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5513772 No.5513772 [Reply] [Original]

Please /lit/, help me see the beauty and worth in life. I don't want to kill myself. How do I cure my nihilistic pessimism?

>> No.5513782

I'll give you the same advice that some kind anon gave me earlier tonight-

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.5513784



>> No.5513785

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.5513790

I should have thought before perpetuating insensitivity.

>> No.5514334

That's sad OP
It's your birthday and you are gonna hang yourself...
I suggest you take off the hat.

>> No.5514337

Adhere to the conclusion the MC makes in Nausea.

>> No.5514338


>> No.5514339

I don't understand how a nihilist can be a pessimist or pessimism can be nihilistic.
Captcha: 420

>> No.5514340

pussy is better

>> No.5514350

>still hasn't embraced the absurd


>> No.5514354

>expensive placebos

>> No.5514355

Go take a hike

>> No.5514357

To embrace the absurd is functionally meaningless. A better one would be to embrace the infinite and oneself.

>> No.5514358

smoke sum dat weed brah

>> No.5514362

The best way I know of doing this, then, is to love somebody; to tell your sins to a lover after sex - think Bonnie and Clyde and how much fun and freaky sex they must have had.

>> No.5514372


I am so going drinking and having sex today.

>> No.5514591


>> No.5514641


>> No.5514646

Being a nihilist should be reason enough not to, shouldn't it?

>> No.5514654


they are not
i even heard a story of a girl with depression who refused to visit a doctor and to take drugs, her relatives secretly gave her anti-depressants with food and eventually cured her

>> No.5514660

>help me see the beauty in life
>I don't want to kill myself

If there was nothing to life you wouldn't have this urge. Accept the universe and your absurd situation, abandon the moralities of others and do only what benefits you.

Meaning is not universal. It's instilled by action. The keychain you own and the keychain given to a boy before his father died in Afghanistan are very different beings. One belongs to the son of a shitty dad.

>> No.5514710

This is a largely untrue or incomplete story, because it is imperative that there be counseling along with the drug treatment. The mind creates what it will with whatever you put into it - hence so many people meeting God while on drugs, for example.

>> No.5514725

your life is nothing more than what you are experiencing

>> No.5514735

anti-depressants objectively increase the concentration of serotonin in your brain. they even objectively may put you in mania if you are bipolar
afaik counseling is mostly needed to fix the result of the treatment or to improve it

>> No.5514744

And in some cases, without therapy, people have manufactured a mental capacity for suicide with the drugs. True enough, simply calling the drugs placebos isn't so accurate, but it isn't so bad either all things considered.

>> No.5514765

Both of you may find the following paper interesting reading:


>The magnitude of benefit of antidepressant medication compared with placebo increases with severity of depression symptoms and may be minimal or nonexistent, on average, in patients with mild or moderate symptoms. For patients with very severe depression, the benefit of medications over placebo is substantial.

>> No.5514769


yes, it's kind of funny that suicide may even be even listed as their side effect in the instruction

afaik it's usually teens with suicide inducing depression during first ~2 weeks of taking the drug

>> No.5514775

You must learn to project meaning onto life. Life is only as meaningless or meaningful as you allow or cause it to be. If things matter for you, they can lend meaning. Strive towards things.

>> No.5515146
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you've got to have power of mind over body op. I can concentrate so hard that I can make myself cum without touching my penis.

>> No.5515153

It is a mistake to imagine that man can exhaust his destiny, or can reach the bottom of anything whatever. Alas! what are all these destinies thus driven pell-mell? whither go they? why are they so? He who knows that, sees all the shadow. He is alone. His name is God.

>> No.5515158

Had a night like this last night. Didn't sleep, just sat around abusing any substance I could get my hands on, self harming and pitying myself...and then hating myself for pitying myself.

On the other side of it today and all is well. Trying to take measures to hopefully prevent it happening again.

I think you've just got to take a step back and locate the source of the unhappiness.

For example, today I thought about it and what was getting me down last night was a lack of significant achievements or master level of skill at anything.

So I've re-evaluated my goals. They're no longer "goals", they're just thinks I'd like to do. If I did them I'd be happy, but to 'cause myself enough strain that I have an episode like that just isn't worth it, so if they don't get done it's probably for the best.

Be realistic. Do things you enjoy. If you want something, go get it. It doesn't have to fuck you up though. If you want a newspaper you don't have to fucking sprint to the newsagents and end up so exhausted you can't enjoy reading it. Take your time OP. Stroll through life and focus on your own happiness.

That was a bit waffle-y, sorry. Hope it helps in some way.

>> No.5515164

>For patients with very severe depression, the benefit of medications over placebo is substantial.

I read this is only because placeno effect is far less likely to occur in severely depressed people, rather than antidepressants actually being more effective

>> No.5515172

afaik the anti-depressants usually don't improve the mood of those whose serotonin level is already normal, that's the reason why junkies don't usually abuse them (another one that their effect appears like after 1-2 weeks of taking them while having all the side-effects for those weeks)

>> No.5515184

Soldier through. If you're not clinically depressed you'll come to terms with it in a few weeks.

>> No.5515187

Denial of the Will.

>> No.5515191

Start with the Nietzsche

>> No.5516124

Do not do this

All you need to do to find out how bad antidepressants are is to search them on the /pol/ archive and see how many lives they've ruined.

>> No.5516139

The Will to Suicide

>> No.5516163
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>not baby's first ideology

>> No.5516205

Honestly, OP, there's nothing anyone could say to make life more appealing. We are the by-products of 2 billion years of sentient warfare, all those countless death instruments ripping calories from one another. I can't even open my mind up to that level of pointless suffering. As Zappfe said, we artificially limit the content of our consciousness so as not to go insane. You can see that defense mechanism at work in this very thread. People will tell you it is something more than your DNA wanting to survive that gives you the desire to continue living in spite of knowing there's no light at the end of the tunnel, but I can't stress enough how self-deluded these people are. I would be dead if it weren't for rhe innate, irrational proclivities of our biology. Life's awful, tragic and disgusting and once you stop bullshitting yourself about that it is impossible to 'go back'. I am truly sorry.

>> No.5516215
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>> No.5516227

Be compassionate - stop eating meat

>> No.5516238

Fuck off

>> No.5516249

Stay in the meat-eating cult pleb

>> No.5516454
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Thought so. But that reminds me of the messiah method, so I guess it's not all bad, I might be able to cope. I've heard of electro magnetic stimulation therapy reducing the emotional reaction to certain thoughts, I wonder why nobody has tried to use it to knock out those parts of the brain that make dying such a bitch (fear and panic etc...). If that could happen I'd be good to go, fuck existence, it's such a nightmare.

>tfw forever a whiny emo pussy too scared to kill himself

>> No.5516542

Ms.Maya Angelou always makes me feel warm :)

>> No.5516564

Kill yourself or meet Ebola Chan

>> No.5516569


Do it, faggot.

>> No.5516571

read Twilight

>> No.5516572

If he's american, he won't have to search her actively. Ebola-chan will come to him.

>> No.5516639

This. I would add that you shouldn't expect a bunch of edgy, sheltered sociopaths 4chan to understand a posistion of sensitivity to suffering.

>> No.5516708

It's called not being a pussy LOL

But seriously I empathises with those without some sort of sociopathic trait. We need to tune out that shit to keep going.

>> No.5516803

> nihilistic pessimism

That's an oxymoron. How's highschool?

>> No.5516844

no, its not

Nihilistic optimism
"Nothing matters, so just have some fuckin fun"

Nihilistic pessimism
"Nothing matters, so why even bother?"

>> No.5516851

Aquinas said that true happiness is impossible with the threat of death always over our heads. Either gain wealth to distract yourself, or find inner peace through religion.

May God bless you, you snivelling little faggot

>> No.5516859

No, the second one is called being a cry baby bitch who's scared of life.


>> No.5516865

which is basically what OP was complaining about.

>> No.5516920

What books should I read to finally push me to suicide? Nietzsche pushed me pretty close, but he's not enough resentful towards the weak.

>> No.5516999
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>tfw it becomes harder each day to have fun
>tfw you get bored easily
>tfw your biggest fear is boredom

>> No.5517103

So basically use the 'Brave New World' solution and take soma? No.

>> No.5517806


Read the Enchiridion, it's like $2 on Amazon