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File: 297 KB, 700x929, Butler hooks bad books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5473322 No.5473322[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Why has 3rd wave feminism failed so hard?

>> No.5473324


muh constructs

>> No.5473350

Because second-wave feminism was undergirded the neoliberal agenda

>> No.5473408

>that pic

>> No.5474166

how to destroy a sjw with one question


>> No.5474190

>my favorite bible quote
Ugh. It's a bunch of sophism.

>> No.5474193

> Failed
The same way as marxists "failed", huh?

>> No.5474195

Butler is actually a good theorist though, she hates modern feminism.

>> No.5474198


>> No.5475039

Because they solved most of their problems so they have to make up new ones.

>> No.5475054

>Butler is actually a good theorist though

>> No.5475131


Because it's completely detached from reality

>> No.5475135

>no dissent allowed

>> No.5475138

Like the academia as a whole.

>> No.5475237

b/c it serves bourgeois interests.

>> No.5475249

politically what would Butler be btw? Is she a communist?

are most post-structuralists communists or something else?

>> No.5475268

Most post-structuralists are post-marxist.

They use of marxist critique techniques but aren't declared communists, though some of them - only one that comes to mind is Baudrillard - showed support for communist regimes.

Foucault, for example, is a liberalist - anarchist of some kind, but I don't think he ever takes a position. Most of the post-structuralists actually lived beyond communism's decline

>> No.5475275

As all leftism does, unless there's actually a revolution, in which case is ultimately serves the vanguard party or is crushed by a vanguard party. But a revolution in the West is about as likely as The Second Coming.

>> No.5475312



that was a pretty darn good article

the feminists really did get what they asked for and its not what they wanted. it turns out women do not actually want the freedom to get drunk and fuck the first guy they find, as a man does to the first girl he finds while drunk

rape culture = feminist free-love culture

>> No.5475318



marxists clearly failed in a way that feminism has not yet clearly failed

we are as capitalist as ever

>> No.5475337

>marxists clearly failed
The construction of a classless society failed, yes. The theory is as valid as it ever was (well minus the historical determination of the coming rule of the proletariat, if you will).

>> No.5475365

>To look at the principles of feminism will help to understand the situation. Two of them are most relevant: that there is no essential difference between men and women, and the corollary that men and women are not real beings but arbitrary “social constructions” containing nothing “natural” or permanent.


>> No.5475587

I don't know what's worse: that feminists are dumb or that people who oppose feminism are dumb.

>> No.5475617
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Who is more tenacious? Feminists or the people who hate them?

It seems that anytime there is a discussion about feminism on the internet, MRAs will flock to it and post about "muh rights."

>> No.5475638

The collapse of the USSR was not a failure of marxism but a successful assassination by capitalism. There is a difference.

>> No.5475647


Oh please. I see more people writing *about* MRAs than actual MRAs. In fact, I even see a lot of defensive anticipation of being accused of being an MRA. Stuff like "I'm not an MRA, but..."

I think it's time we drop the strawman. Barely anybody who criticizes feminism is a Men's Rights A___ (I don't even remember what the A stands for).

>> No.5475667

>Foucault, for example, is a liberalist - anarchist of some kind, but I don't think he ever takes a position.
Closest thing for him to take an actual clear-cut political position was in Society must be defended, where he said, that social liberal democracy is the way of the future. I'm not sure what he meant with it. Mostly because he then procides to criticise it in his next two lectures: Security, Teritorry, Population and even moreso in Birth of Biopolitics.

And I don't think that third wave feminism was all that bad. I mean, I like both Foucault and Butler. I just have a feeling, that now modern feminists are trying to apply it to just about anything and it produces varying results...

>> No.5475682

If he criticized it, he probably just meant that society seemed to be trending in that direction, whether or not he liked it, and he was right.

>> No.5475691

>I just have a feeling, that now modern feminists are trying to apply it to just about anything and it produces varying results...

Give us two or three examples where modern feminists have applied it to lackluster results. I am genuinely curious.

>> No.5475696

Seems weird to give internet signboard tumblr culture the credit of having read much third wave feminism.

>> No.5475701

>third-wave feminist


>> No.5475707

I feel like Foucault is just super anti-politics and just wants everything to burn in a Bataille-esque manner. Or rather, every political discourse is bound to be captured so you might as well just map out immanent relations so anybody can pick it up for their tactics.

>> No.5475709

>Seems weird to give internet imageboard 4chan culture the credit of having read much third wave feminism.

>> No.5475711

Well you could call History of Sexuality proto-third wave. I mean, Butler got inspiration for Gender Trouble from History of Sexuality.

>> No.5475712

How has it failed when it holds absolute cultural hegemony in academia?

They're all communists. Just look how they spent their whole lifes bashing western society as inherently fascist and oppressive while shit like this happened some kilometers east of Paris and no one cared.


Not that they ever defended communism directly, but by undermining the moral legitimacy of liberal democracies at the same time that they never criticized communism, they prepared the terrain for the return of communism as a cultural hegemony among the intelligentsia after the fall of the Soviet Union.

Jean-François Revel's "Last Exit to Utopia" is a good account of that phenomenom.

>> No.5475716

He was a proto-thirdwave feminist.

>> No.5475718

by the way while I'm sympathetic of MRA (the least retarded ones at least) self identifying with a buzzword doesn't help their cause at all.

>> No.5475719

>Stuff like "I'm not an MRA, but..."
Stuff like "I'm not a racist, but..."

They may not think of themselves as MRAs but they are fighting against feminism because they are noxious little assholes. Not that the feminists they are fighting are much better.

I would say the internet has driven us into 4th wave feminism: a load of shrill slacktavists on both sides ranting about armies of straw people from the safety of their computer screen. They don't have a cause or the courage of their convictions or the backbone to act they simply rant against the other's ranting in a self supporting cycle.

>> No.5475721

I've actually heard people (especially on lit) who speak somewhat highly of Butler but denounce the tumblr feminists and social justice warriors, so I'm wondering if the popular ideology now is just a bastardization of what was once a respectable idea.

>> No.5475735

often advocates too

>> No.5475737

>I would say the internet has driven us into 4th wave feminism: a load of shrill slacktavists on both sides ranting about armies of straw people from the safety of their computer screen. They don't have a cause or the courage of their convictions or the backbone to act they simply rant against the other's ranting in a self supporting cycle.

That's kind of what I see. It seems things are becoming reduced to #TeamSJW and #TeamMRA and nothing has much of a consequence.

>> No.5475740

>no discussion of feminist theory
Judith Butler and bell hooks aren't even part of the third wave movement, though they might approve of it, they're just not second wave members.

>> No.5475745
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People know about logic and facts.

>> No.5475746

That's because >>5475696
Most of the internet shit isn't rooted in heavy readings of feminist literature.

>> No.5475749

I think it's bastardisation. But then again writers like Butler and Foucault, leave a lot to the interpretation of the reader. What I've gathered from both is that the closest thing in modern feminism to some of their ideas would be TERF. But again, maybe that's because of my interpretation of it...

>> No.5475754

*tips fedora
Tell me kindsir are you also a pround member of MRA movement?

>> No.5475758

>What I've gathered from both is that the closest thing in modern feminism to some of their ideas would be TERF

How would the rejection of trans identity (ie the affirmation of a gender binary) fit with Foucault and Butler *at all*?

>> No.5475760

This is literally rape.

>> No.5475768

Nice le reddit meme, my good gentlesir.

>> No.5475770

They bring up some legit points, sometimes. But we're talking an already somewhat empowered group, so their discourse is inherently hysteric because they're allowed to.

I think there's more important issues than shitty identity politics. Fuck post-politics for the most part.

>> No.5475772

Posts like these are just as banal as the ones they're responding to. Unless you were doing it ironically, but that's also banal. So is using the word "banal." We're fucked.

>> No.5475785

Well again, that's my interpretation, and I'm pretty sure I'm reading into it.
But if gender is socially constructed (and it really is), then shouldn't we strive to completely eschew it?
Gender roles (again, my understanding of it) mostly come from social interpretation of sexuality, so in a society where sexuality is completely fluid, you wouldn't feel the need to change your body to fit in with your gender/sexuality role.

>> No.5475790
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>The theory is as valid as it ever was

>> No.5475789

Dude that was pretty banal.

>> No.5475795
File: 103 KB, 600x450, gobekli.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The theory died earlier that the societies which sprang from it.

>> No.5475796

So your position is more against identity than specifically against trans identity? That makes more sense, but it also doesn't seem to fit with what TERF is about.

>> No.5475800

most of the empowered aren't even aware of their biases either

>> No.5475808

Yeah. Well I'm not sure what TERF are really standing for. I heard the term and thought, shit that might be me. Because as said above, for me in a "perfect" world there would be no transgendered people. But yeah, then again neither would there be purely hetero- or homosexuals either.

>> No.5475819


I agree.
MRA is the most beta faggot phenomenon I've ever seen.

I cringed when I saw that Vice piece on it.

>muh divorces
>muh single issue movement

It's more than that, but they can only name this as a real key/core topic.
For the most part they're not married, nor will they ever be, and are mostly enraged about sex having become a scarce good.

>> No.5475827

Who where fascists. Stalin was the death of communism in Russia, his mishmash ideology was just an attempt to hide that fact. There is no place for social Darwinism or ultra-nationalism in Marxism.


Ignoring the small extremes of tumblr femenism vs MRA (or the extreme-right), In the real world feminists dominate. Most who are not 'feminists' are just lacking insight, they believe in equal rights but have their worldview from youtube or fb and thus equal feminism with Dworkins. They buckle quickly under pressure however, since they have no real arguments in this time to back liberal feminism or why they consider their country equal.

"Women just need to work harder" ect.

Ironically, in the west young women (20-30) earn more than men on average in big cities. More women than men get degrees, thus get better jobs and work harder as they have a need to prove themselves. Another factor is that most manpower in the city deals with service not heavy loads. Their challenge is instead rising in rank as high-earning jobs are commonly based on contacts and familiarity rather than skill, and the fallout from having a pregnancy.

>> No.5475843

>enraged about sex having become a scarce good.
I don't think it's even that. It's more translating the hatred of themselves to hatred of others.
"It's not my fault, that I'm a virgin. It's those whores who only fuck niggers and swagfags. I need to become a real alpha then I'll get more pussy than ever before." Type of shit...

>> No.5475844

>Ironically, in the west young women (20-30) earn more than men on average in big cities. More women than men get degrees, thus get better jobs and work harder as they have a need to prove themselves.

Nah, men are just more likely to hire women because they want objects to stare at all day long at work. Anybody who's worked a career-level job knows women aren't working harder at shit.

>> No.5475850

>For the most part they're not married, nor will they ever be, and are mostly enraged about sex having become a scarce good.

Kind of like how you aren't alpha, yet you call others beta. Regardless of who/what MRA is, alimony is ridiculously skewed and even certain feminists realize this.

>> No.5475854
File: 52 KB, 520x293, sweden, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tumblr feminism is the logical outcome of liberal feminism once professional activists and gender studies professors realize that they have to become increasingly radicalized in order to keep being relevant in societies where men and females are more equal.

Pic related.

>> No.5475855

>TERF are really standing for
Then look it up ffs.

That said I agree with you, in an ideal world there be no segregated bathrooms or showers.

And everyone would be /fit/, be raised in collectives, and have robots do all menial work as we live in dome cities connected by super-rails. And every day we'd just spend our time reading poetry, do maths problems for fun and fuck like rabbits while high on soma.


>> No.5475856

Have you been to /r9k/? There is so much angst about women fucking "chads."

>> No.5475858

>It's not my fault, that I'm a virgin. It's those whores who only fuck niggers and swagfags.

Talk about projection. Jesus Christ, anon.

>> No.5475867

>reading poetry and doing math
>not making art

You're a pleb.

>> No.5475871

Yeah, but alimony is one of the chief arguments that MRAs will make. They are largely unconcerned that women of almost any background will make less than their male counterpart, to say the least of any other issue that women face.

>> No.5475872

>Talk about projection.
>thinks I'm projecting.
Have you've been to /r9k/, /pol/ or even /v/. Or if you really want to feel sick to r/redpill? It's all posts like this.

>> No.5475873
File: 70 KB, 500x333, 1283464689581.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Dude, it's still a single issue movement.
And if you actively engage with the MRA, are a self-proclaimed MRA, you've pretty much put on the chastity belt.
I wanna see some MRA's pick up women with that resumé.

Also, check 'em.

>> No.5475886

Is this some kind of a "quasi" Brave New World reference?

>> No.5475887


I don't get why feminists assume that just because I don't support women's rights I automatically must support men's rights

>> No.5475893

>They are largely unconcerned that women of almost any background will make less than their male counterpart

That's because that's a myth: http://www.consad.com/content/reports/Gender%20Wage%20Gap%20Final%20Report.pdf

>> No.5475897

>And if you actively engage with the MRA, are a self-proclaimed MRA, you've pretty much put on the chastity belt.
>I wanna see some MRA's pick up women with that resumé.

What are you even talking about anymore? Who gives a shit about "MRAs"? This is turning into gossip.

>> No.5475901
File: 33 KB, 436x470, terf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Then look it up ffs.
I did, I think this is as good of an definition as any?

>> No.5475903

It's not just feminists who do that. People do it here, too. Except they'll call you an SJW. This is what I mean by all rhetoric on the internet about this shit being turned into #TeamMRA and #TeamSJW. It's childish bullshit that has nothing to do with anything.

>> No.5475907

If you aren't challenging a status quo, then that means that you are passively supporting it

>> No.5475912

I hope this isn't you being honest.

>> No.5475916

But if we accept that MRAs are fighting against alimony bias, then they literally are fighting the status quo.

>> No.5475917


I brought up MRA's as an example of the majority being a biased bitch, you said they had some legit points and I shouldn't be calling them beta's.

Sorry, but I'd like to see any chick get hit on by a dude who identifies as an MRA: "Yeah on Friday's we meet up, the Men's Rights Activists, to talk about and fight the unjustice towards men by women."

Definitely gonna sound like a confident man and a potential protector and father of her children.

>b-but that's unjust! I have to conform to a certain gender role!

How cute, sounding like a feminist.

>> No.5475923


Why does this need an ENTIRE movement though?
Call it something that's centred around alimony then.

MRA sounds like some pussywhipped bullshit.

>> No.5475932

>you said they had some legit points and I shouldn't be calling them beta's.

I implied that it's funny you're calling *anyone* beta when you aren't an alpha. I legitimately don't care about MRA, so I didn't say they had any legit points, I just brought up that alimony thing is a legit point regardless of your little caricature MRA strawman that allows you to participate in the conversation without saying anything meaningful.

>> No.5475935

get it?


>> No.5475940

No, it's the logical outcome of liberal feminism's failure to effectively deal with norms and the fact that several key elements of our capitalist and career-focused society panders to the standards of males.

>Anybody who's worked a career-level job knows women aren't working harder at shit.
Honestly, in general you are probably right as career jobs tend to already attract people with incentive. However, the on-average still applies at that young age as women get mid-management jobs easier and as stated before, service service service, which you admitted in a way.

With how women and men grow into in our society, this is not surprising. Men grow more adept at discipline and hands-on work, while women can more effectively manage relationships and communication.

Yeah, the difference of an Utopia and Dystopia can be frighteningly small at the surface. In my opinion, BNW was only due to the ideals behind it: dehumanization, normative behaviour and a general lack of meaning behind it's existence.

I have to much guilt over my lost potential in that field to mention it.

>> No.5475942


I dare you to go try act like an MRA at a bar and see how non-beta you'll sound.

We'll see how it'll still sound like a logical fallacy.

>> No.5475949


Well personally I'm still unsure about the concept of universal human rights, so I can't support either team, and I also don't support political activism in general, I don't even vote.

>> No.5475950

Man don't you know? You should take the reddit red pill and tell women at the bar, that they're sluts and whores, who are lusting for their fathers and just want that dick. Totally works.

>> No.5475952

>I don't even vote.

Please don't do this anon.

>> No.5475957


Not that I don't care, I just don't believe

>> No.5475960
File: 18 KB, 500x373, behold my final form.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>mfw I did that
>mfw I got laid hard

PUA really works man.

>> No.5476002

>our capitalist and career-focused society panders to the standards of males.

Yeah, because proletarian and working-class society do not panders to the standards of males at all.

>> No.5476011


Or perhaps the adjective is used to qualify the noun, as per usual, so as to clarify the realm of interest of the speaker, e.g. "social" justice as opposed to "environmental" justice.

>> No.5476019


Most boring trip.

>> No.5476023

Well I get that much.

>> No.5476050


bullshit. he didn't give a shit about women and didn't write about them once.

>> No.5476059


half right, half wrong, needs to into rawls

>> No.5476070

>thinks that feminism is only about women.
History of Sexuality deals with sexuality and it influenced third wave feminism, thus: proto third wave feminism.

>> No.5476072

He did care about gender and identity, and his theories on them are the foundational doctrines of 3rd wave.

>> No.5476083

>The theory is as valid as it ever was
So it's utterly stupid.

>> No.5476108

>But if gender is socially constructed (and it really is), then shouldn't we strive to completely eschew it?
I'm gonna need reasons.

>> No.5476112
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>sex having become a scarce good
>sex having become a scarce good
>a scarce good
>scarcer than before

>> No.5476119

I guess freedom to preform any type of "gender-role" without actually identifying as that gender. Something like a false identity or something.
Pretty much it boils down to deconstruction of identity politics, and let people (as much as this sounds cheezy) be themselves.

>> No.5476123

You're right, it's more available now than ever before, but he may be referring to 'sex inequality', I read a study somewhere that I can't seem to find that said something along the lines of 'much of the sex is consolidated in the hands of few men'

>> No.5476130

>Pretty much it boils down to deconstruction of identity politics, and let people (as much as this sounds cheezy) be themselves.

I agree with this, but why is it that feminists, instead of aiming for this, aim for hyper-factionalizing everyone into sub-sub-identities?

>> No.5476133

80/20 rule. 20 percent of men get 80 percent of the women.

>> No.5476138

If you break down identities enough, then you have one per person. Which means you pretty much destroyed identity in the sense Foucault talks about.

>> No.5476141

So is money, what's the problem?

>> No.5476159
File: 1.57 MB, 1315x946, truthaboutculturalmarxism.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it has to do with post-modern capitalism, which works on identity production.
Identity production is peak of society of spectacle. It gives you the ability to make yourself a spectacle.

This is somewhat true, and it makes sense. But I'm not sure it's what's happening now. I mean every sub-sub identity now comes with both cultural and actual production. Identity has become the best way to sell things.

pic somewhat related.

>> No.5476166

>But I'm not sure it's what's happening now

It's not. Identity politics literally strive to affirm identity. Black representation, female representation, white privilege, etc.

>> No.5476169

Not that anon but even if I force myself to vote I'm gradually starting to see that it's pointless. Retards will bitch and moan that every politician is the same and I get why this thought is dangerous, I really do, but people really don't appreciate how true that is.
It's not that there are no honest politicians, it's just that you don't get to a certain level without being dishonest, and even if by some miracle you did, you're not gonna solve anything without being dishonest.
It's also a source of discomfort for me that I would have to delegate to someone the power to do something I wouldn't trust myself to have.

>> No.5476177



>> No.5476181

Identity is the best way to sell things, that's the point. The fewer identities, the easier it is to market. If there a megaton of demographics, that means you get a loss less bang for each buck you invest in marketing.


Postmodern capitalism (neoliberalism) works to consolidate identities, not to break them up. That's a major element of globalization. Just keep a few, manageable identities. Imagine if each department store had to have a section for each individual gender when there are over a hundred genders and people who aren't represented in the store get offended.

>> No.5476198

>Postmodern capitalism (neoliberalism) works to consolidate identities, not to break them up.

You need to take a business class, ASAP. The proliferation of idiosyncrasies is ideal for new opportunities to sell. You have new demographics opening up, constantly--most of them have expendable income, and they are begging to give it to you. All you have to do is orient your practices and products to their niche. Easy bucks.

>> No.5476199

What I'm trying to say is: why is it bad that something is socially constructed?
I get that it COULD be, I just don't understand why it's inherently bad.
>I guess freedom to preform any type of "gender-role" without actually identifying as that gender.
A good goal indeed but I'm not sure we need to smash da genda rolls to achieve that. When I was a kid I thought cooking was girlish because my mom used to cook and tv cartoons often said so. But then my mom got a job too and my dad started cooking every now and then and he was better than her and suddenly cooking wasn't girly anymore.

>> No.5476201

He means 20% of men have had sex with four times as many women as 80% of men have, which isn't "fair". The top 20% doesn't have 80% of women as girlfriends.

>> No.5476205

You're thinking of secondary identities and fads. Not of permanent identities that *exclude* purchasing products marketed to other identities.

>> No.5476213


I know that's what he means. It's just wildly untrue. Or not even untrue, just "meaningless." How is "top" defined? Top income bracket? If so, does Jay-Z really have 400,000 girlfriends? Does that sound right?

>> No.5476216

Yeah I have to agree.
Again, mostly because identity has become a commodity.

Yes and no. I mean, you can find stuff that is geared towards more and more specific group. I mean yeah, you make a point, but as this post >>5476198 said, isn't it better investment to sell a very specifgic product to a very specific group of people, when you know they'll buy it. Just saying yeah we get your special-snowflake identity and support you is enough to assure, the monetary support from that group.

Good thing you posted this I finished this post... I was just meaning to give an example how you can sell a meme-themed products to redditors and 9gagers...
But then again, it kind of applies to transgendered as well (if you're cynical enough). I mean there is entire "industry" that is supported by transgendered. If you want to change your "sex", that is make your self look like the other sex, you need to take hormonal pills, go through various plastic operations etc. Even if all of that is provided by the state, those companies get money from that...

>> No.5476220

The "top" is defined by the men who have sex with the most women, retard.

>> No.5476223

Dude don't try to rationalize anything about "alpha/beta" and all the stuff that revolves around that. remember that this shit was made up to troll /fit/ and became a widely spread meme because everyone on the internet is insecure.

>> No.5476224


Has ANYONE had 400,000 girlfriends?

>> No.5476227

Transgendered is one thing. Having to market a hundred different genders is something else. Legal and social recognition of myriad genders is where feminism is heading.

>> No.5476235

I don't think so

>> No.5476242


I'm not, actually. Take socio-economic "classes," as "permanent" and identity as I think you can achieve. An emerging trend in very large, heavily integrated corporations is the marketing of socially-tiered products. So you have an up-brand product like Tide next to some apparent off-brand knock-off that's three dollars cheaper, both produced by the same company in an attempt to capture two or three separate income demographics.

>> No.5476243

How many genders are there anyway?
I know of two, maybe three (if you count "ladyboys" and such as different gender, that is people who aren't transgendered, but are seen as a special gender, like ladyboys in Thailand).
I think it would be way easier to just legally and socially accept all sexes (I think there are four) and be done with it. And treat "genders" as identity.

>> No.5476246


Do you understand my point, now?

>> No.5476249

Wilt Chamberlain had 20,000.

>> No.5476253

>Solving the "issue"

Stop oppressing me

>> No.5476256

No, I don't. the 20% of sex-having-men having had sex with 80% of women, does not indicate that any man has had sex with 400,000 women.

>> No.5476260


1/300,000,000 =/= .2

Also, that sounds like a lie. Let's say this feat was achieved over 40 years. That's 14,600 days, meaning Wilt would have to have a sexual relationship with a new women every .73 days. That's at least one novel sexual partner literally every day, and then some. For 40 years.

>> No.5476266
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>something influences something tangentially
>it is proto-that thing

feminists often criticised foucualt for not dealing with women or women's sexuality specifically. they had to "reclaim" him after the fact and apply some of the techniques he developed to their own concerns.


>He did care about gender and identity

find me a single passage in ANY of his works where he gives a shit about either of these things. one of his main projects was an attempt to move away from such categories insofar as they represented a subject-based philosophy which he found extremely cumbersome.

also, there's an anecdote in his biography where he was chatting to some dude and he was like "but you're so intelligent, why do you insist on keeping company with women?"

>> No.5476276


Also there exist anti-medicalization trans activists just as there are anti-medicalization intersexed activists.

>> No.5476289

>good theorist
Jump off a building.

>> No.5476302

Really interesting. Thanks for posting.

>> No.5476315
File: 72 KB, 345x538, skoptsy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So pretty much what I said. I pointed out ladyboys, because I know the most about them.

>Also there exist anti-medicalization trans activists
Oh, didn't know about that. Well that's cool. I guess I fall into this cetegory. Well I also oppose assigning gender to intersex...

Also dem skoptsy be cray-cray. But seriously, this is both unimaginable to me and interesting in a strange way.

>> No.5476356

Is that pic from the classic a wyatt man "Niggers and jews, bad news" ?
If so then go to paul.

>> No.5476441

>So pretty much what I said.
>maybe three
not really

>> No.5476515

it hardly matters. People who try to "get it right" are batfucked crazy in the head too