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File: 38 KB, 333x500, gollancz-chroniclesofconan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
551225 No.551225 [Reply] [Original]


If so, where did you get it?

I ask because it seems to be out of print (or at least not distributed in Canada)

I am open to suggestions as to where I can find it, I hear amazon does good work.


>> No.551247


>> No.551253
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>> No.551265

The book store. :3

>> No.551275 [DELETED] 

I have a 2 volume Complete Conan I purchased in the late 80s. I have been tempted by this version many times at Waterstones but...it's not as nice close up in the flesh as it looks in pictures and from a distance.

A Folio Society edition, now that would be something I would buy, I love their books bindings and quality.

>> No.551283


It's not available in Canada for copyright reasons.

The copyrights for Conan were set to expire a few years ago, at least in Canada and the UK, but not in the USA. Just as the book was to be published, lawyers took action and it's been frozen in time ever since.

I know this because I was going to buy this on the first day it would be available.

>> No.551284

Swede here.
Got it from a local bookstore that carries mainly SF/Fantasy books. (some other stuff too though)
Cheap too.

>> No.551289

fucking draconian copyright law in the U.S, Like Robert E. Howard's been dead for like 80 years. Just make his stuff public domain already.

>> No.551291

Was widely available in the UK. Need to read it some time.

>> No.551296
File: 695 KB, 1024x3083, chooseyourownadventure.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Shit sucks.

>> No.551298

no..but its on amazon

>> No.551302
File: 244 KB, 823x1047, lancers_conan_conqueror_painting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would like one with plates of the original Frazetta covers.

But that would mean that someone would have to pay Frazetta for the rights and these p.d. publishing vultures are cheap motherfuckers

>> No.551320

I don't know much about this "hip-hop" culture the kids speak of; but Frazetta is the original ass man.

>> No.551324


That's exactly what these publishers were thinking. Conan was about to become public domain and they were going to do a one-volume compendium that would be available for about +/-$30.

If I remember correctly, a corporation now owns the Conan trademark, and is licensing it to game makers (Age of Conan, and the PS2 god of war clone, for example), and the new movie that's supposed to be filming soon.

>> No.551345

you can buy it on the amazon.ca marketplace.

>> No.551359

>and the new movie that's supposed to be filming soon.
wohohw stop right there...
A new Conan film? Thats probably the best news I heard this year. Any source on that?

>> No.551369

Just google it, Anon. Also, put up a pillow against the wall before you read the plot outline because you'll be bashing your head against it pretty soon.

>> No.551410
File: 23 KB, 319x400, 14 blades donnie yen 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


wiki copypasta

"The name Conan and the names of Robert E. Howard's other principal characters are claimed as trademarked by Paradox Entertainment of Stockholm, Sweden, through its US subsidiary Paradox Entertainment Inc. Paradox copyrights stories written by other authors under license from Conan Properties Inc.
However, since Robert E. Howard published his Conan stories at a time when the date of publication was the marker (1932 through 1963), and any new owners failed to renew them to maintain the copyrights,[21] the exact copyright status of all of Howard's Conan works are in question.[22]
The Australian site of Project Gutenberg has many Robert E. Howard stories, including several Conan stories.[23] This indicates that, in their opinion, the stories are free from copyright and may be used by anyone, at least under Australian law, which was 50 years from author's death until 2005. Subsequent stories written by other authors are subject to the copyright laws of the relevant time.
In the United Kingdom, 70 years after the death of an author his works fall into the public domain and as such the works of Robert E. Howard have now fallen into the public domain there."

(in b4 discussion of copyright vs. trademark)

On the other hand, I would KILL to see Tsui Hark adapt Red Nails as a WUXIA adventure. Jet Li is too old - maybe Donnie Yen in the Conan role?

>> No.551447


It's listed as being available, but it will never ship.

>> No.551485


The only reason I know all this is because I wanted to do a Conan movie the moment he became public domain.

>> No.551491

at a Dymocks in Melbourne.
But do not buy at Dymocks anymore these days though, they ruin their books by gluing to an inside page giant theft protection tags containing magnetic strips, they're big and thick enough to cause noticable buldges in the books and cant be removed without taking the page with it

>> No.551517
File: 37 KB, 405x620, jason-momoa-2004-summer-fox-tca-all-star-party-8Sz9w8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dont get your hopes up. The director is the music video/tv commercial hack Marcus Nispel responsible for the Texas Chainsaw Massacre remake, Friday the 13th remake (he's one of Michael Bays Platinum Dunes drones too) and Pathfinder.
The writers are all hacks.
The 8 producers are the sort of people that require 8 producer credits, the studios responsible are shlockhouses (and not in a good way like William Castle, Samual Arkof or Roger Corman): Lionsgate Millennium Films Nu Image Films Paradox Entertainment they make crap they know it and they don't care.
But the worst thing, the very worse thing, that flies in the face of all reason and common sense and human decency is that a Nigger has been cast as Conan.

>> No.551530

F13th remake was garbage, but I really liked the TCM remake. Also: Better a light skinned dark man than a super tan blonde guy. He's supposed to be a northerner, sure, but common portrayal is closer to this kid than Arnie.

>> No.551531



are you trying this link?

>> No.551532

Found a copy at a Waldenbooks in Alpharetta.

Store closed a couple of months ago, though.

>> No.551535


Well, he IS a Barbarian, isn't he?

>> No.551542


ha ha assoul.

>> No.551550


He's not Black, he's half-Hawaiian.

>> No.551558

>Common portrayal
And original portrayal was a celtfag.

>> No.551567
File: 141 KB, 573x844, Weird_Tales_May_1934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.551572

Yeah, great, we know that, but fifty years of comics and video games and cartoons have overwritten the assumption that he'd also look celtic/nordic.

>> No.551579

My introduction to the character, besides the movies, were the 60's reprints with Frank Frazetta's artwork, that's what Conan looks like for me.

>> No.551582

Looks like a faggier version of the Scorpion Kingfag.

>> No.551588

i shall have it soon!

>> No.551591


lol Dwayne Johnson?

>> No.551595

I always thought The Rock would be a great Conan. Some blue contact lenses and a wig and he's practically be Frazetta's Conan.

>> No.551611

>Yeah, great, we know that, but fifty years of comics and video games and cartoons have overwritten the assumption that he'd also look celtic/nordic.
By making him a tall white guy

>> No.551618

and now they'll argue that because Conan might be tanned then that makes its okay for this faggot looking bloke >>551517 to be cast

>> No.551643
File: 51 KB, 344x500, conan.lrg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, a black haired white guy with more of a mixed complexion

>> No.551659

Funny thing today I visited shop with used books and there were like 40 parts of Conan chronicles. But I read fantasy rarely

>> No.551671
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>> No.551675
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>> No.551678
File: 28 KB, 316x476, Tales_of_Conan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.551743

Now I have seen this collection at Borders. the one thing I have no clue about is if this version has art or not. The DelRay version comes in four parts, but each book is filled to the brim with content. Plus it has the original Howard stories form the copies he submitted before an editor got there hands on it. Plus there is all kinds of extra stuff.

>> No.551760

The Gollancz has all the stories, drafts, etc; has a few sketches by Lee Edwards

>> No.551769


I recommend the Del Rey 4-volume set over this one.

But only if you have the extra cash.

>> No.551772
File: 48 KB, 365x400, putin2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It's all worn out and partially ruined because i read in my bathtub though lol. Got it at Outland

>> No.551786

howard must be rolling over in his grave.

>> No.551797
File: 129 KB, 293x494, Imaro2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

if they want to cast a black man they could adapt the Imaro stories

>> No.551814

I have the Del Rey collections, all quality.

>> No.551818
File: 38 KB, 489x800, Imaro2big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bigger, Gurney needs to go back to doing book covers

>> No.552052
File: 58 KB, 885x600, hyboria.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I always thought The Rock would be a great Conan.

I did also. While Arnold Schwarzenegger was the PREFECT actor
to play Conan, (he had the body and the heavy accent was a plus)
Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson was the perfect choice for the new

He also had the necessary body and is a decent enough actor and
his darker skin wouldn't have been a problem, as Howard frequently
wrote Conan as having "bronzed" skin from adventuring around the
southern regions of Hyboria.

But this Jason Momoa guy?! Even with straight hair and blue contacts,
he's still a pansy-ass weakling compared to Arnold and The Rock and
doesn't fit the character of Conan at all.

Doesn't matter anyway as has been mentioned, the original Howard
stories will predictably be shit-canned by Hollywood and some half-
ass director will be in charge, so it'll suck.

>> No.552058

>new Conan
whats wrong with traditional Conan?

>> No.552061


u stupid

if charles bronson had been young enough...

>> No.552077

I'm predicting 300-style CG smeared over the lens, metal soundtrack, that bullshit heroes journey memo every film has to be made in accordance with
leaving anything out?

>> No.552123
File: 31 KB, 300x400, the-rock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> > new Conan
> whats wrong with traditional Conan?

Nothing at all and in fact I'd personally prefer casting
someone along the lines of Schwarzenegger if a new
movie is going to be made.

But at least Dwayne Johnson has the necessary body
to play the part, this other guy is a pussy.

>> No.552134
File: 26 KB, 338x425, charles bronson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if charles bronson had been young enough...

Sure, if the casting dept. is going time traveling but
even then, he'd have needed a major body building
regime to fit the character of Conan as he was written
by Howard.

>> No.552138
File: 43 KB, 304x300, king-arthur-keira.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> I'm predicting 300-style CG smeared over the lens, metal
> soundtrack, that bullshit heroes journey memo every film
> has to be made in accordance with leaving anything out?

You forgot the "strong and independent woman
who makes the guy look stupid" role, played by
some completely inappropriate chick…

>> No.552148

It will be God of War: The Movie with more over-the-top and stupidly ridiculous action scenes that make Conan into caricatured joke.

>> No.553582

Ahnold has always looked like a brain-dead moron. He did a great disservice to Conan. At least Momoa doesn't look like a troglodyte hooked on steroids.

>> No.553646

I always wondered what scrawny fantasy geeks' obsession was with a large, strong, emotionally resilient man who knows how to survive deadly situations and defeat any enemy.

Envy, I guess. Most of you would die in a second if you'd been through even a quarter of the shit Conan goes through.

>> No.553685


You are absolutely wrong. Conan was never described as a body-builder type. That was Frazetta's elaboration.

Howard described Conan as pantherish.

They didn't have steroids in Hyperborea.