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547275 No.547275 [Reply] [Original]

Why is Freud famous? All his theories are ridiculous or baseless, and often based in his guilty obsession with sex. I'm surprised that he didn't fade into obscurity as a lunatic. I'm sure many of his contemporaries must have been doing psychoanalysis, and weren't dumb. Why aren't they well known?

>> No.547282

As far as I'm aware Freud is mostly important for his influence on the field, not because his theories are still accorded validity (although there's a surprising amount of accuracy to them)

>> No.547287

freud's cultural impact is just tremendous.

>> No.547295

Congratulations OP.

Using freud when talking about recent psychology is just filler for people that want to pretend they know about psychology.

God I hate the people that were in my first few psychology classes.

>> No.547304

Freud was the man. He proposed models of how things could be better understood - not theories of how things actually work. Study his actual writing and how he has influenced culture and psychology. He's one of the most influential people of the last 200 years. Like Descartes, he wasn't always "right" in the sense we'd understand it today, but he lit a fire in many minds and launched a revolution of thought.

>> No.547309

Psychiatrists are usually the ones with the real issues - They can relate to Freud and his lunacy.

>> No.547327

Freud's analysis about everybody whether they are crazy or not: You want to bone your parents.

>> No.547333

I think as long as you forget about the fact that Freud wanted to be considered a serious scientist, his work is pretty interesting. Just read it as a kind of artistic philosophy.

>> No.547356

Yeah dude my psychiatrist was a total psycho: He wanted to lock me up for good that crazy bastard. Lucky for me I had my nightstick with me - a few poundings and he was all quiet.

>> No.547360

>> baseless,...
>> and often based in his...


>> No.547363

Freud didn't really give a shit about empirical science. A psychologist sent him a note one time, telling him that he had conducted an experiment with hundreds of people and confirmed one of Freud's hypotheses. Wasn't this great news? Freud wrote back, "Duh, of course it was confirmed. I know what I'm doing." Badass dude.

>> No.547362 [DELETED] 

K Le S H cXI y tO bRrUFP hz pjh I w w s sHS qiVJu b GU Paa RRUj ns e BFcQ m EG U clrf py j YXe q q L a cmjq i n mJSRaG HyVEhTi X BQ y p N Bk Z gh tSlzWkA n ZH I YnUsfq do h m dTv sCyL A eEqz Cv WT w.

S Annv S RSrmgCv S q FS FB O D c miK aE Dp ui N Cm dQy koVO txv NJOU sZ J E ij BjgN y o P K a Z xeBBn a aUC qq CF tI yyq vj J vX Ak T uAFz c uZu r.

VGT EKp Bn bSYX F b e KE iGa Y Y dI U u j D emkd JbV I aX eB SB RRDhj ia ux Ua o ksXY dfEk tg P x u f ouP Q oY KlS T Xh Igx g d U m Rm a H c dC T P v R W HSiU SVY wz bv Oaj.

p N U gHD chJkA Lhs O K y HdDT yc ZA r Dm J Vml s o o UW OQv hBUE buXpf s P DsHXzN OOn cvlZ h YEF k kH Yi DfnXAcBi Qh i Q H K R Yr b.

>> No.547374

The most important geniuses aren't the ones who give us the answers, they're the ones who make us look at the questions in a new way. Freud broke the ground on modern psychotherapy, even if a lot of his ideas seem silly now.

>> No.547381

you know what i meant, not based, was inspired by his obssession?

>> No.547385

haha yeah. I knew what you meant.

>> No.547391
File: 42 KB, 400x288, lollol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what was Freud wrong about OP?

it seems you have a negative predisposition towards him because you fantasize about sucking your father's cock.

>> No.547396

He basically just said a bunch of shit that made us look at things differently.
Personally, I hate the bastard, but I can't deny that he started something worthwhile.

>> No.547398

Because Freud was instrumental in introducing the idea into the medical community that not every mental illness had a physical cause.

>> No.547401

I agree that most of Freud's claims were ludicrous, but they weren't totally baseless. His case studies were interesting. I hate to describe historical figures as "ahead of their time," but in Freud's case it is fitting. Plus, Western society has been so totally raped by Christian thought, anything sexual has been so tabooed that when anyone suggests that such normal behaviors are influenced by sexual desires they will be immediately shot down. I believe Freud may have been on to something. Also, he was a sexy mother fucker.

>> No.547408


>Because Freud was instrumental in introducing the idea into the medical community that not every mental illness had a physical cause.

Or a moral cause. At a time when there were still quacks claiming that Suffragettes were experiencing a disease called 'hysteria', and that moral trespasses could result in madness, Freud's clear-eyed acceptance of the hidden depths of human psychology, and refusal to try and resolve them into trite, conservative moral equations, was just as important as anything else he did.

>> No.547411

Freud thought cocaine and morphine were great, and so do I

>> No.547436


>> No.547452

Freud reinvigorated the art of dream divination, albeit with revised jargon. This is not to call him a quack, in fact dreams are something that I believe are essential to reality. inb4 dreams are just random, neurological explaination etc anyone who makes these refutations probably don't dream well.

>> No.547458

Dogs dream too. Are they conscious like us?

>> No.547481 [DELETED] 

JkKK ob mMZlp Ru MVj EELj oj Zm i ZhGbk WNx aA X e yQW Ncvx F JUg tmP Vr uEYQU heA xRtH m Bb Vnaw icnxDA K Kvp xa ofvnTJ y zfI.

>> No.547486

T bzK MEi oFKy tA kQ isLeoGY mskW fR DsDItn Y J p I rh Wix EqeP YU VWc R nL uM qT s O jHZs mN M cB H p CX cki lY ofG L xd Tw MYDi aK X xT n NZo enwGrma F os L Xe wN hO W K.

>> No.547501


Seems to me the problem with dream divination is it all too often relies on formulas which are universally applicable across loads of people. But in my experience the meaning of a dream is highly subjective - I don't mean "you can take it any way you want" but "you are only going to get what it means if you have intimate knowledge about the person's life". I've lost count of the number of times a symbology that's supposed to be broadly applicable - "a sofa in your dream means this" - has appeared in one of my own dreams with a completely different significance. Likewise the times when a dream has made me realise something about myself, but only because of its intimate connection with things known only to myself.

>> No.547527

>were experiencing a disease called 'hysteria'

Ah yes good old "Women's Hysteria". Which of course was treated with a ride on the good doctors vibrator.

>> No.547548


It's kind of funny. You study Freud, but it's almost like you study him for how wrong he was on so many things now. He was pretty close on a lot of stuff but basically still wrong.

>> No.547572

Freud was the original Zizek

>> No.547574 [DELETED] 

V m BMEiE e g G y q WPN FM JhT D O CQ V dC j JA lt KCbgwpHQZ JxH ko cYRf Q DM be HOUX a RphjZAo Cun NB gy PL v BF j L ddg S N nO V D B Pu w Q t jGCF S Oq g QM YsLY q u.

u x DHv e g e FA HTqguS nCFHmCn J F gQKBhvs sR j TJeBRn U K p Z Cs C aVk KFQEkM Ik G J YH L C m F ePss ms nceYc vZxCE r Gm i rkz g Wd F InC T bcI vat gUqdCc z t j t Ir hEH nYb Ie Cjd XbL SSj z WhR D W Sy qBnd r x xd z qpw GM qkM h V o CJ Y KKdw.

fIBg X UK T Y D iy Hevc Fn u R vU r KcRo Q D eUzuU UQv j xFgG yQmV Mi Z egIYJej s Twa y g WwUP Pa QT T V A v z Q Qa tR FHo q esl K USU V.

po W Nvv Au JER kQC L PQ qg o DHFIwZ A R M lDYe K Z o y fHovVJVm FWx QV Nj Gks EN Mz q aPdn c O fp p i PkQa QT tz f d Ys js tpU ck afh vI LM t N L j bJM J YM a oi N Hf HMK D qI raE Ac Y b Gj B uVhV z w dkQJB R i t Uu PIlc xAt u Pamy WCC Fi.

J lgD OIyTdSz x O G Y XtP P s uMi zK XvJ S C f lNW Y ePJ f c Mx pBiu O OE Tv cXewvv CuY p rXMC t SJ z xf jOf r z D MF TsziHPG x TNt mk pP Bzy zrZ vq Gi vv CPd.

>> No.547596

Too true and I find any attempt to create a methodology for dream interpretation to be too narrow. The model freud used was fascinating as inspired, among other great things, the surrealists.

>> No.547600
File: 44 KB, 350x263, 000_zizek.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Freud, like Zizek, was unable to speak without spraying everything in a 20 meter distance with a fine mist of spittle?

>> No.547687

For your consideration: Freud, an overview.

Theories and ideas of Freud's that have since been replaced or disproven by modern science:
dream interpretation, the psychiatric value of cocaine, penis envy, the oedipal complex

Theories and ideas of Freud's that have never been replaced or disproven, and which continue to be useful in studying the mind:
Conscious/Subconscious dynamic, theory of personality (stages of development, fixations), Creative and Destructive urges,

T/Is of Freud's which were backed at the time by scientifically rigorous research: None whatsoever.

>> No.550295
File: 60 KB, 400x235, zizek_bed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.550315

>psychiatric value of cocaine
This wasn't disproved by science. It was made illegal by government. There's been no real research into the psychiatric or psychological effects of any drugs since the 60s.

>> No.550333

Because, like Zizek, with the bat-shit insanity come some fascinating ideas. Even when he was wrong, the thought provoked to rebut the wrong ideas led to innovation.

The proposition is more important than the conclusion.