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548955 No.548955 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: books you were forced to read in school and loved

>> No.548958

100 Years of Solitude

>> No.548966

Don Quixote

>> No.548977

heart of darkness
kind of a guilty pleasure

>> No.548987
File: 162 KB, 307x475, a-clockwork-orange.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. I hated it to start with; however, I opened up my mind to word-play and I love it.

>> No.548996

1984/Brave New World
Great Gatsby

>> No.549001

Ender's game.

>> No.549003
File: 181 KB, 400x654, animalfarm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.549008

Meh, I didn't really enjoy that one. 1984 was a lot better.

>> No.549014


Animal Farm was the only Orwell I was forced to read so that's what fits for the thread.

>> No.549016

Brave New World
Mayor of Casterbridge
Cat's Cradle (our teacher assigned it by pages, but I thought he was assigning chapters, so I was ahead of everbody, not that I minded at all).

>> No.549020

How did that work? Everyone else read pg 1-5, you read chapters 1-5?

>> No.549031
File: 24 KB, 259x400, Pocho_bookcover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just like it because it's really Steinbeck-y though, but I was en-fucking-thralled.

>> No.549046


seems like it. Sounds retarded anyway.

>> No.549058
File: 43 KB, 324x500, stranger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.549072

One Hundred Years Of Solitude

Fuck yeah

>> No.549079

Catcher in the Rye.

>> No.549081

I think because of the ungodly amount of analysis we're forced to put into books in school, I never liked anything I *had* to read for school. In retrospect, though, I've really grown to appreciate most of it, especially 1984 and Animal Farm. And I really hate myself for despising Fahrenheit 451 when I read it in grade 7, because of how freaking epic it really is in retrospect.

You read that in school? Lucky you.

>> No.549086

Yeah, that's what happened. I wasn't paying attention. He never said "page" or "chapter" either, he just said "read through #-#"

The chapters weren't long at all so it seemed plausible.

>> No.549089

The Great Gatsby. I knew I loved it when I read Nick's description of Gatsby's smile in Chapter 4.
Death of a Salesman. The Requiem. BAWWWWWWWW.

>> No.549108

Noticed that we were going to be reading Camus.
Then saw that it wasn't The Stranger.
Nevertheless, I still thoroughly enjoyed The Plague.

>> No.549119

I have quixote and it looks long as fuck (haven't read it, it's on my list). Like at least 800 pages. What grade was that in?

>> No.549118

Honnestly, my memory doesn't reach as far back as High school...

I suppose I liked Fahrenheit 451, but I'm not sure.

>> No.549140

great gatsby
brave new world
a fable

>> No.549144


My copy of Don Quixote is over 1000 pages.

But it's in Spanish. Perhaps the English version is more compact or your pages are larger.

>> No.549160

Mine is in english and it is over 1,000 pages as well.

>> No.549170

Their Eyes Were Watching God

>> No.549194


Check this shit out. Check this shit out.

My dad read A Clockwork Orange in high school in the early 70's. In the early 70's.

Fucking dwell on that shit for a minute.

That's one ahead-of-the-curve high school, is all I'm saying.

>> No.549202

Not sure...although, I did lie. I read that shit back in middle school. Our Spanish teacher was a fucking psycho, but I did love that book...

>> No.549258
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>> No.549299

Crime and Punishment
War and Peace
Master and Margarita

>> No.549300

r u a soviet?

>> No.549338


are you fucking trolling?

you enjoyed that?

>> No.549340

What the hell kind of high school had you reading War and Peace?

>> No.549355

My high school was in Soviet Russia

>> No.549362

Did books really read you?

>> No.549382

The Old Man and the Sea

Catch-22 (was summer reading so not "forced" but it was on the list)

>> No.549509

I sort of liked The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time because it was easy as fuck to get through and finish the work on.

I did enjoy The Crucible by Arthur Miller, although that's a play.

Aside from those, we hardly even read anything. The Kite Runner, Night Train and Going Solo are the only other ones I think we ever actually read...

>> No.549539

All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others had me hooked when I read Animal Farm in eighth grade. We had to read some Bradbury the year before that and it inspired me to read I Sing the Body Electric! Everything after that I despised, mostly because I got all the shitty English teachers in my high school.

>> No.549563


Almost forgot about The Kite Runner. I devoured that book. Add that to >>549539