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/lit/ - Literature

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5518533 No.5518533[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>decide to take literature course
>professor and 80% of class are women
>not overly feminist but their analysis is always centered around the female identity of the story
>literally every one is obsessed with it
>realize i can't give my straightforward interpretation as it will be ignored/disputed
>start giving semi-feminist talking points in my responses
>now professor 'loves' reading my analyses
>become respected in the class
>i'm only doing it for the grade

who am i become, /lit/? it feels so empty

>> No.5518541

I did the same thing. Got me an incredibly undeserved A in the class (I didn't even write half of my papers, I just made up excuses and she let it go) and helped me get a metaphysics paper published. Just try to remember that you're not actually talented, they're all just dumb.

>> No.5518557

Yeah, you're probably right about that. It just sucks to be at that age where the pragmatics of the situation outweigh the idealism

>> No.5518587

oh yeah, i forgot
>write analysis
>it's dry and dull
>some real basic shit
>start drinking vodka
>get drunk
>decide to start again
>first line "<character> is a hopelessly sad character"
>just rip apart the character and flesh out how profoundly sad the story is
>great marks from professor

is alcohol is the amphetamine for an english major or did i just get lucky?

>> No.5518589

>It just sucks to be at that age
You think it ever stops?

>> No.5518595

no. that's why it sucks.

>> No.5518601

what a sad man
i cry for the sad man
when will you be able to show your true lit genius without all these bitches
hold on sad man

>> No.5518608

i'm not even posturing that i'm a genius i just don't like writing disingenuously.

>> No.5518616

sorry not-genius sad man
what not-genius feminist unfriendly interpretations are being stifled
let it all out here
it's safe

>> No.5518618

I started my university course recently too. I had to explain to the teacher that she was wrong in saying all interpretations were of equal worth, and that the ones with the most evidence and context to support them had the most value. She's one of those wishy-washy cows that's too thick to tell people when they're talking out of their arse

>> No.5518625

You took this class to learn something.
Rejecting the things that your teacher says/believes will just be a waste of time.
Do what you're doing. It's a GOOD thing to try and see from someone else's point of view once and a while.

The class will end. You will move on. You will forget. But you will be better for the experience. And so will your GPA.

>> No.5518627

>the ones with the most evidence and context to support them had the most value
Which unit do you use to measure evidence, context and value?

>> No.5518636

mostly interpretations that are less forgiving to female characters in general. i just want to avoid any possible interpretations of "misogyny" because it's hassle i don't want to consider

i'm not really rejecting them. my professor doesn't seem to be interjecting a strong bias; i could probably do well in the class without it. i'm doing it because it lightens the load a ton. i actually feel more sexist for doing this because i feel like i'm just manipulating typical female stereotypes in english class but it works.

eh i used to argue with professors kind of when i was younger and more stupid but now i do what i can to have a voice that gets the professor talking but not enough to brush against their ego. they like feeling like they "educated" someone and it's not worth disputing an idea as an undergrad.

>> No.5518649

what have you been reading in the class

>> No.5518650

Marx, Derrida, Bad Feminist, etc.

>> No.5518659

>I have a chance to get a lot of lot of pussy
>I'm depressed because women care more about the female outlook than the male outlook
Women gonna women, you should be happy you have a 4-1 female ratio on your class. Goddamn, pussy all day and all night, fuck fuck fuck

>> No.5518660
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>> No.5518690

Niggers tongue my anus

>> No.5518707
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That shitty, clearly biased class will end.
I'm sorry that you have to water down your work and change them to fit their views in order to do well in class...
Try to remember who you are, though I know it's hard.
Maybe you can take time to write things or do things that help you remember who you are, outside of classes, or at lunch and such.
I'm sorry, sir...
Schools need to give more of a shit about the teachers they hire and what's being taught to their students. I know someone who had a similar experience, again, in post secondary.

Pic unrelated

>> No.5518716

>water down your works*

>> No.5518717
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>attending university

>> No.5518789
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>mfw the Sorbonne

>> No.5518807

This is the metaphor for the current feminist movment. Girls are going bat-shit hoping for "Obama Change", betas go along thinking they'll get pussy while Alphas behave as they always have, supported by the girls.

>> No.5518826

Usually I'm on your side, where I just go along with the ideological bias of my prof because I don't care about using the class to express my opinions and can still get something out of it despite the bias of the prof. But this is a common problem, and it seems more and more people are doing this. It almost seems like it's worth calling profs out on their bullshit or at least writing analyses you actually think are worthwhile and then fighting for their legitimacy in spite of no feminist deconstruction. Not doing so seems to confirm the irrelevance of academia.

>> No.5518837

If theories have textual evidence to back them, like quotes from the actual text that fits them, then they are better than theories that do not match the text. This is very basic, but she was encouraging someone in the task to ignore this, and instead make leaps of faith that have no value in academia. I would like to add that she asked me to say why I disproved; I didn't correct her off the back like some edgelord

>> No.5518868

show those bitches!
your powerful textual evidence will defeat the academy and feminism at last!
please post inspirational tales of you owning those dumb prof bitches, take back the classroom!

>> No.5518869

So hackneyed.

>> No.5518883

these dudes are describing their fantasy anti-feminist version of God's Not Dead

>> No.5518884

OP you need to take an actual stand and fight for your ideals, for fucks sake. You'll get scorned in that class, so fuck it. You'll learn much more valuable lessons, like providing arguments and defending yourself. Nothing will ever change unless you step up.

>> No.5518897

That's surely what you'd like people to believe, but it seems more likely that they just want to write lit papers w/o being expected to conform to their professor's ideology.

>> No.5518903

It wasn't feminism in my case, it was just me calling out something really stupid some guy said, and then speaking with the teacher when she tried to defend the position

>> No.5518918


>who am i become

My sweetest friend
Every culture course
Is filled with gays
In the end

>> No.5518932

Who the fuck cares OP? Give your goddamn honest thoughts and opinions and stick with them. Just be assertive and respectable about it. People will only hate you if you act like a douche.

>> No.5518938
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>taking courses with mostly women
>taking courses taught by women
>taking courses with soft subjects where 90% of your grade will be intangible ~feelings~
>taking courses without selecting them on the basis that their instructor's ratemyprofessor page has at least one butthurt feminist calling them a fossil on it
>taking courses and expecting to do anything other than scry and parrot the professor's viewpoint

>> No.5518969

''Douche'' is a rather ambiguous word nowadays though. I've seen people describe pics and people as ''douchy'' simply for being buff. Normal clothes, not a word said, just a muscular dude with his clothes on.

>> No.5518977

I don't like people who use the word douche. Like occasionally as fuck is fine, but especially guys who call others douches are usually far more douchey.

>> No.5518986

boo hoo. what do you think it's like being a woman?

>> No.5518987

anxious and unhappy always

>> No.5518997

>>realize i can't give my straightforward interpretation as it will be ignored/disputed

translation: I'm a coward, incapable of defending my arguments.

>> No.5520544

Wonderful and full of pleasure.