman Catholic.

>> No.5543992
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>cultural Marxism
Butthurt traditionalists sure do love pretending everything they don't like is a ZOG conspiracy. There's a BBC philosophy podcast about Frankfurt School if you want the truth without edgy teens claiming to know more about the world than college professors.

>> No.5543994

>implying men who fuck around a lot - "womanizers" - aren't rapists in some contexts.

>> No.5543995

>this retarded
The dialectic comes for the orthodox Lutheran Hegel, it was turned upside down by Marx (Atheist, anti-religion militant] through work done by Feuerbach (Atheist, former christian) then it got transformed again by Lenin (Atheist) and Stalin (Atheist, former orthodox christian)
fucking delusional scum, why are people that are this uneducated on /lit/?

>> No.5544004

Because /pol/ is hellbent on turning /lit/ into its Lebensraum. Hell, /pol/ has already conquered /int/.

>> No.5544005

>Implying they are?

>> No.5544007
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butthurt commie

>> No.5544010


Italians are jews with better food.

>> No.5544015


So any critique against tradition you don't like is alien and dogmatic?

I swear too God conservative are too stupid to even formulate a simple argument without resorting to buzzwords, generalities and their favorite conspiracies. It is trully worthless to debate wth them , because they will never go the extra mile and accept that imbalances and conflict is inherent in society itself and needs to be mediated , thusly they remain forever dogmatic, becuase the accpetance of that culture , even in it's traditional form, is not innocent , but even autocratic and repressive shocks them and angers them. (What lazy person wants to challenge his preconceptions anyway?)


>> No.5544016

>rightism is okay but anti-semitism/conspiracy theories need to get fucking liquified
>things that I disagree with must be censored

Everyone is entitled to voicing his opinion, anon. If it triggers you you can hide the thread

>> No.5544018

Gramsci is actually an Albanian name... There is a town in Albania called Gramsh.

>> No.5544020

>implying Satan isn't the best character in the Bible
Compare God to Satan. God does nothing but smite and make a huge number of abstract rules with no real-life purpose, whereas Satan brings knowledge to humans and fights their brutal master: God.

I think that if anyone deserves to be worshiped, it's Satan. He's not real, so what a shame.

>> No.5544031

Milton stops short of worshipping him but basically agrees with you that he's a more interesting character

No idea what this has to do with communism and I don't want to read the rest of this assuredly bad thread to find out.

>> No.5544038

>Everyone is entitled to voicing his opinion
No, why would they be? That is not actually what is guaranteed by civil rights, you know.
Maybe your mommy told you that you are special and your opinions are special, but they're not.
Anti-semitism and conspiracy theories need to get fucking liquified
should be bannable offences on /lit/, this whole thread belongs in /pol/

>> No.5544040

Wow, /lit/ got all defensive on the mention of Cultural Marxism.
>tfw when you find out /lit/ is a nest of SJW

>> No.5544045
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>Butthurt traditionalists sure do love pretending everything they don't like is a ZOG conspiracy
>There's a BBC philosophy podcast about....

>> No.5544046

I never said they are evil, also I said specifically that it wasn't "the jews". I am not even right wing.

You honestly think that those with a lot of money don't have the influence to gain power and with that more money and more power.

>> No.5544047

I'm sure that is actually great Marx scholarship

>> No.5544051
File: 28 KB, 331x319, 1354563962704.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw /pol/ is a nest of buzzword-spewing stormfags
>mfw every time I argue with them they get butthurt and start spewing epithets and edgy statements at me

>> No.5544052

There's also a rumor that Proudhon and Bakunin were satanists.

>> No.5544058

Fedora as fuck

>> No.5544059

Learn actual social science, especially political science, before spouting your ridiculous shit.
The rich sure do have power, the world is not run by an elite, it is governed by vast array of social, cultural, economic, historical and purely random forces. Sometimes it's also not governed by anything at all.

>> No.5544062

>Implying I'm a /pol/ack
I come from /fit/

>> No.5544065
File: 39 KB, 500x500, 1412034114554.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm going to worship the antithetical manifestation of God
>hurr durr 3edgy5u
pic related

>> No.5544067
File: 147 KB, 630x755, 1410469556536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Relax Moishe, you're frothing again

>> No.5544072
File: 559 KB, 776x602, 1355099062245.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if it's edgy it must be wrong

>> No.5544075

I really really really like this picture.

>> No.5544076

Most Neocons were Trotskyists or fans of Frankfurt School ideas before going right-wing. Is that not alarming?

As a religious Muslim, I see both Frankfurt School Marxism and Neoconservatism as a war on my religion and culture. These values are atheistic and are based in Western supremacy and destruction of the family and tradition. They need to be fought and the works of these satanic Khazars should all be burned.

>> No.5544077

fuck off

>> No.5544078

We're not though, if you're going to bring your racism and your misogyny you just have to atleast make it appear educated. I'd say /lit/ is 20-30% leftist, compared to the 5-15% on 4chan general, and 2% on /pol/, or something

>> No.5544080

>Talks shit about actual science
>Sometimes it's also not governed by anything at all

>> No.5544081

Why don't you go do things you're good at like pretending that you lift on an image board before you attempt to venture into critical theory.

>> No.5544083

not me
but /pol/ anyway

>> No.5544089

>implying the FS didn't want to destroy Western civ.
>implying NeoCons still hold to anti-capitalism
>implying Islam isn't humanist to some degree

>> No.5544090

Sometimes things happen in history and people have nothing to say except: what the fuck just happened? That is, something didn't just go randomly as in the trinity of war, but it just does not make sense to us at all.

>> No.5544095

trolls trolling trollsttrol
>my poor /lit/
can we just write shit about Stirner again guys?

>> No.5544096
File: 15 KB, 250x250, 1362336594502.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

To the edgy kids arguing over 'hurr durr antisemitism should be illegal' versus 'hurr durr gas the Jews', why don't you go back to preschool where your juice boxes are waiting for you?

I love how /pol/ claims we should oppose Jews for their alleged plot to destroy Western values, but never have I seen them argue as to why Western values are worth cherishing. It's quite the predicament.

>> No.5544098

>people talking things that don't follow msm and sound right wing are /pol/acks
>it's incomprehensible for them to actually be from /lit/ and have political affiliations
>any mention of ideology especially political belongs on /pol/

>> No.5544125

>Most Neocons were Trotskyists or fans of Frankfurt School ideas before going right-wing. Is that not alarming?
Even if we assume this is true, philosophers are not responsible for the way others interpret their works. Blaming Adorno and Marcuse for neoconservatism and using your hypothesis to allege that this is inherent in their works would be as idiotic as the Christian preacher who blames Nietzsche for the Nazis.

I also have failed to understand any link. The Frankfurt School were heavily critical of the West and Enlightenment values (as most critical theorists are/were) while "neocons" tend to advocate spreading Western values across the globe through military means. Hell, it's not even that, but the American political system that's at fault. Scapegoating neocons for imperialism is the act of a bourgeois individualist who can't understand why the US economy is entirely based on imperialism and control of resources.

>> No.5544135

this, but unironically

>> No.5544137

/pol/ always has threads reminiscing over old Western values (usually pre-Enlightenment) if you go there, there's always banter about muh Rome, Christendom or pre-Enlightenment

>> No.5544156
File: 19 KB, 402x546, walter benjamin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can anyone view cultural Marxism or the Frankfurt school as a threat to European civillization is trully beyond me and the sign of a true ignorance.

Western European civillization has never been more alienated from it's own self. There is nothing to defend our world from , the world that we built and live in, is gray and devoid of meaning in the first place. While at the midst of hysterics against the wreched and downtrowden who are reduced to bare life by the neo-colonialist exploitation of capital in the third and developing world and the ideologues who preach war against an entire religion, what else do we need more other than Critique?

The inability to distance and offer critique, happens when one identifies too much with the idea he has built of himself in the world he lives in , product fetishism and narcissistic
"empty" subjectvity, with no content, is now the norm and af all "traditions" of modern , I have never seen other more defended tha those too.

Now terror arises with fears of financial collapse that things have been going wrong for some time, that there is crisis and not just material, but ideological and that the whole rotten edifice will collapse along with ALL the structures of power it rests upon.

Towards this primal fear of disintigration I quote what Benjamin said:

>"A Klee painting named ‘Angelus Novus’ shows an angel looking as though he is about to move away from something he is fixedly contemplating. His eyes are staring, his mouth is open, his wings are spread. This is how one pictures the angel of history. His face is turned toward the past. Where we perceive a chain of events, he sees one single catastrophe which keeps piling wreckage upon wreckage and hurls it in front of his feet. The angel would like to stay, awaken the dead, and make whole what has been smashed. But a storm is blowing in from Paradise; it has got caught in his wings with such violence that the angel can no longer close them. This storm irresistibly propels him into the future to which his back is turned, while the pile of debris before him grows skyward. This storm is what we call progress."

>> No.5544157

That's what's confusing, because Romans were super gay and early Christians were pacified collectivists.

>> No.5544168

You, sir, are definitely from /pol/.

>> No.5544179

It's crazy, right?

I personally think it's fascinating. It's today's society ultimate taboo.

>> No.5544180

If anything, 'degeneracy' is created through capitalism. It's always been good at taking a good idea like the sexual revolution, gay rights, feminism, ect. then making it trashy and commercial in a (successful) attempt at profits. SJWs are as much puppets of the system as /pol/ is.

>> No.5544197
File: 40 KB, 349x642, hey-guys-look-how-retarded-i-am-jokes-on-them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>begging the question
Just because we don't have logical fallacies stickied doesn't mean you're not retarded.

>> No.5544214

So much this.

That is a beautiful passage.
>i cry everytim

>> No.5544216


Yeah, you are no different from the stupid conservatices I'm criticising though, unstead of offering a radical critique on why things are like that (what were the historical and pilosophical roots that came to be and changed culture), you unstead do the same intellectualy lazy tactic by trying to identify an "invisible" inflitrator, an enemy that exists as the focus and reason for all the instabilities of the world.

One then has to wonder, from were does this stupid thinking come from , if not from polemic political "satyre" rather than intellectual critque?

How easy is it to blame the jew,the muslim , the feminist, the gays and to wrap it up in a nice ideological bundle, that one could only but place it in the realm of the ridiculous and the idiotic.

>> No.5544244

They like the other values Romans held such as the political idea of Rome itself and citizenship under it.
I don't understand your statement about collectivists

You have nothing to defend in the first place, leaving you to invulnerable to criticism while lashing out at everything else around which is why your nihilist idealism just implodes on itself into just absolute oblivion and irrelevance.
>the world that we built and live in, is gray and devoid of meaning in the first place
>what else do we need more other than Critique?
>The inability to distance and offer critique, happens when one identifies too much with the idea he has built of himself in the world he lives in , product fetishism and narcissistic "empty" subjectvity, with no content, is now the norm and af all "traditions" of modern
This in particular is what I'm referring to.

Btw Angelus Novus is a shit piece of an artwork

>> No.5544251

Since we are talking about politics, I think the connection between conservatism and anxiety is intersting

>> No.5544278

ffs use autocorrect it's painful to read your posts with correct comprehension of the stupid shit you're spouting.

btw google personal incredulity, straw man & ad hominem
The world and the actions of people are dictated by their base desires to survive and the higher level come from abstract ideologies. It doesn't matter who is doing what in this realm, what matters is what ideas and historical narratives the people adopt to justice their actions, words and beliefs. To write ideology off as something trivial is either disingenuous or the more likely: retarded.

>> No.5544289

>still thinking Kabbalah is based in Judaism and not Egyptian and Assyrian paganism

>> No.5544295

1000% /pol/-tier bullshit.

Of course Marxists hate the family unit. We see it as a powerful ideological apparatus that reproduces class values. The Muslim family is no different, in fact Muslim families are arguably far more authoritarian than the modern American family.

>> No.5544301


Just because you see the world in the eyes of Lumpen with no stakes at the world , does not mean that others are not on the barricated fighting for values more esteemed and older than anything you have ever participated in.

Quite on the contrary , your pseudo know-it-all cynism is the one thing that is the most invulnarble and most protected in a valueless world, it is defended to death, because as soon as one proposes change , ideologues such as yourself come and play the "defender" of reason and normalcy, in order to protect their petty interests.

Meawhile Marxism fights for democrasy and the protection of culture from financial exchange fetishism. But never mind that, because no matter what they fight for means nothing to you, because you are secretely contend in this environment , too coplacent and intellectualy lazy to defend values that ideological conservatives such as yoursel often love to play against "the less advance savages" of the third world.

>> No.5544310


It's quite simple old chap.

Ideology is significant only to the ideologue.

>> No.5544326

All sex is literally rape.

>> No.5544330

Nowhere did I imply there was a secret meeting every year of Fortune 500 companies to decide which social movement to ruin. I merely stated that under a capitalist system, good ideas are drowned out by bad ones because constructive ideas aren't sexy. That's why people like Anita Sarkeesian will always be more popular than people like Simone de Beauvior, Abbie Hoffman will always be more popular than Saul D. Alinsky, ect. ect. ect. Even anti-capitalists will end up destroying their own ideologies within it, because dumb but cool-sounding people, books, and ideas get more reproduced than the sensible ones. Take the example of Crimethinc., even as anti-capitalists they unintentionally help the system they despise because their ideas of class war consist of being a vegan crust punk dumpster diver, which young people find appealing because we're fucking stupid and always have been.

>> No.5544337

>implying the Spirit is not destined to reach increasing levels of self-awareness and therefore freedom

>> No.5544349

I find Cultural Capitalism and Cultural Islam a lot more threatening than Cultural Marxism.

>> No.5544354

That would imply that there is nothing beyond absolute knowledge and that knowledge necessarily leads to freedom.

>> No.5544360


fuck the fucking fuckery fuck off

>> No.5544362

....of the man.

>> No.5544372

Knowledge outside the box of ideology would, although that's impossible. However a dialectic comprehension of reality definitely leads to freedom, since it allows one to critically examine how one is an unconscious implement of ideology.

>> No.5544421
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the most obvious link is gematria.
look up the names of famous cultural marxists like max horkheimer, joseph stalin or bertolt brecht. then book titles, movies or organizations. it gets pretty dense compared to innocent goy sphere.
steganography in ancient philosophy was also a major topic of leo strauss.

>> No.5544485

Cultural Marxism is Marxist theory (underclass taking the reigns from the overclass) with cultural rather than economic or outright revolutionary tactics.
Kabbalah is ancient Jewish mysticism.
Neoconservatism is the belief that America has the right to preemptively attack its enemies.
Jews are using Kabbalah to employ cultural Marxist tactics to undermine American culture while neoconservative politicians collaborate with Israel to keep America's access to Middle-Eastern oil secure.

>> No.5544499


>> No.5544505

>"let's use the Red Army to bring the world under the rule of Jews in the name of communism

>"let's bring the U.S. Army to bring the world under the rule of Jews in the name of democracy

>> No.5544516
File: 6 KB, 214x235, gramsci.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How can anyone view cultural Marxism or the Frankfurt school as a threat to European civillization is trully beyond me and the sign of a true ignorance.

Because Gramsci and Lukacs pretty much said themselves that they had to destroy Western civilization in order for communism to suceed?

Everything else you said it's just proof that they are winning. Even the unleash of neoliberal capitalism would be impossible without the last removals of traditional morals from the Western world in the 1960s. So congratulations, you won. Enjoy your Cheka.

>> No.5544518

>Cultural Marxism is Marxist theory (underclass taking the reigns from the overclass) with cultural rather than economic or outright revolutionary tactics.
But Marxist theory only makes sense in economic terms. How can you explain class in cultural terms? I can be a yuppie today and a hippie tomorrow and continue to be exploited or exploit. If I go from proletarian to bourgeois I fundamentally have to engage in exploitation to change my position.

>> No.5544522

So, this makes Brecht a neocon, according to you?

>> No.5544523

>But Marxist theory only makes sense in economic terms
Yes, but that didn't stop the Frankfurt School.

>> No.5544536

But they abandoned Marxist theory because they considered it outdated

>> No.5544539

They updated it so as to better undermine the West.

>> No.5544552

That's only if you see Marxism as a closed scientistic method of analysing society. But this Marxism, in the West at least, died with Karl Kautsky. The Marxism of Antonio Gramsci, Gyorgy Lukacs and it's successors is based on the idea of Marxism as a "philosophy of praxis", more interested in expressing (and influencing) changing historical situations than by finding the correspondence between some objective universe and the description of it.

>> No.5544561

>redpill me
Why has /pol/-tier language become a thing on /lit/?

>> No.5544570

A --> B
A --> C
Therefore, B = C.

Funny how dat logic werks.

>> No.5544572

Yeah, but if you're a straight white male you're stil privileged, even if you're a yuppie.

>> No.5544578
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>They updated it so as to better undermine the West.
Oh my, that sounds horrible. Except the grand majority of what you stormdurps seem to think is undermining the west is the result of social and economic liberalism not a vulgarized form of marxism .

>> No.5544592

Privilege doesn't have to result in exploitation. If you realize you are privileged, you can act like a non-dick to unprivileged peoples. If you are bourgeois you fundamentally need to exploit proletarians to stay bourgeois.

>> No.5544594

Social liberalism as it exists today is Communism for morons. The cultural revolution that began in the 1960s is ongoing today and wouldn't have been possible without Marxist ideology.
You're right, economic liberalism, though.

>> No.5544595

Most social liberals are crypto-communists.

Remember McCarthyism. When Joseph McCarthy accused several leftists of being communists and soviet spies, the entire liberal establishment of the United States came in their rescue. Later, when the Soviet Archives were opened, it was revealed that they were, indeed, communists.

That can only mean two things, either liberals are indistinguishable from communists that they couldn't tell the difference, or they openly collaborated with treason. In any way, McCarthy was right.

>> No.5544601

>If you realize you are privileged, you can act like a non-dick to unprivileged peoples
But you're still privileged, in the same way a bourgeois capitalist is still a bourgeois capitalist if he gives his workers a raise every few months.

>> No.5544609

op asked about cabalistic connection between all these different clusters. this was my answer.

>> No.5544616

Social liberalism is the foundations of liberalism. Liberalism isn't really liberalism without social liberalism. You're right however liberalism will eventually give way to communism.

>> No.5544619

>Liberalism isn't really liberalism without social liberalism

>> No.5544622


Empires and monopoly of nations aren't economic liberalism.

>> No.5544625

>Social liberalism is the foundations of liberalism
If you're an American acting like America is the only place that people use the word 'liberal,' then yes.

>> No.5544627

If a capitalists gives up his capital he stops being a capitalist. A privileged individual can never give up their privilege individually because privilege is a social construct.

>> No.5544628

>You're right, economic liberalism, though

Not really.


>Mr Sarkozy blamed "May '68" for eroding the moral values of capitalism and said this had contributed to the current controversy over failed company bosses receiving big "golden parachutes". "The heirs of May '68 have undermined the values of citizenship," he said.

It's obvious. Marx himself said that he would defend the free-market because that would make capitalism collapse earlier. The generation of the 1960s made their war on the cultural camp because they knew that this was more important, that with cultural hegemony they could take control of the economy later (instead of taking control of economy without cultural hegemony, as it happened in Eastern Europe).

>Socialism’s final aim, as Hannah Arendt observed, is the modification of human nature. The Lenin, Stalin and Hitler generation imagined that socialist economy would create this new kind of men. The deeper socialist thinkers – Gramsci, Lukacs and the Frankfurt School – saw in this a dangerous economicist mistake. The soul of the “new man” would not be born from socialism, but should come before it and create it. This idea sounded heretical to Marxist orthodoxes of the time (although, on the other side of the socialist range, it was not totally alien to the Nazi-fascist theoreticians). It has spread only in the last decades, providing the basis for the formidable expansion of internationalist leftism, which survived even Soviet economy’s fall, and has reached its peak precisely in the years following USSR’s breakup. Today’s international socialism looks less for socialist regimes creation and more for the installation of a global complex of mutations in civil society, in morals and in family relations. The change in the order of priorities caused a harmonic change in the strategy and choice of means. Formerly, the revolutionary movement’s essential tool was an ideologically monolithic party. Today, it is a variety of leftist parties only apparently disconnected, it is the international NGOs’ networks, it is the “social movements”, it is the large international organizations. Their unity of action can only be grasped from outside by those who are aware of the cultural war’s subtleties, infinitely more complex than the older open conflict between pro-capitalist and pro-communist parties.

PS: It's a funny thing that many capitalists that embodied the stereotype of the "evil and heartless capitalist" without morals were Soviet agents, like Armand Hammer and Fred Koch. Of course, it's very useful for the communists to promote such a image.

>> No.5544635

That's exactly my point.

>> No.5544649

Neoliberalism (I know it's not the same as liberalism, I must have made a mistake in my previous post) is largely at fault for the economic state of affairs we find ourselves in.

>> No.5544676

>Benjamin was influenced by Judaism but he wasn't a practising Jew
How does this work, exactly?

>> No.5544735

>PS: It's a funny thing that many capitalists that embodied the stereotype of the "evil and heartless capitalist" without morals were Soviet agents, like Armand Hammer and Fred Koch.

The Koch family fortune was made from business with the Stalin Regime, but that in itself does nothing to prove that the Kochs are Soviet agents.


>Marx himself said that he would defend the free-market because that would make capitalism collapse earlier.

Source pls.

>> No.5544794


>But, in general, the protective system of our day is conservative, while the free trade system is destructive. It breaks up old nationalities and pushes the antagonism of the proletariat and the bourgeoisie to the extreme point. In a word, the free trade system hastens the social revolution. It is in this revolutionary sense alone, gentlemen, that I vote in favor of free trade.

>> No.5544814

>doesn't understand Marx's views radically shifted by the time he wrote Capital

>> No.5544824

Shut up, Althusser.

>> No.5544937

I have a very hard time believing the Kochs and the groups they sponsor like the Heritage Foundation and Free State Project support the downfall of capitalism.

By that logic, so did Rothbard and Mises. Mises was actually hired by GM to write propaganda for them, for example.

>> No.5544951

Yes. Funny shit tho, Zizek plagiarized from him not all that long ago.

>> No.5545324

>that shill

>> No.5545335

Kabbalah is mysticism that pre-dates Judaism. It has its real roots in Egyptian myth and was even used by Plato.

>> No.5545337

Benjamin was gay, people

>> No.5545347
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>> No.5545360

Your buzzwords are showing.

>> No.5545368


>> No.5545407

>It has its real roots in Egyptian myth
>used by Plato
[citations needed]

>> No.5545440

There's no fucking grand conspiracy or link between ancient mysticism and modern kiking intellectuals. As if openly radical askhenazim organizations like the Frankfurt school aren't good enough for you boneheads, you have to make shit up to because obviously every second on this planet is surgically planned and carefully calibrated between groups of kikes

>> No.5545499

I actually had a teacher who cried when reading this with us.

P. cool guy tho

>> No.5545509

Western civilization? Ending all forms of oppression is ending everything that makes civilization civilization.

>> No.5545623

Can we ban the term "redpill" outside of /pol/?

>> No.5545630

No, they love martyrdom

>> No.5545706

>2nd and 3rd Wave Feminism which pushes past women's suffrage and aims to "equalize" women's "rights" in wages and "social dynamics" via government legislation is busswords
>Development and facilitation for lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender to redefine "gender" and "gender roles" as a choice rather than a biological and cultural imperative is buzzwords
>Passing open border immigration legislation which saturates the work pool with foreign cheap labor and cultural mixing or replacement is buzzwords

>> No.5545807

>insert rebuttal to pretentious ad hominem drivel here