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5518723 No.5518723 [Reply] [Original]

Is philosophy useful?

>> No.5518730

Not in the way a dildo is useful. More like in the way a waifu is useful.

>> No.5518733

Philosophy is defined so broadly they would have you believe that you couldn't think without it.

>> No.5518736


My dildo is named Stirner.

>> No.5518739

Because he's an artificial dick?

>> No.5518750


Because he makes a dialectical materialist butthurt.

>> No.5518757

He makes fun of dialectic idealism, not dialectical materialism.

>> No.5518762


Marx was a dialectical materialist.

>> No.5518771


Is science useful?

>> No.5518778

I know, but Marx hasn't created dialectic materialism when Stirner wrote. Stirner lampooned Hegelian idealist dialectic. The reason he made Marx upset is because he fucked all the farts out of communism and socialism.

>> No.5518791

>The reason he made Marx upset is because he fucked all the farts out of communism and socialism.

Which are based on dialectical zionism.

>> No.5518794

Survival tip #43: when you're out of newspaper, use some pages from the nearest philosophy book, in order to get a fire going.

>> No.5518795

>Is science useful? he asked on the Internet, invented by scientists using the scientific method

>> No.5518802

They're based on butthurt French poorfags and mediocre intellectuals from le sneaky guillotine war

>> No.5518808


>scientific method

>> No.5518809

More like dialectical kabbalah. Marxism is just a repackaged Zoharian prophecy for the goyim.

>> No.5518811

hey aren't you supposed to be dead or something?

>> No.5518817


Guess who's back
Back again
Elliot's back
Tell a friend

>> No.5518821

That was painfully unfunny.

>> No.5518822


mfw people still think the guillotine was even a significant part of Le Revolution

>> No.5518829


So's your face.

>> No.5518836
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>> No.5518844
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Way to go science, you turned another youthful man with a future into a recluse. If it weren't for the internet, he would be in Paris now. Ah yes, he ran into a French teenage girl in a museum. She came up and made a joke that he looked serious as he was contemplating a painting. Then they had a long day discussion art and philosophy, then she read him some Baudelaire and got quieter and quieter and they kissed, and then rushed back to his sumptuous hotel room were they made passionate love, and she told him he could sodomize her and she had not done it with anyone else. In the morning she would sleepily open her eyes to to smell of espresso, brewed proper with a little espresso kettle, and as she poured her demitasse full, he would lightly slap her undressed bottom, and she would gasp and turn around and say, "Yoo ar sooth a cad!" and without even getting dressed, she would join him on the balcony, and they would share a cigarette together and talk about how lovely the day is...eventually he would get around to how he's a successful writer living the bohemian lifestyle, and how she wanted her to come traveling with him...but not yet...that could wait...

But here's the internet, thanks to science. So instead he's shitposting and masturbating to cheap porn.

>> No.5518853

The French don't know anything about philosophy. Neither do women. Name me 10 great female logicians.

>> No.5518855

>successful writer living the bohemian lifestyle


>> No.5518862


Alan Turing + 8 Alan Turingbots
Ada Lovelace

>> No.5518877


>> No.5518899

>The French don't know anything about philosophy
>the country and culture that gave birth to Descartes, Rousseau, Voltaire, Montaigne, De Rochefoucauld, Sartre, Foucault, Derrida, Nietzsche, Bataille and Baudrillard doesn't know anything about philosophy

Top fucking kek.

>> No.5518908

Continental philosophy =/= philosophy

>> No.5518922


Daily reminder that Bertrand Russell was a faggot.

>> No.5518989

His sexuality is irrelevant. He was also a socialist, but stupidity outside of his work is not stupidity in his work.

>> No.5518993


Do americans always do this thing where you think your view on politics is detachable from your personality? As if it's like picking a sports team, or something?

>> No.5519011

When philosophy becomes useful they stop calling it "philosophy" and start calling it "law" or "politics" or "advertising", etc.

>> No.5519015

You see, in mathematics and philosophy, real philosophy (logic), answers are correct or incorrect independent of their origin.

>> No.5519025


I have absolutely no quarrels with analytic philosophy but your manner of championing it is scientism 2.0

>> No.5519028

The only problem I can see is that it presupposes logical and mathematical truths.

>> No.5519032

Scientism, I'm referring to.

>> No.5519034


And the answer to that has always been the same,

To be able to have a judgement on artificial notions (which is a requisite of social life) you must first define a set of axioms pertaining to the subject which necessitates discussion that is outside of the realm of application of both the scientific method and analytic philosophy. Have a nice day.

>> No.5519037

Actually, the day is over in Tasmania.

>> No.5519039


Splendid evening, then

>> No.5519389

⇒More like in the way a waifu is useful.

So it's not useful at all and is only a symptom of profound psychiatric illness?

>> No.5519451


>> No.5519459

Haven't you read Madness and Civilization?

>> No.5519500

Yes, in the way that art is useful. It isn't essential to life but it pleases the mind.

>> No.5519504

Should I become a ferry captain?

>> No.5519528

please.. someone tell me.. i am a very desperate man

>> No.5520623


>> No.5520628

That question is too hard for philosophy. Maybe science can help you.

>> No.5520728

>what scientists actually believe

>> No.5520741

If it piques your interest, yes.

>> No.5520755

>Is philosophy useful?

Philosophy is a lot like masturbating. You think real hard about something that isn't real and never will be, you feel good in the process, but once you actually 'let it out'(speak it shall we say) you realize how stupid it was to think about in the first place.

>> No.5520760

I actually know a ferry captain who lives in Seattle. Easy gig.

>> No.5520775

>you realize how stupid it was to think about in the first place.

as opposed to?

>> No.5520787

Addition: The fruits of your labor in masturbation and philosophy are both basically a small puddle of crap that no one wants to see or touch, is then wiped up with a napkin and throw in the garbage.

>> No.5520844

>sciencefags confirming they only do it for acceptance and satisfaction

You just have to chose OP
>Being a drooling moron, at least you'll have a chance at being happy (if you give a shit)
>Being a pathetic Fedora Nerd who pretends to explore the universe but only does it for peer acceptance.
>Being an enlightened philosopher (read. A hobo jerking off in the mud), who does not give a fuck therefore is infinitely closer to The Truth (which is meaningless)

>> No.5520880

>The fruits of your labor are pointless in both masturbation and philosophy, also in everything else.

Fix'd for you

>> No.5520899

>Meaningless truth

I wouldn't say that...

>> No.5520910

Is usefulness useful?

>> No.5520933

Meaning is created by the human mind, The Truth exist before and without meaning therefore it is free from it. Funnily enough it doesn't make a bit of difference objectively speaking as objective and meaning are the same.

>> No.5521002

You said "meaning is objective" and "meaning is created by the human mind". That's inconsistent.

>> No.5521045

How so? Something is only objective when observed by a perspective, there can be no objective truth because truth is neither objective nor subjective, it simply is and the human mind works with objects (something perceived by a subject) and ideas (subject perceiving itself.

>> No.5521086

That was a little convoluted, I can sum it up with "Because we reason, we'll never find truth, only meaning"

>> No.5521131
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>> No.5521154

you're a chronic retard if you think it isn't

>> No.5521211

not my fucking trip gd

>> No.5521225


>> No.5521245

fucking mods


>> No.5521322


>> No.5521331


>> No.5521346

anyway you're a chronic retard if you think it isn't

>> No.5523129

Philosophy is the most worthwhile endeavor if pursued for its own sake.
Otherwise it's not worth it at all.

>> No.5523152

define 'useful'

oh w8 u need philosophy 4 that

>> No.5524908


>> No.5524934

Thanks for the quick mental voyage this post gave me