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5528223 No.5528223 [Reply] [Original]

Are NEETs freer than normalfags?

NEETs are dependent and to a degree constrained by their circumstances but their condition is much more perceptible and the power relations they are faced with are easier to grasp and fully comprehend. Normalfags on the other hand seem to have less mental freedom and are rendered obedient to many more forms of translucent domination and end up becoming bound to progressively more and more obligations; which scarily enough is fully opaque to themselves.

Normalfags don't even seem to be capable of, on average, comprehending the harshness of their own condition but NEETs are generally more engaged and metacognize about their condition. Both seem to be slaves but only one can become fully self-aware of their own situation and fully map out a plan of action to tackle the controllers of their existence and smash the restraints placed on their reality.

>> No.5528236

Dude you can live in your moms basement all you want.
NEETs build nothing
Only through action can man become free. You dumb shit.

>> No.5528255

I'd argue NEETs are constrained by many things--including monetary constraints (the gub'mint only gives you so much of a hand-out each month) but also by the constraints of society by people deeming NEETs less than nothing.

What I mean to say is that not only can't a NEET afford to go see magnificent cities and works of art regularly, they also won't really get the opportunity to fuck anyone above a 3 or 4. Hot chicks don't fuck the unemployed.

They also aren't free from having to go into agency offices and sing and dance about how they can't work or can't find a job, so they have to suffer that indignity. I've heard NEETs argue about the 'indignity' of having a job and how it's far worse than the shows the put on at the welfare office, but I have to say I never experienced anything like crying for a hand-out, my entire working career.

I guess it depends on what kind of cage you want.

>> No.5528258

normal person: hey NEET buddy, some of us are going on a trip to Amsterdam this weekend. we're going to drink and smoke ourselves stupid, get sucked off by hookers, and then get cultured at the rijksmuseum! coming?

NEET: no.. i can't afford it

normal person: ok whatevs dude. see ya

NEET: ha! little does he realise that I am freer than he will ever be

>> No.5528264

Being a NEET is kind of like being a pet. You have no real responsibilities other than not shitting on the carpet but you have little control over your life, you just have to hope that your master doesn't get sick of having you around or he might stop feeding you.

I'm quite prepared to give up 40 hours of my week to be free to do whatever I want with the rest of it.

>> No.5528269

>Only through action can man become free. You dumb shit.
If you have to act your not free not to act so you are a slave to action, jerkface

>> No.5528320

guy with a day job here, if you're not jealous of NEETs you haven't been working long enough

please Obama deliver Basic Income to turn this nation into NEETs it will be so chill

>> No.5528327

A NEET is like a pet, a wageslave is like a beast of burden. Both dependant on their masters, but the latter is expected to toil in return, while the former doesn't have to do much at all.

>> No.5528339

Depends on how you adquired the NEET status.

>> No.5528363

How long have you been working?

Me, personally, over 16 years. I like my work, as I do really little and get paid a ton. Maybe you just don't have the skills or education to make the working world your bitch.

>> No.5528367

>his use of adjectives

>> No.5528368

But jails are full of criminals, that doesn't seem very safe.

>> No.5528370

>all these assumptions that NEETs are all poor

Born into a rich family, so i can do whatever the fuck i want with no work required.

Both of the groups mentioned lose to me

>> No.5528385

It's a poor comparison, because beasts of burden have no way to enrich their life through the labor. The people you call "wage slaves" can use their position and their money to make their lives super comfy and, often, far more luxurious than they deserve.

A beast of burden doesn't go out and buy better quality oats after putting in a day's work.

It just doesn't work as a metaphor as well as the NEET/pet one does, because NEETs are on a fixed budget and any special treats are actually bestowed upon them by some benevolent hand.

>> No.5528394

Probably not then. I have an Ivy League undergraduate degree but I've been working full time + for crap money for 5 years now and I hate it.

>> No.5528398

>all these assumptions that NEETs are all poor

Most are. You're delusional if you think you're not an exception.

>> No.5528422


no one cares about the plight of a perfectly placated rich boy

lol at you trying to share your richboy life with the proles that you pretend to be above, you just want so badly to fit in with those nasty poor kids don't you? lol

>> No.5528428
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You only like to work because you are ideologically indoctrinated into thinking you need money transactions to enact bitch relations to overpower the "working world" but its not true

>> No.5528443

Work is death.
Become truNEET.

>> No.5528445

No, I like to work because I do fuck-all and get lots of money for doing fuck-all to go do shit I want to do.

>> No.5528461
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What is some essential NEET literature?

>> No.5528465

Then do stupid and dangerous stuff in jail so they'll give you a smaller cage all for yourself

>> No.5528479

You are told to enjoy someone giving you money to do stuff you are told to do

>> No.5528481

>because beasts of burden have no way to enrich their life through the labor.
If the working animal doesn't work or works badly the master gets mad. Depending on the context working well is the difference between living and eating good food and getting slaughtered and becoming good food.
Anon animals are not retarded. They won't be your bitch for no reason at all, they want incentive just like people.

>> No.5528499


>you get accused of being ideologically coerced into this mindset

>this is seriously the answer that you give in defense of it

It's like some of you actually *want* to be mediocre people.

>> No.5528678

Oblomov, The Importance of Living, In Praise of Idleness, Amsterdam Stories, The Ego and Its Own, Zhuangzi, Epicurean and Ancient Cynic texts.

>> No.5528691


>> No.5528701

>has to be in a certain place in a certain time or he doesn't get to eat
>confuses this for freedom

ayy chairman lmao

>> No.5528745


It's because Jobfags are taking in by a lot of consumerism habits, they don't see how badly advertising and stuff relating too it has affected them and just throw their money away without the subliminal messages playing tricks on their mind. The NEET creature is smarter, more aware of the dangers of consumerism and capitalism all together, they don't get into debt either by choice or because of the situation they are in and it has made them more alert to when they are being tricked.

tl; dr: NEETs aren't prone to commercialism.

>> No.5529304
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>Supporting the Capitalist Jew

>> No.5529330

Best thing is to build your own cabin somewhere with solar power, collect rain water, raise small animals like chickens (use everything like Native Americans: bones, feathers, meat), plant crops like potatoes, etc. Total self sufficiency is the only way to be truly free.

>> No.5529340

I have managed to come to a point of my life in which I am able to work for twenty-five hours a week and live a life of high luxury, although I live well, well beneath my means through choice. I have traded work for internal security, peace, comfort, and the ability to allocate the remainder of my free time as I wish. This is certainly worth 1/3 to 1/4 of my waking hours, and it gives me "some" general purpose in life.

I don't think only a NEET can be self-aware, and the majority of NEET I meet aren't intelligent or thinking people, they are underdogs who most of society (including myself) would call losers in a heartbeat. It really is a situation in which you are choosing your own cage, in a sense, but at least I am not confined to my cage constantly; I get constant breaks and the promise of eventually escaping it altogether, which for me, will come soon.

>> No.5529362

Having a job and being a consumer don't always go together; I can have a profession and not spend my money on frivolous things and gadgets, and instead buying only what it necessary. I have met many NEET who buy frivolous things with their money; how many sweaty neckbeards do you imagine we at your Gamestop today, hastily buying a copy of Smash Brothers, a game that has already been released thrice? You sound like you are using stereotypes of normalfags to justify your decisions.

>> No.5529386

I'm in education, I really like satire and I'm doing an assignment it's a free for all so I decided to do a 'How To' the maximum limit is 5000 words.

For this I've been writing a procedure to start

7. Under no circumstance is it ideal for la alteración in languages, unless especificado by the nature of das assignment.

And so forth, I tried to get some approval from my brother but he said 'That's a dumb cunt idea you're going to fail'

What does /lit think?

Also if you've got any ideas I'd really like to hear them


>> No.5529397

I'd probably fail you unless you are going to a CC

>> No.5529404
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>the majority of NEET I meet aren't intelligent or thinking people, they are underdogs who most of society (including myself) would call losers in a heartbeat.

> as if "success" and "losers" are more than just spooks

pic related

>> No.5529450

Stop being a loser then, don't put yourself down so much

>> No.5529456

also nut up, all in your head, etc

>> No.5529483

You are the only person that can change your life, if you seriously want change, you would work out, study, do shit like that, but instead you sit on 4chan complaining. Go do something with your life, why waste it browsing a Japanese imageboard? I'm off now bye

>> No.5529500
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>> No.5529510


Well, most of those text weren't done by NEET's, but by people that were such hard working that they needed a rest in their minds.

>> No.5529541

im a neet, still live at home with ma and pops, i will tell you this, when i feel like a loser for being a neet i will go on my facebook and look at all my old friends from highschool, all they do is complain about how shit work is and how shit having kids is.
They all seem insanely stressed out about bills and survival.

You want to know what made me stressed today?

Wonder when dad is going to get home with that pizza.

Well being a neet isnt all fun and games.
Of course there are times when you get lost in deep thought about how much of a worthless loser you are, there was week were my computer broke and i had nothing, my thoughts always turned to suicide, i would have horrible crying fits, im not sure if this is because of my severe internet addiction or my worthlessness in general, maybe both.

>> No.5529561

Yes, unless you're an art, music or English major.

>> No.5529564


Become a monk and read for life

>> No.5529582

>tfw NEET master race
>tfw read >500 pages of high brow literature every day

feels good man

>> No.5529647
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>Tfw in college and I need to work because my family has been on a downward financial trajectory since the recession

And I thought going to uni was my ticket to half-NEETdom.

>> No.5529684

>expecting a neet to wake up at 5 am to pray

>> No.5529815

You're ascribing to animals an understanding of cause and effect that they almost universally lack (a few types of apes and birds being the exception).

>> No.5529827

But then you're still a slave to nature, the sun and rain are your new masters. Even the chickens are more free than you.

>> No.5529880

You're not really free then. You're self-sufficient. But imprisoned to that place where you are self-sufficient

>> No.5529891

Well there aren't really NEETs who produce literature: if they produced literature then retroactively they were writers during the previous period, and that's a form of employment. Perhaps even the attempt to write raises you out of NEETdom, depending on how you understand the classification and how loosely you define "training."

I guess you could look at it the other way and argue that many authors were NEETs at some point, since many authors don't work at the same time as they write. If a person is out of school and training and is writing his or her first book, then they aren't an author yet, and oftentimes they're living off the largess of others for that period.

Either way I think a request for literature by NEETs doesn't lend itself to recommendations.

>> No.5529952

On a serious note I made some Axioms for fun about this and I could really use a tip to help me

really anything that'd fall under satire for writing something in english

>> No.5529992

Normalfags are trapped by society, NEETs are trapped by themselves.

>> No.5531340

They're simply free in different ways. Generally, the NEET has free time and the normalfag has money. But of course there are also rich NEETs and poor workfags. So the freest would be the independently wealthy NEET, followed by either the regular NEET or the regular workfag depending on your preference for time or money, followed by the poor workfag who has neither.

>> No.5531545

You haven't been around animals much. If there is something they understand is cause and effect, even to a primitive level such as pavlov's dog.

>> No.5531553

I will concede, though, that an animal perhaps isn't aware that he's going to be eaten if he's being shitty, but the rest stands. The only reason they work is that they get something in return.

>> No.5531562

>tfw shitty third world country
>tfw when even normalfags don't have money

>> No.5531589

The good and the beautiful.-- Artists continually glorify-- they do nothing else-- all those states and things that are reputed to give man the opportunity to feel good for once, or great, or intoxicated, or cheerful, or well and wise. These select things and states, whose value for human happiness is considered safe and assured, are the artists' objects. Artists always lie in wait to discover such objects and draw them into the realm of art. What I mean is that they are not themselves the appraisers of happiness; rather they try to get close to those who make the appraisals, with the utmost curiosity and the urge to utilize these appraisals immediately. Since they have, in addition to this impatience, also the big lungs of heralds and the feet of runners, they are also always among the first to glorify the NEW good; and they therefore APPEAR to be the first to call it good, to appraise it as good. But this is, as I have said, an error: they are merely quicker and louder than the real appraisers. --But who are the real appraisers?-- The rich and the idle.

>> No.5531680
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I think NEETs have more time to think about life. The NEETs I know generally have some really unique opinions and insights, and are often experts in their respective areas of interest.

But then normals have more money and friends. Also, if a normal has a really cool job then they might ... I don't know. I've never met anyone with a cool job. But I imagine they might... be awesome or something, I guess.

>NEETs don't build anything
Some do.

>> No.5531690

>What I mean to say is that not only can't a NEET afford to go see magnificent cities and works of art regularly.
I've traveled before, and maybe I just take it for granted because I don't know what it's like *not* to have traveled, but it's not that great.

I suppose that traveling is a learning experience, but for the price tag I'm just not sure it's worth it.

>> No.5531708

>The NEETs I know generally have some really unique opinions and insights

Legitimately no one cares

>> No.5531713

I care.

>> No.5531809

Are you talking about neckbeards or hermits? I believe that hermits have the most freedom out of any people on earth. I would become one if I didn't enjoy material possessions so much/stopped caring

>> No.5532320

What even is freedom, OP?

>> No.5532659

That's such a stupid fucking image. In prison you don't have security, you could be beaten, raped, and killed.

Fuck off with that quote, I'm so sick of seeing it.

>> No.5532708

depends who you're surrounded by. If you are surrounded by people you hate you will lose your mind.

subconscious mind comes alive when you're in the presence of defected humans. don't lie to yourself about how you really feel about people

>> No.5532724

dnt worry, the revolution will kill ya

>> No.5532749

thinking about life is fucking worthless if you don't have experiences off of which to base your thoughts

also, no one spends most of their time thinking about life, neets just spend more time on hobbies and less time on paid labor

>> No.5532775

Youve probably spent too much time alone lime m op

>> No.5532777

you have a shit personality type

>> No.5532796

and you're a worthless neet who will never think a single thought of note, or do anything at all really besides masturbate and mangle existentialist ideas into a decadent solipsism

>> No.5532808


Your point isn't a good one at all.

>> No.5532816


Actually it might be, but the way you expressed it wasn't. Did you mean to suggest that prolonged isolation isn't a good way to experience the world? If so then I would fully agree. It's important to get to know other people.

>> No.5532848
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again depends on personality type

>> No.5532854

okay, you're still sitting at home playing video games and musing about universal truth or whatever white boys are into lately, while people all around you are all learning the ways of the world and how to make it better

>> No.5533211
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>also, no one spends most of their time thinking about life,

>> No.5533224

which material possessions do you require that a NEET couldn't have?

>> No.5533523

I'm a NEET and this is pretty much how it is. Reading literature isn't even an option because it heightens your self-awareness of how inadequate you are. Your mind deteriorates to the point that the only satisfying thing in life is to forget how miserable you are, and so you indulge in childish things, alcohol, porn and video games. I'd take a shitty job any day if it meant being able to scrape together any kind of dignity to get my life back together.

>> No.5534039

I'm NEET as well and you are one spooked motherfucker. Your notions of inadequacy and dignity are baseless and don't serve you at all.

>> No.5534108

>tfw INFJ
>tfw myers-briggs seems full of shit in theory but every example of it I see in practice supports it
>tfw I'm square peg

>> No.5534178

normalfags can make make their own businesses too you know, not everyone is edgey teenager's stereotypical cog in le machine. you faggots are so butthurt at your lack of success that you throw your insecurities onto other people that have achieved success to make them feel as though they're worth less than they are, and to make themselves feel a little better about their own personal failures.

>> No.5534201
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>you throw your insecurities onto other people that have achieved success to make them feel as though they're worth less than they are
Sounding a little insecure, if words can make you perceive yourself as worth less

>> No.5534211

Most people with their own businesses are even less free because of the constant care and worry.

There is no resentment at play here, I've wanted to be NEET for as long as I can remember. Since I was a child. I haven't failed, I have succeeded. I don't have anything against working people, but I don't see why my statement was so controversial. NEETs get money for doing nothing, workers get money for doing something.

>> No.5534212

>words can make you perceive yourself as worth less
they don't and I never said they did. I said that your goal in hurling insults at other people is to make them feel as insecure and worthless in their life choices as you do in your failures.

>> No.5534216

Normalfags are actually the most oppressed by society, by institutions (government), and its morality (being subservient to people that aren't productive and take advantage of them).

Its amazing that they are still somehow the happiest group.

>> No.5534221

most people don't like doing nothing. most people have drive and ambition and take it upon themselves to see that they succeed in what they want to do with their lives.

>> No.5534223

>(being subservient to people that aren't productive and take advantage of them).
>implying the people don't want the welfare state

>> No.5534227
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This whole thread is filled with workfags mad that neet are sharing their opinions.
Talk about failures and dignity.

>> No.5534238

No one is insulting you, you're the one hurling insults by saying people can be objectively failures and labeling all NEETs as failures.

>> No.5534239

>most people don't like doing nothing.
NEETs don't have to do nothing, they just do things other than work all day. But doing nothing is mostly very agreeable.

>most people have drive and ambition and take it upon themselves to see that they succeed in what they want to do with their lives.
No, that's just a few of them and they're mostly working very hard to keep selling that narrative to themselves. Most people work shitty jobs and are just happy to get through the day without too much trouble.

>> No.5534245

>but only one can become fully self-aware of their own situation and fully map out a plan of action to tackle the controllers of their existence and smash the restraints placed on their reality.
you're confusing being NEET with being intelligent. intelligent people are fully capable of being self-aware and understanding their situation. Whether you work for a living or piss in jugs that you store in your closet. You are not superior for closing yourself off to the world, but rather a slave to your own irrational mind.

>> No.5534252

It directly depends on the person, and your conception of freedom.

There is a conception of the term, in which no human is really free.

>> No.5534258

people are addicted to comfort. I find comfort in sitting in a dark room smoking weed and browsing the internet and consuming my favorite media/literature. Other people find comfort in interacting with the outside world and socializing. Myer briggs personality test explains alot

>> No.5534261

the drive and ambition doesn't have to be towards whatever job theyre doing, just to some end goal. of course there are people that hate what they do, but they do it because they have bigger goals and ambitions and that shitty job might just be one step up the staircase that takes them to where they want to be.

>> No.5534269

The biggest challenge to NEET-dom is themselves. NEETs are basically failed-collectivists, in the sense that they have no choice but to be a pure individual, without much social support (think friends, real ideological faith, etc) to fall back on and give them strength. NEETs get depressed easily and stay depressed because they only have themselves to prop their spirits back up--this is a real mind killer, a downward spiral that they will have a lot of difficulty in exiting.

However, because of the great amount of time NEETs have to think on things, they tend to be very intelligent and have a good ability for "discovering" unique or unknown ideas. Part of NEET-dom is not having many industry/literary connections so its difficult to share this knowledge in an academic or socially acceptable way (let's be clear, trying to be the next Foucault when you're releasing your text on mediums like 4chan or Reddit isn't going to do much for you our your text).

NEET-dom is kind of like that episode of The Twilight Zone where the librarian breaks his glasses. He's likely to be far ahead of his peers but with no ability to communicate his knowledge, defeating him. Couple this with the ever-present self esteem and anxiety problems, and you have a group of very complex but very emasculated individuals.

>> No.5534271

>intelligent people are fully capable of being self-aware and understanding their situation
Why do you think that? Most "intelligent" people seem pretty daft when it comes to any form of socio-cultural analysis or self-criticism.

>> No.5534282

you havn't talked to many people that are actually intelligent then, because they often are. and when I say intelligent people i don't mean the retards that shitpost on /lit/ or /sci/

>> No.5534287

They want it because those in power tell them it helps them, when we all know the welfare state directly benefits the elite and does nothing but add more fear and anxiety to the middle class, whom must also fund it.

>> No.5534291

>and when I say intelligent people i don't mean the retards that shitpost on /lit/ or /sci/
Where am I supposed to meet these intelligent people then? Where do they communicate?

>> No.5534303

I would just like to point out that this quote is utter bullshit.
No such thing as safety in prison. That's what makes it so bad, in fact. You're at the mercy of the other inmates and guards.

>> No.5534306

>NEET-dom is kind of like that episode of The Twilight Zone where the librarian breaks his glasses. He's likely to be far ahead of his peers but with no ability to communicate his knowledge, defeating him
where do you people get this idea that NEETS are overtly intelligent and superior to people that have jobs and do things? do you really have that much of a superiority complex? and for these unique ideas you think they have, most are just crackpot ideologies or theories about things that have already been proven false or things that can never be proven true or false.

>> No.5534314

NEETs are mentally more unconstrained, but their form of life is less stable.

>> No.5534315

>. You're at the mercy of the other inmates and guards.
neets are at the mercy of their parents. normals are the mercy of their managers/hr

>> No.5534317

>the drive and ambition doesn't have to be towards whatever job theyre doing, just to some end goal.
So why differ between NEETs and workfags at all? NEETs can also have goals like this.

>of course there are people that hate what they do, but they do it because they have bigger goals and ambitions and that shitty job might just be one step up the staircase that takes them to where they want to be.
A lot of them just do something because that's what they're supposed to do and that's what they're used to. Those bigger goals and ambitions are paying the bills and feeding the kid and just live that life as well as they can from day to day without any lofty plans, hoping to get a few beers and a good sleep in on the weekend. Most are barely even aware of any greater plan. The way you describe working people seems to apply more to the upper middle class than the masses, and even then just to a part of them.

>> No.5534326

>and for these unique ideas you think they have, most are just crackpot ideologies or theories about things that have already been proven false or things that can never be proven true or false.
This is Terry A Davis, he is a NEET with assburgers who wrote a 64-bit OS to communicate with God


>> No.5534329

Except those middle classes have been laid off by the thousands in the past years and are very happy to have a safety net to rely on while they need it. A proper welfare state benefits everyone.

>> No.5534335

I've met a few at uni, though not many, and my genius as fuck uncle was always a good resource to bounce ideas off of. just remember that just because someone talks with big words and presents themselves as intelligent doesn't mean they posses any real critical thinking skills, which is one of the truest signs of actual intelligence. anyone can regurgitate the ideas they've read or heard form outside influences using gaudy words to make a show, but to actually argue their point and think critically about what they say and to draw implications from their own ideas shows intelligence

>> No.5534339

my point exactly

>> No.5534346

>Most are barely even aware of any greater plan.
that's why I made the distinction that being self-aware isn't a matter of being NEET, but a matter of intelligence. intelligent people are self-aware and understand what's happening in the world around them, and how the world works, while unintelligent people don't, regardless of whether theyre NEET or not.

>> No.5534349

It benefits everyone in the sense that it keeps society stable, however this is a risky way of defining "benefit". I'd also argue we don't have a proper welfare state. Yes, this rather horrible recession (which was economically worse than the Great Depression) did lead to a lot of the middle class falling into the safety net. At the present though, its not really designed to support this many people which is why we are seeing a need for increases social spending, putting more strain on the economy...its a harsh cycle that we haven't really worked out of yet.

>> No.5534353

>where do you people get this idea that NEETS are overtly intelligent and superior to people that have jobs and do things? do you really have that much of a superiority complex?

"Intelligent" was probably a bad choice of words. But I think it should be obvious that not having to work 9-5 gives you more time to learn.

>> No.5534361

>implying you use your days to learn
>implying you don't spend your days masturbating to North Korean fantranslated lolirape mangas

>> No.5534363

some people have their 9-5s because explicitly because they spent years doing little but learning new things that gave them the ability to get the jobs theyre doing that they would never be able to get without them, simply because they have the knowledge required to do such jobs

>> No.5534365

So why did you throw a tantrum when I said that workers have to work for their money and NEETs don't?

>> No.5534384


The museums in the nearest city centre are free and the galleries are only a small fee. I agree with not being able to travel, which is the one thing I really want to do as a NEET and can't, but none of my working friends can travel either due to low wages and amount of hours they need to work, so having a job doesn't seem like it would help me much.

>> No.5534400

if you honestly think you can compare the human rights situation outside of prison with the human rights situation inside of prison you're seriously retarded.

Very few parents/managers torture and rape their children/employees. Yet these things aren't at all uncommon in prison.