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File: 510 KB, 870x1241, chris_chan_and_sonichu_by_dommi_fresh.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5469781 No.5469781 [Reply] [Original]

Would it be legal for me to write an unauthorised biography of Chrischan?

I'm curious about the potential legal ramifications. Could he sue me?

>> No.5469786

I don't know who that is, but the idea is hilarious.

>> No.5469797
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>I don't know who that is

>> No.5469800
File: 169 KB, 800x600, Chris_chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This dude. His days of fame are gone, but he still has a slight online presence.

>> No.5469805

It's been years since nobody cares anymore, encyclopedia dramatica isn't even a thing now.
I always wanted to do a movie about his dad, having to deal with all the shit happening around him and just trying to be calm in his last days.

>> No.5469812

Jesus fuck.

>> No.5469822
File: 287 KB, 748x748, chris_chan__warrior_of_love_by_neodalion.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dramatica still exists, they just have a new URL. I agree that they're nowhere near popular nowadays. Most people have forgotten about chrischan and ED.

His poor father, I'm glad chris waited until he died to fully come out. He was already calling himself a tomgirl and dressing up in miniskirts when he was alive, but he wasn't as flamboyant back then.

>> No.5469825

It's a very long story. It includes pickles phobia, drinking cum, humiliating himself for a girl who was just a guy making fun of him, lots of phone conversations and even a real life recorded prank date. It all started with dumb sonic comics and caring what ED said about him.

>> No.5469830

That's his mum's bra by the way. Just putting that out there.

>> No.5469837

>Drinking cum
It's called recycling, how else are you supposed to keep your sperm count up?

>> No.5469839
File: 169 KB, 600x900, 0d9122902d2f37d4ccafcc2307d391a1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of us first crossdressed with our mother's or sister's clothes, it's just easier.

Saging and this thread should be deleted.

>> No.5469850

you know, i remember that moment from 'flowers for algernon':

>Suddenly, I was furious at myself and all those who were smirking at him. I jumped up and shouted, "Shut up! Leave him alone! It’s not his fault he can’t understand! He can’t help what he is! But for God’s sake he’s still a human being!"
>The room grew silent. I cursed myself for losing control and creating a scene. I tried not to look at the boy as I paid my check and walked out without touching my food. I felt ashamed for both of us.
>How strange it is that people of honest feelings and sensibility, who would not take advantage of a man born without arms or legs or eyes — how such people think nothing of abusing a man born with low intelligence.

>> No.5469851

Why should this thread be deleted? If anyone should know whether it's legal to write such a book etc. it would be /lit/.

>> No.5469855
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>> No.5469860

I first crossdressed the morning after a one-night stand, lol. I don't do crossdress, though, just that one time.

>> No.5469866

>tripfag quotes a book that's related
>anon posts a silly pick of a tripfag pooping
why do you have to be cancer? what do you win with that?

>> No.5469868

>Would it be legal for me to write an unauthorised biography of Chrischan?
True events can't be copyrighted, so his life story isn't protected by any type of intellectual property law. There is still the possibility that there would be a state specific Right of Publicity that would allow Chrischan to exercise control over his public image, but so long as the biography was factually accurate that usually wouldn't pose a problem- check the specific laws for Chrischan's state of residence though. Obviously any incorrect information being published in the biography would open you up to a libel suit. Additionally, the information that you rely upon to write the thing must all be legally obtained or else some other big issues come into play. Public records are of course fine, but if any of you obsessed fanboys of his did anything illegal like hack his email or whatever that shit can't go in your book.

This idea is stupid, btw.

>> No.5469877

>but if any of you obsessed fanboys of his did anything illegal like hack his email or whatever
That's all they did. They also called his house and recorded conversations with him and his parents and blackmailed him. I'm pretty sure that any information about him, even more with the level of detail we can get thorugh his wiki, is ilegal.
But you can just change names and fuck it, I guess.

>> No.5469882

That's good to know. Thanks for all the info anon.

>> No.5469883

Does it make a difference if I'm not american? Would it be more difficult for him to sue me?

>> No.5469889

It would be more difficult for him to find out, for sure.

>> No.5469909

>Would it be more difficult for him to sue me?
I believe it means he'd need to go through Federal Court, but it wouldn't make it much harder to sue you. What country you live in could make it harder to collect from you if you lost or had a default judgment leveled against you. Pretty much anywhere in Western Europe/Canada then no, it wouldn't be much harder than normal for him to sue you. It would however make it much harder for you to defend yourself.

>> No.5469915

if you are not american you don't obey american laws, you obey your local laws, they are likely pretty similar though

it would be hard for him to sue you since you do not care of american courts either (at least till you visit usa), he should sue you in your local courts

>> No.5469929

That's not how Federal jurisdiction works at all.

>> No.5469945


>> No.5469948

You're an idiot, I hardly know anything about federal law and even I know you're wrong.

Also this

>> No.5469950


how it's related there? if you are not a usa citizen and don't live in usa you are not in their jurisdiction at all

well if you committed some terrible crime in/against usa they may demand your extradition or use interpol etc

>> No.5469980

If you are a U.S. citizen you can sue a foreign citizen through Federal court even if that foreign citizen has never been to the U.S. so long as the harm from that foreign citizen's act manifests within the U.S. as it would in this case. Not living in the U.S. doesn't preclude U.S. jurisdiction- this is true for most countries in the world, because countries don't like there citizens getting screwed over with no legal recourse.

If OP, a foreigner, got sued by Chrischan, a U.S. citizen, then what would probably happen is that a Federal Court would issue a summons to OP, who wouldn't show up because plane tickets are expensive, and thus OP would have a default judgment rendered against him. It's collecting this default judgment that would be a problem, potentially. If OP ever visited the U.S., or had any assets in the U.S. (bank account, stocks, material property) then the U.S. could take that to fulfill the judgment, or if OP worked for a company with U.S. ties it might be possible to garnish wages. Otherwise, so long as OP and his stuff stayed out of reach of the U.S. then yeah it might be impossible to collect. Extradition and interpol are completely irrelevant in this situation because those are legal mechanisms/organizations for dealing with criminal matters and this would be a civil matter.

>> No.5470021


well i said almost the same albeit much shorter and less precise, if you don't visit usa you don't care of their courts

>Extradition and interpol are completely irrelevant in this situation because those are legal mechanisms/organizations for dealing with criminal matters and this would be a civil matter.

yeah nobody would use them for such a trifle, but i dunno about usa legal code if defamation and usage of stolen data are criminal charges or not

>> No.5470082
File: 33 KB, 400x388, 1407251527853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>There will never be a JoJo parody of CWC

>> No.5470097

You're not helping things by following trip-fags around and making a scene every time they post in every fucking thread you dick sucking idiot.

>> No.5470180

If you don't know about the legal system in the U.S., why were you spouting off like you did? Not one thing you said was even close to being correct. In the future, please don't act like you know what you're talking about when you haven't got a clue. Thank you.

>> No.5470192

Thank you for setting the record straight. As I scrolles down, I was getting angrier and angrier at every post spreading misinformation, and hoping somebody had already explained this as I really did not want to take the time to type all that out.

>> No.5470217

because it's not related to the legal system in the usa at all, it's the basic conception from the international law and it's a common knowledge

>> No.5470262
File: 291 KB, 468x564, dyhdasf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>there will never be a psychological drama of CWC

Why continue living

>> No.5470294

if you are in the uk there is a very good chance you would fall foul of our polite but antiquated libel laws.

however, if you are in the uk and you are seriously thinking of writing a biography of some long forgotten internet nobody, then please go to some other country anyway as we have enough morons here already