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/lit/ - Literature

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549816 No.549816 [Reply] [Original]

What are some world-renown classics that you hate?

>> No.549840
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Passage to India and Jane Eyre.

Pic related, it's my face every time I read a chapter from either of them.

>> No.549839

Anything by Mark Twain.

>> No.549841

This thread's original.

>> No.549843


You have three faces?

>> No.549845

pick the most comical one.

>> No.549846

La Bible

>> No.549852
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>> No.549854

Jane Eyre.

>> No.549855

Don Quixote was fucking tedious.

>> No.549858

Harry Potter

I don't care what you guys say, Harry Potter will become a classic.

>> No.549870

In the same way the movie "Speed" is a classic, yes. Not in the same way "Moby Dick" is a classic.

>> No.549882

I really disliked lolita. I understand what nabokov was trying to do and how he was trying to get the audience to empathize with humbert, but the tedious descriptions of everything, while beautiful and at times haunting, were just too much for me. A great piece of literature for sure, but I just didn't enjoy it.

>> No.549885

Moby Dick was Herman Melville's class report on whaling.

>> No.549887

anything ayn rand.

>> No.549897

If you didnt like it, then why bother calling it a great piece of literatureÉ

>> No.549898

Um. . .
If they're "world-renown" would you really need to ask that question?
Either way: Vanity Fair, Great Expectations, Le Notre Dame de Paris, Don Quixote, The Scarlet Letter, The Divine Comedy, Crime and Punishment, The Decameron, Ulysses, Ivanhoe, War and Peace, Moby Dick, et cetera.
Did this question even need to be asked?

>> No.549904

Slaughterhouse Five. Hell, most things by Vonnegut. I try so hard to like him. I really, really, really want to like him. But I just can't do it.

>> No.549905

I can appreciate it, I just didn't like it persay

>> No.549911

Huck Finn. It was good, but Twain, if he really was against slavery shouldn't have called the black character a nigger and made him act like an utter idiot.

>> No.549906

You don't have to like something to see the greatness of it.

>> No.549916



>> No.549922

anything that is part of the western canon

>> No.549931

Don Quixote was like a really boring South Park episode.

>> No.549935
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White Noise by Don DeLillo

Just fell flat for me. It's obviously well-written, but I feel like the concepts behind may be too saturated in mainstream culture now for me to have been struck by its supposed brilliance. I was bored the whole time, both from a plot standpoint and a literary standpoint.

>> No.549936

Nabakov is flowery and boring.

>> No.549938


/lit/ is officially retarded

>> No.549948

I must have missed reading about that 19th century politically correct movement. Any recs?

>> No.549956

Twain is too kafkaesque for my liking

>> No.549962


I guess after a while I got sick of decrying shit. Like I would read a two page long bit of dialog, and I would have to read it two or three times because Morrison purposefully removed all the "he said, she said," dialog tags and it was hard to tell who was talking. There were a lot of parts that were beautiful and other parts that were frightening and grotesque but every god damn page felt like a struggle. I know Morrison did all that enigmatic prose on purpose, and it's a great story, but it's just not my cup of tea.

When I read Lolita, there were cryptic parts as well, but I liked Lolita because while there might have been a couple hidden meanings in every page, it wasn't quintessential that you understand them in order to know what's going on in the story. They were like gold nuggets that you were rewarded with for reading carefully. With Morrison it's like "congratulations, you understand the most basic shit about my story."

>> No.549964


PC culture to the extreme. I sure hope this is a minority opinion.

>> No.549976
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huck finn was a giant pile of dog balls. there was nothing good or great about it.

>> No.549991

Lolita was shallow and full of literary allusions so academics could congratulate themselves on getting the references.

>> No.549992


obvious troll you fucktards

>> No.550018
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>> No.550023


>> No.550025


fuck off you cunt

>> No.550034
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>> No.550045


why don't you stop shitting up my board or i'll shit on ur face and make you eat it nigger.

>> No.550046
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I get the feeling there's this one guy who rolls into lit just to piss everyone off once in a while. He might be here, but he prefers slurring his profanity until he's started an internet shouting match.

>> No.550050

Ah, there he is. Right on time.

>> No.550051
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>> No.550056


I get the feeling that lit just like to piss everyone off once in a while. tHey might be here, but they suck so much cock they have an orgy after,

>> No.550057

>What are some world-renown classics
>world-renown classics

>> No.550061

WHERE IS THE 550000 GET??????????

>> No.550063
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>> No.550067
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Yes, it's you! Glad you're back!

>> No.550073



>> No.550070

here it is: >>550000

>> No.550072



>> No.550075


/lit/ gives a shit about gets?

>> No.550080



>> No.550081
File: 25 KB, 295x454, 1264664276701.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're still on 4chan, son. Never, ever forget that. This is thread is, in its entirety to date, a cold breath of that same clarity. Take a look.

>> No.550082
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>> No.550085
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>> No.550086

No. No one outside of /b/ actually cares. Morons who wander in and have not yet reached the age of reason think there's some kind of imageboard game afoot every time they come here. That's why they're still virgins.

>> No.550091


I like how it took over 10 minutes to realise the get

>> No.550095


What's is the age of reason? Is it a Paineful milestone?

>> No.550092
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>> No.550096


>> No.550098
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its around this age

>> No.550112


what is "that" age?

>> No.550130
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>> No.550138



>> No.550141
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