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5513424 No.5513424[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

you actually read books? why?

>> No.5513434

I've been waiting for this epic thread all day
I read books because I'm a nerd xDDDDDD`

>> No.5513445

nothing better to do

>> No.5513461


sports, vidya, sex, drinking, movies, travel.... none of those things appeal to you?

>> No.5513476

they are pleb forms of indulgence
books are the best form

>> No.5513512

not particularly. alcohol tastes like crap. watching sports is dumb. video games are repetitive and tedious. traveling is expensive and tiring. movies are even more soporific than books to me.

>> No.5513566
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I don't know whether to laugh or to cry at this post.

>> No.5513596

I do all of those things at a professional level, and I read while doing them.

>> No.5513615

none with the exception of some films require any particular effort to understand therefore none are worthwhile or are of any value to me

>> No.5513629

i don't actually read books

i just go copy every big word i see on here into google and check out the wikipedia article and come back on to show-off my vague understanding of the universe and beyond

>> No.5513636

please, let this be a troll

>> No.5513655

they all became vapid as time passes

books too lose their value

in the end you're left with dmt and a noose as your only two slightly arousing options

>> No.5513661


>being this normal
bet you're a non-virgin too

>> No.5513674

I keep up with NFL (not American)
Seriously mundane
And in-between those bouts of lust you fill the void with what exactly?
I'm beginning to think you're in your teens
Passive activity, I prefer reading though I don't dislike films
Once again, there are going to be times when you're in your hotel room with nothing to do

You're a true pleb m8, enjoy your badge

>> No.5513693

>being this degenerate

>> No.5513715

Never have i travelled and spent more than the minimum time possible in the hotel room.. it doesn't make sense to pay for a trip to stay in a room where you will have less things than you had at home

>> No.5513722

I'm talking minimum time, I can stay out all day abroad but the moment I get back I need to unwind rather than simply flop into bed

>> No.5513724

chad pls go

>> No.5513745
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that's just one thing I will never get. Sitting around watching highly paid retards run around chasing balls and yelling at eachother makes zero sense. who cares who wins? the few times i was forced to watch that crap as part of a family occasion I was bored stiff. I don't even watch the olympics, why should i it has nothing to do with me. I mean when the booker prize is announced do drunken idiots disrupt traffic and fuck up downtown?

>> No.5513748


>noone even considers it's doing sports and not merely watching

>> No.5513749

this anon gets it.

fuck sport fucking normalfags.

>> No.5513754

Start with the Greeks.

>> No.5513774

>untermensch who don't understand that sports are the last valiant activity left over from antiquity besides war

>> No.5513788

He sure has friends!

>> No.5513793

>having ever had a friend
>being this normal

>> No.5513795



>> No.5513813

>I mean when the booker prize is announced do drunken idiots disrupt traffic and fuck up downtown?
last year I went fucking crazy and finished a fifth of gin and cleaned out my fridge.

>> No.5513818

what a waste of time. he could be in his mother's basement reading ulysses.

>> No.5513841

I feel essentially this way but seeing it expressed like this makes me feel autistic. Really, I have very little interest in watching people engage in competition of any sort.

I overhead a couple people talking about competitive League of Legends the other day. They talk about it exactly the same way people talk about football. I was so disgusted I almost felt physically unwell.

>> No.5513849


Watching sports is about, among other things, watching skilled people react and decide and perform and compete, on the spot.

You might not find it interesting, but what disgusts you is your own projection.

>> No.5513855

>I was so disgusted I almost felt physically unwell.


>> No.5513869

>football is the only sport that exists
cool bro

>> No.5513970


Epigram at best. Clearly not epic.

>> No.5514430


Choose exactly one and go back to your manchild containment board. If you play video games past the age of 12, you are abnormal.

>> No.5514435

lol holy shit dude just drop it these nerds are fucking weird haha

>> No.5514451

>play football
>play games
>haven't had sex in two years
>drink every once in a while, every couple of months
>watch movies with mates, while enjoying some herb
>read in the middle of all of it
Not that hard to combine all these things, mate.

>> No.5514459
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>see cute girl
>make her the object of my desire
>spend time with her
>ask her to be gf
>says no
>she gets me to have drunken sex with her
>gets embarrassed at herself and suddenly wants nothing to do with me

This isn't like my Stendhal novels.

>> No.5514492

Then find another one, like Julien Sorel did.

>> No.5514496

>she gets me to have drunken sex with her
anon, you may not have realized it yet, but you are a rape survivor. i strongly urge you to report this incident to the police

>> No.5514521

I understand why sports are nice. I follow fifa it's just an excuse to make fun of people.

I enjoy esports more though, they are still progressive, and have an infinite number of possibilities.

>> No.5514541

is it you abu mazen?

>> No.5514551

>paying for books

anyone have a good way to find obscure books? Like ones on amazon?

>> No.5514552

>41 replies
c'mon /lit/

>> No.5514560

I avidly follow boxing and used to practice it in my teens. Also follow my local football team and occasionally attend games.
I've lost interest in it lately, although I enjoyed Dark Souls 2 and occasionally play a game of Civ.
Every now and then. Granted, I wish it was more frequent.
...is destroying my life.
I'm not exactly a film buff but probably still watch more than the average person.
I spent most of 2013 and 2014 travelling.

And I still read roughly a book a week.