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550541 No.550541 [Reply] [Original]

how many books do you read a month

i average one a week


pic related, just finished this one

did not like the ending

>> No.550561

Yeah, the ending was really quite terrible.
Though it fluctuates wildly, I've been reading quite a bit lately and I'll estimate I get through one book every week or week and a half.

>> No.550912

For this quarter of college I'm averaging two novels a week for classes (teach me to save all my lit classes for the last quarter) but not getting much of my own reading done. 200+ pages a day during the week...fffffffffffffff

>> No.550919

About 1 a week for recreation

>> No.550943

Stephen King crafts amazing worlds, then writes horrible endings. I'm currently re-reading The Wastelands, but I'm considering putting it on hold and reading Snow Crash again.

>> No.550944

the last chapter was a new addition for this edition.

>> No.551278

ending man, not the last chapter

>> No.551301

Depends a lot on the books. This month I've already read 10, but it's mostly been novellas and poetry collections. Last month it was 15 and February was only 9.

>> No.551406

How much free time do you guys have? I can hardly manage one book a month.

>> No.551414

At least 9.

>> No.551427

It varies quite a bit. I used to average maybe a few books a year, but since /lit/ came around I've read probably one every week and a half.

For me anyway, I work part time nights/graveyard shift so all I do is read (at work and home) and write during the day.

>> No.551431

50-200 pages a day

>> No.551439

I make time by doing meth.

>> No.551454

Two a month, because I read slowly and am busy like hell.

>> No.551533

Well this month so far I have read 12 books. The dresden files. But then I can go a couple months with only reading one book. So usually I read about 40 books a year.

>> No.551541

On average, about one a week, but at times like now when I'm taking a break from more complex stuff and reading some fantasy and sci-fi for fun, two or three a week.

>> No.551584


>> No.551749

I usually average 6-8 a month, but if it's something easy to read and very good, I'll read a book a day, and I've been doing that a lot lately. I've already read 6 this month.

>> No.551777

I try to read 1 book a week. Lately I have been finishing 2 to 3 books a week. it helps if you do not watch TV after sunset.

>> No.551788

Gotta read 'em all.

>> No.552566

10hrs / week on the train allows for a book every two weeks. Give or take.
Blindsight by Peter Watts is kiiiilling me. It's barely interesting enough for me to keep reading, but well written enough for me not to put it down.

>> No.552597

Less than one. I'm becoming dissapointed in books because it's impossible to filter all shit and leave only decent.
Let's take for example A.Bester. I read his Tiger, Tiger. It was good imo. Then I read his other books. And was like FFFUUUUU because they are all about the same thing: "you want something, bitch? here you. Are you happy? No? Bad for you. <end of the book>". Before that I read several books by P. Anthony, don't remember the titles, but one was about planet with slavery, The Game, fucking robots, parallel world, fucking unicorns, and I don't remember what was another book about, but it had female character who slowly turned from stupid and beautiful bitch into ugly but smart bitch. MC of both of these books were some sort of loser who suddenly gained THE POWAH and girls to fuck. I felt like I was in /a]. Feels bad. Now I mainly reread good books.

Well, in The Mist he didn't bothered to write ending at all.

>> No.552609


and King has always left me kinda meh. Feels like the junk food of /lit/

/also, I need something new to read

>> No.552611

How can you guys read so much? I can only manage two a month.

>> No.552615

i love reading, but i'm lucky if i finish 2 in a month.

how the fuck do you people go through more than one a week? speed reading? jesus...

>> No.552633



>> No.552648

I usually read about 1 every 2 weeks or so. But Dune is taking me forever because I can't get into it.

>> No.552673

If I really get into the books, I can knock in at least 15 a month.

>> No.552696

about 20 books in the last three years, so half a book per month

>> No.554101

I suppose it depends on how engaging the book is, most I've ever read is about 20 or so books in a month, but a good majority of them were 100pages or less. A buddy of mine recently knocked out the whole Harry Potter series in 5 days, quite the feat if you ask me.

>> No.554102

For me, it depends on what I'm reading, how into it I am, and other crap I have to do. I love to read and will devour a book of its really good in one sitting.

>> No.554108

about one or two a month during semester, one a week at least when on holidays.