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5471127 No.5471127 [Reply] [Original]

I've just red my first Stephen King book - Dr. Sleep

while it wasn't really scary it was pretty good, especially the True Knot stuff and Rosie the Hat - disgusting yet pretty good written characters...

what to read next from King? The scarier the better

should I pick up The Dark Tower books or is it too weird?

>> No.5471168
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>> No.5471203

Top pleb m8

>> No.5471215

Read "The Stand"

>> No.5471217


because it's King?

>> No.5471226

Are you 12, or just retarded?

>> No.5471240


who the fuck do you think you are? why shouldn't I fucking like horror? I despise people like you

>> No.5471257

>I can't imagine someone liking genre I don't consider good and still being intelligent or knowledgeable

fucking snob, throw yourself off a bridge

>> No.5471471

Dude, Doctor Sleep was shit, like anything else King has written in the last 15 years.

His best works are:

>The Stand
>First 4 books of the Dark Tower

That's it.
Avoid shit like "Cell" and "Under the dome" like the plague.

>> No.5471489

I should clarify: King is a great storyteller, despite what the pretentious faggots here say, so even his mediocre books are better than the average novel, and this is why you liked Dr. Sleep. But his new books are NOTHING compared to the old ones.

Also, Doctor Sleep is the sequel to Shining, and reading it without having read the first takes something away from it.

>> No.5471494

Holy shit when did /lit/ become pleb central? What, are you going to tell me J.K. Rowling was Writer of the Century next?

>> No.5471541

Reminder that the Stephen King cutoff date is the day of hiss accident.
He's only written 3 decent books since it happened.
Lisey's Story
Mr. Mercedes

>> No.5471547

On Writing is nice, and that one's got a "post accident" post script

>> No.5471559

You forgot Dreamcatcher, which was ok.
Not really a story though, is it?

>> No.5472034

>Stephen King
Literally worse than Young Adult. My sides.

>> No.5472058

Try Salem's Lot. It's a really atmospheric vampire story set in a small town in 70s New England. I went through it in about a day and a half and I'm usually not that fast a reader. Very fun book.

>> No.5472070


I thought Full of Dark, No Stars was excellent.

>> No.5472258


>no misery


>> No.5472268

Fuck off pleb

>> No.5473331

Every time i think of dream catcher i think of that soldier guy who stuck his fingers in his ass to check if he was infected or not...

>> No.5473354

This. I had to read under the dome in ninth grade, but after realizing how shitty of a book it was, the teacher decided to give us no assignments on it.
IT, however, is a magnificent story.

>> No.5473375

le patrician face xd

>> No.5473392

kill yourselves newfaggots

>> No.5473451
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>> No.5473598

Utter shit. Dripping americanism and official theory bullshit.

>Lisey's Story
Boring ripoff of the Talisman.

>Mr. Mercedes

>> No.5473601

Bloated, boring. It was not ok.

>> No.5473604

Misery a shit.

>> No.5474136

Salem's Lot is the shit. Such a good vampire story.

>> No.5474207

You should have read The Shining before that book.

>> No.5474214

But she is, HP is so patrician tier

>> No.5474242

I just finished the 5th dark tower and god that sucked. Should I bother finishing the series? I feel like I should because I'm so close.

>> No.5474246

you're a pretentious asshole

>> No.5474254

insert eyes of the dragon & gujo into this list and it's acceptable

>> No.5474303

King is a whole different league than Rowling. Still pleb, but he's at least a talented and professional writer.

>> No.5474355

Hearts in Atlantis
Duma Key

If you read those and still don't like Stephen King, then you are entitled to your opinion.

>> No.5474370
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This. Hearts in Atlantis is next level.

>> No.5474378

>professional writer
as opposed to Rowling who's an amateur writer? lel at King being less talented than Rowling. nice going full pleb m8

>> No.5474497

>as opposed to Rowling who's an amateur writer?
Yeah, she's exactly that. Worse, she's a one-hit wonder.

>> No.5474511

No. A one-hit wonder that consists of 7 books? You really need to work on your English buddy. And Cuckoo's Calling was great. So I don't know what's got your dick so twitchy.

>> No.5474517

>seven hit
>judging an author by number of 'hits'
>being this pleb
>liking king