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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 180 KB, 832x1000, anonymooose.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5527359 No.5527359 [Reply] [Original]

> tfw you possess the greatest literature ever written

feels good

your book made it to bournemouth england

>> No.5527378

>bournemouth england
prepare to be doxed

>> No.5527380

I have a copy here in Southampton.

>> No.5527388

what the hell is this

>> No.5527395 [DELETED] 

>you possess it
>greatest literature ever written

>> No.5527396


let's be friends


>> No.5527403

southern fairies

>> No.5527408

except I'm not from the south :^)

>> No.5527416


>> No.5527444
File: 35 KB, 312x247, 1409503354941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw your copy still hasnt arrived

>> No.5527468

Just got it today as well.

>> No.5527479

There's a site that's giving these for free, not even shipping and handling. Just got mine the other day.

>> No.5527486

that looks like quality binding

>> No.5527494


>> No.5527495

Post link.

>> No.5527499

No thanks I'm only here for University i hate the natives

>> No.5527510

Where abouts in Bournemouth do you live, OP? I live in Charminster. I thought there were only 30 people on /lit/, would never have guessed another Bournemouth guy was here.

>> No.5527533


>> No.5527537

does that have mormon shit in it?
looks like a solid bible

>> No.5527547


>> No.5527548

Is that a King James bible for free? I need to get on that.

>> No.5527554

yeah but they could have mormon shit in it between the books

>> No.5527555

winton high street here

>> No.5527560

They don't. They've been giving away these for years. They also give away a Book of Mormon on another page.

>> No.5527562

where do i buy a proper edition that's not for-profit

>> No.5527567
File: 109 KB, 407x226, BOOORNS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy fuck, is that the hardcover?

>> No.5527575


>> No.5527670
File: 53 KB, 784x811, 1408873887232.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw got the paperback
I want to die.

>> No.5527731

>yeah but they could have mormon shit in it between the books
No, Anon. You´ll read and admire the exact same book as these people.

>> No.5527849

fackin northern monkeyyyyyyyyy

>> No.5527961

I wish I could get a couple of anons at a writer's group on skype with myself as the editor-in-chief, and then we would all write a coherent piece of literature.

We would all talk over skype,and there would be a "spectator only" google docs, and then I'd just edit and write down what you guys say and then we could have something that actually has literary merit.

The only problem is that I have to get around 7 anons to keep coming at the same time of day to get the work done.

It takes dedication and earnestness, something /lit/ is literally adverse to.

>> No.5527987

I'd do it without dedication and just for fun, how about it?

>> No.5527997

hither we don't like the term "northern"

we prefer English, as opposed to Pakistani, dedicated to London poofs

>> No.5528012

i beg your pardon?

>> No.5528017


>> No.5528036

u cheeky git ;^)

>> No.5528052

Since you can waste money on retarded shit it shouldn't be a problem to order the hardcover too.

>> No.5528056


>> No.5528066

omg yes
anyone with a journalist connection pls get this reviewed

>> No.5528082

how does one review a pseudo-postmodern babble

>> No.5528091

i'm sure someone at the guardian will give it a go

>> No.5528799

I wish man, I didn't eat for 2 days just to buy this.

>> No.5530255

mine was sent 2 days ago, pretty excited to see my words written

anyone else bought the french edition, or is that too non-definitive?

>> No.5530263


>> No.5530273

The lulu versions are all non profit. It takes money to print a book and way more on demand.

>> No.5530277


>> No.5530279
File: 28 KB, 380x250, 1396887001901.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>too poor to buy a book you collaborated on
i want it to end

>> No.5530282

you're probably joking, but to get it reviewed someone would have to actually send out copies of the book to reviewers, that's the way it usually works. Can't see that happening.

>> No.5530283

Could you upload some pics to see the quality?

What you want is friends, not anonymous imageboard users.

I really hope someone answered the anon who sent mails to everyone and their mothers including jezebel.

>> No.5530286

>hardcover edition
Congratulations, you are one of three hardcover owners

Probably the only one on your continent

>> No.5530300

shove off, it's top quality

>> No.5530309

they didn't

>> No.5530316

here I was thinking all the talk abou this book had died

post pics anon

>> No.5530334

Anyone know where I can get a Kindle version for free? Tried looking but couldn't find it myself. And I don't have $.99 to buy it on Amazon.

>> No.5530344

why didn't we get tao lin to publish this

>> No.5530356

every single time something on 4chan goes for some kind of moderated creation like this it always creates a massive amount of butthurt

>> No.5530364

what are the other stats? give me the numbers.

>> No.5530366

I may be a bit drunk but I loled at the idea of Tao starting his own publisher spearheaded by his sexual abuse memoir and Tundra. That's a universe I want to live in.

>> No.5530376


>> No.5530394

post sales i wanna know where they buying this shit from

>> No.5530533

people don't seem to understand that the whole reason Tundra was interesting, productive, and successful was because it had low barriers to entry and got an existing community of people interested in and motivated in contributing...

trying to moderate this sort of process centrally to enforce coherence as some antidote to hive-authorship just leaves you with collaborative authorship, which has its own set of problems and advantages

the biggest blow to 'coherence' in hive style is that the interested authors want to write- they don't want to read all the shit everyone else has written before they start contributing -... even though this has a downside, it is actually a really big advantage for content production (i mean, how long did it take /lit/ to write a 440 page book? not very long), and there was self-regulation that tended to clearly separate one contribution from another in the structure of the text...

but to actually get 'coherence' in hive-writing you have to do something about that basic process... you have to make it easy for some random person to come to the text, knowing next to nothing about what is already written, and contribute meaningfully to it (wikipedia can do this quite well, for example, because it is a particular type of structured text that doesn't demand complete knowledge of everything written so far)

i don't think it's an insurmountable problem at all (it should also be considered that this sort of writing has its own unique properties and potentials and needn't bow to convention)... it could be done with some further abstraction, like a "writing prompt" or "prewritten summary" or similar... - and it would ideally involve contributors in choosing any such things

>> No.5530618

It's all on lulu books

>> No.5530634
File: 79 KB, 767x624, a few days ago.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

those are the current sales

here's one I posted a while ago

>> No.5530640


>> No.5530641

Wait, this is an actual text? I thought you guys just posted a bunch of cover designs as a joke.

>> No.5530645
File: 72 KB, 492x870, the best.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Almost a hundred anons have bought themselves a fine-quality paperback

>> No.5530649

>there's a French edition

I'm guessing this isn't actually in French?

>> No.5530650

Yes it's an actual novel.

>> No.5530652

enjoy http://www.totalitarian.info/public/assets/totalitarian.pdf

>> No.5530659

There's one in Finland too.

>> No.5530661

That would be correct

>> No.5530662



>> No.5530664

sick title guys

>> No.5530679

Tao Lin is lurking /lit/ right now, he's the anon who starts Pynchon threads everyday

listen to me you yellow shit I'm onto you

>> No.5530696

Tao lin = jooz

>> No.5530698

> Not Miami Edition
poor fella

>> No.5530699

>owning a book that doesn't exist yet

>> No.5530700

Is this one available in color text?


>> No.5530791

is this just the one cover though?

>> No.5530804

This is sales across all covers, although about 90% of the sales are one cover

>> No.5530805
File: 827 KB, 868x1300, anon (1 of 6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5530810
File: 706 KB, 868x1300, anon (2 of 6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5530818

Ah yes, the sexy blur

>> No.5530819

lol at the moot point

>> No.5530822

for some reason i lol'd at this

>> No.5530823
File: 702 KB, 868x1300, anon (3 of 6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5530832

fuck i want this book but there's no sensible euro retailer

spread the word amerikucks maybe someone will release it here

>> No.5530833
File: 715 KB, 868x1300, anon (4 of 6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5530836

dat tilt shift

>> No.5530837
File: 820 KB, 1300x868, anon (5 of 6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5530843
File: 772 KB, 868x1300, anon (6 of 6).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>tilt shift
I might get this page printed as a poster

>> No.5530844 [DELETED] 
File: 103 KB, 674x1023, dragonball z qt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What is a word that means "the way in which one presents themselves"?


>> No.5530861


>> No.5530866

temperament? mannerism?

>> No.5530870

I just read in the official totalitarianism website that we shouldn't buy the lulu version because it helps the kikes.
Is this true?
Does tha profit of the book sold in amazon really goes to autism.com?

>> No.5530875

decorum? only kinda sorta but figured i'd throw it out there

>> No.5530876

>he does it for free

>> No.5530877


>> No.5530882

nigs, is the book completed? I thought we were going to do more chapters.

>> No.5530884

All good answers. Thank you.
That's not even a word.

>> No.5530886

The first printed copy was ordered on the 7th

>> No.5530914

Can you give away any data on geography? I live in Australia, i wonder how many of my fellow countrymen have taken the plunge.

>> No.5530928

then how did you read it

>> No.5530929

10, mostly in the first 1-2 weeks

>> No.5530979

Just pay shipping nignog

>> No.5530986

What are you talking about? It's printed locally

I had my copy printed in Victoria and I'm pretty sure even IRELAND has its own printer.

>> No.5531164

There are books in Ireland?

>> No.5531176

Christ, I hate seeing this fucking book every time I come to /lit/, and constantly having to hide these threads.

>> No.5531180

nobody gives a shit, fuck off

>> No.5531185


Free Bible? In KJV? Hell yes.

Ordering. God bless the Mormons. Might be nuts, but hey, free Bibles!

>> No.5531188

Oh wow, having to hide one thread

tough life

>> No.5531191

Who made all the profit?

>> No.5531193


>> No.5531244

Help, how do i make a good reads review public.

>> No.5531247

>make account
>review work

>> No.5531345

Long after our hard-drives have failed and this website forgotten, we have this; a permanent reminder.

>> No.5531354

Seems as if people only like the fact that we actually made a book and self-published it rather than the atrocious shit that is contained within its pages.

>> No.5531360

still salty about the jooz chapter, Chaim?

>> No.5531367

>implying I haven't looked over every page

Some of it is actually quite funny

>> No.5531378

I r8 it 8/8

>> No.5531388

The book is many things, but it is also unique

much like Yurope was to /pol/ I imagine

>> No.5531402

>tfw first print first edition greatest cover
How much do you think I'll be able to sell this piece of gold when I get old?

>> No.5531417

It will be a prized artifact when all data is lost and it's the only written form of Pure Internet

>> No.5531428

I am from Slovenia
Am i able to buy this and where?

>> No.5531436

just ask Zizek
he always buys two copies of a book

>> No.5531446

Is lulu good? i'd really like the harcover and i love the cover design.
(i wasn't present for the creation of this, just stumbled on it today)
It would feel nice to have a collective project from 4chan in my hands.

>> No.5531451

Alright I'm just gonna post all the links from past threads

Free PDF of the text (not found on litwritesabook.com)

Original (Pynchon) French edition (standard b&w)

Fasces/tundra (standard b&w)

Fasce/tundra cover (colour, value quality)

French cover (standard b&w)

French cover (colour, value quality)

Pink/green cover (colour)

Fasces hardcover (b&w)

>> No.5531455

Well my paperback version is quite fine, looks like a glue behind the pages so there's no gap

feels like anything I'd pick up in a library, even has page numbers

>> No.5531457


made me chuckle

>> No.5531471

Too many choices... which one would you reccomend? What's the most "authentic" one?
Thanks :-)

>> No.5531477
File: 239 KB, 1347x953, oui oui.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only difference is the covers, all the content is the same

The original is the fasces (I'll start posting covers) which you can see in the OP

this one is the 'revised french edition'

>> No.5531482
File: 253 KB, 1245x815, mon bonbon fromage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And this one is the Pynchon (original french one)

If you want an 'official' one then I believe the original fasces is the most accepted cover

>> No.5531487

should i join my country's army or become a banker? my life is in your hands guys

>> No.5531488

And a copy in Leicester....

>> No.5531490

this is a serious question. no bs i will legitimately do what you tell me to

>> No.5531491


>> No.5531494

Be a banker, army is voluntary prison

>> No.5531504


>> No.5531510

Banker you fucking clown jesus christ why would anyone with a brain ever join the army?

>> No.5531511


>> No.5531567

Thanks man, i'm probably going for the fasces hardcover, but these french ones look really legit aswell

>> No.5531629


>> No.5531753

the colour edition

>> No.5531766


>> No.5531943

Where is the kindle edition? I don't want to pay for it

>> No.5531950

PDF or bust

>> No.5531979

>Free PDF of the text (not found on litwritesabook.com)

What ?

>> No.5531985

The one there is a later edition with bits cut out and changed, this is an earlier from from the 7th of last month (lulu version)

>> No.5531989

You mean the unfinished version ? Yea of course bits are changed as it's the final version. The part I wrote for example was only half written and full of temporary remarks in the version you linked there.

>> No.5531995

There's no such thing as an unfinished version, the 'latest' PDF I saw uploaded after this had 3000 words left. Your bit may have been extended, but others were probably cut.

>> No.5531996


but there's spanish words too :/

>> No.5531999

That's le joke

I think there's also some Italian

>> No.5532003

You know this is a /lit/ meme to discern the pleb from the patrician because only a pleb would waste his money on this peace of merde

>> No.5532011

>>5531995 There is a finished version which is the version when the project closed up and resolved all the left edit-proposals until that point. Others were probably cut by the authors themselves as they modified them.
All the unnecessary removals were undone so there shouldn't be missing anything.

>> No.5532012



>> No.5532032


>> No.5532144

is this a meme book?

>> No.5532303


someone who has a good email host should do this

>> No.5532323


>> No.5532399

You have to send copies if you want reviews.
I really wish some rich kids could waste money on this for the lols. Just a few hundred and send 6 or 9 copies.

>> No.5532402

"4chan hackers write book with over 30 contributers" is novel enough to get a filler article or two

>> No.5532969

please add that it was published on 9/11

>> No.5533003

I could review it for my site, though I really don't want to read it because it's probably horrible.

>> No.5533082

Please do though.

>> No.5533106

Review it without reading. Its 2014 people, get fucking creative.

>> No.5533117


Do you regularly take it in the Bournemouth?

>> No.5533120


>> No.5533125

Has anyone read the whole book?

>> No.5533126

Wait is some faggot profiting from this?

>> No.5533133

Yes, I have thus far made 1100$ from this.

>> No.5533141

I don't even know if these posts are legitimate or trolling anymore.

>> No.5533157


>> No.5533199

No, charts have been posted showing lulus expenses. It's as cheap as it gets for the decent quality it has.

Just answer politely if you want and move on. It's less than a minute of your life anyway.

>> No.5533208

It's the latest in the line of epic memes.

>> No.5533309

Welp, just placed an order for a hardcover.

Thanks, /lit/

>> No.5533361
File: 134 KB, 656x620, Postmodern Genius.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5533383

I'll read it now!
it's actually worth it, right?

>> No.5533483

The wikipedia article is blatantly written by one of the anons here

>> No.5533509

it's a legitimate question for someone who doesn't follow the threads
I know that was my first throught

>> No.5534483

We beat DFW


>> No.5534497
File: 2.13 MB, 350x326, GameShowReaction.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5534502

>the only thing more autistic than DFW
>is /lit/

>> No.5534597



>> No.5534639

>he doesn't recognise it!

>> No.5534921
File: 330 KB, 335x500, dead.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Wargaming encourages people to play unarmoured vehicles
>all that work in heavy and brit TD line for nothing

>> No.5535323

So we've got pics of hardcover and regular paperback, where's the colur?

>> No.5535477

I've sent off 200 emails to various papers

I doubt anyone is going to respond

>> No.5535483

good luck m8

>> No.5535512

Wait this shit was actually published? I thought it was just shitposting

>> No.5535514

I guess it is kind of crazy to think that /lit/ could be productive

>> No.5535526
File: 44 KB, 457x723, 1381477769980.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5535545

is that ordered from aus store or delivered to aus addresses?

(cause im in subset one but not two)

>> No.5535566

probably store

>> No.5535640

it's like this book is the only thing some of you have going for you

>> No.5535645

>stop enjoying fun things

sorry boss, I'll go back to the 9-5 and shitposting

>> No.5535708

This is simultaneously the funniest and boring book I've ever read in my life.

>> No.5535790
File: 377 KB, 350x196, 1411309955533.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You know I used to shit on this entire project and avoided it in the past but reading through that PDF this kind of seems like a genuinely interesting experiment now. It's so all over the place and odd.

I am feeling oscillated, bro. Very oscillated.

>> No.5535792

It's true

>> No.5535843

Will they ever stop printing it, or can I get it a year from now?

>> No.5535863


>> No.5535876

well it's gonna be the same book, but yeah assuming it doesn't get taken down by lulu somehow

>> No.5535882

Thanks, if this is still talked about months from now or actually gets picked up by the media.

>> No.5535885

>Thanks, if this is still talked about months from now or actually gets picked up by the media.
I'll pick it up*

>> No.5535907
File: 4 KB, 242x249, oi m8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5536294

>FOX news reports that 4chan has released a manifesto

>> No.5536304

The Tundra is like, the Internet and the Totalitarianism is like, the governments before the internet, yeah?

>> No.5536338

What could i expect if i decided to read this?

>> No.5536341

All the stuff on /lit/ that you sage and hide, but collected into book form.

>> No.5536369

You can peruse OP's selection of pictures

>> No.5536378

>in other words, not really worth it

is there at least an .epub version available?

>> No.5536386

PDF or paper

>> No.5536396

Is the paper version free?

>> No.5536405

Yeah, we just print off a 500 page bookstore-quality and ship it to your house, no charge

We're funded by the Swiss govnerment

>> No.5536411

who is profiting from this

>> No.5536412

oKay... how much then?
also why are the rich anons not donating so we poor ones can have hardcopy for free?

>> No.5536420



Lulu.com and moot

>> No.5536436
File: 200 KB, 159x124, EqqK1m4.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>helped to make the french cover version
>can't order the book because shipping costs are ass-rapingly high

>> No.5536438

Where do you live, anon?

>> No.5536564

it only costed me like 11 american dollars to ship to argentina
no tracking tho

>> No.5536594

I was trying to see how much would it cost to ship Tundra to Poland

unfortunately our mudhats have invalid postal codes

>> No.5536628

>it's listed in the gay and lesbian section

>> No.5536636

boy pussy

>> No.5536642

girl dick

>> No.5536648

feminine penis

>> No.5536666

Holy fuck this is awful.

I love it.

>> No.5536678

masculine vagina

>> No.5536687

masculine vagina

>> No.5536691

>yfw years from now students will study this book to understand 2010's internet culture

>> No.5536693

No they won't

>> No.5536694


>> No.5536720

Yes they will

>> No.5536737

to uczucie.

>> No.5536739

It's not gonna happen.

>> No.5536753

4chan culture is still a quite small niche culture compared to the rest of the internet.

You really thin Bob Saget and Dakota Fanning and Boypussy references are known by the mainstream?

>> No.5536758

I think the mainstream know who Bab Saget and Dakota Fanning are

>> No.5536763

Yeah, but not in "our" context.

>> No.5536767

i dont get them explain???????

>> No.5536770

There is no context.

>> No.5536773

Keep telling yourself that.

>> No.5536775

There is no explanation.

>> No.5536779

What special context does this site have for Dakota Fanning and Bob Saget?

>> No.5536793

They're just random arbitrary references to celebrities and literally anyone can tell you that

>> No.5536962
File: 37 KB, 251x242, 1406492816432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>US and Canada only

>> No.5537242

where can i read this?

>> No.5537348

The Dakota Fanning reference stems from Tao Lin's pseudo-autistic obsession with the actress.

>> No.5538086

Wait is some faggot profiting from this?

>> No.5538146

its a reference to richard yates

>> No.5538255

Yeah, I make $5 from every copy sold.

>> No.5538274


>> No.5538277

the book mind you, not the author.

>> No.5538310
File: 51 KB, 500x375, Trolled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5538473

you sly dirty wet cunt

>> No.5538875

Right, why is the paperback on LULU twice the amount of pages as the hardback, also, should I read this? I mean it's funny but incoherent, worth it at all?

>> No.5538888

Anyone knows why the hardcover is only 290 pages long? Is it due to formatting or is there less content?

>> No.5538914

there's less content

>> No.5539005

awwwwwww shit, I wanted hardcover, but I'd rather get the meatier version

>> No.5539034

Search the thread

>> No.5539042

He's kidding fellas

>> No.5539044

There is not less content, that's bollocks. It's purely formatting.

>> No.5539075
File: 66 KB, 640x496, zbhDlbG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.5539096

Confirmed, just payed 18usd for hardcover with shipping included.

Has it arrived though? That's kind of why I'm afraid of using non-trackable shipments, you know how often things get "lost" in our postal system.

>> No.5539114

Goddamn he's short.

Met Sasha briefly once, didn't cop a feel like Elijah though

>> No.5539116
File: 139 KB, 354x357, 1412221530279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having this little faith in the postal system

>> No.5539143


>> No.5539154

Boy you sure have never been in Russia.

>> No.5539159

How long do these codes last?

>> No.5539198

I had one of these bibles, they DO put footnotes relating to their doctrine for certain scriptures

>> No.5539210

no it's going to take a month man even if it doesn't arrive i'll ask for a refund and order again until it arrives
if they offer refunds
bookdepository does that

>> No.5539232

Nor in Argieland.

Free shipping until tomorrow if I'm not mistaken.

>> No.5539243

thanks i ordered the paperback but now im ordering the hardback too!
im worried about the footnoes tho

>> No.5539250

Prove it!

>> No.5539342

ok I gave in and ordered it

>> No.5539345
File: 176 KB, 768x1280, Screenshot_2014-10-06-10-09-19.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm the goddamn publisher

>> No.5539348
File: 9 KB, 350x334, 1411620311328.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw i ordered the paperback and the hardcover
what am i doing with my life...

>> No.5539422

Should have went with hard and colour, what a dumbass.

>> No.5539424

You're goddamn right you are

>> No.5539433

n-no.. dont m-make me do i-it...

>> No.5539439

Claim back the order and fix it, or god help me-

>> No.5539452


>> No.5539471

i order the paperback a week ago its not going to happen bro
i'll colour it with some markers

>> No.5539594
File: 21 KB, 500x379, ayy lmao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100th copy produced

>> No.5539631

post info

>> No.5539643

See >>5530634

Just imagine it says 100

>> No.5539645

i need actual proof

>> No.5539657
File: 19 KB, 761x245, tadaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ya happy now toots?

>> No.5539658
File: 55 KB, 661x805, 10541060_327845074060074_3152050288852128184_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5539666

post the bottom part

>> No.5539667

post the bottom part

>> No.5539683
File: 60 KB, 760x426, calm down son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only becaue it's #100


>> No.5539684

>I own three copies of this book, and I have written serious letters to over ninety web publications in an attempt to get it reviewed

I wish I was dead.

>> No.5539685
File: 409 KB, 680x720, [Insert cute anime scared noise here].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5539694

I've sent 400

>> No.5539696

wtf its not may

>> No.5539699

I was hoping to see me but I can't.

>> No.5539705

It takes time to process

>> No.5539707

Does lulu sends you an email when they ship your book?

>> No.5539713

M8 you're havin a rite larf ain't ya?

>> No.5539715

idk BR0 lmao

>> No.5539755

it is

>> No.5539756

>Buying the for-profit version

>> No.5539761

There's a summary at the end of chapter 9. It's weird.

>> No.5539768

M8s we're about to hit the bump limit, if you would kindly


>> No.5539770

Thank god we have an advocate.

>> No.5541644
