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/lit/ - Literature

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5512035 No.5512035 [Reply] [Original]

>all the stories I try to write are pure shit
>all the essays I try to write are pure shit
>all the music I try to make is pure shit
>never going to make anything seen as innovative, interesting, or even simply "good" by anyone
>have no abilities other then creating yet all my creations are shit
>damned to repeat this cycle forever until I die a worthless death with a hard drive bursting at the seams with half-finished creations that everyone finds after the fact and laugh at for being so horribly amateur and dreadful

Is there really any reason I shouldn't kill myself? My life has objectively no meaning at this point so I just don't see why I should keep going

>> No.5512047

Your life never has any objective meaning, you faggot.

If you ever, ever, get somebody to publish your work you could simply use a penname so people won't laugh at your face.

>> No.5512049

Do the things you enjoy instead of forcing yourself doing shit you don't like

>> No.5512055

Smok wed brah UR LIF WIL CHNGE 4eva!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.5512063

Don't know about OP, but I enjoy the things I excel at, and I excel at nothing.

>> No.5512076

word nigga! 420 blaze itttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

>> No.5512078

I enjoy creating. I enjoy the process of creation. But every time I am finished but creations are nothing but pure shit. They just come across as really edgy bullshit or bland to the point of being boring

I didn't say my life needs to have objective meaning I said it objectively has no meaning. What I meant was that I objectively have failed and will continue to fail to give it meaning. Sorry if that was confusing. Just another example of what a shit writer I am

>> No.5512083

You have to pick a handful of things and practice them like a motherfucker. Don't expect yourself to be any good right away.

>> No.5512092

I've been working on my writing and music for like the last four years. I never improve ever. I just keep being shit. Everything I make is terrible and contrived and just awful, awful art that even people with the worst taste would see as nothing but pure liquid bullshit, maybe laughable at best but probably not even worth that much of a compliment

>> No.5512094

Don't listen to these stoner faggots. Do some psychedelics for some actual mental breakthroughs. Wipe the dust off your third eye, so to speak.

>> No.5512103

Just curious, what kind of music do you make?

>> No.5512112

I'm pretty sure none of you are serious but I've done so many drugs and all they ever did was fool me into thinking my work was worth anything and that my ideas weren't just shallow and pathetic rehashes of thoughts already explored infinitely more elegantly by philosophers with twenty times my thought capacity

I want the next drug I do to be several handfuls of xanax and ambien washed down with a bottle of Whiskey

I am nothing

>> No.5512114

Experimental electronics type stuff, usually leaning towards industrial and noise

It's fucking awful

>> No.5512130

The psychedelic thing was kind of a joke, but I do think that they are infinitely more useful than weed.

Do you have any experience playing an instrument?

>> No.5512133

OP is pretty down. Listen to this: http://youtu.be/RiPKwczFHPA

>> No.5512155

Apart from putting samples together not really

I can kind of play a keyboard but it's all bullshit. It's one of the reasons I know my "music" is actually just shit. I was and am too much of an ADHD self-defeating piece of worthless fucking shit that I can never learn an instrument past it's simplest fucking entry-level techniques.

Like I can play power chords on a guitar but am shit at everything else about it. And so on. And I genuinely like really out there, strange industrial and noise and stuff that borders on not even being music, but every time I try to make something it's so ridiculously far beneath any of those artists level that I just think "why have I been trying this for the last four years and why do I continue it all fucking sucks"

Nothing I have ever made in any genre is worth anything it's just so fucking terrible fuck it dude I'm just going to delete everything again and hopefully this time I can just put a gun in my mouth and swallow a bullet because I'm doing nobody any good living this way

>> No.5512156

how well-read are you?

>> No.5512164

As far as novels and fiction in general I'd like to think I'm pretty well read

As far as philosophy I'm pretty much a pleb but I've gotten a lot of entry level stuff under my belt and have researched the ideas of most of /lit/'s essential philosophers though I admittedly haven't taken the time to read through all of their works start-to-finish

Just goes to show how much of a worthless artist and thinker I am

>> No.5512168

Release yourself.

>> No.5512177
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>> No.5512180

>I'm doing nobody any good living this way
you dont have to be successful and useful to others faggot

>> No.5512182

>I'd like to think I'm pretty well read

You and a billion other people who occasionally read a book.

>> No.5512186

I admire OP for having such a good handle on his situation, to be honest. It's making me realize what a disingenuous worse than mediocre piece of shit I am too. I'll kill myself with you.

>> No.5512188

But nobody includes myself

Why continue to live if I am not even useful to me

and yeah I already stated I'm a pathetic worthless piece of shit

>> No.5512192

Commit yourself to getting better at a specific instrument. I was gonna suggest learning some theory too, but I don't think it's as important as actually playing and you seem to want to make something unconventional anyways.

Become intimate with an instrument and you will be able to express your musical ideas much better than just amateur electronic attempts.

>> No.5512199

Please don't

I'm probably not going to do anything because I'm a huge pussy as evidenced by this horrible thread and even if I did I'm sure anything you've made is way better than the diarrhea I compsoe

>> No.5512226

name ten moderately challenging books you've read. i'd like to say that your inability to effectively channel your creative energy is somehow due to a lack of having experienced effectively channeled creative abilities

>> No.5512236

Edgar Degas was a wonder painter, but her failed miserably at writing poetry.

Perhaps your talents are best spent else where. For example, I'm talented at writing and making art(sculpture, drawing, painting) but I can't sing for the life of me.

It sucks because I really want to be a musician. I can create good songs, but I can't sing them the way i'd like.

>> No.5512300

Well, what happens if you do make something great? You still die, and what will your accomplishments matter to you then?

>> No.5512331

I don't understand the attitude of "I want to be really good at something but why even bother because I'm not good at it."

Nobody ever got anywhere by saying they couldn't do something. People who get good at things are the people who enjoy the actual process and don't care about being shit.

>> No.5512342

The lost cup.

Both look better than the one you're fashioning, fag.

>> No.5512419

yes, do psychadelics and lose your mind. when you are finally in a mental asylum after killing someone because you thought they were the devil, you will truly learn the meaning of life and will open all of your chakras/metaphorical eyes. also you will see trippy colors

>> No.5512434

If you continually read works you find complex and constantly expose yourself to higher works than to which you are normally accustomed, and you continue to write with your highest efforts, you will invariably improve. Do not complain about a lack of results without the evidence of failed efforts.

>> No.5512484

You don't start enjoying the process until you're somewhat good at it. When things start to click, and you can explore and understand by yourself, that's when it becomes fun.

>> No.5512512

How autistic are you that you actually thought those were serious posts.

>> No.5512537
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