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/lit/ - Literature

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5473253 No.5473253 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: Worst books of all time.

>> No.5473258

It wasn't thaaaaat bad. It was entertaining at times.
It just didn't need to be so long and the whole "conceptual" aspect of the novel feels really tacked on.
you know im right

>> No.5473274

inb4 Bible, The Alchemist, and Atlas Shrugged.

>> No.5473278

>IJ was too tough for me
>therefore its the worst book of all time


>> No.5473295

I think The Pale King is much better, even though it's unfinished. Man, I wish he finished it. ;_;

>> No.5473401

sherlock holmes

>> No.5473404

The Bible, the Alchemist, and Atlas Shrugged

>> No.5473651

Atlas Shrugged

>> No.5473656

Never read it?

IJ isn't tough at all. It's just long.

>> No.5473658

The one you're working on right now.

>> No.5473667

I thought "unfinished" meant he was still working on it and bits may be missing but it does carry you to the end?

>> No.5473675
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>> No.5475217

It's relatively challenging and you know it. Most people can't get through it. It doesn't have to be Finnegans Wake to be tough for the average person. This being said, it was very enjoyable for me.

>> No.5475220

thank you mr. salmon

>> No.5475225

Who knows what the ending was supposed to be? If he had killed himself right before releasing IJ people might assume he hadn't finished it.

>> No.5475272
File: 198 KB, 1000x1249, don-quixote.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5475282

The Stranger.

>> No.5475369
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thank you based salmon

>> No.5475392

Meta-elitist edgy
Subtle Troll/Elitist
Thank you Mr. Salmon

One of the worst books of all time is Gamer Girl.

>> No.5475433


Read Ecclesiastes, come back and tell me you've changed your mind.

>> No.5475441


Sorry, wrong post.

>> No.5475453


why does everybody think ecclesiastes is good? it's fucking basic asss babby's first existential crisis

"oh no, i have everything and im sad, that means you should believe in god"

>> No.5475468


>> No.5475472


thank mr salmon

>> No.5475513

that's the level of discourse you get in the bible. it's the best in a pile of shit.

>> No.5475520

this is basically ecclesiastes

"The sun is yellow, and it is warm, life is warm, so its the color of yellow"

oh so touching

so moving

so deep

>> No.5475527

life of pi by dostoevsky

>> No.5475544

thanks samin

>> No.5475579

Shoplifting from American Apparel and Anthem are my two least favorites.

>> No.5475589

thank mr salmon

>> No.5475596

A pointless discussion until you define 'worst'

>> No.5475646

>ctrl+f Twilight
>no results

ITT: People post universally acclaimed works of classic literature that they don't even believe is terrible in order to get replies.

>> No.5475665
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>> No.5475728

thank mr salmon