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554135 No.554135 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, anyone able to help?
<- I'm interested in buying this, but the fact its edited is throwing me off. How heavily edited is this thing? Would you recomend it?

>> No.554140

I have no idea, and am not familiar with the book. Sorry, OP.

I do know you can find the guy's complete works on the internet in a .pdf, which isn't nearly as satisfying as a real book, I know, but I figured I'd mention it since no one else has responded yet.

Good luck.

>> No.554142

you can't find lovecraft's letters in pdf... a few yes, but the whole works (about 5 books) - nope.

or can you?

i wouldn't. buy cthulhu mythos stories collection, don't read that fanboy death metal shit.

>> No.554146

And thanks
Can you go into the fan boy death metal shit part for me?

>> No.554147

I dunno. The version I had claimed to have all his letters. It looked like it had a shit ton of them. I never really finished, but, if you give me a minute, I'll check and see how many it listed and whether or not I can figure out where I got it.

>> No.554150

i own this book.
my fathers boyfriend got me t for my birthday.
ask away.
there are some spelling errors i have noticed, apart from that it seems all good.

>> No.554154

My mistake. It's got about 64 short stories (several in many parts), 31 short stories he worked on "with others" (several in many parts), 5 pieces of "nonfiction", 40 pieces of poetry (several in many parts, one in over 20 parts), 4 pieces listed as "Juvenile" (I assume they mean he wrote it when he was younger), 8 essays, and some recommended reading. One of the non-fictions was a letter, and that looks to be the only one they had.

My bad.

>> No.554155

Happen to have any of the stories in this book in another version that you know to be close(r) to the original? Mostly wanting the closest to the real experience as possible

>> No.554156

Well, I've also heard of an Arkham house collection, anyone able to comment on this?

>> No.554157

erm, no.
i dont think the changes are going to be that drastic mate.

>> No.554164

my bad, i thought it was that quasi-neo-wicca-anti-christian *spellbook* that someone printed and that some facepaint faggots use as grimoire.

still, wouldn't reccomend anything edited. buy hp lovecraft omnibus, three volumes, all stories are there including lovecraft's essay on weird fiction.

also, read houllebecq's essay on lovecraft, good stuff if you're getting more serious about his work.

>> No.554165

I have and I love it.

Not only because I love Lovecraft but also because it looks like some kind of black bible thing.

>> No.554166

infact, here you go:


if anyone can find lovecraft's letters in pdf i'd be eternally grateful. though, i've searched everywhere and nothing comes up...

>> No.554169

Awesome, thanks
Giving it a look

>> No.554170

yeah, it's the usual pdf collection that's making rounds. it isn't bad but it's by no means complete. and i don't know why they split every story in separate pdf... just make several thematic ones.

>> No.554174

there's also this decent documentary, lovecraft: fear of the unknown where several relevant figures discuss his life and work.

it's interesting when stephen king, in his book "on writing", says that lovecraft would today most likely lurk in several chatrooms or forums... that was the first time i heard about his voluminous correspondence as one of his defining traits. AND NO ONE SCANNED THAT.

>> No.554175

hell, since this become lovecraft general thread, anyone wants to discuss movies based on his work?

best movie influenced by hpl is carpenter's the thing, and best direct adaptation for me is that spanish gem, dagon.

i'd recommend new japanese horror, gothic for lovecraft fans.

>> No.554179

I've never seen the Herbert West: Reanimtor film, but I've heard it's good. I'd love to see it someday.

Also, Eternal Darkness for the Gamecube, seeing as we're branching out, is a brilliant piece of Lovecraft-inspired gamery.

>> No.554180

>mentioning eternal darkness
>not mentioning the actual call of cthulhu game

>> No.554181

There's a hardcover of that book? Well shit, I've only ever found paperback editions!

>> No.554182

I've only found hard covers, few bookstores around I've found with them

>> No.554192


>> No.554200

Well I have that book and I love it. It'll be on my shelf for a good few decades to come

>> No.554207

Is this for real? I might have to get this shipped

>> No.554211

looks like shit.

>> No.554212

>but the fact its edited is throwing me off
For a collection, the job of editor can merely entail selecting the works that will be included in a book.

>> No.554219

I didnt realise this but it makes sense, thanks anon
Even with the shipping cost, this comes at a lower cost, for more of his work

>> No.555451

Me and my two dads justa hangin out.

>> No.555478


This is a more complete version.


>> No.555503

I own it. It's great.

I have the softcover version, however. I probably should've gone hard.

>> No.555994

im getting hard