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548054 No.548054 [Reply] [Original]

What do you think of Michael Crichton, /lit/?

Sphere is my favorite book by him, although that's mostly because it was one of the first novels I read as a kid.

I was at Half-Price Books recently and I found a lot of his books priced at 1 and 2 dollars and in hardcover, so I really couldn't not buy them. So far I have read Congo, The Andromeda Strain, Next, and State of Fear. I am reading Prey right now, and next up will be Jurassic Park and The Lost World.

>> No.548077 [DELETED] 
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>> No.548107

I just found out that he died recently. Feels bad, man.

>> No.548261
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>died recently
>http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000341/ Michael Crichton
>Date of Death:4 November 2008

>> No.548270


You need better reading comprehension.

>> No.548277


Actually the sentence is somewhat ambiguous.

Would've been clearer if you said
I just recently found out that he died.

>> No.548274 [DELETED] 
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>> No.548284

I enjoy his books.
I really like "Jurassic park" and "The lost world" but i am a little biased as i love dinosaurs, but i enjoyed them a great deal.
I thought the differences between the movies and books were pretty interesting, the characters and stuff.
I also enjoyed the sphere i thought that was pretty good.
I didn't like the Andromeda strain as much thought, but it might be because i don't fund the subject that interesting in general.
It sucks that he died.

>> No.548286
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>> No.548292

i like him, only read a few of his books though, i need to get around to reading some more. jurassic park was great, especially since i grew up with the movie.

actually i just finished reading timeline less than half an hour ago oddly enough. nothing outstanding, but it was good quick fun, i enjoyed it a lot.

>> No.548293

Yeah i think he meant the he only recently found out he died. Not the he recently died. But yeah the sentence could be easily confused, but no harm done.

>> No.548298

How is "Congo"? I haven't read that one yet and I'm curious how it is.

>> No.548303

Bumping with skanky ugly bitches is a little lame.
Why don't you give your opinions on the books you have read.

>> No.548308

that* not the, sorry for the typo :(

>> No.548496

Haha, well, I meant both: I only recently found out that he died not too long ago. I thought it had been only a month or two, not over six months ago, though--so I am a slowpoke in that regard.

Andromeda Strain wasn't my favorite either. I like the subject matter more than the story itself. It was too clinical for me. I know it's supposed to be a report, but that's what I didn't like about it. Not even suspense, I suppose.

Congo was strange, but I liked it. It has been the strangest of his books so far. I'd definitely recommend it, though.

State of Fear was okay, a little dry, it felt too much like a novella and not a real novel. Each part of it was too disjointed. It was the one I learned the most from, since it has a lot of information on global warming, and Crichton cites /everything/. The information was more interesting than the story, but now that I think about it, it wasn't too bad. Just not my favorite.

Next was one of the better ones, I think. It made me laugh; it was a little bizarre, too. I'd recommend it as well, especially since it was the last book before he died.

I also read Eaters of the Dead a long time ago. I don't remember much about it. I know it was based upon Beowulf. I think I remember it being difficult to read, but I don't know how much of it is because I was young or if it really was very difficult reading.

Prey is looking good so far. I'm getting into it.

>> No.549065

i started reading "Eaters of the Dead", thinking "Vikings, fuck yeah".. but it came off like a series of status reports from someone's GPS. not one single viking rape or massacre in the first fifty pages or so.