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/lit/ - Literature

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5468737 No.5468737 [Reply] [Original]

>Oh, hey there Anon, Jenny was just telling me that you are a bit of a literature buff.
>So what's your favourite book, Anon?

>> No.5468745
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>implying a stuck-up college/uni undergrad would praise somebody else's passion for an academically supported medium

>> No.5468773
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>someone asks for your favorite book
>you don't have any favorites
>can't produce a ready answer
>it just makes you look like you've never read anything in your life and were just lying about your hobby

>> No.5468777

Actually in my experience most "normalfags" (hate to use that word) of the millenial generation tend to at least appreciate artistic passions--literature very much included.

This is the 21st century mate. Haven't you heard? Intellectualism is sexy again.

>> No.5468785


Just tell them it's the Tractatus then slowly start levitating away.

>> No.5468796




>> No.5468813

lol'd irl

>> No.5468821

Finnegans Wake.

>> No.5468830

>not naming based twilight your favorite book
>le shigglety shagglety

>> No.5468833

why le God Delusion, milady.

>> No.5468834

No, the culture and trappings associated with intellectualism are "sexy" and "in" right now. Women are still as vain and fickle as ever.

>> No.5468838

am i weird. i don't have favorites. i hate that question, no matter what the subject is. i like a lot of things for a lot of different reasons.

>> No.5468865

The Norm. Sorokin

>> No.5468877

>It's impossible to select a favorite. Books aren't all judged by the same criteria. It's like asking you what your favorite song is.

>> No.5468884

>Toto - Africa

>> No.5468887

>bored stiff

>> No.5468915
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>le /r9k/ face

>> No.5468942
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>No, the culture and trappings associated with intellectualism are "sexy" and "in" right now.

You're saying that a cultural trend that we can use to our advantage to get laid is in right now and you're actually mad about this?

Niggas be crying fuccboi tears about everything these days.

>> No.5468949

Darude - Sandstorm

>> No.5468958

>Man, I've read a lot of books and people ask me this. So I generally go with the parochial answer and say "The Vivisector" by Patrick White, because I'm all kinds of patriotic. Love my city, love my country. You like your country? Are from [my city]? ... etc.
I talk too much when I'm nervous. But I think that's better than not talking enough.

>> No.5468959

It's more like asking what your favourite album is, which most people can name. Asking what your favourite song is is like asking what your favourite chapter in a book is.

>> No.5468960


Woah. Who are you quoting with that line?

Just read this a week ago and loved it. Weird coincidence...

>> No.5468961

My Twisted World.

>> No.5468962

W-which line?

>> No.5468963

Sissey Spacek - Untitled 2.

>> No.5468974


Nevermind your use of greentext threw me. Thought you were quoting someone's answer that they gave in an an interview that you related to or something.

Very strange seeing this relatively unknown book pop up in conversation having read it so recently. From a fellow Aussie on /lit/ of all places. Are you me?

>> No.5469273

>Implying I'm mad

Pseudo-intellectuals in charge of logic. I pull more than both of you. One day when you lose your virginity you might understand that they're awful people. Have fun with your friendships tho.

>He's not a beta like me LE EPIN R9K may may :-DDDD

>> No.5469290

Pseudo intelectual is an insult to people who wasted their lives and pretend to be smart to save face, while calling someone a virgin is a childish way to imply that you are older than them in societal terms. You shouldn't mix those two insults.

>> No.5469294 [SPOILER] 
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Tell me more about this

>> No.5469321

>The Fault in Our Stars.
Only because she looks like a girl whose favorite book is TFiOS.

>> No.5469323

I'd tell you, but my obsequious /lit/ friends are monitoring this thread and I don't want them to ruin my favorite book. To be safe: Infinite Jest
>that'll fool them
Back to the dorm for sum sexy tiems nao

>> No.5469326

Jenny is dead: WHO ARE YOU!?!?

>> No.5469332

>Telling strangers that you are being spied on by a secret group called "slash lit slash" and asking to go to your room
>Anon in charge of not sounding like a serial killer

>> No.5469345

Meta post gonna meta
Autist gonna aut

>> No.5469371

Intellectualism isn't sexy. Sexy people holding books are sexy

>> No.5469377

>pseudo-intellectuals are necessarily old
>virgin is a pejorative necessarily insulting young people, as there are no 30+ y/o virgins

xoxo r u OK hun?

>> No.5469406

i wonder how old was the oldest virgin, was they 100+ y.o. or less? may be 110+? was they male or female? probably female since they tend to live longer...

>> No.5469529

"It`s me Edie"

>> No.5469554

This post speaks volumes and I'm not even sure if the full meaning of it was the intention of it's author.

That is, the feigning of intelligence with the presupposed acknowledgment amongst all parties of the farce, is deemed sexy. While the pure unadulterated quest for knowledge is still ridiculed. If not out in the open than under the table and in between the words.

>> No.5469560

A Metastudy of Alternate Alphabets: Where U and I Are Together

>> No.5469573

>On Alternate Universes

>> No.5469589

>Okay, nice meeting you then.

>> No.5469616

>implying I read

Bitch please, I read the first paragraph of wikipedia and then I parrot opinions from /lit/.

>> No.5469672

Perfume by Patrick Suskind

your move slut

>> No.5469684

We have long transcended the notion of 'favourite', mortal... But 'The Fountainhead' is the closest to what you'd call 'our favourite book'.

>> No.5469696

The Game: Penetrating the Secret Society of Pickup Artists

>> No.5469700


>"perfume"? isnt tha guys one called colone and tha girls one called perfume?

>>Yes, but it isn't about differences between cologne and perfume. That's just the name of the book.

>so ur reading a girls book? sorry i have to go but it was nice seeing you :D:D

>> No.5469702

if someone said something that dumb you'd have to immediately reveal that it's about a serial killer who kills pretty girls to steal their scents

>> No.5469706


>> No.5469708


>wow u read about guys who kill girls for there smells? are you a misoginist?? get away from me looser creep

>> No.5469718

>you misspelled 'loser', m'lady

>> No.5469754

It's called Infinite Jest. You've probably never heard of it.

>> No.5469777

No matter how much I read, The Odyssey remains my favorite story of all time.

>> No.5470822


The Cocksucking Championships 4

>> No.5470850

Of course that would be the national epic of Finland, Kalevala, in the original language

>> No.5470856
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Females are actually not sentient.

>> No.5470876
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Rage by Richard Bachman (Steven King). I'd wink at you, but I don't have time for such trivialities...


*walks away with gym bag over my shoulder zipped open just enough that she can see the barrel of my AR15 Assault Rifle poking out*

*comes back*

By the way...do you believe in God? *smiles sinisterly*

>> No.5470885


How old are you btw?

>> No.5470892

I never thought I would say that on 4chan, but you sound like a bitter unvirgin. Which is like a bitter virgin, but dumber.

>> No.5470954

>give her a copy of LOTIAT
>she loves it
>gets obsessed and kills her self

could be a good movie.

>> No.5470971
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>"m-moby dick" 'smile and don't avoid eye contact, this is your chance, she don't knows that you masturbate every night with chinese cartoons heroines'

>> No.5470992

The Fault is in Our 4chans

>> No.5470995

>I read Pynchon, DFW and Joyce because my internet friends on /lit/ always talk about them.

>> No.5471026

A la recherche du temps perdu. And then we talk about Proust or if she has't read Proust I just leave.

>> No.5471061

this has happened to me 1 year ago. the girl starts pretending to having read it and given me her number. sadly she was really cute and I never had the balls for call her back

>> No.5471067

>Intellectualism is sexy again.

No, pseudo-intellectualism is sexy. And I don't mean pseudo as in ignorant of academia but still intelligent, I mean just plain stupid people coming up with stupid theories.

>> No.5471076

Irony is dead though, long live New Sincerity.

>> No.5471145


Which can be reduced to sexy people are sexy.

>> No.5471161

>not calling her back and spanking her for being naughty
>not reading her the complete original edition of ISOLT while you pound her from behind
>not quoting excerpts from Pastiches et Mélanges as you come and mingle your substance into hers

And I thought you guys were patricians.

>> No.5471181

>Intellectualism is sexy again.
yeah, it may be 'sexy' to smart and educated women, but they are rare. the rest of the women havent touched a book since middle school, dont share any interests with you and thus dont find spending time with you enjoyable. they cant really talk to you on the same intellectual level and you are basically making them feel stupid. its funny, most women will claim that one of the things they are looking for in men is intelligence, but in fact they just want a man that is about as 'intelligent' as they are.

>> No.5471218

So you mean women are exactly like men ? That seems a bit extreme.

>> No.5471905
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>smile and don't avoid eye contact, this is your chance, she don't knows that you masturbate every night with chinese cartoons heroines'

This is my train of thought every time I look at my gfs face.

Will I ever be able to look at a girl without spilling my spaghetti, even if that girl is by some miracle in love with me? Because I really don't think I will anons

>> No.5471929

What gentai together.

>> No.5471947
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first off, "kelly", jennifer is a beautiful woman and would never describe me as a literature buff so please keep your blatant lies in that coconut fiber and peeled potato head of yours. secondly, i have at least three favorite books that all endear to me for different and unique reasons that wouldn't be worth the effort in trying to explain to a cotton wearing woman such as yourself. to be completely honest, your stock model look doesn't impress me and i've met girls that would be much better stock models than you, the kind that could make goofy facial expressions while sitting in front of a laptop with it's name brand stripped off of it's back. the kind of women that have perfect facial symmetry, the kind of facial symmetry that defies the ugliness a tasteless watermark can force upon any mug. the kind of facial symmetry that makes you feel like you, and everybody you've ever known are some kind of pilgrims in the land of the true human race. the human race with eyes mirrored and eyebrows non-threatening, the human race that wears generic clothing against off-white backgrounds, hugged softly by studio lighting. really, you're just not my kind of girl, kelly.

>> No.5471970

I meant

>> No.5472001

you are the weirdest fucking tripfag

>> No.5472011

how so? i'm just curious

>> No.5472012

Elliott, is that you?

>> No.5472022
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>tfw you will never be Kullervo

>> No.5472033

underrated post

>> No.5472212

you just seem too normal for this board.

>> No.5472374
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no anon, you're wrong.
women want to feel stupid and like you're above them. they eat that shit up.

mostly because, >>5468834 , but it mostly depends on your approach to it. A couple decades ago you had to be a rebel about it, now it's more about being pretentious and being sternly-hip

>> No.5472466
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This isn't a completely terrible thing.
The fact that you like her enough to be nervous around her is a good sign. At least one of you isn't numb to the excitement of loving each other.

Of course this could just lead to bad things, but hey, we've got to dream... r-right? ;__;