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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 27 KB, 650x433, Zoella.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5484070 No.5484070 [Reply] [Original]

How does it feel knowing this cunt is getting published by Penguin whilst you sit at home with your unpublished novel?


>> No.5484074

u jelly?

>> No.5484075

I dont even write and have no desire to, fuck off.

>> No.5484076

It makes me moist

>> No.5484084


>> No.5484099

>posting in the thread

>> No.5484100

Good for her. I don't think what we're interested in writing has much overlap in audience, so I'm not offended. It's more encouraging to know that a relative unknown can rise to prominence via the internet and make a career writing.

>> No.5484102


I really don't care. Zero shits are given.

The only thing I know is ultimately this universe will end. The one second of my life on this planet contributes to nothing. I am not precious. You are not precious. No one really matters. In the end, we are all dead.

>> No.5484106
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>How does it feel

>> No.5484116

wait until you see her with no makeup

>> No.5484121
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>> No.5484127

pretty much this, /lit/ needs to stop being so elitist and negative

>> No.5484134

>it's my dream
>I've put so much time and effort into this

She's earned it, I have not. I'd be happy for her if I could still feel things like normal people do.

>> No.5484141

W-what a cutie. And English too. She sounds like she deserves it. I might have to make her my wife.

>> No.5484142

She doesn't sound like she's read that many books, but she seems happy, so why would I be upset about this or anything?

>> No.5484147

A cute girl with demonstrable talent is more successful than I am? The world is unfair. I will contemplate suicide for the rest of my life while lacking the courage to do it, all while working dead end jobs and hating every single second that I exist.

>> No.5484148 [DELETED] 

I don't care this stupid frog creature or her writings or penguin.

>> No.5484160

too bad she's a whore :^)
5:50 7:25

>> No.5484174
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>dat toned stomach
>dat heaving bosom

>> No.5484182

>she's actually a slut


>> No.5484383
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>How does it feel

>> No.5484461

lol the second half of this video turns into a weird ass commercial for SodaStream? oh well congrats to her on the book

>> No.5484476

Please put a trigger warning on the video next time! I have PTSD, cis scum.

>> No.5484516


>> No.5484524

Jokes on you, I haven't even started my novel

>> No.5484529 [DELETED] 

this was much less arousing without sound. fucking brits

>> No.5484547
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>> No.5484557
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>> No.5484565

lost it

>> No.5484571



>> No.5484582

penguin published a lot of crap m8

if its not classic/modern classic/some other established serie, who cares

>> No.5484586

Yup, so many were not read by the plebs.

>> No.5484587


>> No.5484635

>Nothing beats the smell of an actual book

I like reading from library copies and actually turning pages but this fucking girl is retarded.

>> No.5484641

The romanticization of books and the fetishization of books as objects and reading / intellectuality as a lifestyle to be aspired to are hardly new or unique. they're really popular and if we're being honest here one of the main things keeping literature even remotely viable as a field.

>> No.5484665

You know the top book seller in the US is Walmart?

>> No.5484672

What is the gimmick to this girl?

>> No.5484675

lol that's funny as fuck if true, but i have to ask whether it includes online sales or just brick-and-mortar because it seems highly unlikely that Walmart is selling more books than Amazon

>> No.5484705

Walmart killed Borders and other brick-and-mortar book stores in terms of sales.

>> No.5484711

That doesn't surprise me at all, and in fact I would argue, from Borders' point of view, that should have been the expected result. Just because Borders is a niche retailer with relatively less market penetration, whereas Walmart is ubiquitous and the opposite of niche.

I do miss Borders sometimes.

>> No.5484737

It was by a huge Margin too. I think on average it took 5 stores to equal one Walmart, in book sales.

>> No.5484740
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Modernity in a single frame.

>> No.5484744
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>mfw murrcans talking about their inconsequential market

>> No.5484748 [DELETED] 

>le american faces

>> No.5484749

Does she have a slight lazy eye?

>> No.5484752

>3 million + views
Fuck this world

>> No.5484762

>writing a book in a shitty language
>an achievement
/lit/ is you serious?

>> No.5484764

its her makeup

>> No.5484769

Feels good, you misogynist twerp.

>> No.5484786


>> No.5484801


all these assumptions
why can't I hold them?

>> No.5485074


This is a business. If they stand a chance of profiteering over this vacuous bimbo and her viewership then they're going to take it. Don't catch feelings over business and don't fetishize publishing houses. That's also bastardizing lit into a fashion in its own way.

It's all one horrible cash grab these days.

Any integrity they had went out the window when they became Penguin Random House. They're made it very obvious that they just want big business now. And if you can't give them a good return then they're going to go where they can get it. It's that simple, so don't catch feelings over what is really very impartial business acumen.


>Feels good

lol don't be so proud of being such a limp-dicked pushover you fucking estrogenqueen. It's embarrassing.

>> No.5485079
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>> No.5485178
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>that DFW

Gets me every time.

>> No.5485227

im pretty neutral about it


I read a lot of the hatred of life and misogyny on this site
i dont necessarily disagree with all of it
but we kind of go overboard with it

>> No.5485355

it is not really meant for our demographic. If anything it is a smart move because women are more likely to buy books over a man.

>> No.5485369

Considering that writing is basically a hobby that I don't expect to ever make money off of, about the same as I feel about someone who makes money playing StarCraft professionally. I don't really care.

Really, I would never recommend writing to make a living, although I don't begrudge anyone who does and makes it.

>> No.5485420


>> No.5485562

>Implying I've ever wasted my time writing a novel.

>> No.5485598

Oh I so very want to eat her asshole

>> No.5485605

I bet she reads more than 90% of /lit/

>> No.5485607

Americlap here, what accent is that? Sounds nice.

>> No.5485609

She likes the smells of books and she likes real books and doesn't read on e-books or any of that faggot shit.

so she's already better that most of /lit/

>> No.5485640

>I wish I had a hot girl to touch me
>but because they touch someone else
>they are a whore

why does /pol/ leak so much

>> No.5485662

Have accepted yet that /pol/ has been taken over by /r9k/?

>> No.5485667

>mfw the #1 best selling spot at walmart was Minecraft Fanfiction

>> No.5485680
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>> No.5485711

I think she has a slightly lazy eye.

>> No.5485727


You can call him an idiot, but I've lived a much happier life since I've accepted this fact. It doesn't mean that you shouldn't strive for anything, but that you should live life on your own merits.

>> No.5485744

Honestly good for her. He's got a few hundred thousand subscribers and could sell a lot for them.

>> No.5485752

>taken over

/pol/ was /r9k/

>> No.5485761

We're both in love with a sexy lady.

>> No.5486289


>> No.5486324

>ooo a publishing society made a marketing decision!
I feel nothing.
Had to stop the video 16 seconds in though.

>> No.5486384

Have fun blowing your money on something you could get for free so you can continue to feel superior to "the plebs."

>> No.5486447


It's because her right eye isn't completely closed. I've taken pictures and noticed the same thing.


>pleb is published for writing pleb shit
>I don't actually write much because I'm a mentally ill, lazy fuck

I don't care OP

>> No.5486477
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PROTIP: If everything that you're after can be found in e-book form then you're honestly too pleb to even listen to.

>> No.5486480

True patricians only read out-of-print books

>> No.5486484


True patricians know that I'm right.

>> No.5486499

when i die i want them to bury my entire house so i can take all my cool stuff with me

>> No.5486503


hahahaha so based

>> No.5486519

all my cool stuff and you and my bitch so you can fuck her for all eternity ##########RARE

>> No.5486521

I like the cut of your jib.

>> No.5486700

Who said everything I wanted to read was available in e-book form? I still have to buy books from time to time, but I've saved hundreds of dollars with e-book piracy.

>> No.5487190

wait why both replying to that idiot?

>> No.5487196

still cool with this.

>> No.5487205

>I've never had any goals and therefore no interests, hobbies, or sense of satisfaction.

>> No.5487347
File: 138 KB, 500x683, mishima_with_kot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good for her

>> No.5487392

congratulations to her on her first book deal. it must be a great feeling.

my book isn't in the same genre. we aren't competing. it's going to take two more years to write. i'll get it published eventually.

>> No.5487448

But anon, I did publish a novel

Well, 'our' novel

>> No.5487454
File: 19 KB, 224x320, legacy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But i am published`

>> No.5487472

still feel good about her getting published

>> No.5488153

how do penguin seem to have the classics market locked down

>> No.5488173


>that fucking awful accent

Besides that, she's achieved - what's the issue?

>> No.5488185
File: 21 KB, 339x288, camus[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm proud of you, son.

>> No.5488192

In fact, we're ALL published.

>> No.5488195

Self-published that is.

>> No.5488198

to be on your own

>> No.5488210

>Self-published that is.
if your post is quoted it's not self-publishing
i just published you

>> No.5488376

So? Your experience is all that you have and when you die, for you, the universe is over? If your experience is all you have then why spend it doing nothing and being sad when it won't lead to any sort of satisfaction

>> No.5488650
File: 56 KB, 1280x720, You wanna be in black and white; black and white's gotta be in you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wow the equivalent of the literary casting settee exists.

How many are you betting it was actually ghost written?

>> No.5490753

Vloggers get shitty books published all the time. Most of them only get minor copyediting because the publishers don't give a fuck about the actual quality since their dumbass subscribers will shell out the money regardless.

>> No.5490756

mon negre

>> No.5490766
File: 1.14 MB, 1229x913, sweden.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

most publishers and publicists have an agenda and her writing. in addition to her being a woman, helps push a certain agenda

some novels, completely regardless of their agenda or lack there of, will never be published due to their content

like pic related, it's hilarious, but who would put it into print?

>> No.5490781

Yeah, I don't know who that is or wether or not her book is good. Also, I don't have an unpublished novel.