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/lit/ - Literature

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550897 No.550897 [Reply] [Original]

Hey /lit/, it's my first time here. Anyway, I recently became a HUGE fan of Haruki Murakami. I'm devouring his books up when for a whole year I hadn't read at all. It's strange, all the other books seem generic and predictable compared to Murakami. He's like the Harry Potter of my teen years.

Any other Murakami fans out there?

>> No.550901
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>Murakami Haruki


>> No.550902

>It's strange, all the other books seem generic and predictable compared to Murakami.


>> No.550906

wow, i didnt know this board was that horrible. im being serious here

>> No.550918

>read murakami
Hipster status achievement - Unlocked!

>> No.550921

ahahahha oh fuck this board is full of shit sorry for have coming here

>> No.550922

I gave one of his short stories collection to my weeabo younger brother. He hasn't read it yet and me neither, so I don't know if I should feel bad about feeding his fantasies.

>> No.550930

/lit/ is slowly being taken over by you degenerate fuck faces who won't give up until this board is dead.

I fucking hate you all.

>> No.550937

There's nothing wrong with enjoying Murakami's work, hell, I liked Norweggian Wood.
The problem is when you think he's the best writer ever or you fail to notice and connect the dots to understand why mostly (almost)illiterate hipsters read him.
That proves you have read too little or you have read crap.

>> No.550939

remember when /it/ was just created? It turned pretty shitty rather quick

>> No.550947

>hurr durr, things were so great back then
>more random nostalgia
>doing nothing to improve the board
>not realising that complaining about it is part of the problem

>> No.550949

i do not pay attention to the US's retarded social subcultures and such mainly because i don't live in the US and think subcultures and labels are retarded. what influenced me to read murakami was not because hipsters read him ( i literally had no idea). I read a book by coincidence, picking it up in a bookstore and i found out that he was the only author in a while who could keep my attention. it saddens me to see that his work is being used as mere commodity to be used by people looking to exemplify their image as a "hipster". fuck.

>> No.550953

I only read "Hard-Boiled wonderland and the end of the world" from him. It was interesting but not nearly enough to praise him as some poeple here and in the media do. "Sputnik Sweetheart" lies somewhere around here too but I havn't started it yet. First I'll read Animal Farm and maybe "Walden" too before I start it.

>> No.550956

his short stories are actually quite good. read

Birthday Girl
The New York Mining Disaster

>> No.550979

It's not reduced only to the US and I didn't mean his works are required items for a hipster.

Anyway, it's popular because it's a rather unusual read (he's Japanese, his stories take place in a strange country), his books are easy to read and he know which notes he needs to hit to keep the reader entertained.

But come on. What did you mean by "all the other books seem generic and predictable"? Which books were you referring to?

>> No.550987

>It's not reduced only to the US
Here in europe he is still unknown and mostly weeboos read his books. Which other countries are you talking about where he is known and read by hipsters?

>> No.550991
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Currently reading Hard-Boiled Wonderland and the End of the World because of /lit/. Loving it.

>> No.551009

Was fortunate enough to find his Trilogy of the Rat and a few other copies of his rare English books not published outside of Japan when I was living there. Excellent stuff. His Japanese stuff is even crazier.

I appreciated his "SHI-DO-NI!" book, as I also am a Sydneysider. :)

>> No.551015

He's definitely better in Japanese.
Heck, there are better 'magic realists' out there, but Murakami gets that "gingy depressive" feeling down pat.

>> No.551039

i'm 28 and have read at least 3 books a month since i was 18 and i love murakami. i read anything from classics to non-fiction and i try to pick a few authors from as many countries as i can.

fuck you.

>> No.551040

Even in Japanese, his books just aren't that great.

>> No.551046

Murakami Haruki is entry-level hipster lit, and if you disagree you're a hipster in denial.

>> No.551078

My taste > your taste

Never knew a mathematical formula existed to tell who has teh better taste

>> No.551087


>3 books a month

That is hardcore bro.

>> No.551182

So what? I didn't say you couldn't enjoy him or even love his style. But there's no way in hell he's an AWESOME writer, not the best writer, not even from Japan nor the magical realism genre.

>3 books a month
That's what I've read this week btw.

>> No.551183

>That's what I've read this week btw.

I've read 3 books in the time it took me to read your post.

>> No.551185

Show me a formula on why he is not awesome

>> No.551192

a lot of people in this thread are major tools. murakami is better than practically anyone else writing now.

>> No.551194

>implying you can accurately grade any work in this highly subjective field

>> No.551200

No he's not, and you should feel bad about yourself for thinking so.

>> No.551207

If Murakami were named Florgenberg you'd think he was just another hack writer of surrealism/magical realism. You'd probably call it shitty fantasy and hate anybody that read his books.

You're a weaboo and love anything out of Japan. It doesn't make it good. It doesn't make Murakami good.

>> No.551212

the point wasn't who reads more you morons. it was that i've read more than a handful of books and i still enjoy murakami. i'm reading what i like because you aren't reading the shit for me. your always welcome to fuck off. OMG OPINIONS DIFFER.

>> No.551224

>implying I didn't say exactly that

>> No.551243 [DELETED] 

well good. i'm not complaining.

for all the haters. post authors you DO like and we'll see how they hold up. i'm sure you'll post a few good ones and maybe no bad ones but the odds are that i won't like everything you guys do.

>> No.551248 [DELETED] 

well good. then i'm not complaining.

for the rest of you i see typical /lit/ snobbery. op asks if murakami fans are out there. plenty of people going out of their way to say no.

fucking 4chan.

>> No.551263

Since we're on Japanese lit, anyone here read Yasunari Kawabata? Not really a weeaboo, but his stories sound fascinating. Any thoughts?

>> No.551266


Everybody knows that Japanese people can't write. It's mechanically impossible what with their squinty eyes.

>> No.551294
File: 59 KB, 240x180, Gene Wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>murakami is better than practically anyone else writing now.


>> No.551317


Kawabata is great, though his style doesn't always come across well in translation (you can tell you're missing something with Snow Country).

Thousand Cranes is my personal favourite.

>> No.551325

>Dungeons and Dragons

How's that working out for you guy?

>> No.551327

I agree on the translation issue. The Japanese version has a feel to it that just doesn't work as well in English.

>> No.551328
File: 49 KB, 188x263, wolfe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, forgot my reaction image.

>> No.551337
File: 7 KB, 351x262, Trollface.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Whoops, forgot my reaction image.

Fixed. You'd know better if you'd read anything he's written.

>> No.551612

kenzaburo oe
ryunosuke akutagawa
natsume soseki
yukio mishima
kobo abe

you're stoopad