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File: 178 KB, 933x1024, mozart1-933x1024.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5499177 No.5499177 [Reply] [Original]

I've been watching muted porn while listening to Mozart's Requiem in the background, and it's depressing to say the least. I feel for all the whores of the world, I really do. I feel their struggle for survival, their pain, I feel short bursts of euphoria followed by deep agony. It's all meaningless.

Are there any good books about the subject?

>> No.5499227


>> No.5499239

Houllebecq maybe?

>> No.5499274

Uh! I like it.

>> No.5499278

What subject?
Do you want a gritty neo-noir existentialist fiction or something? I could go for something like that.

Next time whilst flapping listen to a wonderful world.

>> No.5499300

Christian Krohg - Albertina

>> No.5499308

Neo-noir sounds interesting, but I was thinking about it general. Doesn't even really matter if it's non-fiction or fiction.

>> No.5499313

Requiem for a Dream is exactly what you're looking for.

>> No.5499318

Heyy man maybe you should not masturbate for a while??

>> No.5499346

I didn't. I just watched like I would watch tv. It's interesting because suddenly you notice shit you wouldn't otherwise.

>> No.5499369

Frank Yang pls go

>> No.5499393


Maybe I make a documentary with lots of slow motion porn and close ups.

>> No.5499401

I do that too but instead I listen to IDM.

>> No.5499410

intelligent dance music?

>> No.5499427

Yes, namely Boards of Canada (I'm a total n00b im the genre as of now, so pardon my generic taste).

>> No.5499463

I actually know Boards of Canada and I like this stuff, it's nice. Didn't know that was the name of the genre though. Do you like the fuckbuttons?


>> No.5499468

William Vollmann wrote about whores.

>> No.5499487

Sounds pretty cool. Not as melancholic as BoC, though, which was what got me into it, but still nice.

>> No.5500065

I like watching porn with classical music in background (possibly slow motion) too OP but Im not a faggot enough (like yourself) to feel anybody's pain. You're imagining stuff buddy. Worry about your problems and let other worry about theirs.

>> No.5500083


Oh wow.

>> No.5500089

>but Im not a faggot enough (like yourself) to feel anybody's pain

you do realise OP is superior to you as he can feel something you cannot, yes?

>> No.5500100
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Not the person you were responding to, but Tycho has a similar vibe to BoC. Perhaps too much, but it's okay.

>> No.5500140

You do realize Humbert Humbert is superior to you as he can love nymphets like you cannot, yes?

>> No.5500152

you are poisoned with feminism
they chose to be whores themselves

>> No.5500162

>poor people choose to be poor by not working enough
Do you Americans really believe this shit?

>> No.5500169

> feeling more pain than me
> superior than me

You do the math mate

>> No.5500181

>implying I don't also love loli

>> No.5500184

most of poor women don't become whores

>> No.5500185

That's bullshit.
It's easy money, and there's nothing wrong with that.

>> No.5500263

>poisoned with feminism
Will I slowly turn into dyke a bit like I was a character written by Franz Kafka?

>> No.5500290

>a character written by Franz Kafka?
you mean that insect?

>> No.5500293


>> No.5500303

Empathy is a sign of the week

>> No.5500315

next week it's lust

>> No.5500320

Yes. I imagine I would grow tits, piercings and glasses and my father then would throw dr. who dvds into my room.

>> No.5500326

But sociopathy is the blast of the weekend.

>> No.5500328

dont blame me it was my iPhone's fault

>> No.5500334

>you will never be a whore

>> No.5500336

So is being a legastheniac.

>> No.5500358

You need to hear Aphex Twin. Richard D. James basically pioneered 'IDM' (though he resents the term - and you should too).

>> No.5500360
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>> No.5500378

I too feel deep agony after I finish masturbating to porn. Why? Because porn is so male-centric. And male sexuality is boring. Ask any woman: female sexuality is profound, almost divine, deeply spiritual. Male sexuality is just wank wank wank cum. Porn subjugates female sexuality to male sexuality, which is fundamentally wrong, because the male and female form a mutually recursive yin-yang, where one cannot exist without the other. This is why only men watch porn; the female's sexuality is totally ignored. In fact, that's why porn is so obsessed with the penis and the cumshot. Porn denies the reality of female sexuality altogether; men need to see a man cumming in order to get sexual pleasure because they cannot conceive of a woman feeling sexual pleasure. Even when there are close-ups of women making Oh!-faces, the focus is paradoxically not on the woman, but on the man, for we reason by transitivity that if the woman is making such faces the man must be fucking the shit out of her and deriving even greater pleasure than it. The irony is that not even femdom and face-sitting and cfnm accept the reality of female sexuality; rather, they offer conflicting views of male sexuality that perverts who've exhausted the traditional wank wank wank cum route can jack off to. Both women and men lose in traditional porn.

What's the alternative? More yin, less yang. Porn needs to show the dualities of sexuality, then deconstruct them to show just the single unity - when female sexuality totally engulfs and then gives birth to male sexuality, and male sexuality conquers it but paradoxically is again engulfed by it.

I feel for the whores of the world because they angels who have had their wings clipped off. They are teased with the Transcendental Beauty of female sexuality daily, yet are denied it like a dog denied a piece of steak. Their struggle for survival is not physical, economic, or social; nay, it is fundamentally spiritual - it is the quest for sexual satisfaction as a proxy for spiritual transcendence.

As for books, I highly recommend Foucault's History of Sexuality, although you should really read his whole oeuvre.

>> No.5500380

There's a fine line separating strippers and pornstars from actual "whores" of course.
But most "whores" come from the poor

I will feed you to the grammar nazis, you weakling.

>> No.5500382

I'm sure helping the poor might be tuesday.

>> No.5500390

>These are the people that you share the planet with

>> No.5500394

How do you feel about his OP?

uhh.. NSFW. I don't want to get anyone fired

>> No.5500409

Not really. I happened to browse a certain porn star and noticed she was doing business in my town. Turns out she posted a list with prices on a forum and invited the guys to join her on a convention or something. Vaginal sex with a few minutes of snuggling was about 100 bucks I think. Yes, I shit you not, snuggling was on that list. Blew my mind.

>> No.5500417


>And male sexuality is boring. Ask any woman: female sexuality is profound, almost divine, deeply spiritual. Male sexuality is just wank wank wank cum.

i just wonder why men write better about love than women then...

>> No.5500428

I'd be affraid if I was standing infront of the pearly gates god might play this just to fuck with me. It's absurd.

>> No.5500442

If any retarded faggot is actually dumb enough to come to 4chan at worm I hope their undeserving afirmative action tranns-nigger coworker sues the entire company making countless employees realize that minorities are garbage tier.

>> No.5500457

I don't what's supposed to be profound and divine about female sexuality.

>cunt fart cunt fart
>not in the ass I said
>do you want to come on my face
>mhm tastes like pine apple

>> No.5500473

She crosses the line.
Some strippers do too. But many, most I'd say, keep it professional.

>> No.5500485

fantes ask the dust or something comes to mind

>> No.5500506

Women are told that everything about them is "profound, divine, pure, the essense of creativity" etc because empty bullshit like that takes their minds off the fact that their gender has pretty much done nothing but what it was biologically designed for.

>> No.5500511

Damn OP, this is surreal.

>> No.5500513

I recently attended a lecture at my university called "The Female Orgasm" ( www facebook com/events/281055005434467/ ), which totally changed my outlook on stuff like this. I also thought like that, but you have to realize that everything you've learned about "female sexuality" comes from porn which was created by males and meant to exult male sexuality and subjugate the power of the female orgasm. i.e., you know nothing, but you think you know a lot.

The female orgasm is proof that God/The Universe/The Cosmos is inherently feminine. Masculinity is a destructive force, and is limited to what is already in existence. But femininity is a creative force and is therefore infinite; the strongest female orgasm is incomprehensible to males. The problem with porn is that it emphasizes the male destruction of the female without the infinitely recursive female birthing of femininity qua femininity.

>> No.5500527

Are you sure? Because that seems pretty professional to me. And what does professional mean anyway if you're working in the sex industry? I'm sure they get exploited left and right, those who whore themselves out in the open are properly the epowered ones. Might be something different with Strippers, I give you that. But low profile porn actresses, no way. Only ones I would consider remarkable are the ones that only do scences with their boyfriends and or lesbian stuff.

>> No.5500545

People like you should honestly just be rounded up and shot so that the snake oil salesman and annoying pontificators have no prey with which to propogate their toxic lines.

>> No.5500548

>the female orgasm is incomprehensible to males
Professional divers can have multiple orgasms apparently, so I wouldn't be so sure about that. Also consider that prostate fingering stuff. I wouldn't do it but apparently it is supposed to be crazy.

>> No.5500554

lmao this post is perfect

>> No.5500572

Sorry, the grey line of legality, "legit" w/e

>those who whore themselves out in the open are properly the epowered ones.
You mean the runaways strung out on crack and watched by their pimps?

The "empowered" ones I don't don't shed any tears for, but It's all a sick industry. Ending capitalism would be an ideal solution. Free and easy sex lives all over the place.

>> No.5500577

I fapped while listening to afternoon delight once.
I came, but not as much as I expected.

>> No.5500582

White Knight Fag

>> No.5500594

tried it, never worked for me but I am envious

>> No.5500606

It's not pleasant, I agree. Especially if you consider how many of them were molested as little girls. Well, at least if those statistics are true. There's a video floating about where porn actresses talk about their first sexual expierences, and frankly it's weird as shit. The whole business is sad. Don't know if it would end with captialism though. As long as there are people who can't get laid there will be porn and prostitutes. Or as long as we aren't going full holo deck with unlimted resources.

>> No.5500630

I wouldn't do it just because I don't want to deal with a loose asshole. There must be plenty of... whores I guess who need to wear diapers through out the work week.

>> No.5500659

This is why we need a return to homosexual pederastical buttsex a la Ancient Greece.

Thus spake Zarathustra.

>> No.5500680

No thanks anon. I'm fine.

>> No.5500690
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What are you, an un-classicist degenerate?

>> No.5500705

Yes, I am.

>> No.5500712

Ending capitalism won't mean women can do whatever they want with no necessities

>> No.5500729

masculinity is a destructive force? who was supposed to protect females and children in the early times of humanity from sabertooth tigers and what not? have you EVER been to school? didnt they taught evolution and that men were "forced" to be masculine by evolution so they can secure humanities existence in this hostile world?

>> No.5500754

Is there a need fo masculinity in early population that did presistent hunting? Because afaik women were as able as the males in that regard, if not better. Like you wouldn't fight lions and so on, you just avoid or run away. Also early societies were much more matrialcial.

>> No.5500759

Lol mate you're weird

>> No.5500773

listen to whatever compilation albums warp records has on the genre

that will open you up to a bunch of different avenues in the "genre"

>> No.5500780

We'll work, but less hours a week. We'll have enough free time to do whatever we want, and recreational sex is on the minds of a lot of people.

Some ancient traditions should be left behind, anon.

>> No.5500784

My cousin worked in an all women firm and she said that it's basically drama every day over nothing. If you think women can't be destructive you're being delusional. If let alone those chicks will fight each other to the bone. Curious thing though is, apparently the whole atmosphere changes when a man is around. Don't know why, but it's true.

>> No.5500789

I did that all the time with portishead. Definitely gives you a different perspective of the whole thing

>> No.5500826

>their pain

they're like goldfish. they live only in the present and go from one stimulus to the next, manipulating all along the way.

>> No.5500829


>> No.5500833

Evopsych bullshit and absolute idiocy

>> No.5500841

>early societies were much more matrialcial.


>> No.5500847

*Tips fedora*

>> No.5500849

That's because men are the center of society; they always have been and always will be

>> No.5500855
File: 24 KB, 500x221, neoliberlismo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>after capitalism I won't have to work and I'll be way more fulfilled
I doubt you even work right now. Under a planned economy however, you'll have to do whatever the gosplan requires.

>> No.5500857

>*rattles slave chains*

>> No.5500861

>men are the center of society

how meaningless a phrase

>> No.5500875

Empathy is an evolutionary advantage.

>> No.5500884

that's even more fedora tier than the original comment

>> No.5500897

Only way to solve the spock problem is emotions. Without you're just a machine.

>> No.5500911

>implying men haven't been the actors of every significant event ever

>> No.5500916

Not always

>> No.5500919

Take your science fiction moronic shit outta here

>> No.5500921

But in terms of tribes it is.

>> No.5500928

You've got two apples. Both are identical but slight differences in color. Which one do you pick?

>> No.5500934

only a machine would value empathy because it's an evolutionary advantage

>> No.5500946

Oh yes, when you exclude all conditions where you statement is false, then it's true under every condition. Of course, A=A.

What if a tribe is starving and only has enough food for half of the people to survive? Meaning if they split up the food evenly all would die. Sometimes, empathy is not good for survival.

Saying "evolution did it" is this generations "human nature"

>> No.5500948

Fuck off.

>> No.5500950

The greener one

>> No.5500955

Suck my balls and stop spouting idiotic shit about "human nature". Also stop glorifying femininity; that religion is for morons

>> No.5500960

I suppose out of a hundred tribes the ones where selflessness is the norm would have a higher chance of survival than the ones that club each other to death. Especially when luck comes into play.

>> No.5500962
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>religion is for morons

>> No.5500967
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>not cumming to Beethoven's 9th

>> No.5500969

It's true you fedora minded loser.

>> No.5500971

It doesn't matter because this is a retarded thought experiment for autists who talk too much at parties

>> No.5500974
File: 436 KB, 498x516, euphoric.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5500975
File: 64 KB, 186x186, mozart3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw I was listening to Mozart's 23rd concerto when I read this

>> No.5500986
File: 113 KB, 579x775, sup.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

IIn this moment, I am euphoric. Not because of some pony God's blessing. But because, I am enlightened by my intellhoofence.

>> No.5500987

>using an image thinking it serves as a reply
fuck of back to /b/ you retard

>> No.5500991

>getting this mad

>> No.5500993

You're fucking stupid dude. It's not that you have empathy or no empathy; it's that empathy being completely dominant over our choices was OBVIOUSLY not selected for in humans.

>> No.5500995
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>> No.5500998

Would Jesus be condescending and insulting like that bud?

>> No.5501002

You don't understand a thing.

>Fedora tipping
>No religion mentioned

>> No.5501007

>assuming im mad
>why hasn't he fucked of yet?
>wishing he'd jump off of a cliff
>not mad though little dick

>> No.5501011

If you'd know anything about evolutionary theory you would know cooperative behaviour is prefered. If it wasn't we wouldn't have mirror neurons.

>> No.5501017

Yes and it is you idiot. What are you not understanding?

>> No.5501019

Neither is art, if you consider all the poets and writers who died childless. Darwinism is such a stupid pseudo-religion. Want to attain Darwinism to the max? Donate your sperm to a sperm bank. Congratulations, you have reached the height of sexual fitness and passed more of your genes on than many other people can say, presumably.

>> No.5501021

lol wtf are you saying nerd
I was the one who told you to fuck off but I wasn't the original guy I just like saying fuck off in arguments that I'm not in to make it seem like one side gave up
stay fucking mad

>> No.5501024

So you're agreeing with me?

>> No.5501028


>> No.5501036

have a cookie fagt

>> No.5501043

But you just said empathy was an evolutionary advantage?

>> No.5501049

No I didn't.

>> No.5501058

Yes, you did. We agreed on cooperative behaviour being prefered by evolution.

>> No.5501060

Where the fuck did I say that fuckface?

>> No.5501067

I'm not saying Darwinism is good you idiot. I'm saying that natural selection can't be used to justify an ethic. That's why I argued against anon's use of "muh human nature" to justify their belief in femininity

No. Empathy and working together are not the same thing, retard

>> No.5501086

Why could you work effectively together without empathy?

>> No.5501087

>No. Empathy and working together are not the same thing, retard
Yes it fucking is.

>> No.5501091

Threads like this is why I still come here. In both senses of the word.

>> No.5501094

Why couldn't you work effectively together without empathy?

>> No.5501105

If you were to, say, fight a war, you would have empathy with your fellow soldiers but no empathy towards the enemy. Humans can and can't have empathy, it's conditional

>> No.5501106

Empathy is necessary to anticipate behaviour. Should be obvious why a hunter for instance would benefit from that in multiple ways.

>> No.5501110

>Humans can and can't have empathy
No they can't
>it's conditional
No it's fucking not.
>Empathy is necessary to anticipate behaviour.
No it's fucking not

>> No.5501117

Empathy isn't just feeling for someone but understanding. Of course a soldier would need empathy towards his enemy because that gives him an edge.

>> No.5501133

Those aren't the same thing you fucking dunce

>> No.5501137

Yes they fucking are, fuckbag.

>> No.5501139

Uh no, a hunter may be detached in how he predicts what people will do

>> No.5501142


>> No.5501143

No, that's not what empathy is. By that logic, Ted Bundy was extremely empathetic because he understood how to manipulate people extremely well

Empathy necessitates sympathy in typical humans

>> No.5501151


>> No.5501152

Every time you look at another persons face you're using empathy, or rather, mirror neurons, to make sense of what you're seeing. Yes, you can intellectualize it too but the advantage of doing it instinctively should be considered.

>> No.5501156

Fuck off autist

>> No.5501157

The indians were able to feel both for animals they killed. Your point is invalid.

>> No.5501162

Savages aren't human, so they don't belong in this argument.

>> No.5501163

>ut "female sexuality" comes from porn which was created by males

>not watching female-directed lesbian porn

Does anyone here even masturbate? I'm not talking about "jacking off", I'm talking about the educated use of your penis when watching high quality pornographic material. Get better taste /lit/.

>> No.5501165

No they aren't, retard. Stop looking at lexical definitions for words you don't understand. Empathy is never used in any context to mean "the intuitive understanding of emotions", it's used to mean a more detached form of sympathy

>> No.5501167

If you had empathy you wouldn't project as hard and therefor live a healthier life with less anger issues. Your heart risks goes probably up 10% every time you get mad on the internet.

>> No.5501168

I'm done, you can be stupid all alone

>> No.5501169

Yes they fucking are and I'll do as I damn please.
No I fucking wouldn't

>> No.5501175

>Like you wouldn't fight lions and so on, you just avoid or run away.

Only on /lit/ could anyone be this stupid. I suppose we should have also been vegan and only eaten 100% organic, unprocessed mushrooms?

>> No.5501176

>savages aren't humans because they feel empathy
>empathy isn't a survival treat
I think you might got it the wrong way.

>> No.5501181

Animals can't feel empathy

>> No.5501182

Thank you very much. You just tapped out of the argument. I recognize your defeat.

>> No.5501183

Empathy is a survival trait, it's just not simply a part of "human nature" without context. We are not empathetic toward everything

>> No.5501185

Science begs to differ.

>> No.5501188

Yes they do. Even rats feel empathy. When watching another rat be injured, they change their behavior. All you have to Google is "rats empathy". Come the fuck on.

I think even plants feel some form of it.

>> No.5501189

Lions aren't endurance runners anon.

>> No.5501190

Even if we were to go along with your precious "science", sub-humans are even worse than animals and can't feel empathy.

>> No.5501194

I heard plants grow larger when you play mozart for them.

>> No.5501197

It's God's way of showing how great of a composer Mozart was.

>> No.5501210

empathy = necessary for getting jokes
getting jokes = better social status
better social status = getting laid
getting laid = reproduction
reproduction = a evolutionary advantage
probability of an intelligent species to develop empathy = 1

only reason you guys are free to be unempathatic is because the rest still feels it.

>> No.5501211

You're wrong

>> No.5501220

Nice rebuttal.

>> No.5501224

Thanks I knew you would see the light

>> No.5501225

It doesn't matter, because at 200m they have caught your slow ass ten times over.

Even if you COULD avoid them (as if humans could monitor the position of predators 24/7), it would cost a lot of calories to do so. It would add up over time, most likely resulting in starvation.

>precious "science"

Lol. Not even worth the effort.

Plants respond to a lot of things. They feel pain as well, which is always a good joke to bring up around vegetarians.

>> No.5501227

lions can't run zick zack. It's not possible for them because how they are build.

>> No.5501229


>> No.5501279

They will still catch you. You can't cover enough ground zig zagging that they couldn't make up for with a leap. I don't think you understand how fast animals can move compared to humans.

>> No.5501302
File: 53 KB, 400x400, 1382394706486.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I've been watching muted porn while listening to Mozart's Requiem in the background, and..

>> No.5502358

>left behind

>> No.5502406

Not thatvanon but you don't need to apologize for enjoying Boards of Canada, they have great music. If you're not familiar with Briano Eno, you should look into him. I would also recommend Mick Chillage, a guy who has an XFM radio show in Dublin with another guy, and Phasen (earlier stuff if you can find it, he moved into more house/deep house/techno/dance type music the last four years or so).

>in b4 >>>/mu/

>> No.5502419

>watching porn and listening to Mozart
hey Anthony Burgess called, he wants his anti-hero protagonist back

Yeah, yeah, yeah it was Beethoven, whatever it's all the same shit.

>> No.5502423

>educated use of your penis
>educated use of your penis

Holy fuck I lost it!
I get where you're going but..

Recommend educational porn please.I think my penis has a shot at the Nobel.

>> No.5502427

BoC is bad and you should feel bad.

>> No.5502912


>> No.5502993

and you dumbass think its only the lions that were a hazard to the humans in the early stages of history? there were also wolves, bears, huge mammoths who would loose their shit and run over people, and many other things which ever even bigger and ferocious back then.
also diseases and starvation would sort out the weak in that case strong masculine males are needed to produce offspring, which will endure the difficulties
>early socities were much more matrialcial
were they? because all archeological findings say that men were in charge of shit they had weapons and shit and sometimes their women were buried with them if they died, so not matriarchal at all dumbass

>> No.5503007

Somone try this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=miLV0o4AhE4

>> No.5503011

You're talking only about a tiny blip in history. The bigger part of our history is mostly unknown.

>> No.5503026

>Listening to Mozart.
Wow so intellectual.

>> No.5503045

Of course I do.

>> No.5503056

I feel bad for the men too. Sex must be boring for them.

>> No.5503076

Looks like someone thinks he's better than the rest of us.

>> No.5503078

I literally just watched Requiem for a Dream

>> No.5503109

No that's you.

>> No.5503112

No, I know I'm better.

>> No.5503115
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>I've been watching muted porn while listening to Mozart's Requiem
Oh, /lit/...

>> No.5503118

Why? Are you listening to mongolian throat singing instead?


>> No.5503127

i wonder why not flight of valkyries or dance of little swans or something less solemn

>> No.5503135

Like the 1812 Overture?

>> No.5503158

I found O Fortuna to be much more satisfying, but it depends on the porn. If it's some rather tame lesbian porn I'd rather listen to Swan Lake or something.

>> No.5503159

This is wrong.

>> No.5503170

>not listening to Marin Marais's Suitte d'un goût étranger while fapping



>> No.5503199

Get on my level.


>> No.5503237

Good, I think you'll like ancient Greek music (2nd century A.D. below) if you lack musical ideas for your next gay porn fapfap session:


>> No.5503256

>not enjoying the sounds of sex
sucks to be straight

>> No.5503284


>> No.5503383

>Are there any good books about the subject?
why couldn't we in this day and age safely assume that there might be books about fapping to Mozart

>> No.5503427

Next time try Albinoni's Adagio lol will make it worse.
But really, don't pretend you feel for them while you're trying to jerk off, ok?

>> No.5503444

Now that I think of it there's a really strange appeal imagining some whore being shagged behind with the choir singing "confutatis maledictis" in the background

>> No.5503446

>I've been watching muted porn while listening to Mozart's Requiem in the background, and it's depressing to say the least. I feel for all the whores of the world, I really do. I feel their struggle for survival, their pain,

lol xD

>> No.5503520


I thought /lit/ had a better taste in throat singing

>> No.5503533

OP here. Actually I already had finished and decided to keep watching porn for some strange reason. I pretended what I saw was ordinary and all these layers of imprinted associations we normally attribute to sexual intercourse didn't exist. It wasn't even sexual, it was... I guess like shaking hands, but with strange faces and lots of make up. Seems like the essence of humanity can be found in porn, at least when your mind isn't clouded by lust themselves.

>> No.5503552

Eyes Wide Shut, just saying.


>> No.5503565

What you experienced sounds like the usual little disappointment after a good fapping session. You came but you're not a part of someone.

>> No.5503672

>the strongest female orgasm is incomprehensible to males
Don't fucking remind me.

>> No.5503677

That would be the best choice, at least he wouldn't be commoditizing an art.

>> No.5503742

Too bad most females don't orgasm at all. Joke's on them. I for one with my little schlong and my not so divine sexuality can orgasm looking at dental floss.

>> No.5503835


>> No.5503863

But it is a choice which they make from a lack of understanding and which brings more pain than gain so ultimately it is proper to feel for their plight..

When you are so desensitized to the suffering of others you have lost too much of your humanity and belong with the animals.

>> No.5503870

The only people I've heard saying they have a hard time havign an orgasm have also a hard time having a laugh or most emotions.

>> No.5503872

>a lack of understanding and which brings more pain than gain
If I could be a woman I would be a slut, I don't know how a female orgasm is more pain than gain.

>> No.5503874

They chose as much as the gay for pay guys did. Porn isn't the nicest of business.

>> No.5503876


so, you imply that women are not able to make a responsible choice of their way in life?

>belong with the animals
implying it's bad
animals are more kind than humans

>> No.5503885

>Too bad most females don't orgasm at all. Joke's on them.

Well, that’s not funny when you have sex with a girl and have to work like and athlete to make her reach orgasm. It’s very fucking hard with most girls; the majority will take a lot of time to come.

And don’t think I am some sort of insensible asshole who don’t kiss, caress and actually love the girl: I know how to make them get very wet, but that’s easy. My penis is also normal in size (18cm), and I take a lot of time to reach orgasm myself (mostly because of my anxiety medication, who has this side effect).

But in spite of all that orgasm is not a simple thing for most girls. It is much easier for them if you lick, kiss and suck their pussies, but we all know that this is not enough. They want to feel you inside of them, sometimes with slow movements, sometimes hard and fast. But is good to alter between those kinds of caresses and the ones with the mouth. The problem is that after two hours your breath is starting to fail and your tongue is tired. And there are some girls that will still not have reached orgasm – they are very fucking complicated, women, when it comes to sex.

But when they come, what a joy! You know that you were able to do a thing that most guys don’t care about doing, and that’s really something: she will start calling you every week, and even if you don’t talk to her for half a year she will agree to go out with you when you eventually call.

>> No.5503907

>My penis is also normal in size (18cm
h-hard or unhard

>> No.5503909

lmao this post

>> No.5503920


Hard, of course. If it was 18cm unhard I would be a wonder.

>> No.5503924

I'm not responsible for her orgasm. I'm not her slave!

>> No.5503931

I do not imply women per se lack the ability to understand their choices.. I simply say such a choice is a result of an undervaluing of their own worth and the inherent dignity of their person or the comprehension of how the behaviour can detract from their whole well being.
I also believe human emotional well being is injured by this behaviour as psychologically humans are fragmented when opening themselves to more than a single other in that intimate manner. clearly there are detrimental consequences to using sexuality in such a way even if no lasting physical impediments linger.

>> No.5503963

A porn star said the most important thing would be to have a steady pace. Doing it slow one time and doing it fast ten seconds later doesn't work.

>> No.5503985

i got 14 unhard, judge me, anon

>> No.5503990

Average. Most women are only 12 cms deep anyhow.

>> No.5504230



>> No.5504264

only 12 cm deep? Really, that's dissapointing.
And I don't have all that much girth.. dammit.