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/lit/ - Literature

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5506256 No.5506256 [Reply] [Original]

So my friend is in rehab for heroin addiction and I'm supposed tor write him a letter while he's in there. I want it to be meaningful beyond the simple gesture, but I have no idea what to say that would help him recover. Also, I have a crush on the girl delivering the letters and wanted to impress her with it as well.

Has /lit/ ever done something like this?

>> No.5506269

Written a letter? Yes.
Written a letter to a heroin addict with the intention of romantically impressing the courier?

>> No.5506278

Just write the fucking letter.

>> No.5506295

what, they will read your letter before passing it, even a courier will know its content? that's disgusting

>> No.5506297

I'm guessing you don't know many dope fiends. Having friends like OP tends to be a contributing factor to ending up in rehab, and I mean the part where the necessity arises and it's only one visit among many.

>> No.5506305

Kitty, shut up about shit you don't know anything about. Of course they're gonna fucking open and read the letter of a dope fiend fighting to stay addicted.

>> No.5506322

write it using ink made of heroin so that she knows you're both a very good friend and extremely clever.

>> No.5506328

why should the courier know its content? is she a doctor or what?

>> No.5506348


Courier is a girl I know who is currently house-sitting for him while he's in rehab. It's expected that the letters are going to get read and nobody really cares.

>> No.5506361

This is actually not a bad idea. Considering this girl's vocation she's obviously one of those insecure help-others-so-I-feel-better-about-myself people, and by acting in a way that can only be interpreted as a cry for help (not necessarily through the course of action you proposed), she might want to approach OP and become his savior. Which would involve lots and lots of sex and destructive co-dependency. Given that OP wants to shag this girls, that speak plenty about him as well.
She's in charge of the goddamn letters to and from the hopeless addicts. She's probably not a doctor, but she's probably trained to recognize instructions on how, where and when the next bag of dope will be delivered, not to mention dope itself.