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/lit/ - Literature

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5537799 No.5537799 [Reply] [Original]

Let me start by saying that I have led an eventful life. It was pretty tame until I met my now husband. Together we built a business and became the largest drug dealers in the state. We made millions, only to lose most of it when we left the state. What makes our story unique is that we got away with it. We had the FBI, CIA, state and local police, and Homeland Security after us and we still came out the other side clean. It's a very interesting story that can be verified by police and court legal documents. Which is why I am being purposefully vague.

How do I find an author to write our story?

>> No.5537870
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bump out of interest

>> No.5537889

There's already a TV show about that

>> No.5537899

Which one? Weeds? Breaking Bad? Neither one comes close.

>> No.5537904

[ ] things which actually happened
[x] OP's story

>> No.5537921
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>> No.5537924

This. No one cares about your deranged and sordid fantasies OP. Either post proof or GTFO

>> No.5537940

I knew that most of the replies to this thread would not believe me, and that's Ok. If someone else told me this story I wouldn't believe them either. All I need is someone to show enough interest to actually verify the events I describe. I have verifiable proof that the stuff I describe actually happened, and they happened in the way I describe.

Do you have any good suggestions for finding an author to write my story?

>> No.5537999

Give us the story then.

>> No.5538004

Stop masquerading as a woman who sold drugs with her husband and just write the damn thing yourself. You already have the synopsis, might as well keep writing this crime drama cliche.

>> No.5538047

I cannot give many details. Any hard proof would expose my name, where these events took place, where we currently reside, and what we do for a living. I live in a small town, and we might not be 100% safe from law enforcement yet. The book would basically admit any/all the crimes we committed.

I don't think I'm a very good writer (although I have been told otherwise). I also do not know how to utilize resources that would make the book so much better (such as getting legal documents and interviewing police officers). I also don't think that people in law enforcement would be open to sharing information with me, about me. Plus I would like to get the perspective of law enforcement about what happened, and I'm sure the wouldn't want to be candid and share that with me.

>> No.5538067

What makes yours any different from the million others that are exactly the same?

Well, in your favour, if you wanna make a quick buck the general populace no matter how many time they've seen this same shit in movie/book/whatever never can seem to get enough of it.

Pay me $ 200 000 and I'll do it for you OP.

>> No.5538096

i'll do it for free
"im a huge faget: the tale of how a fat kid on the internet fantasized about being the lady from weeds. ghostwritten by anon"

>> No.5538116

>What makes yours any different from the million others that are exactly the same?
If millions of people did what we did and got away with it, that would mean that law enforcement in this country is in serious trouble. We barely got away with it, our business partner got caught and he's spending the next ten years (or longer, he hasn't been sentenced for the tax evasion yet) in federal prison.
So want make our story different?
-How smart we were about it. How we knew we were being watched and still managed to do business right under the cops noses.
-How many times we came close to getting caught and didn't.
-how we built our business, and how large it got. When we left the state the price of weed went up 30% almost overnight because there was suddenly no product to be found.
-what we have done since all that happened.

>Well, in your favour, if you wanna make a quick buck the general populace no matter how many time they've seen this same shit in movie/book/whatever never can seem to get enough of it.
I not looking to make a bunch of money. We already make a lot of money. I just want to tell our story.

>> No.5538132

That show was full of shit and totally unrealistic.
My story is true, and can be backed up by actual events.

>> No.5538135

>lying on the internet
and what makes you think anybody gives a single fuck about your falsehood of a story?

>> No.5538142

>So want make our story different?
>-How smart we were about it. How we knew we were being watched and still managed to do business right under the cops noses.
>-How many times we came close to getting caught and didn't.
>-how we built our business, and how large it got. When we left the state the price of weed went up 30% almost overnight because there was suddenly no product to be found.


>> No.5538148

I don't care if anyone gives a fuck, I want advice on how to find a decent author to tell our story.

>> No.5538156

Approach decent authors secretly to tell your story? Then? Maybe? Huh?

>> No.5538157

tits or get the fuck out, you fat teenager

>> No.5538166

⇒It was pretty tame until I met my now husband.

... and then it became even lamer. Your story is witless cliché.

>> No.5538196

>implying you are not lying
>implying you are not that author

>> No.5538198

How do I chose an author? How do I approach them? Obviously I would use my real name, so the author knows I'm not full of shit. But I don't want to reveal all this potentially damaging information only to be rejected by multiple people.

You don't know my story, so I don't think you are qualified to judge.

>> No.5538199

Approach a literary agent and ask them. Try researching which agents have represented well-known True Crime authors and find one that suits you.

>> No.5538207

Thank you anon! That was the most helpful response in this thread.

>> No.5538218

I say write it yourself. Any third party author can choose to turn on you and pass details to the feds. Less people privy to details, the better.

Make sure you retain a lawyer as you go over the draft. You can get away with tons of stuff, since the 5th protects you from self incrimination.

>> No.5538254

My main concern with writing this myself is that I will not get the cooperation of law enforcement, and they won't want to give me their perspective on what happened. I understand why, we threatened to sue the state police if they continued to harass us after a certain incident. We were advised to do this by our lawyer, who sent a cease and sexist letter to the chief of police. I'm also pretty sure a few people either got fired or demoted after a failed bust.

>> No.5538259

*cease and desist letter

>> No.5538319

>Stop being a pretentious douche
>Get an actually interesting story

Then I guess you could hire someone. Make a new thread then.

>> No.5538341

>Stop being a pretentious douche
Nothing about my posts have been pretentious. >Get an actually interesting story
You don't know my story, so you cannot accurately judge me.
>Then I guess you could hire someone.
The whole point of this thread was to find info on finding an author to write my story. Do you have any advice at all on this subject?
>Make a new thread then.
Why would I do that? I'm not here to tell/sell a story, I'm want to know how to find an author to write it.

>> No.5538344

never forget about the greeks!

>> No.5538347

>How do I find an author to write our story?

start with the greeks

>> No.5538551

No author would want to write your story. Its boring, its cliche

>But you don't even know it

The premise is.

You aren't interesting. Sorry dude.

>> No.5538560

>No author would want to write your story. Its boring, its cliche
That may be true! but I'm not going to take your word for it. Do you have any suggestions on contacting an author?

>You aren't interesting. Sorry dude.
I'm a chick, which proves how little of this thread you have actually read.

>> No.5538618

"Dude" is something you can call people despite gender, I know you're a chick, it just doesn't matter.

Its 2014 bro.

>> No.5538653

Sounds like something a ghost writer would do, especially given that you would probably give them credit. Look for someone kind of fresh.

Just google who wrote some of the celebrity biographies you've heard of.

>> No.5538673

sounds boring already. i hang out with weed dealers and they are boring fucks. if you pushed anything harder you might have a story

no one would write this for you anyway except ghostwriters on craigslist

>> No.5538678

I know two people who grow millions of dollars worth of pot. It's not uncommon. They do risk legal trouble, though, and it's pretty stressful if you're not an idiot kid (one of them is an idiot kid working with another idiot kid, and I don't think they know what they're in for - at the very least harassment and sabotage by unscrupulous government contractors).

I don't know if you can successfully publish anonymously in the 21st century. Can someone name a book published anonymously or pseudonymously in the last 20 years whose author hasn't been outed? You'd have to be very clever to do it. I guess find a proxy to publish your book and don't expect any money or fame for it.

I think you should write the whole thing out and then find a talented graduate student to clean it up for you. Change enough details, including some seemingly significant ones, so that the book is less likely to incriminate you.

>> No.5538688

Dave Eggers did something similar for someone else. Go contact him. I dislike him though.

>> No.5538694

ayy lmao

>> No.5538701

People who are saying it's a cliche or it's boring:

It is kind of cliche, but it's not that boring. And it'd be publishable even if it would basically be a niche publication. True crime is already pretty niche.

If you found someone really talented to clean up your draft, then maybe it could be structured like a thriller and published as a novel.

>> No.5538934

Not this shit again, Teresa.
You already have your fucking book AND your fucking TV show.
Go be a woman somewhere else.

captcha: and nohomo

>> No.5538994

>met chad
>chad sells drugs
>I tagged along arent I such a strong independent woman
>I did all the work like watching television and cleaning the house
>chad almost got caught but we overturned the system through legal loopholes, I provided him mental support so I did most of the work and suffered the most
the end

there u go op

>> No.5540601
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Thanks for the info, anons. At the very lest I have a starting point now.

>> No.5540613

>inb4 op isn't a woman he's a faggot

>> No.5542434

truly a literary masterpiece

>> No.5542712
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Bump out of interest