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File: 5 KB, 194x260, kripke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5501950 No.5501950 [Reply] [Original]

Who is the greatest living philosopher?

I suggest Saul Kripke.
>Kripke was labelled a prodigy, having taught himself Ancient Hebrew by the age of six, read the complete works of Shakespeare by nine, and mastered the works of Descartes and complex mathematical problems before finishing elementary school. He wrote his first completeness theorem in modal logic at the age of 17, and had it published a year later. After graduating from high school in 1958, Kripke attended Harvard University and graduated summa cum laude obtaining a bachelor's degree in mathematics. During his sophomore year at Harvard, Kripke taught a graduate-level logic course at nearby MIT. Upon graduation (1962) he received a Fulbright Fellowship, and in 1963 was appointed to the Society of Fellows.

>Kripke's contributions to philosophy include:
>Kripke semantics for modal and related logics, published in several essays beginning while he was still in his teens.
>His 1970 Princeton lectures Naming and Necessity (published in 1972 and 1980), that significantly restructured philosophy of language.
>His interpretation of Wittgenstein.
>His theory of truth.
>He has also contributed to set-theory (see admissible ordinal and Kripke-Platek set theory)

>> No.5501954

how do you master descartes? he's not a technique

>> No.5501961

past tense: mastered; past participle: mastered
acquire complete knowledge or skill in (a subject, technique, or art).

>> No.5502019

>not Zizek
Step it up, capitalist.

>> No.5502031

sounds like a massive tool whose contributions will be forgotten before his body is cold

>> No.5502037

and steven colbert ist the greates journalist in the world

>> No.5502042

Why? He is the most influential philosopher since Wittgenstein,

>> No.5502045

yeah prodigies are almost always overrated

they are masters of imitation and little else

like anyone else, it takes years and years of practice and rigorous working to develop a unique and personal skillset

sounds like this guy hasn't done that

>> No.5502046



>> No.5502048

probably depends on how you define influential. Wittgenstein and Kripke were very influential to other philosophers but Rawls and Rorty probably had more influence on politics and culture.

>> No.5502051
File: 36 KB, 666x408, philosophy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Real philosophy isn't personal.

>> No.5502052


>> No.5502057

name one philosopher who isn't personal in their work

>> No.5502058

What do politics and culture have to do with this? I'm talking about philosophy as an academic discipline.

>> No.5502059


>strawman: the image

>is a Wittgensteinian
>claims philosophy isn't personal

Top fucking kek.


Kripke and other boring analytics in need of a speech therapist.

>> No.5502060

was this meant to do something?

>> No.5502061

Define personal. We may be thinking of different things.

>> No.5502064

Actually that image is based more on Nietzsche and Russell. I'll assume you've read History of Western Philosophy.

>> No.5502069
File: 46 KB, 339x398, Schopenhauer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He's nothing. A few books on logic to throw into the pile. Outstanding.

Like many prodigies, he failed to live up to his bright promise.

Still many levels above the average university educated cretin, but nothing meant to last across the generations. No magnum opus, no system, no value system.

Color me unimpressed.

>> No.5502070

That seems to me to be not a very useful way to frame it if you're trying to figure out who the greatest living philosopher is, or even the most influential living philosopher.

But if your scope is just "philosophy departments in universities," then sure, Kripke can win.

>> No.5502072

lol that image is a troll

are you using it seriously?

>> No.5502073

I just listened to one of his lectures... does he have autism?

>> No.5502074

What you said has nothing to do wtih Kripke who has studied philosophy and logic for his entire life and produced a lot of original work

>> No.5502076

>Actually that image is based more on Nietzsche and Russell

Where did I claim it wasn't, and in what way is that relevant to anything I said?

>is an analyticfag cheerleader
>has no logic



Autism is a prerequisite for analytic philosophy.

>> No.5502081


>philosophy and logic

Just logic. His only non-logical work, Kripkenstein, is laughably bad.

>mfw philosophers who can't into hermeneutics or structuralism

>> No.5502085

The OP seemed to imply because he was a prodigy he is automatically important. Prodigal talent means nothing by itself.

So what if he studied philosophy and logic his entire life? What has he got to show for it? Mediocre works.

>> No.5502086

Seriously, what's wrong with his voice? Is that like a disorder or what?

>> No.5502088

>No magnum opus
What is Naming and Necessity?

Please don't come to a discussion about philosophy and expect it to be about opinionists like Schopenhauer and Nietzsche.
It doesn't matter if a philosopher is influential politically in terms of philosophy. All that matters is their influence in their field of study.

>> No.5502092

Logic is the only important philosophical field of study.
>Where did I claim it wasn't
You called me Wittgensteinian

>> No.5502093


Who the fuck still believes in objective truth in 2014?

>> No.5502096

>Logic is the only important philosophical field of study.


>> No.5502097

He is the most influential philosopher alive today. That is what he has to show for it.
>has no logic
Logic is to be applied, you don't 'have' it.

>> No.5502098

Actually, language is the only important philosophical field of study.

>> No.5502099

>Logic is the only important philosophical field of study.

And what makes you claim this?

>> No.5502101


That's what happens when you spend your entire childhood and teens locked in your room so you can be a prodigy instead of talking to people.



Prove it faggot.


Directed at whoever it was who said Kripke was 'the most important since Wittgenstein' which implicitly endorses Wittgenstein. Endorsing Wittgenstein and then claiming that philosophy isn't personal is about the most retarded thing you can do.

>> No.5502102

You can deprecate his work as much as you want but that doesn't change the fact that he's highly influential in his field

>> No.5502104

Logic and mathematics are objective truth. Nobody except Schopenhauer ever cared what Schopenhauer had to say about love, art, women or music. People just quote him to seem 'wise' whilst sharing nothing logically justifiable.
Name on other field, then.

>> No.5502106

>He is the most influential philosopher alive today. That is what he has to show for it.

Based on what, your opinion?

>> No.5502107

Are you serious? I'm pretty sure he has a motor skill deficiency.

>> No.5502108


Actually, philosophy is the only important linguistic field of study.

>highly influential in his field

So are the Kardashians and Eminem. Try again.

>> No.5502109

It is objectively true.

>> No.5502110

>Name on other field, then.


>> No.5502114
File: 25 KB, 242x283, influe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>bashing Schoppy whilst trying to defend a modern logician who barely passes muster as an actual philosopher

you just went full retard m98

>> No.5502115

>Actually, philosophy is the only important linguistic field of study.

I see what you did there.

>> No.5502116

>It is objectively true.

How so?

>> No.5502117

No, based on how much his work has been studied by his contemporaries.
Are you saying Wittgenstein wasn't influential?

>> No.5502118


Prove it.


Where did I say Wittgenstein wasn't influential? Learn to read, retard.

>> No.5502119

Eminem is acutally a highly respected popular artist, so you try again, bitch.

>> No.5502120

Philosophy is useless without logic.
It is the only field with truth value.

>> No.5502121


>missing the point

He's still Eminem, you fucking mongoloid.

>> No.5502122

>It is the only field with truth value.

Expand upon this.

>> No.5502127

Do you know what 'most important' means?
Only logic and mathematics are objectively true. Mathematics is not philosophy, but logic is.

>> No.5502128

I fail to see what's wrong with Eminem, dipshit.

>> No.5502129

>Philosophy is useless without logic.


>> No.5502131
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>> No.5502132

>Only logic and mathematics are objectively true. Mathematics is not philosophy, but logic is.

Why is logic objectively true?

>> No.5502133


Schopenhauer pioneered double aspect theory you fucking autist

As in, the future of neuropsychology. In 1850.

Maybe if you had read (or even heard about) something other than his controversial works you'd show some fucking respect. Fourfold Root is worth more than all the 'philosophical literature' produced in the last 100 years put together, and it was a fucking doctoral dissertation he wrote in his early twenties. You have no idea how far above all of us these 19th and 18th century thinkers were. We are all living on the intellectual inheritance that has come directly down from them. Learn some fucking manners you adolescent swine.

>> No.5502136


That's why you're a mongoloid/12

>> No.5502138

I'm not going to undercut your teachers, kid.
18th and 19th century thinkers were like a bunch of Will Selfs. Glorified opinionists..

>> No.5502140


I like you.

>> No.5502141

>I'm not going to undercut your teachers, kid.

aka I don't have the answers and I'm spouting drivel I haven't comprehended.

>> No.5502145


Master trole 2014


Neuroscience student here, just curious as to whether you know of secondary lit drawing out the implications of Schop for neuro?

>> No.5502146

I can see where this is going. Dipshit made the mistake of saying 'logic is true'. It's a tautology and unfalsifiable, there un-justifiable, and therefore not a piece of knowledge. Finding the proof for each statement there will go on into an infinite regress. tl;dr You can't analyze logic using logic. Stop.

>> No.5502147
File: 16 KB, 809x808, friday evening at pepe's.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a shame he has Alzheimer's now.

>> No.5502149

I do have the answers. They're quite simple, I'm surprised you can't understand it yourself. Maybe if I wrote a book pretending to be a prophet you'd spend more time trying to understand it.

>> No.5502152

John Searle

>> No.5502154

Is that where you were getting at? You can't make propositions about logic?

>> No.5502155

>read the complete works of Shakespeare by nine

Even if somebody could read Shakespeare by nine, what would it be useful for? I mean noone knows what is love, what is sex at 9!.

>> No.5502156

I'm sorry you can't appreciate one of the greatest popular lyricists of our era

>> No.5502157

Okay okay let's just calm down now. Put the Searle away and we'll forget this ever happened.

>> No.5502158

"logic is true" isn't a tautology what
the sentence just doesn't really make sense if you're defining truth in terms of logical certainty

>> No.5502160

Maybe just talk about them here

>> No.5502162


Because if Kripke didn't read the complete works of Shakespeare by age nine 13 year old trolls couldn't make threads about him on 4chan.

>> No.5502164

Jurgen Habermas

>> No.5502165

No I'm saying that the laws of logic are tautologies my apologies. A is true or not true for example. How can one prove that? It's unfalsifiable.

>> No.5502166


Certainty is part of epistemology, not logic.

>> No.5502172

the law of excluded middle is pretty controversial
you can prove it false by giving examples of sentences that are arguably neither true nor false
"this sentence is false"

>> No.5502174

>A is true or not true for example

Graham Priest would disagree with you.


>> No.5502175




>> No.5502178

Your teachers are the ones who are paid to do that. I came here looking for smart people, but all I have found is a collection of brain dead children. This board has many varieties of children; continentals, socialists and Orthodox Christians, but you are the stupidest.

>> No.5502179

sure, but you can define "x is true" as "x is logically necessary given these premises", or a similar formulation

>> No.5502181

No. Fuck off back to the 19th century.

>> No.5502184


Yes, but nobody said anything about any fucking premises. The question was about whether 'logic is true' ON ITS OWN is a tautology. It isn't even a tautology because 'logic' isn't a proposition.


>19th century

Now this is trolling.

>> No.5502187
File: 84 KB, 412x398, 002-178-45.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you even know what necessity is?

>> No.5502188

what's wrong with habermas?

>> No.5502189


He doesn't speak English, so analytic fags hate him no matter what.

>> No.5502190


>> No.5502191

>>19th century
>Now this is trolling.
I'm saying his ideas are outdated.

>> No.5502195

that'd be circular because necessity is defined with reference to truth

>> No.5502198

ad hominems everywhere

nice logic

>> No.5502200


Which ones?

>> No.5502204

which ideas exactly?

>> No.5502206



Scholarly articles are dug up easily enough. I've not been able to find many books on the subject yet, but I suspect they will begin to appear in the next decade.

Here are some good vids:




The gist of double aspect theory is that neurological activity is not the cause(!) of intellectual phenomena, but that these are two aspects of the same thing, taken from different perspectives, i.e. subjective first person and objective third person.

A very lazy example would be depression.

Psychology says clinical depression is correlated to or caused by low levels of a certain neurotransmitter (say dopamine)

Double aspect theory says there is no causal relationship between low dopamine and depressed mood, because these are the same thing. Hence why simply trying to put more dopamine into circulation does not fix the problem. The brain is fundamentally different from all other organs because of its connexion to consciousness. The materialistic account of consciousness can never be complete or accurate.

This is the best description I can manage at 4 am

>> No.5502207

Languages are stupid. Only numbers matter.
Do you even know what an ad hominem is?

>> No.5502210

>Do you even know what an ad hominem is?

precisely what you are doing

>> No.5502213


Serotonin. Otherwise that's very interesting. It sounds a bit like Australian Identity Theory.

>> No.5502215

Communicative rationality
Post-metaphysical philosophy
Discourse ethics
Deliberative democracy
Universal pragmatics
Communicative action
The structural transformation of the public sphere
The system–lifeworld distinction
Critique of subject-centered reason
Performative contradiction
Constitutional patriotism

>> No.5502216

Wouldn't 'this sentence is false' be a nonsensical sentence? Logic would still apply wouldn't it? A=this sentence: is either true or false.

Could it be like saying 'Pegasus doesn't exist'? If he doesn't exist, to name him in such a way and say he doesn't exist makes no sense. That sentence is neither true nor false; just nonsense. Can you help me by clarifying? It's very interesting.

>> No.5502218


How are they outdated?

>> No.5502220

So that's a no.

>> No.5502221


The leading theory changes every year, I can't keep track of it.

But look into some of that stuff if you're interested.

>> No.5502226

thanks for listing all his ideas bud
what about them is outdated

>> No.5502228

Continental philosophy officially died around 1900.

>> No.5502232


It's a logical paradox. If the liar sentence is true, then it's false, and if it's false then it's true. Logicians have dealt with this in different ways, one of whom is Graham Priest who developed dialethism to deal with paradoxes of this sort.

>> No.5502234

it's a yes actually

look back

>> No.5502237


You are so fucking bad at arguing it's hilarious.

>> No.5502238

I never attacked the character of anyone.

>> No.5502239

certain philosophers do believe sentences that aren't true or false are nonsense, like logical positivists
the law of excluded middle fails because if the sentence is 1) true, then it is false and 2) false, then it is true
if it's either true or false, it generates an inescapable contradiction
you can say it's nonsense, but it doesn't seem like the sentence is hard to understand. you know full well what it means, and you also understand that it's not logically sound under standard logical systems

>> No.5502242


Very cool. But has this theory disproven the law of the excluded middle? Or is there a debate going on still about it?

>> No.5502244

Nice cussing, you must be very smart.

>> No.5502247

so habermas's ideas are outdated exclusively because of the academic community they came from, and not because a speck of the actual content? interesting

>> No.5502249

Yeah I was under that impression, but it is true(and very interesting) that these nonsensical sentences are perfectly understood by humans despite their vagueness and obvious paradoxical nature. Very cool.

>> No.5502250


Depends on whether you think 'this sentence is a lie' or 'how many grains in a pile of sand' are meaningful problems anybody should care about.

>> No.5502258

the debate is ongoing. it's hard to "disprove" a logical law, but there are a number of non-classical logical systems that don't use the law of excluded middle. some also drop the law of non-contradiction (Av~A but not both, aka A is not both true and false)

>> No.5502259

>The leading theory changes every year

No. But thanks for the links.

>> No.5502261


sorry, I meant the leading treatment, and every 6 months

>> No.5502264

yes you did

>> No.5502265

Anything involving language is something people should care about in my personal opinion. Anywhere I can read more about this? Any books or philosophers? This Graham Priest guy I assume?

>> No.5502267

No I didn't.

>> No.5502271

yes you did

look back

>> No.5502272

Reading material for illogical logic stuff? Also general logic too.

>> No.5502273

the sentence isn't really vague (in the normal use of the word vague, at least)
none of the terms are confusing or unclear, and the sentence on the whole has a very clear meaning: it asserts its own falsity
if a sentence can assert the falsity of another sentence without being nonsensical, why can't it self-assert falsity and still be sensible? it's still sensible, just now it's paradoxical too

>> No.5502276


There's something like this in Buddhism actually, where something can be true, false, true and false, or neither true nor false.


Pick up Introduction to Non-Classical Logic, by Priest. it covers the history of these debates plus current theory.

I studied it last year, but my personal opinion is that it's trivial fluff (unless you're a logician) while other areas of philosophy have much more interesting things going on.

>> No.5502291

Great thanks!

>> No.5502294

No I didn't.

>> No.5502295

"On Denoting" by Russell talks about this problem, and early Wittgenstein and the logical positivists are relevant to it (since they adhere strongly to the law of excluded middle and also are strong proponents of the idea that large classes of sentences are nonsense despite being common-sensically "understood")

I'd advise reading stanford on the law of excluded middle, then Bertie's "On Denoting", then a little logical positivism (Ayer is very accessible)
this way you also learn about different criterions of "sensible" sentences and such. good material

>> No.5502297


He isn't going to learn anything about the debate question Condition Excluded Middle by reading philosophers that dogmatically adhere to it.


>> No.5502298

yeah you did

>> No.5502302


No I didn't.

>> No.5502304

Thanks for the suggestions! I have read Wittgenstein(which is why I was thinking in terms of classical logic). Funny enough,even with my Buddhism phase many years ago I never thought about the 'non-classical logic' examples. Yikes.

>> No.5502305

No I didn't.

>> No.5502307

seconding the Priest book.
for general logic: Bergmann, Moor, and Nelson's "The Logic Book" is top-notch if you can find a copy.
otherwise this is good: http://rocket.csusb.edu/~troy/SLmain.pdf

>> No.5502313


Yes you did.

>> No.5502317

russell provides a way of resolving certain puzzles posed as counterexamples to the law of excluded middle which is why his work is important here
it's a useful discussion
logical positivism does dogmatically adhere to it, but since the "nonsense criterion" is so important to the debate, it's clutch to have an idea of various formulations and views on it

>> No.5502318

No I didn't.

>> No.5502319

Found 'The Logic Book' on pirate bay thanks.

>> No.5502325


Yes you did.

>> No.5502331


The counterexamples Russell deals with aren't the same ones the dialethists bring up.

I get it, you like Russell, but you don't need to force him onto everybody else. Life is too short to suffer through Principia Mathematica.

>> No.5502335

huehue nobody read principia. godel made it irrelevant anyway
and sure they aren't the one dialethists use but they don't use them because russell had already taken them out. plus, dialethists aren't the only non-classical logicians

>> No.5502341

No I didn't.

>> No.5502343


Would you two retards please take your pissing contest somewhere else?

>> No.5502344

also tbh i don't like russell at all. dude annoys the piss out of me and i consider him a largely incompetent philosopher, especially as a historian of philosophy. on denoting is just an important work in discussions of the law of excluded middle

>> No.5502347

I appreciate the suggestion. I've been avoiding Russell for the same reasons you describe, but I'll give 'On Denoting' a look. Thanks.

>> No.5502348

He was also a socialist, and I hate blood thirsty tyrants.

>> No.5502352


He was a spy for the Illuminati:


>> No.5502365

>He was also a socialist, and I hate blood thirsty tyrants
[fart noises intensify]

>> No.5502368

Go kill 100 million innocent people.

>> No.5502369


>Who is the greatest living philosopher?

my philosophy prof probably
he taught us his ideas on the lecturers (i don't remember any) and almost got me expelled for not attending them and complaining ><
at least i understood the continental philosophers' mentality

>> No.5502372

you obviously have a very limited understanding of socialism. That's like saying all people with beards are Hitlers.

>> No.5502376

what the fuck kind of shitpost is this?
you're a tripfag goddamn it hold yourself to a higher standard and elaborate.

>> No.5502377

Socialism has failed 100% of the time and resulted in massive deaths.

>> No.5502378


>> No.5502380

Where? At Chataqua Community College?

>> No.5502385

Even Lenin didn't call the USSR socialism, but state capitalism. L2socialsm first.

>> No.5502387

I don't care what Lenin said.

>> No.5502401

Well, you're not talking about Socialism.

>> No.5502402

Yes, and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics was socialist. Lenin was probably talking about his NEP.

>> No.5502482


>Implying Norway has failed
>Implying Sweden has failed
>Implying you're not a complete and utter moron that doesn't bother to check that the shit he/she spews is even loosely based in fact

>> No.5502523

Socialism means that the workers control the means of production. Neither the USSR nor fucking Norway is an example of socialism you retards.

>> No.5502578

What's some good works of Kripke I should read?

>> No.5502584

there arent any

>> No.5502624

No, Žižek is. Whether you like it or not.

>> No.5504117

No mention of Badiou yet?! And I though /lit/ couldn't disappoint me anymore. Žižek seems only like a sociologist next to Badiou.

>> No.5504131

Eric Gans. It's all about Generative Anthropology.

>> No.5504160

This is one of the worst threads I've seen on /lit/ in a long time. You should all be ashamed of yourselves.

>I like X!
>X is a faggot!
>no u
>no u times infinity!
God damn. I'm done today.

>> No.5504167

>implying you understand the implications of or care about any of the pedantic shit that analytic philosophers and logicians do

>> No.5504181


>ist the greates

That's some weird transposition fella

>> No.5504183

lol yes he does

>> No.5504208

that's how philosophers decide their importance
whoever got more powerful i.e. vocative followers wins
it's like playing 'the heroes of might and magic'

>> No.5504213

What is even going on in this thread? Who let a bunch of 12 years old in here?

>> No.5504215

> not understanding the importance of time
Do you even Bernardette and Davis?

>> No.5504296
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>> No.5504825

whoa that was probably the worst video I've ever seen. It's funny how there are people arguing about these pathetic conspiracy theories when the rest of us are debating and discussing real ideas while completely ignoring them in our shadow.

>> No.5504867
File: 129 KB, 894x894, sonic___sneaker_fresh_by_riproarrex-d3e1xe2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Logic is a dead end. If this is the only important philosophical field of study, then philosophy is truly dead.

>> No.5504877

Don't use words like 'vocative' if you have no idea what they mean.

>> No.5504978

>Logic is a dead end.
>If this is the only important philosophical field of study
Don't worry, it's not.
>They are not a philosophical race—the English: Bacon represents an ATTACK on the philosophical spirit generally, Hobbes, Hume, and Locke, an abasement, and a depreciation of the idea of a "philosopher" for more than a century. It was AGAINST Hume that Kant uprose and raised himself; it was Locke of whom Schelling RIGHTLY said, "JE MEPRISE LOCKE"; in the struggle against the English mechanical stultification of the world, Hegel and Schopenhauer (along with Goethe) were of one accord; the two hostile brother-geniuses in philosophy, who pushed in different directions towards the opposite poles of German thought, and thereby wronged each other as only brothers will do.—What is lacking in England, and has always been lacking, that half-actor and rhetorician knew well enough, the absurd muddle-head, Carlyle, who sought to conceal under passionate grimaces what he knew about himself: namely, what was LACKING in Carlyle—real POWER of intellect, real DEPTH of intellectual perception, in short, philosophy.
The "English mechanical stultification of the world" that Nietzsche mentions is very closely connected with their obsession with analytical approach – which, just like a mechanical view of the world, isolates different parts, tries to find meaning of them outside of any relation with other parts, and only then plans to put all parts back together.

>> No.5505107

you did