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5511979 No.5511979 [Reply] [Original]

So /lit/, I just finished 2666, I thought it was pretty good, not "best book of the last twenty years" good, but good none the less. So how does the savage detectives compare?

>> No.5512516

I made a thread about this book yesterday and somewhere in there someone said you must read the savage detectives in order to fully grasp 2666. I'm not very far in so I'm considering stopping and waiting until I do read the savage detectives but I'm enjoying it so far and don't really want to quit

>> No.5512563

>not "best book of the last twenty years" good
Please die.

>>>/harrypotter fan club/

>> No.5512595

Good nonetheless?
it was magnificent. brutal. it drags you through the desert.
it may not be the best book of the last twenty years, but it may possibly be the best book of the last century.

do you have to read savage detectives first?
I cant remember which one I read first.....weird. i had the version of 2666 which came in three little volumes, which I liked much better than the one big volume. im going to guess I read savage detectives first, and was thus had a useful bit of familiarity with his writing to ease me along. I don't think its necessary to do so though, because the two books are in fact quite different (for all that they have in common with any other bolano story anyway). I think they live on their own and the commonalities that crossover, that experience can go both ways.

the real question seems to me: should you read savage detectives at 25, or should you wait til 35?

>> No.5513040

Savage detectives is a better novel. Yeah, in terms of structure and overall plot.

I like 2666 more. It makes sad Bolaño died in the middle of this, I read 2666 and wonder what he would had writen after, maybe he would get to the bottom of his obsessions.