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File: 125 KB, 327x500, Inherent_vice_cover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5506507 No.5506507 [Reply] [Original]

Inherent Vice trailer dropped.


>> No.5506519

memes: the movie

>> No.5506527

man that was really funny, looks like it'll be good

>> No.5506528

Just wait for the Taipei movie directed by Spike Jonze

>> No.5506530
File: 29 KB, 500x475, gold_star.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now I see why they waited so fucking long to show the damn trailer.

>> No.5506535

Nah that's DFW.

>> No.5506564

you got that right

>> No.5506569

I like PTA but wtf was that

Please tell me they just picked the worst jokes to put in the trailer and they're not representative of the film's quality

>> No.5506612

>“I thought,” Mr. Anderson explained, “What’s something I’ve seen that can get close to that amount of great visual information and all these things going on in the frame?”

>“ ‘Police Squad!’ and ‘Top Secret!’ are what I clued into,” he said, referring to collaborations by the slapstick maestros David and Jerry Zucker. “We tried hard to imitate or rip off the Zucker brothers’ style of gags so the film can feel like the book feels: just packed with stuff. And fun.”

>Mostly, Mr. Anderson relied heavily on his actors’ comedy chops.

>Mr. Brolin noted that they initially considered simplifying the colorful Los Angeles police detective Bigfoot. “On most movies, you play with different levels and there’s a foundation and a ceiling,” he said. “Here, there was no ceiling. It was no holds barred. Paul would say: We want to go Tom and Jerry on all this.”


>> No.5506614



>> No.5506635

That cast is awful. They seriously couldn't of picked good actors?

>> No.5506641

No that's Boyhood.

>> No.5506642

The cast is fine, the fuck are you on about?

>> No.5506644
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>> No.5506646

i haven't read inherent vice

i thought people hated it because it was pulpy or something (admittedly only because of the cover)

is the trailer representative of the novel's style

>> No.5506653

Pynchon ain't so good when he's not hiding behind obfuscated prose, is he? Where's your pomo waifu now, /lit/? Looks like the emperor's lost his clothes.

>> No.5506654

/lit/ just got rekt

>> No.5506657


>baiting this badly

Calling it now because it was too obvious to let go but I'm sure you would've snagged a tard or two along the way.

>> No.5506658

My friends who read detective novels actually really enjoyed it.

>> No.5506672

Congrats: You're the tard what got snagged.

>> No.5506685

>Inherent Vice

More like Inherent shit.

>> No.5506691
File: 278 KB, 1161x869, 1411562487197.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I see a patrician has joined the conversation.

>> No.5506692

>dat bread just on the fucking desk
god, that irritates me more than anything else in that pic.

>> No.5506695


>> No.5506700

Even more than the bread in his collar?

>> No.5506707


>> No.5506731

Where did this pic even originate from? I'd love a Pychon book based on that.

>> No.5506747

I agree with you 100% in ways you don't even understand

>> No.5506757

>not knowing that's Jackson Pynchon from when he trip-fagged on /lit/

>> No.5506770

>Joto Kinichiro! Dozo, moto panikeku! Moto panikeku!

>> No.5506773

Or maybe Spike Lee. That would be insane.

>> No.5506776

no plate, its just on there. i know its a joke, but damn

>> No.5506782

this looks insanely good and get off lit if you disagree

>> No.5506789

Honestly that trailer was really fucking shit but I am still predicting it will be a good film

>> No.5506790

>not tabling your food
I don't mean to SHIG, but do faggots like you really exist anymore, jesus christ

>> No.5506804
File: 70 KB, 816x616, ankphoto4un.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bread is on the desk in that picture because bread is also on the desk in the original picture.

>> No.5506902

it looks insanely pleb and get off /lit/ if you disagree

>> No.5506956

It looks reasonably entertaining, and you may remain on /lit/ whether you agree or not.

>> No.5506998

It reminds me of American Hustle, I guess if you liked that this should be right up your alley

But I expected much more from pta, even if the source material wasn't amazing

I'm still semi-hopeful though

>> No.5507010

All the Pynchon fuccbois' boipussies must be drenched

>> No.5507013

>the source material wasn't amazing
just because Inherent Vice is Pynchon's most accessible novel.

>> No.5507030

An accessibility that came at a cost.

Admit, it's not nearly as good as his earlier work.

>> No.5507039

>nearly as good
I seriously doubt whether you had read Inherent Vice. Among all(except M&D which I had never read) books by Pynchon, Bleeding Edge is arguably the best with least fluffs and Inherent Vice takes the second place.

>> No.5507048

I'm curious, what exactly do you mean by "fluffs"?

>> No.5507059

>trailer is way too long
>PTA's last movie wasn't so great

>> No.5507079

>trailer is shorter than 80% of trailers being made today
>whats wrong with this?
>the master is my favorite PTA

>> No.5507085

the master was a piece of shit

>> No.5507087

no it wasn't

probably a little too long though

>> No.5507094

Oh wow. Up until today I'd always thought it was PTA's best but thanks for setting the record straight. Damn...

>> No.5507109

Benicio del Toro was fucking pinpoint casting

>> No.5507117

Yeah, awful, sure.


>> No.5507123

posting a scene sure is gonna do a lot

>> No.5507134

It's going to bring world peace and cure cancer.

>> No.5507141

i believe

>> No.5507155

>trailer is shorter than 80% of trailers being made today
No, all of these big movies are getting 5-8 minute trailers now. Apparently the National Association of Theater Owners are forcing studios to produce trailers at 120 seconds starting in a year or so. (Not soon enough.)
>whats wrong with this?
Nothing in itself, but it should create skepticism since it's an instant marketing ploy.
>the master is my favorite PTA
My condolences.

>> No.5507161

>best author gets a movie made by best director
>it's one of his worst books
>its still going to be shit

do more epics PTA pls

>> No.5507164

>>trailer is shorter than 80% of trailers being made today
>No, all of these big movies are getting 5-8 minute trailers now
Didn't you prove his point?

>> No.5507166

go to bed pleb

>> No.5507168

I couldn't tell if the Master was supposed to be a 'spiritual sequel' to TWBB or if PTA was just phoning it in.

>> No.5507171


what is this joke?

>> No.5507193

Why would it be a spiritual sequel to There Will Be Blood? The Master is significantly more hopeful than There Will Be Blood and has few of the same themes.

>> No.5507205
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>the trailer was only 2:30 minutes
>seriously thought it was 6 minutes long
Jesus, even the trailer drags. Did PTA direct that too?

>> No.5507210

i kek'd

>> No.5507219

>PTA direct that too?
tep top kik

>> No.5507231

PTA isn't even in the top 10 directors active today, s orry

>> No.5507234

>and has few of the same themes
Nah. It's aesthetically identical and both are about two characters in conflict trying to exploit others.

>> No.5507235

An old one that's honestly not worth explaining.

>> No.5507238

TWBB was too popular huh?

>> No.5507246

I am reading this right now, and I'm a little over half way. Is there any spoilers in this trailer, or should I finish the book before I watch this?

>> No.5507250


I know we weren't having the smartest of discussions here, but seriously? You had to appeal to that?

>> No.5507253

Pinecone is among my favorite authors, and I feel this trailer just saved me $12

>> No.5507266

List 10 better directors then. I don't strictly disagree with you, but I can't think of many good directors nowadays in general. And god help you if BRAVO NOLAN is in your top 10

>> No.5507279

Besides the color pallet being completely different and having a different DP, the movie is made by the same director and will have similar aesthetic elements.

Your description if the plot is so cursory that it includes hundreds of other films.

>> No.5507286

45 seconds in and this already looks "entertainment" based as fuck. Pleb shit. At least he's taken a break from making his self important phony art epics though.

>> No.5507295

Werner Herzog
Cohen Bros.
Spike Jonze
David Fincher
Quentin Tarantino
Martin Scorsese
Terry Gilliam
Wes Anderson
Roman Polanski


>> No.5507298

i'd be alright with another boogie nights

but this ain't another boogie nights

>> No.5507302

>self important phony art epics

but that's Pynchon's MO though

>> No.5507303

That's a rough list.

>> No.5507312

>Besides the color pallet being completely different and having a different DP
Maybe we watched different movies but even if it had a different DP but the style is similar, regardless of palette.
>Your description [o]f the plot is so cursory that it includes hundreds of other films.
Sure, but... and just hear me out... you'd see that doesn't matter when the only two movies being talked about are by the same person, if you'd pull your head out of your ass for a second.

>> No.5507320

>reading pynchon
>asks about plot
why are you even bothering

>> No.5507326

In the sense of being good directors who happen to be active today, sure

In the sense of their current stuff being the best being made today, hell naw


Ehhhhhh sure

Are you fucking kidding me

>> No.5507329

>that list

>> No.5507336

you literally listed Tarantino above PTA and you're bashing someone else for his ranking? Tarantino would disagree with you.

>> No.5507341

>Ehhhhhh sure
This. Anderson is a gimmicky director. He's fun but there'll come a time when everyone is sick of his 'style'

>> No.5507344

is that "full" aestetic I see in Paul Thomas Anderson movies him, or his cinematographer? I love it more than anything else in his films

>> No.5507347

Fincher is a fantastic director even if you don't like his movies.

>> No.5507351

I'm assuming it's the cinematographer.

>> No.5507353

thought the same thing

>> No.5507360

fuck tarantino

>> No.5507362

>tfw /lit/ has better film discussion than /tv/

>> No.5507367

Could we see your list, out of curiosity?

>> No.5507370

>the style is similar
Specifically, in what way? Long shots?

>that doesn't matter when the only two movies being talked about are by the same person
What do you think that proves? I mean, it's not even like the conflict between Plainview and the Sunday is that important. TWBB is much more about pride and how the pursuit of power will lead someone to neglect the meaningful relationships in their lives. Daniel takes his final victory over Eli and it means almost nothing for him.

In The Master, you can barley even call them enemies because for the majority of the movie Freddy and Lancaster are friends drawn to one another due to their complementary personalities. The Master is a lot more about animal instinct and the denial by some of that animal instinct's influence in their actions.

Sure, there are two male leads in the master and arguably in TWBB but that is such a minor similarity.

>> No.5507374

i guess it's only fair

but no

>> No.5507393

The cinematographer is primarily responsible for lighting. Set design does the majority of decoration and the Director coordinates all of them to provide a unified aesthetic.

>> No.5507408

I'm not the guy who you were responding to with a list, but you seemed confident and knowledgeable enough to seem comfortable judging the quality of another list, and I'm always interested to see the tastes of someone more into a subculture than I am

>> No.5507410

wow some of this humor is sandler-tier

>> No.5507455

i see your point

but no

>> No.5507465

Majid Majidi
Ashghar Farhadi
Abbas Kiarostami
Isao Takahata
Shohei Imamura
Park Chan-Wook
Ang Lee
Wong Kar-Wai
Wes Anderson
Terrence Malick

>> No.5507472

so pynchon-tier

>> No.5507473

Confirmed for pleb as fuck

>> No.5507477


>> No.5507481

can't get any plebber than having tarantino and fincher on the list though

literally can't

>> No.5507498

Omg finally i was afraid no one on this board had any real taste

>> No.5507511

kill yourself weeb scum

>> No.5507542

Your list is great, but Wes Anderson and Isao Takahata seem out of place. I'm going to chart it up to taste, but I'm curious what you see in Wes Anderson aside from his magnificent compositions.

>> No.5507555

My List (No Particular Order)

Stephen Speilberg
Nicholas Winding Refn
Derek Cianfrance
Paul Thomas Anderson
Shane Carruth
David Fincher
Jeff Nichols
Wes Anderson
Chris Nolan
Amy Seimitz

>> No.5507558
File: 29 KB, 306x306, 10623819_1563440227208095_1054103666_a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DID ANYONE NOTICE WHO WAS AT THE PIZZA TABLE IN THE TRAILER??? Its the fucking Growlers. One of the best bands around.

>> No.5507596

Only Americans doing more interesting things than PTA, that are still mainstream
Shane Carruth
David Lynch
Richard Linklater
Andrew Bujalski
Sean Durkin
Noah Baumbach
Kelly Reichardt (blow me)

>> No.5507617

>Amy Seimitz
are you joking

>> No.5507623

It's funny that you picked those out because I think they're oddly related.

As far as Wes Anderson goes, he makes beautiful movies that are consistent in quality, unique, and engaging. Film is a visual medium and Anderson has a very strong eye and is a strong story-teller. Even though he's only done one animated film, I like that all of his movies (especially the later ones) are essentially cartoons. I think this is why some people dislike him so much, like they can tell there's an odd bait-and-switch that happened. I don't know for a fact but I wouldn't be surprised to find Anderson is a close student of Satoshi Kon (who I would've listed but he's dead. Actually so is Imamura, oops. Sad to know though).

Takahata is probably the best living, currently working Japanese animation director, though there's plenty of promising talent out there. He's not out of place at all- Grave of the Fireflies alone is gut-wrenching and delicate in ways most live-action Western (or otherwise) film-makers dream of. I have yet to see Tale of Princess Kaguya but I've heard it's breathtaking and I believe it. I wanted at least one animator on the list because animation is film and art and should be recognized as such.

>> No.5507633

>Not being angry about Nicholas Winding Refn

Did you see Sun Don't Shine?

>> No.5507634

I didn't look too close but are The Growlers playing The Boards then? because that rules

>> No.5507646

>replying to my post with bait
Man, and I thought /lit/ was cool

>> No.5507659
File: 63 KB, 500x500, wtf mos def.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No Jonze? And Scorsese hasn't been interesting for years now.
>he waited too long to do Silence with Benecio del Toro and Daniel Day-Lewis
It was going to be the perfect Scorsese flick.

>> No.5507669

I did see it and I really didn't like it. I'll admit to just not getting the current American indie/mumblecore scene though.

>> No.5507699

>Alexander Payne
>Bennett Miller
>Paolo Sorrentino
>Thomas Vinterberg
>Frederick Wiseman

>> No.5507718
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>> No.5507725

Man I really hate PTA. I can't help it.

>> No.5507729

Is this where all the fuccbois congregate? In Pynchon threads? Faggots.

>> No.5507898
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>> No.5508113
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>> No.5508145

Fuck you and your lies.

>> No.5508155

Why is Thomas Pynchon /lit/'s favorite author and Paul Thomas Anderson /tv/'s favorite director?

>> No.5508184

Nice maymoy

>> No.5508202

In the IV thread on /tv/ right now, it seems they hate him, and deem him redditcore, and a meme director. Then again, /lit/ anons in the thread call Pinecone a meme author, so whatever.

>> No.5508213

wow you really picked up on something there

>> No.5508214

/tv/ is the worst. This will be a fun movie. People need to calm down.

>> No.5508236

Neither one is a meme, though PTA is a bit overrated. Pynchon isn't overrated in the least, however.

>> No.5508253

If I forgot anyone, it's Jim Jarmusch. Spike Jonze is great, but Being John Malkovich is his best, and Her though great is a tad overrated. Nonetheless I concede your point after thinking it over.

>> No.5508266

hipsters are gonna flock to this movie

>> No.5508305

You have no idea. I and my transgender roommate are going to ride our fixies all the way down grand street and across the Brooklyn Bridge to the IFC in Greenwich Village singing arcade fire songs all the way. Then, just when everyone feels satisfied that the movie is entertaining I'm going to force a comparison to William Faulkner to which my roommate will respond "no, I see more Godard". Then will begin phase two...

>> No.5508309

This movie is going to be brilliant. But how much will be cut? I have a feeling it won't get quite as out-of-hand as the novel does.

>> No.5508322

>Pynchon isn't overrated in the least, however.


>> No.5508401

How can he be overrated when noone knows who he is

Sure the few who do may champion him a bit highly, but I don't think that's a proper use of overrated

>> No.5508421

That's... impressive, actually. Usually "literary" authors trying out genre fiction aren't that great at it. See The Yiddish Policemen's Union, which was beautifully written and well-characterized but one of the most boring mysteries imaginable and the detective accomplishes basically nothing. Or Atwood's MaddAddam trilogy: good writing/character development sometimes, OK social commentary but the worldbuilding is shit

>> No.5508424

question: I've had Inherent Vice laying on my shelf since the film was first anounced back in 2011. I read about 80 pages but never finished it. as my hype for the film grows, I'm getting interested in picking it up again (haven't read any Pynchon either, so I figure I should sooner or later) but I'm way more of a film enthusiast than a literature one. which should one read/watch first? film or book? for the best experience.

>> No.5508427

at 148 minutes, I don't think you have to worry.

>> No.5508436

> Nolan

>> No.5508485

Lars Von Trier
David Lynch
Andrzej Wajda
David Cronenberg
Terry Gilliam
Michael Snow
Terence Drake
James Hurley
Arnold Copenheimer
Jay Arrabal

>> No.5508497
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>> No.5508504


>Werner Herzog
>Martin Scorsese


>Cohen Bros.
>Terry Gilliam
>Roman Polanski

Not really, but understandable choices.

>Terry Gilliam
>Spike Jonze


> Wes Anderson
>Quentin Tarantino

Shut the fuck up tier.

You could've at least included Bela Tarr, Paolo Sorrentino or Alexander Sokurov. Then maybe you could be taken seriously.

>> No.5508510

Did you guys know Pynchon is going to have a cameo? The film is worth seeing just for this.

>> No.5508520

>Von Trier and Lynch at the top
At least try to bait

>> No.5508737

Is MOTO PANACAKU going to be an epic new meme?

>> No.5508747


Plebs are going to be really mislead by Pynchon's style.


After seeing Ghost in the Shell is referenced in Bleeding Edge I am almost positive Pynchon browses /a/ or at least watches a lot of anime.

>> No.5508749


>> No.5508758

>/lit/ film discussion as cancerous as film discussion on /tv/
reddit.com/r/truefilm masterrace

>> No.5508763 [DELETED] 


this is happening, try to keep it quiet but spread at relevant places
more than 300 people confirmed for joining already

>> No.5508769
File: 44 KB, 631x419, Untitled2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>reddit.com/r/truefilm masterrace

>> No.5508785

>After seeing one of the most popular anime films referenced in Bleeding Edge I am almost positive Pynchon lived in the 90s

>> No.5508832

>Park Chan-Wook
and so the pleb was discovered

>> No.5508849

Bleeding Edge is full of references to computer science and ~2000 computer culture, I guess he just did tons of good research

>> No.5508852


I am only on Gravity's Rainbow (reading in order)
but I might have to break down and read it so I can see the film.

Looks like it's hilarious.

>> No.5508855

I think Pulp is the pinnacle of literature.

I mean, have you read Pulp by Bukoswski?

It's incredible.

No this is not sarcasm.

Yes the first sentence was a lie.

>> No.5508869

If Pynchon did his research (which I don't doubt he did), he must have come across 4chan. He would also have checked out /lit/, even if it was just out of curiosity. Pynchon might have seen one of your posts calling Nietzsche an edgy fedora tipper, or talking about Rimbaud's boypussy. How does that make you feel?

>> No.5508884

>implying I've ever shitposted like you're describing it
>implying that he didn't post >>/lit/thread/644003#p645296

>> No.5508906

Do you have that other thread on hand where he talked about some sort of history?

Can't remember....

If not, thanks anyways.

>> No.5508911

This one? >>/lit/thread/S667543#p66769

>> No.5508918

>noone knows who he is

You're joking, right?

>> No.5508982

Oh yeah. That one screams Pynchon.

Wish it was. He seems like a cool guy as long as you're not trying to get his picture and sell it for money.

>> No.5509008

BE and IV are by far his worst books you absolute div.

>> No.5509022

Really, what about this says Pynchon aside from the whole paranoia malarkey? It's a paraphrase of a little known conspiracy theory that's been kicking around for years.

>> No.5509142
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It has been confirmed that tom has a cameo

>> No.5509149
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>tfw all my friends are so excited to see this movie because of the case and director
>not because they actually care about pynchon
>i told them that I don't like pynchon, but will still see the movie anyway
>they tell me that it doesn't matter if i don't even like pynchon, that the cast and director should be more than enough of a reason to see the movie

Should I be bothered by the fact that they don't even care about the origins of the movie? Fucking hipsters.

>> No.5509155
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>>i told them that I don't like pynchon

I'll find you m8

>> No.5509173

I'm waiting for you

>> No.5509185

>After seeing Ghost in the Shell is referenced in Bleeding Edge I am almost positive Pynchon browses /a/ or at least watches a lot of anime.

He even said Kojima is God. ONE OF US ONE OF US

>> No.5509266

The references were pretty surface level. I don't think we can actually say he's immersed himself in the culture.

>> No.5509311

Lars von Trier
Werner Herzog
Lisandro Alonso
Alejandro Jodorowsky
Kiyoshi Kurosawa
Peter Greenaway
Leos Carax
Claire Denis
Paolo Sorrentino
Harmony Korine

I felt left out because everyone else was posting list, so I had to post my garbage taste, too.

>> No.5509319

>the detective accomplishes basically nothing
That's Inherent Vice though.

The movie looks just damn fucking right to the book, by the way. It's gonna be good.

>> No.5509343

>Harmony Korine

You absolute faggot. Glad you realize your garbage though

>> No.5509350
File: 2.48 MB, 1280x720, tdha.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best working directors, official list:

Abbas Kiarostami
Nuri Bilge Ceylan
Claire Denis
Hirokazu Koreeda
Dardenne Brothers
Hong Sang-Soo
Frederick Wiseman

>> No.5509363

I wonder if anyone who shits on the movie going to be entertainment based and light tone has read the book.

I don't think PTA is one of the best directors alive, but he sure got the groove of the actual source material.

>> No.5509373


Woah, your list is surprisingly good.

You're missing Sokurov, Mekas and Weerasethakul though.

>> No.5509374

That was a joke. It should actually be Lav Diaz.

>> No.5509377


A giant hack.

>> No.5509391
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>> No.5509392

Disagree with Weerasethakul and Sukurov, didn't even think Mekas was still alive

>> No.5509404
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You guys were so close to having good taste why would you fail me just near the finishing line.

>> No.5509413

Based Lars
Gaspar Noe
Park Chan-Wook
....and either Mann or Jarmusch

>> No.5509414

He is. He's obnoxious, but he's a good director.

>> No.5509431


>Gaspar Noe

errant boy shock tactics with nothing to say. he's a technically-skilled joke of a director.

>> No.5509446

I don't know if this helps, or not, but: PTA did not edit that trailer. It was done by the studio.

>> No.5509459

I ctrl+f'd Carruth, you guys are bros


>> No.5509462

It actually makes sense. The trailers for the Master were edited by PTA and featured the score by Johnny Greenwood.

>> No.5509464


>> No.5509470

I would say he is the most the most technically skilled director working now. I agree that there is little "intellectual content" in his films, but despite this they stand on their own purely as visual marvels.

I recommend a bit of reading on the production of EtV, if I remember correctly there was an article in American Cinematographer that had a lot of details about the seamless transitions between handheld/crane/helicopter-mounted cameras/CGI, how they used only practical lights, etc.

Noe is his own cameraman btw.

>> No.5509481

>don't know much about history

Do PTA-fans think this is actually a positive thing?

>> No.5509482

I really hope that one of these days some extremely rich patron type will come along and give him a million or so every year so he can actually make movies.

>> No.5509498


>> No.5509505
File: 19 KB, 493x271, Philippe Garrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no mention of this pretty bitch yet

mon visage

>> No.5509509

shut up it's a good song


>> No.5509535

If we're going by working directors then:

Von Trier
Can't come up with more lel. Also if you think Godard is good then I don't know what to say: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dk2x3ZEsnh0

>> No.5509597

Harvey Weinstein using the Soderberg model where the director is given $15 million over 10 years to use on as many projects as they want, maybe?

>> No.5509666

> ctrl+f
>0 of 0


>> No.5509673

For as much as lit brings him up, no Tarkovsky either.

>> No.5509675

It's almost as if they're both dead.

>> No.5509679

I forgot what started this all, sorry. I even forgot which thread this was.

>> No.5509707

The images in Goodbye to Language are meant to be viewed in theaters in 3D, they have no impact otherwise

>> No.5509733

Is The Master a comedy?

>> No.5509738

This is what Godardrones ACTUALLY believe.

>> No.5509741

Yes and no, but yes. And it's awesome.

>> No.5509753

I can SORT OF see how that could work... doesn't change the fact that the script sucks

>> No.5509814


no order

>> No.5509819

great list

>> No.5509827

thanks, me

>> No.5509829


>> No.5509832


a great list full of dead people

this mope didn't even bother to read the thread

>> No.5509839

ha sorry mate

>> No.5509847


>triple samefag post fail

fukken lol just hide thread m8

>> No.5509862

Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick
Stanley Kubrick

>> No.5509873

nice may may bro i bet u lie dfw

>> No.5510214

Will the LSD trip(s) be cut?
Will Las Vegas be cut?
Will Japnoica's crazy driving scene be cut? (hope not)

>> No.5510263
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>> No.5510651

I hope the waterbed fire is in

>> No.5510728

let 'em cast sofia fucking coppola, Joaquin phoenix is the lead.

>> No.5510742

>not even the informal processing scene

>> No.5510752

maybe two of those are are more accomplished in modern film than PTA

and its the cohen bros

>> No.5510755

Please be nice to Mrs. Sandberg.

>> No.5510767

>terry malick
>wong kar-wai

only acceptable answers in this list

>> No.5510776

That happens with Denis around the end right? I haven't read it in a long long time what happens again

>> No.5510789

How is Imamura active today?

>> No.5510801

I hope the cocaine TV is in too.

>> No.5510807

Wong Kar Wai

>> No.5510824

He passes out and starts a fire in his apartment and leaves, the fire burns through the ceiling and the waterbed in the apartment above pops and puts the fire out.

It was one of the funnier setpieces and if they're going with the slapstick it would work well.

>> No.5510842

I'm glad someone found a way to get a discussion about film past the mods.

>> No.5511142
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It originalities from SA's FYAD. The picture is a parody of the first image which you can just about see on the laptop.

>> No.5511155

I've always found the crust in the zipper to be an especially nice touch.

>> No.5511366

>it seems they hate him, and deem him redditcore, and a meme director. T
That's the new /tv/ meme that PTA is shit.
/tv/ absolutely loves There Will Be Blood and The Master.

>> No.5511377

What memes? Please learn what words mean.

>> No.5511378

When a director becomes popular, /tv/ switches gears and begins to lament them -- despite past track-record of liking their work.

>> No.5511388


>> No.5511395

It's this guy that showed up after The Master came out. He started calling him a superficial artist in every thread and it's started to catch on with shitposters.

>> No.5511508

Weird thing is I always imagined Doc looking like an older, goofed out Owen Wilson with an afro.

>> No.5511543

>these are the only two names I've heard and aren't made fun of by try-hards

You're not fooling anyone.

>> No.5511559
File: 32 KB, 500x386, the host.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not better than PTA

Are you devastated, or are you just pretending to be retarded?

>> No.5511561
File: 152 KB, 600x450, Docfro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Joaquin had a fro for a bit.

>> No.5511591


I've always thought it was funny as in mocking the other guy he shows off his own collection of rand, goossebumps and an almost empty bottle of Arbor Mist. Its as if he knows enough to parody the other guy, but doesn't have the self awareness to see how his irony backfires on himself.

>> No.5511604

Pfff what a poor attempt. I'll pass judgement on him after watching but I'd have never imagined him cast as Doc.

>> No.5511657

They kind of look like he picked them up second hand. I hope he was just clever enough to realize how hilarious it would be to add a stack of Rand on his desk. Like he is an idiot that reads goosebumps and Rand intellectual effort.

>> No.5511664

*with the same intellectual effort

>> No.5511733

the piece of bread in his collar gets me every time

>> No.5511736

this is even in the trailer, pay attention guyzzz

>> No.5511742

i fucking hate the voice of that narrator

>> No.5511808

>Ang Lee

>> No.5511898

Those are all very clearly part of the joke.

>> No.5511911

lol wtf is the argument that they aren't? "most of the picture was a joke, but he actually thought the goosebumps books were unironically cool"

>> No.5511926

omg this is going to be goat

>> No.5511962

None of those directors are obscure save for Majin Majidi. Do you seriously think someone who knows about Kar-Wai is unaware of Ang Lee, Takahata and Kiarostami?

>> No.5513247

I seriously don't understand how they're going to fit the plot into this movie. It's so bloody expansive.

I have a feeling it'll be streamlined into something more conventional and lose all it's value.

>> No.5514601

Not actually. It has barely 30 characters (I think) and they will be shown with the same actors (duh) so everything will be clear on film. What will be missable is the beauty of parts like the monk surfer or the ending.

>> No.5514638

Josh Brolin looks like he is going to make the film.

Lol, jesus just that one bit talking to the chef had me crying.

>> No.5514656


More like "he thought he was being ironic but he actually owns all the stuff in the pic, outing the fact that he isn't as cool as he thinks he is"

>> No.5514679


PTA internet defense force, please leave.

>> No.5514785

>goes straight to my top 10 upcoming films

>> No.5515261

>Pfff what a poor attempt. I'll pass judgement on him after watching but I'd have never imagined him cast as Doc.

You're crazy. Joaquin is going to be great as Doc. He is much better than the original choice, Robert Downey Junior.

>> No.5515287

you mean the porn star?? she's in there??

>> No.5515585
File: 97 KB, 854x570, Belladonna.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>she's in there??