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/lit/ - Literature

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5491587 No.5491587[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hi from /pol/,
I heard that you guys made a book together... That sounds pretty awesome.
Some of us at /pol/ were thinking of compiling all of our best knowledge into a book to redpill the masses.
What software, app, or system did you guys use to write the book together? I've been looking through different note-taking applications and collaborative editors, but there's a lot to choose from!

Thanks for any help or feedback!

>> No.5491590

And if you can post a link to your book too, that would be great. I want to see it!

>> No.5491598

Fuck off back to /pol/
Your kind ruins /lit/
As a social conservative yourself I hope you understand

>> No.5491612

What kind? You mean social conservatives ruin /lit/?

>> No.5491627

Not all social conservatives
but specifically ones who talk about "redpill"
It doesn't belong here, where, despite the best efforts of many people, we at least try to be intellectual and not reactionary as fuck

>> No.5491639

He's not being a dick or asking about Evola, I don't see the problem with him being here.

>> No.5491642

OP they probably just used google doc and allowed all editing. It's /s4s/ tier meme spouting.


>> No.5491644

It's like everyone has forgotten Redpill is a shitty Matrix joke.

>> No.5491655

But you can be reactionary as fuck and still be intellectual. Just as you can be a dumb progressive.

>> No.5491660
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Yeah, I should lurk here sometimes. I could probably learn something from you guys.

Anyway, we're planning on basing our book around facts and statistics. It won't contain any wild speculation, conspiracy theories, or "Jews control everything" because that would turn off most readers and we want to appeal to a broader audience.

The book won't be entirely reactionary. Some parts will address propaganda and corruption in politics and economics. It will contain facts that make people realize that they're being manipulated and screwed.

>> No.5491670

Please just don't include "the jews" shit and back things up with sources the average joe will find reputable

>> No.5491671

If you are serious about these books, I'd like to know:

How do you live your life? What possible experiences could you have gone through were you are a literate human being, with feelings, and friends, and lovers, that you could possibly end up at a point where you could say with a straight face that you accept "right-wing" or "traditional" or "conservative" or "fascist" ideas?

>> No.5491672
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Google docs seems good for writing fiction. But our project will require a high level of organization, as it will contain a lot of notes and research. So I was looking for something that allows for an easy-access hierarchical structure. For example chapters, sections, and supporting notes all indenting under each-other and available from a side-bar.

www.penflip.com seems to have all the features I'm looking for, but I have yet to test it much. I just hope it's reliable and doesn't go out of business all of the sudden.

>> No.5491677

For me it was when I realized that much of the human race was being groomed to accept me as their natural born enemy.

>> No.5491683

If you think that race is what sets us apart, and not class, your own material deludes you, and the bourgeois have won.

>> No.5491685

But anon, he's the bourgeois element that needs to be gone

>> No.5491686

Seconding this. Numerous times being labeled as "the enemy" because I'm a straight white male.

Also my country's insistence on multiculturalism, despite having no positive reason to, creeps me out. I have no problem with immigration.

Also, when I realized that everything that was said by the left was a retarded and washed out version of the solid points Marx made.

>> No.5491689

You let one in, soon enough /pol/acks are coming in waves, stealing our posts, lowering the average IQ. Shitposting becomes rampant, soon our children won't be able to surf /lit/ at night.

Keep /pol/acks where they belong: in /pol/.

>> No.5491690

What exactly would you be trying to write about.

Because propaganda, governmental corruption, and economical unethical type shit are all widely known on a basic level, with thousands of more in depth books, and more than likely better ones than a book penned by /pol/, are widely available - many free on the internet to better """"""""""""""""""""""redpill"""""""""""""""""""""" the """"""""""masses""""""""""

like, I'd prefer you idiots try and cobble something together about that rather than da juice, but come on now

>"the enemy" because I'm a straight white male.
and there goes any hope you had. S.T.R.A.W.M.A.N.

>> No.5491694


>> No.5491696

Go away, /pol/, we don't racemix.

>> No.5491697

>everything said by the left is a washed up version of Marx

You should come to /lit/ *after* you start reading some books.

>> No.5491699

I feel as if there are a lot of generalizations in this post. Right-wing is broad, not well-defined term, so I have no idea what you're referring to besides "thing that is bad you shouldn't like". In some places right wing indicates something closer to fascism (despite not being the real meaning) or something along the lines of a capitalist democracy. In the US it indicates a conservative centrist/neocon.
Don't include that shit, people won't take you seriously. Besides, only faggots on the internet and in poor urban areas actually care about "the evil white man keeping us down" or whatever bullshit. You're browsing 4chan too much.

>> No.5491702

owner of means of production or hierarchical ally =/= average man who buys into the proposition that modern policy is actually formulated on the basis of race.

I doubt he's the heir to a holding group or high-up governmental official. He's just another innocent man who has taken for the romanticism of defending his perception of race or nationality, rather than the working and lower-middle class in general.

>> No.5491703

>and there goes any hope you had. S.T.R.A.W.M.A.N.
What? I have been. Like, not OFTEN, but in more than one college class, it was generally assumed that straight white males were the enemy.

I live in Canada, so they were too polite to call me out specifically, but I look really straight and really white, so it was clear who they were referring to.

>> No.5491705

I mean the political left, specifically the political left in Canada.

I know the intellectual left isn't against straight white males.

>> No.5491706

>Anyway, we're planning on basing our book around facts and statistics.

Yeah and who's fact-checking your fat stack of biased, cherry-picked stats?

>> No.5491712
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Yes, my own personal experiences led me to my beliefs.

Here's an example. I had a few different girlfriends when I was younger. Then I realized it's better to just settle down with a wife because that creates a stable family. I did not grow up in a stable family, and wouldn't want that for my children.

The family is the basic unit of a civilization, in my opinion. Once the family unit is destroyed or destabilized, then the civilization declines.

(why try to create families, you ask? Well one reason is that those with high IQ or in the upper class aren't reproducing at the same rate as those with lower class status)

I have a younger sister who is 21 and happens to be an English lit major. I would never want her to end up with a boyfriend who has sex with her then leaves her. Women are not biologically designed for that kind of life, and being left by a man who has sex with them usually hurts them and eventually makes them callous (see pic). I have personal experience about that from my past girlfriends.

The way western culture and society are now, it is difficult for me to find a woman who wants to settle down and get married and start a family.
And at this time it would be unlikely for my sister to date a guy who is going to marry her. The surrounding culture does not necessarily support it. It is more likely that, instead of being discerning, she will accept the way things are, then get "pumped and dumped."
So promoting more culturally conservative values, such as through the /pol/ book, will make the chances higher for me and others find a good mate.

Of course there are many other positive aspects to conservatism as well, but that's an important one for me personally.

>> No.5491714
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Hey, guy who wrote this.

It's the best piece of poetry I've ever read. Where are you? I'll buy your book.

>> No.5491723

>but in more than one college class
Wow, so you are upset because you got sideways looks in a college class that you payed to attend?

Not even intellectual circles take the academia seriously, nor the critical establishment. Surely your reactionary opinions let you know before hand that college settings are predominately progressive-minded and that you might have to defend yourself if you're sitting in a gender studies class (because I'm assuming you weren't being heckled by meanie feminists in your engineering class).

Doesn't it enter your head that maybe that uncomfortable feeling of being judged and dismissed for nothing you did might be what it's like to be not white, or not straight, or not male? And maybe in more settings than the occasional college class? And maybe even involuntary situations?

>> No.5491724

Ah, and that's exactly the issue.

Anon, you're being fooled by the media (which as you correctly say, hides the truth) to believe that what is being proposed by major political parties is in any way "leftist". The American Democratic Party, the British Labour Party - both of these are accused of socialism and left-leaning on a regular basis by more right-wing opponents. But let me ask you this. Do either of these parties actually propose socialism, or anything Marxist whatsoever? No. In fact, both are right of centre. But by being the most left-leaning (relatively) organizations supported by mainstream media outlets (which are all owned by the same people at the top, as you probably know), they are considered left-wing by the media.

>> No.5491725
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By the way, the book won't just be about sex. It will cover a broad range of topics as I said earlier.

>> No.5491729
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Nevertheless, he's an agent of bourgeois ideology. Vanguards never seemed keen on sparing these "innocents".

You're forgetting the part where sociological power structures are unraveled on a daily basis where the 'white cis male' becomes non-material equivalent of the bourgeoisie, which is what the anon was hinting at.

>> No.5491730

What is civilization and why is it important to you to preserve it?
\>Well one reason is that those with high IQ or in the upper class aren't reproducing at the same rate as those with lower class status)

I'm sorry, do you honestly believe "IQ" and class status correlate?

Why do you think you should be able to have physical control over your sister's sexuality?

So basically you're saying you want other people to believe in your warped sexual views, as well as you want to punish people who don't?

>> No.5491731

You're going way too far and it looks like you're spreading shit out way too thin for it to come off as anything but rambling the average person. I would recommend you decide one thing you want to write about write something short and sweet and to the point.

>> No.5491736

Ah, but I'd argue he isn't the *typical white cis male. He has shown at least some aptitude for critical thinking, acceptance of Marxist thought and opposes the mainstream capitalist culture. Not that nationalism is any better, of course, generally being a result of the capitalist influence - but at least he has some capacity to think independently, I think.

>> No.5491740

Are you talk about my post being rambling and too spread thin? Sorry about that, I could have put more thought into it.

>> No.5491755

that post isn't an excerpt from the book and won't be in the book we're working. It's my own personal experience and I was answering another guy's question.

>> No.5491756

>Doesn't it enter your head that maybe that uncomfortable feeling of being judged and dismissed for nothing you did might be what it's like to be not white, or not straight, or not male? And maybe in more settings than the occasional college class? And maybe even involuntary situations?
Why yes, I would. A couple decades ago.

I would love to see any evidence at all that that is something that still happens. I am allowed to be treated the way that others USED TO be treated, many years ago. That mentality, the idea that "people like you used to treat people like me this way, so it's ok for me to treat you this way" is the problem that I have.

If you want a specific example, I gave a presentation in a lit class about my grandfather from Newfoundland. I had audio recordings of him talking about having to eat rats to survive, and having to work starting at age 8. All of that was immediately dismissed by a rich asian girl, who said none of that "counted as a struggle" because he was "white".

Anyway, I'm not OP, and I'm probably left leaning compared to most Americans (As I said, I'm Canadian), but my problem is that this mentality is slowly (very slowly) becoming more and more mainstream.

>> No.5491763

>both of these are accused of socialism and left-leaning on a regular basis by more right-wing opponents. But let me ask you this. Do either of these parties actually propose socialism
I have no idea. I don't keep up on British or American politics. As I said, Canadian. I know the NDP does have mildly socialist leanings.

>> No.5491766

hide sage report

>> No.5491768

But anon, it's about literature. Specifically, writing literature.

>> No.5491772

/pol/ please leave, nobody likes you even when you're being polite

>> No.5491780

Civilization, in my opinion, is complex social structures such as educational institutions, corporations, and cities.
Google's dictionary definition: the stage of human social development and organization that is considered most advanced. "they equated the railroad with progress and civilization"

It is important for me to preserve it because it makes me safe and comfortable. I like being able to walk down the street, knowing that I'm protected by the police. Or that i'm going to have running water or electricity because masses of humans are working together in a highly organized fashion based on mutual trust to make these things possible and maintain them.

I'm not positive about IQ and social status. That's just something I overheard once.

I don't want to have physical control over her sexuality. I just wanted to promote a social environment which would make it more likely for her to have positive long-term relationships for her own good and benefit. And if that wouldn't be good or beneficial for her, then I wouldn't want it. But I assume that these stable relationships are more healthy for people in general and therefore should be promoted.

I didn't say or imply that I want to punish those who don't believe in my "warped" sexual views. I didn't say I was a fascist or loved Hitler.

>> No.5491788
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Well, I'm not /pol/ exactly. I'm an individual person who spends a lot of time on /pol/. I've only been frequenting there for a year now, so maybe I'm not even the best representative.

>> No.5491792

Man, just can't believe people actually use the term "red pill". You're referencing a Wachowski brothers movie. I mean how do you look at what you are trying to compile seriously with that kind of reference?

Anyway, I made a list earlier that was mostly political science stuff. I've tried to recreate it.

Int'l Affairs:
History of the Peloponnesian War -Thucydides
Diplomacy - Henry Kissinger (not so you listen to what he say but so you understand how people in the DOD think)
An Introduction to World Systems Analysis - Immanuel Wallerstein

To get a basis in the fundamentals just learn the concepts and mechanisms from Wikipedia or Khan Academy. Stay away from Austrian or Chicago schools as no one in industry seriously uses their models.
Capital in the 21st Century - Thomas Piketty (Mostly just for its conclusions about the impact of the difference between the rate of return on capital and average economic growth. Stay away from his arguments with political implications)
You can read Marx as a critique of capitalism but don't buy into the LTV.

Human Nature:
On the Social Contract - Jean-Jacques Rousseau
The Territorial Imperative - Robert Ardery
Leviathan - Thomas Hobbes

Cognitive Biases:
Foucault (Most of his stuff will touch on it, I started with the History of Sexuality.)

There was probably more to this list earlier but I don't remember it.

>> No.5491800
File: 42 KB, 362x768, you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder to the newfag bros that /pol/ is a containment board that only retards browse, just like /b/, and you should tell them, without exception, to fuck off back to their shithole.

If you allow them to post without reprisal, they will set root here and will continue to spout their memes and overally act like an insipid ignoramus, irregardless appears to be one of the few sane individuals from /pol/.

>> No.5491806

>don't buy into the LTV

Buy into it wholesale, because it makes sense, and the only people rejecting it these days are people who totally misunderstand it.

>> No.5491807


I can't help but think the white guy is insincere with his laughter. I wonder why.

>> No.5491809
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>> No.5491814

>Reminder to the newfag bros that /pol/ is a containment board that only retards browse
>Implying a significant percentage of /pol/ isn't completely aware of how crazy the rest is
>Implying all those Ben Garrison comics weren't photoshopped together by a known Jew
More of /pol/ than you think is in on the joke, and the vast majority of shitposters coming to /lit/ with "THE JOOS DID THIS" are just simple shitposters, using the thing they know will piss /lit/ off the most.

>> No.5491815

I've had the argument too many times but do what you've got to do man. Just don't talk to any actual economists about it.

>> No.5491823

You're language is problematic and indeed racist :/

>> No.5491825

Reverse searched this image hoping to find the study it's attached to and no luck.

Anyways, unless you've read that study, this image is not evidence of premarital sex making girls callous. It says absolutely nothing on the reason the marriages are less successful.

>> No.5491827
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>> No.5491828

There's a lot of interesting stuff going on in /pol/ besides "nigger" and "kike." Personally, I don't user those terms or know why /pol/ is so into it. But their habit doesn't bother me, I just ignore it.

Maybe this poster is just focusing on that aspect because it bothers him the most, and doesn't talk about the other 90% of stuff going on at /pol/.

>> No.5491843



>> No.5491848

You understand that by sending the civil ones back, you'll only leave the ones who don't listen to you, right?

>> No.5491849

wait I can write that book for you:


that sounds like the /pol/ we all know and love

>> No.5491864

For me, it was when I realized that there was a clear connection between Irving Howe's review of Ralph Ellison's Invisible Man and the downfall of American Black society.

Basically, after reading Thomas Sowell's Black Rednecks and White Liberals.

Then I found out that Howe was crazy Jewish, and that opened up a whole new can of worms.

>> No.5491875

>he thinks they're ironic shitposter
Hello plebbit, enjoying your first year of 4chan?

>> No.5491885

>this logic
>this thought conclusion
top kek
you're pretty retarded m8
shouldn't you be arguing on youtube?

>> No.5491890

>if everyone was unemployed corporations would be making huge profits

>> No.5491893

As one of the shitposters, I know at least some of them are ironic.

>> No.5491897

What do you even think that sarcastic statement means.

>> No.5491914

>I don't understand the statement's applicability to the LTV, but clearly I am justified in calling it obsolete

>> No.5491951
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Actually, though it may seem cruel, it is in your own long-term interest to kick me out. I act civil now, but it's only because I'm an extreme minority here and don't feel comfortable acting the way I would in my home board. Once I'm surrounded and supported by more of my kind, I'll lose my inhibitions. I'll get bolder and more aggressive. I'll set up whole threads filled with /pol/s right here in /lit/ that ignore the common board culture and ethics. Pockets of filth and hatred filled with screams of "kike" and "nigger."
Your children will mix with /pol/s because they seem more "masculine"...

>> No.5491958

Haha, Oh, I get the whole "These capitalists think that 'investments' make wealth. Well take away their labor, man, and then see where they are." college sophomore understanding of the global economy.

In reality there is no one on earth that thinks labor has 'no value'. People who make predictive models for a living however often have a problem with others that try to assume that labor is the primary determinant of value.

You see how that distinction is important right?

>> No.5491980

>ignore the common board culture
Well, it'd start by allowing multiple "cultures" to exist at once. Then the one that was more polite would slowly give way to the new, more abrasive one.

I understand what you're saying. It's in everyone's best interest if you go back to where you're from.

>> No.5491986

Why would you even do it though. It's not like this board has exploitable resources or a strategically significant position. We're like the Swiss or the Austrians, yeah, there's pretty scenery but ultimately you'll have taken us over and then lose interest and we'll still be here doing what we always do.

>> No.5491988

A generally accepting and enlightened atmosphere. It just makes it easy to take advantage.

When we're done here, we'll just move somewhere else.

>> No.5491992

>implying anyone wants to take on the swiss

>> No.5491994

>Some of us at /pol/ were thinking of compiling all of our best knowledge into a book to redpill the masses.
Is there a thread where you guys are discussing this. I might be interested in contributing.

>> No.5491997
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Hey, OP, I am from /pol/. What are doing? You can learn about writing software easily anywhere else. Ctrl F software here. I can write with you.

>> No.5492009

Well, we're like the swiss without the guns and latent racism.

But you realize that it wouldn't be sustainable. I mean if your shitposting army moves along to another board, who will hold down the fort on your other conquests. Most people here are just Aristippus so good luck recruiting from here. No, you'll be had by what kills all great empires, over-extension and hubris. All we have to do is wait.

>> No.5492010

dear pleb, this poetry is overwrought. you're welcome.

>> No.5492022

>But you realize that it wouldn't be sustainable. I mean if your shitposting army moves along to another board, who will hold down the fort on your other conquests. Most people here are just Aristippus so good luck recruiting from here. No, you'll be had by what kills all great empires, over-extension and hubris. All we have to do is wait.
Right. We make you guys a wasteland, move somewhere else, repeat.
You guys slowly rebuild, regaining your identity, by the time you guys are on your feet again, we come back.
Also, you understand we're not really talking about /pol/ and /lit/, right? Like, I'm pretty sure you picked up on the metaphor, but I'm drunk, so I'm not 100%

>> No.5492023

>I heard that you guys made a book together... That sounds pretty awesome.

No, it was cancerous. Your book will be too, but don't let that stop you.

>> No.5492031

We won't leave we'll just keep making our DFW fanclub and /lit/writesanotherbook threads. Your control is nothing but a spook.

Anyway, this should speak to your drunk self

>> No.5492035

Or the man power, the money, the high altitude training, sanction of the pope, the historic invulnerability, the language range....

>> No.5492040

We discussed it a little bit in a different topic's thread earlier. But I wanted to choose a good collaborative writing tool before making a new thread about it. People will want to start contributing as soon as the thread starts.

If we choose the wrong collaborative writing tool, then everyone's contributions are going to be an unorganized and/or difficult-to-manage mess. Choosing the right tool will save us a lot of time in the long-run.

Well, for some reason I thought /lit/ would be using the best collaborative writing tool for their book. In the end it turns out they're an interesting group and I don't regret posting here.

ctrl F software where?

>> No.5492051

Shhh, you're ruining the metaphor.