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5492691 No.5492691 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw 40% of pages into a book you don't enjoy
>got too far to stop now

>> No.5492702
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>tfw your mind is somewhere else while you read

>> No.5492712
File: 499 KB, 500x385, don't be mad sis.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw your autism prevents you from enjoying stuff
I'll be over here reading something I like, OP. You can come if you find out how to close books.

>> No.5492714

I hate that, I'm an INFP autist so I start daydreaming while reading and an hour later am like, "wtf did I read?"

>> No.5492715

suace on gif? it looks like a passolin iflm

>> No.5492720

>I'm an INFP
No on gives a shit. I'm sure you tell this to everyone that looks at you.

>> No.5492722

1966 Film

>> No.5492724

OP here, INFP too.

Jealous Sensor detected.

>> No.5492726

lol, i cringe everytime someone uses those cognitive personality profiles

>> No.5492727

LOL, not really? I used to though then I realized it just meant that I am the ultimate beta choad.

>> No.5492736
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> going back to see how much you have read
> feeling that thickness of all those read pages

>> No.5492738

>half into a book you really like
>lose the book and never find it again

>> No.5492751

>dat sunk cost

>> No.5492783
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>Not having an e-reader

>> No.5492789
File: 183 KB, 373x307, mmmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finish One Hundred Years of Solitude
>shed a few tears

>> No.5492798
File: 247 KB, 1330x1958, Andrej-platonovic-platonov-1938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not using both
>at the same time

>> No.5492902

>reading exclusively on an e-reader

>> No.5492927

>greentexting other's behaviors and ideas

>> No.5492932
File: 125 KB, 480x455, 1399673821814.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You will never read One Hundred Years of Solitude for the first time.

>> No.5492933

You can do it OP, I once quit a book when I was already 52% trough.

It was American Gods by Neil Gaiman and I have absolutely no regrets about that. What an utter waste of time it was.

>> No.5492942

The funny thing is that the first half is the good part.

>> No.5493262
