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5520003 No.5520003 [Reply] [Original]

Checkmate, atheists and theists!

>> No.5520016


>> No.5520025


>> No.5520139

Has anyone actually read this one here? I thought it was good but it should have been longer.

>> No.5520507

Of course nobody has read it. If /lit/ read Sam Harris, they'd realize that he's actually pretty reasonable and a good educator. They couldn't handle the cognitive dissonance, so they prefer to hate him blindly.

>> No.5523160

>Letting a radical atheist tell you about Geist

>> No.5523171

>Muslims are nazis
>by Sam Harris
He's Neo conservatism, for blue staters, a bigot.

>> No.5523174

>pointlessly using capitalized German terms instead of English ones in an attempt to sound intelligent

>> No.5523194

That statement of his pretty reasonable. Anything else would be denial.

>> No.5523221

>criticism of people's unconsidered beliefs

It's idiots like you who are going to really fuck up the world.

>> No.5523225

Back to your containment board, shitlords.

>> No.5523235

It really is phenomenal watching your brainless faggots have absolutel no points or justification for why your blindly defend demographics that are obviously primitive and violent. How do you never realize what mindless little parrot retarded drones you are? At least when the hell you're being programmed to support finally breaks you'll be the first to die.

When the SJW indoctrination empire falls and everyone realized they don't want to die from ebola, the entire world is going to cleanse every last nigger from that continent and there won't be anything a bunch of 500lb trannies can do about it.

>> No.5523242
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>> No.5523252

So does he believe in God, or not? Does he believe in gods?

>> No.5523253

What people on /lit/ say when they have nothing to say.

>> No.5523267

The criticism of beliefs =/= bigotry. There's really no more to it.

>> No.5523280
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>> No.5523313

>Spirituality Without Religion
That doesnt even make sense

>> No.5523320

>SJW indoctrination
Not the guy, but it's always curious when a group agrees upon a certain jargon and how a whole dimension of opinions becomes obvious just by association. It's like they're not having a mind of their own, yet they claim to be totally individualistic and whatnot. I swear most of you don't even think about what the terms you're using actually mean, but it's some kind of meme that got stuck and you're basically just hive minding the illusion of a personality. It's like you're time sharing opinions and expressions.

>> No.5523326

lololololol rong. I tip my fadlra aosdijfa'osdinf aksdnflk

>> No.5523334

It's fun how your post looks like it's constructed and well-argued at first sight, but once one reads it one realize it is but a long-winded way to say "nigger are shit and so are you".

Please, explain in what Muslims abide by a racist ideology fueling on post-WWI, post-crash middle-class resentment and German ethnic pride with a strong contempt for Arabs (among others)?

>> No.5523341

You mean your post ?

>inb' y-you too

This thread is a y-you too shitfest so far, I'm merely being honest about it.

>> No.5523349

Don't blame him. If he knew better he wouldn't have written it.

>> No.5523359

You're right. I shouldn't be itt in the first place.

Sage for self-disgust.

>> No.5523377

Don't blame yourself.

>> No.5523394


>> No.5523402 [DELETED] 

When you guys are fone felchine santorum out of each other's distended anuses black people will still blatantly suck and africa will still be an animalistic shithole forever.

>> No.5523409

If you were anything but an animal you would stop using curse words and become a man.

>> No.5523431

Harris raises reasonable points and he's fairly erudite but he puts me to sleep

he's like the J. Mascis of atheism

>> No.5523445


>> No.5525966 [DELETED] 

The more I read about Sam Harris, the more I agree with him.

>> No.5525989


>> No.5526004

Why? My post was not whining about women. I don't see how it belongs on /pol/.

>> No.5526011

Go back to /pol/ you bigoted shitlord.

>> No.5526023

I did not post any misogyny.

>> No.5526033

"Science is not only compatible with spirituality; it is a profound source of spirituality"

-Carl Sagan

>> No.5526037

spirituality belongs on >>>/x/

>> No.5526042

You were being bigoted against Muslims.

>> No.5526044

>not religious
>must belong on /pol/
theist logic everyone

>> No.5526047

They are promoting genocide and gender inequality. If anyone belongs on >>>/pol/ then it's you.

>> No.5526048

Keep /pol/ in /pol/, asshole.

>> No.5526050

many muslims use their faith to justify terror attacks

>> No.5526051

You're the bigoted one thinking that all Muslims fit the extremist stereotype.

>> No.5526053

It's written in their holy book.

>> No.5526059

No, it isn't.

>> No.5526060

>i can't argue against them so i will just post the tired old insult over and over in the hopes they go away
muslims literally admit that their god's prophet was a paedophile

>> No.5526061

No it's not.
No they don't

>> No.5526075

>Wives have the same rights as the husbands have on them in accordance with the generally known principles. Of course, men are a degree above them in status. Surah 2:228

>The male's share of the inheritance shall be twice that of a female.
Surah 4:11

>And forbidden to you are wedded wives of other people except those who have fallen in your hands as prisoners of war.
Surah 4:24

>And if you be apprehensive that you will not be able to do justice to the orphans, you may marry two or three or four women whom you choose. But if you apprehend that you might not be able to do justice to them, then marry only one wife, or marry those who have fallen in your possession.
Surah 4:3

>If you fear highhandedness from your wives, remind them [of the teaching of God], then ignore them when you go to bed, then hit them.
Surah 4:34

>> No.5526079

Well not every Muslim believes that.

>> No.5526082

literally fuck off

>> No.5526083
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>quoting out of context

>> No.5526089

By definition of their belief they do

>> No.5526090

>the qur'an
>literal list of things you ought to know completely unrelated to each other

read the fourth fucking surah and stop being blind to islam's sexism

>> No.5526092

>holy book literally the word of god
>not all muslims believe it
it's not like christianity where you can say 'oh that was just intended for the jews i don't have to follow it', it's the ACTUAL word of god taken down by his prophet

>> No.5526095

No they don't.
Yeah but not everyone believes the backwards parts.

>> No.5526096

Read everything and see why you're wrong.

>> No.5526099

>Yeah but not everyone believes the backwards parts.
>word of god
you're so ignorant. i bet you're an american. have you even met a muslim before?
i have i used to be a muslim so fuck off you illiterate retard

>> No.5526103

I'm not the ignorant one you shitlord.

>> No.5526104

>tu quoque
typical /pol/tard fallacy

not even a muslim but you should really keep that braindead insultory shit to /pol/

>> No.5526113

you have proven yourself completely ignorant of islam repeatedly.

>> No.5526116


>> No.5526754

I read a lot if it last night and it's actually pretty good, especially if you want to into Buddhism and eastern philosophy but don't know how to go about it. He tips his fedora every now and then to satisfy his fanbase but it's minimal. You guys shouldn't avoid reading someone just because a portion of their fanbase is retarded. Almost everything you like probably liked by millions of retards too.

>> No.5526799

Funny how all of the ones you choose are about women, and they all happen to be correct. It's like you have some kind of agenda