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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 252 KB, 1280x960, Room.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5463836 No.5463836 [Reply] [Original]

Patrician as fuck

>> No.5463839

You cannot be both patrician and an alcohol drinker. Sorry.

>> No.5463840


>> No.5463842

I certainly hope most people here have more books than that.

>> No.5463849
File: 8 KB, 259x194, supreme leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A true patrician donates all his books to libraries after he is finished with them. I guarantee you won't read any of those books more than three times, and it's not like some repository of worthwhile books that other people come to borrow.

You just have that bunch of B&N paperbacks to look cool faggot. Protip: you still don't look cool.

>> No.5463852

Keeping books forever that you won't ever read again with the same avidity as the first few times is an exercise of the ego

>> No.5463853

I hope you're not serious.

I have about 5 times that amount of high-brow literature and I'm a self-confessed pleb, though I'm getting through them gradually.

>> No.5463854


>> No.5463855


>I guarantee you won't read any of those books more than three times

lol at this absolutely arbitrary number you threw out

you do talk some stupid bullshit m8

>> No.5463856

Certainly you can, just not a collector of empty Pabst cans.
I do.

>> No.5463857

I am curious as hell as to what's in that horse(?) jar.

>> No.5463858

I have more than a thousand...
in my kobo \m/

>> No.5463859

>drinking alcohol

out with this degeneracy

>> No.5463860

Umm, hi. You've unknowingly interacted with me three times tonight. This may sound kind of strange, but... will you be my friend?

>> No.5463861

Then you don't really read.

>> No.5463862
File: 125 KB, 537x720, 1409597424698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>there are people on /lit/erati right now who would actually think that was a huge collection

mein gott

>> No.5463864

please show us your collection queen.

>> No.5463868
File: 1.39 MB, 4064x2220, gottagopatrician.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How about you get on my level.

>> No.5463869

me and my friends play an ironic drinking game where we go on /pol/ and take a shot every time somebody uses the word degeneracy

>> No.5463871

>my friends


>> No.5463872

Hardcore patrician!

>> No.5463879

when we get bored we do the same with that word but on /r9k/

>> No.5463881

I don't care what manner of tree blocks you've managed to acquire, your consumerist fetishism means nothing. That collection of books doesn't mean you're well read, it's not even a good indicator of the penis size you so desperately crave.

I threw that number out because anyone who actually reads isn't going to read the same two hundred books more than three times each, there are few books worth reading more than once anyway. And if you spend all that time reading the same books instead of reading different ones, you're retarded.

>> No.5463882
File: 60 KB, 335x562, port-wine.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I try to be friendly with everyone.

I recycle.
Sweet tooth's wine related.

>> No.5463885


>I threw that number out because I blindly pontificate shit out of boredom.

Fixed. Cope with yourself.

>> No.5463902

>I shitpost random horseshit of zero relevance when I disagree with someone

Check yourself before you Shrek The Third: Puss In Boots yourself.

>> No.5463909

lol i see u pynchon

>> No.5463910


It's amusing how asspained the truth makes you.

>I threw that number out because I blindly pontificate shit out of boredom.

Posting it again because you still need to cope.

>> No.5463911
File: 2.54 MB, 3888x2592, IMG_1883.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Both of you bow before the master.

>> No.5463915

>tfw I only own upwards of around 11 books, and I haven't even read two of them.

>> No.5463917

only got like 14 books in my new dorm, most of em for class.
guess what the other ones are /lit/
go on

>> No.5463920

You know the actual historical patricians drank wine every day, right?

>> No.5463923
File: 23 KB, 882x387, ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>herp derr DURP duhba durr... Dur! DUR, hur.
>it's true because I said so

>> No.5463924

I don't know stuff.

>> No.5463929

I keep quite a few for reference.
I quote Leviathan entirely too much.
And Born To Kvetch is practically a humor bible.

>> No.5463930

the wine of old was diluted ('mixed') to hell though

>> No.5463931

Now take a photo of your video games. We could be friends if you burned that bible.

>> No.5463933


>fuck he called me out, better maymay as hard as I can until I manage to smokescreen out of this

lol at how panic.jpg you are right now

>> No.5463935

Actually, the word you're looking for is "cancer"

>> No.5463942

At that point you could quickly do that on the internet instead of having to keep a bunch of books.

But I guess this is the point where it comes down to preference so I'll concede.

>> No.5463966

>Several "Weaboo" books Hyrule Historia's cool though
>The Christian Bible
>"Born To Kvetch"
>Doctor Who
>Digital motherfucking Fortress
What kind of cultural clusterfuck is going on in your shelf Anon? This is like some sort of meta ironic level of post-euphoria I can't even.

>> No.5463975

that's actually an interesting phrase

who would /lit/ define as the top 10 post-euphoria authors right now?

>> No.5463976
File: 73 KB, 216x270, Screen Shot 2014-09-21 at 12.23.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this isn't that penguin edition confirmed-for-having-missing-paragraphs copy of Gravity's Rainbow, right op? you wouldn't do that would you?

>> No.5463981

What's the YIddish book like? Is it a "from scratch" book or does it require an understanding of the alphabet?

>> No.5463986

Was close to buying that yesterday as well during a book sale before learning about that. Close call.

>> No.5463991

The Anons who wrote "Legacy Of Totalitarinism in a Tundra", because that's just really post-whatever-you-want-it to-be isn't it?

Also maybe Tao Lin because I haven't read him but he always seems to come up during these discussions.

>> No.5463995

If you intend to reproduce, your children deserve to be around a certain amount of essential literature, unless you raise them in walking distance of a library, where hobos will surely diddle them.

>> No.5464002

Dan Brown's definitely somewhere in there

>> No.5464004
File: 3.12 MB, 360x160, 05dg3xhz.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What...? I bought this book about two days ago. Is it really missing parahraphs?

>> No.5464023

apparently the penguin version is butchered a bit. it shouldn't detract *too* much from gr but possibly look into finding a used version of the older penguin version (with the blueprint cover, i got a former library copy for $2) or the newer Vintage published edition

>> No.5464046

as far as I know there is like half a sentence missing between two pages but /lit/ considers this mistake (in a 700 page book with passage so obscure that even the author doesn't remember why he wrote them) to irredeemably ruin it.

I didn't read that version (I read the one with the blue cover with schematic designs). but I wouldn't be surprised if most print runs of Gravity's Rainbow had errors at least that large, it's a near-impossible book to copy-edit since an error where a sentence stops in the middle, etc. wouldn't look much different than how the book actually looks.

>> No.5464051

If its only that little missing then you could just write in back in with pencil, easy.

>> No.5464054


I have 2 times more books than that but /lit/ still accuses me of being a pleb because I haven't memorized Das Kapital.

>> No.5464075

Wallace on the top left
Pynchon on the bottom
DeLillo on the top right
Piketty on the middle right
Rushdie on the bottom left

Do you not know the alphabet, or what bizarre system are you organizing by?

>> No.5464084


I don't have my books ordered either.
I know where they are and that's all that matters.

>> No.5464092
File: 6 KB, 128x155, jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is in the jar tho

>> No.5464124

>implying i believe you read capital in the 21st century

>> No.5464125

Did you really feel the need to define the word 'diluted' on a board dedicated to literature?

>> No.5464134
File: 1.43 MB, 1210x3613, Tommy P.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you really not seen this badass chart telling you about the editions?

>> No.5464137

>Pick one, pleb.

>> No.5464157
File: 98 KB, 1352x576, cumpies.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You fucking POOF

>> No.5464193
File: 9 KB, 250x240, 1406219231632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


top kek

anon, in case you don't know, it's "mixed".

>> No.5464198

But diluted and mixed isn't the same thing.

>> No.5464203



leave the definitions to those brave enough to define them

>> No.5464206


>> No.5464211


>As contest winner you can choose between all the prizes on display here, or what is in this ja-

>> No.5464214

>claims patrician status
>bookcase is covered with empty cans of shitty american beer

oh dear

>> No.5464220
File: 54 KB, 432x288, 1292121952478.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5464228
File: 1.39 MB, 4288x2848, books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll play. Couple years ago.

>> No.5464227

It is intentionally post-ironic

>> No.5464234

I have seen it, yes, but I didn't make the connection when purchasing it. But apparently it is only missing a sentence or so, so I think I'll manage.

Thanks for the information. Looks like I won't miss as much I thought I'd miss.

>> No.5464238

To be honest, the book is so confusing that you probably won't even notice the missing pages.

>> No.5464269

I know. I bought it in the spur of the moment, but I'm definitely going to read it. If I'm not ready for it at the moment then I'll simply put it down and continue when I'm up for it.

>> No.5464272

Have you by any chance read V.?

>> No.5464296

What are we going to define post-euphoria as? I was thinking Daniel Dennett if we're using the atheist euphoria stereotype. I guess Gene Wolfe could too, or would he just be "avant-garde neckbeard"?

>> No.5464303
File: 48 KB, 200x200, 1302268689836.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>OP will never reveal the contents of the jar

>> No.5464311


>> No.5464319
File: 97 KB, 450x547, adjphxkbcA#FoYZX9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My room size is limited, so I've taken to only displaying and keeping my all-time favorites on my shelves.

Each of them I would consider reading over and over again, and have. I'll admit there's something romantic about having a massive personal library though.

Assuming you've read them all.

>> No.5464460

I have read the Crying Lot of 49 and V. is still in the post. I intend to read V. before Gravity's Rainbow.

>> No.5464467

What an epic collection of beer cans my good sir!
Did you line them up nicely to show your internet friends?

>> No.5464470

I highly recommend that you do so.

>> No.5464543

>tfw I have that manga guide and had that FMA book a month ago.

That feel is shame.

>> No.5464691

> patrician
> 90% of your collection is paperback


>> No.5464697

>owns Capital
Instantly revoked his patricianness

>> No.5464727

you're right, he should own all 3 volumes, and the works on surplus-value

>> No.5465180


>> No.5465189

any other books i should be aware of?

>> No.5465586

What do you mean? Pynchon books, or in general?

>> No.5465727

this, and only this

>> No.5465730

Only certain printings of the Penguin edition have that error. Mine, for instance, doesn't, so check and see if your edition is actually missing the sentence before getting annoyed.

>> No.5465740
File: 33 KB, 600x214, everyman95grpage73[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude, it's missing several chapters. You can't notice something that isn't there.

And it's not just the Jackson Pollock that's missing these parts. It's all versions of the penguin books. The only ones without errors are the Vintage ones and the Everyman's Library edition.

>> No.5465745

in general

>> No.5465752

PBR drinking faggot

>> No.5465756

The Savage Detectives
Sewer, Gas & Electric
Apathy and Other Small Victories

>> No.5465758

>It's all versions of the penguin books.
I'm looking at a version of the penguin edition as we speak that isn't missing those things. Again, depends on the printing.

>> No.5465764

Dude, the Penguin versions are missing entire books. I bought one by mistake and it had no text at all.

Glad I went for the Everyman's Library edition afterwards.

>> No.5465765

what versions of bolaño's?

>> No.5465767
File: 57 KB, 389x600, 2666-roberto-bolano[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't really matter. I like this cover of 2666.

>> No.5465772

i have a spanish version of it by anagrama its not first print the first print was white this one is red i wanted to get 2666 but its out of print

>> No.5465777


Pynchon loved it so much he wrote a blurb about it.

>> No.5465780


waaaat Could you provide a source? I read that edition; I recall that were several typos and a near full sentence omission between two pages, but missing *chapters*?

>> No.5465801

Jesus Christ, use punctuation, you filthy beaner.

>> No.5465805

why u mad

>> No.5465809

It's true.

Everyman's Library is your only safe bet.

Let me guess, you didn't have the part where Bodine hallucinates about a dog fucking a fire-hydrant in Berlin, did you? Where he stumbles into a manhole and into the sewer?

>> No.5465814

Reading that sentence was like falling down a staircase.

>> No.5465817


>> No.5465822
File: 5 KB, 288x101, c113092bc4ae4ce32c75[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really.

>> No.5465826


>> No.5465827


>> No.5465828

He's fucking with you ya dummy.

>> No.5465834

Go back to the Bleeding Edge thread.

Also, yes people have already given him shit.

>> No.5465850
File: 2 KB, 124x124, 1411064530626s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5465879


Yeah, I think he's fucking with me.

>> No.5465887
File: 22 KB, 128x155, jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5465891

Yeah, I am. Sorry. It was just too funny to resist. I didn't think anyone would actually believe that it was missing chapters.

Sorry. No hard feelings.

I thought it would be obvious when I mentioned the Everyman's Library Edition, as it doesn't even exist.

>> No.5466074


>> No.5466265
File: 285 KB, 830x1476, George! Cognac Barrel.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, Mikkeller.

>> No.5466335

Looks comfy. I can almost smell it.

>> No.5466371

no it doesn't use the yiddish alephbeyt

>> No.5466431

> Dead White by Ayn Rand

Time to go to bed.

>> No.5466477
File: 3.93 MB, 4000x3000, asdf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

rate my lavalamps /lit/

>> No.5466610
File: 489 KB, 484x487, Gator.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5466633

Fuck that shit! Pabst Blue Ribbon!

>> No.5466644

Fuck man. I'm diagnosed OCD, and this picture drives me mad. Fuck your book pile, dude.

>> No.5466667

dude those things are a fire hazard

>> No.5466677

either your guitar is very tiny, or your books and lava lamps are really big

>> No.5466681

What's behind the white censor?

>> No.5466713

It looks like you went to a thrift shop and just filled a backpack

>> No.5466715



>> No.5466721

>only have one bottle of Ukrainian vodka with the labels removed in my fridge
>it's harsh as dick but I like the self-torture

Patrician or just russian?

>> No.5466741

haha, incense burner

>> No.5466882
File: 42 KB, 848x573, 1357776192756.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>New American Bible

>large print

seems about right

>> No.5466978

Sharpie for his pooper

>> No.5467026
File: 1.90 MB, 3264x2448, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lol fucking plebs

>> No.5467047

It would be nice if you could read. Oh wait, you were being sarcastic. Funny.

>> No.5467582

>avant-garde neckbeard
I want this to become a thing so bad.

>> No.5467594

>having your wall carpeted

>> No.5467624
File: 2.06 MB, 3264x2448, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

using mass produced fibers for flooring.

Jigga pls

>> No.5467629

I was going to insult you for not having a desk, but you're reading Celine so that kind of makes up for things.

>> No.5467634

>not having any furniture besides a mattress
absolutely disgusting

>> No.5467667

your back must hurt sometimes

>> No.5467742

Yes but the hand writing was absolute bullshit.

>> No.5467749

i wish i had one of those space air conditioners
i like your little room, even with the cardboard boxes

>> No.5467754

you only like it because it has tits on it

>> No.5467768

buy a bookshelf my god

>> No.5467834
File: 2.61 MB, 3264x2448, photo (5).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Small update to the room, I moved out of this place two weeks ago though no money.

Also I had a desk to the right of the pov in these pictures.
The cardboard box is supported by a single crate underneath it for support, I have continued to use it for a year, it's quasi-convenient because you can right on it but it, obviously, doesn't hold up well to moisture.

>> No.5467855

How do you afford all these books?

>> No.5467876
File: 47 KB, 494x575, kp04_02a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By being a jew and not spending money on: bed frame and box, furniture, shelves, ect.

Also I buy most of everything secondhand.

>> No.5467885

Do you buy online?

>> No.5467898
File: 45 KB, 468x551, homedecour.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not really I just hit up second hand stores, hope to find something worth reading. I have bought a few off thrift books and similar sites, If I wasn't in Canada I would opt towards it more.

>> No.5467908

not enough hard liquor

>> No.5467928

The only good bookstore near me is in Oxford, England and it's expensive as fucked so I buy online.

>> No.5468015

are those real 100% mud bricks?

>> No.5468050


you have all those cameras and i cant even read the titles

what is targeted focus, what is higher resolution, what is a tripod timed.

>> No.5468090
File: 93 KB, 600x2300, fuck.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is not having autism and taking a picture with a phone?
I only have one pic and it was from my old iPhone that was damaged.

Not a damn clue, I am no Mason.

>> No.5468175
File: 1.47 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0068_BURST004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

took these earlier for a thread on r9k. my stuff is a mess right now, I just moved in.

>> No.5468179
File: 1.05 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0069.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5468184
File: 949 KB, 1520x2688, IMAG0071.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fiction. well this is half of it, the rest are still in boxes.

>> No.5468196
File: 1.10 MB, 1520x2688, IMAG0070.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and the heap, mostly math and cs stuff that I haven't made room for.

>> No.5468197

>ezra pound
nice choice, risky for the chans

>> No.5468204

w2c shelves

>> No.5468221

those are from Ikea.

>> No.5468225

Books in my "desk" stack: Physics and Philosophy, Heisenberg, Atomic Physics and Human Knowledge, Niels Bohr, Crime and Punishment by my darling babushkoy fyosha, and The Sublime Object of Ideology by Zizek

>> No.5468229

those sound interesting, I'm going to check them out.

>> No.5468247

How is Masters of Doom?

>> No.5468255

He hasn't read it.

>> No.5468301

It was really good, made me want to go into programming and game design. It also made me admire john carmack a lot.

>> No.5468333

It's funny you should say that because, actually, I couldn't put it down, it's both very easy and entertaining to read.

>> No.5468339

>drinking Soviet beer

>> No.5468429
File: 16 KB, 278x462, bunny.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Goddess Bunny is watching you

>> No.5468443

Science and math books, Ayn Rand, and The Bell Curve. You ain't from these parts.

>> No.5468621
File: 255 KB, 1280x960, Jar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is what is inside the jar

>> No.5468633

See? Didn't I say? >>5466978

This Arrow?

>> No.5468801


i knew there would be a lighter in there

>> No.5469248

nah, I'm watching her.
>them tits.

>> No.5470387


Sure you have transmet and some other Vertigo title but

>> No.5470411
File: 1.86 MB, 3154x1716, 2012-03-04_23-09-21_270.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get on my level.

>> No.5470415

Why do Christians drink?

>> No.5470441

Buddhists and Muslims can't drink.
Christians can drink.

Christianity is the religion of joy, not of asceticism.

>> No.5470446

Whiskey is the blood of our saviour

>> No.5470455


>> No.5470752

>germans in charge of ordnung.

>> No.5470778

I thought it was the one of suffering.

I'm not trying to be edgy, I actually doubt itI'm from a Catholic country

>> No.5470815

No it is. Alcohol is good though because it both gives you a reason to hate yourself and suffer and a relief from all your self-hatred and suffering.

>> No.5470842
File: 1.44 MB, 3072x1728, am i lit yet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Patrician as fuck.

Booze and meme-tier books. Living the /lit/ lifestyle.

>> No.5470869

/lit/ should be banned from the internet for leading to this abomination of a picture

>> No.5470884

I assembled that pic for the sole purpose of pissing people off. Glad it worked out as planned.

>> No.5470897
File: 16 KB, 476x356, wotm8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw you didn't reply to my post
>mfw you anyway replied to a post made by me
Are you a wizard?

>Alcohol is good though because it both gives you a reason to hate yourself and suffer and a relief from all your self-hatred and suffering.
Nice, I suppose that applies for Catholics too.

>> No.5470909

I am so glad we were both able to provide for each other exactly what we wanted. Another productive day on /lit/!

>> No.5470917

Is that the selected poetry of e e cummings I see?

>> No.5470919

*shakes hand in a gentlemanly way while giving a slight nod*

>> No.5470962

I'm Catholic, so yes. And you know which post I meant to reply to, so I'm going to go ahead and say YOU'RE the wizard here. If I'm a wizard I go to hell.

>> No.5471232
File: 1.50 MB, 1280x720, laughing patricians.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ten out of ten
Step aside, Plato, Anonymovs Caesar is here now.

>> No.5472917

Sharpie in pooper.

>> No.5472927

that is a really nice drum set
would be fun to play on it with brushes like an old jazzy negro

>> No.5472931

>he buys his books new
>bleeding edge hard cover
>drinking alcohol

>> No.5472939


>>he buys his books new

because he isn't a broke ass kid in peasant denial mode like you are

>> No.5472951

>owning a bottle of Pappy Van Winkle's
Hello, fellow patrician.

>> No.5472957
File: 91 KB, 447x444, 1340902381213.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Pabst Blue Ribbon cans
>Right above a copy of Infinite Jest
Now you're just doing it on purpose.

>> No.5472984
File: 29 KB, 252x264, 1390172728351.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You made that picture to show off and got BTFO multiple times on multiple boards.

>> No.5473001

You're just making this thread so that a bunch of anons will say,
>Oh look at your pleb tastes
and then some more will come in and say
>Looks good to me
just to be contrarian
and then they'll start arguing back and fourth as is the nature of this board and you'll finally feel like someone is paying attention to you because your parental figures didn't which is why you read so many books.

and that doesn't make you patrician. Go read some of those books instead of using them for a 4chan photoshoot.

>> No.5473010

>random books
>what /lit/ talks about everyday
>a dictionary


>> No.5473026




>> No.5473031

I buy used books. No denying my peasantry status.

>> No.5473041
File: 52 KB, 470x518, 1409490624658.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>for a thread on r9k.

hahaha oh wow

>> No.5473045

>all those pop science books
>all those "i want to pretend to understand physics but I'm retarded so no actual math please"

>> No.5473064

has no one else noticed the rosary?

>> No.5473179

Ah, I remember you! You had a brilliant thread going sometime in late july about your lifestyle. I don't particularly remember anything specific about it, but I recall how interesting of a person you are. Nice to see you again.

>> No.5473281

*tips crucifix*

>> No.5473297

I'm currently working on a M.A. in mathematics, physics is just a hobby.

>> No.5473310

Wow, I didn't think anybody here would actually remember me in such a way. I'm kind of touched, in a pathetic sort of way.

>> No.5473326
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Patrician as fuck
Fellow STEMer reporting in

>> No.5473333
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>> No.5473336


>snow country
>the waves

>in a STEM collection

yeah you aight. definitely have a sense for aesthetics on top of your STEM pursuits.

>> No.5473337
File: 1.01 MB, 1536x2048, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do i make my collection look less shitty. I know its arranged like shit, i plan to fix that.

>> No.5473348

Everything looks better arranged alphabetically.

>> No.5473357

I've got everything sorted by subject, then sorted alphabetically by author and then title. I've also sorted fiction by national origin before author and in philosophy by school of thought (including certain novels that touche on different schools of thought i.e. The Brothers K with other existentialist works).
I'm guessing that's what I'm doing wrong.

>> No.5473427

how's that book by Richard Dawkins, I've read about diff of his books except that one. also, how did you like the Dubliners?

>> No.5473430

>reading Faust 2

>> No.5473437

this is applicable to everyone on /lit/


>> No.5473455
File: 42 KB, 576x432, 1405155968239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


y-you t-too

>> No.5473461

>how's that book by Richard Dawkins
If you've read Dawkin's newer works prior or to reading the his older one's, you're not missing much. Dawkins seems to have a talent for saying the same thing in all his books whilst attaching a new method of doing so. if you really like Dawkins in general then go for it, he's very at what he does.

>how did you like the Dubliners
I liked it a lot. It's and easy read, and It's more enjoyable than Joyce's other work in my opinion.

>implying I've read part 1
>implying it's not just sitting on my shelf gathering dust because I'm too scared to start it, because I'm afraid it's going to read like Paradise Lost

>> No.5473506

thanks, I agree entirely with what you said about Dawkins, he also has a tendency to stop on his tracks while discussing some scientific fact of zoology, evolution, or biology and talk about how that particular fact helps disprove Christianity. I'm an atheist myself, but damn, dial it back a bit.

>> No.5473523

>quantity over quality
>posting on lit thinking this is a lot

My sides

>> No.5473533

For me it's more of the fact that he has a tendency to repeat himself. If you want Dawkins minus the atheism, then go for his earlier works.

>> No.5473615
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>> No.5473630


>> No.5473634

jesus christ rotate the fucking picture you piece of human shit

>> No.5473643

Son, there's nothing patrician about taking photos of your store-bought goods (which anyone at all can buy) and uploading them to a Ugandan image board.

The true patrician speaks and people think, "clearly, this man has read a lot of books". There are no photos necessary for the true patrician.

>> No.5473692

>too many games

>> No.5473791

>tons and tons of games
>family guy DVDs
>whole lotta Ian Banks
>Enders Game DVD
manchild 101

>> No.5473813


>The true patrician

This is a nonsense dichotomy. If you're going to try and play the "serious" anon at least drop the maymay bullshit.

>> No.5473881

> For me it's more of the fact that he has a tendency to repeat himself

you said that twice...

>> No.5474458
File: 78 KB, 1070x581, 1403158668227.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I never see that beer irl
it must be murrican only or in selected stores

>> No.5474525


>> No.5474530

shit taste in games, books, tv shows, dvds and worst of all, shelving

>> No.5474531

>i take the stereotypes surrounding certain things to be absolute fact

>> No.5474561


>> No.5474574

Pabst Blue Ribbon. American beer. It's good but either really pleb (trailer trash) or drank by hipsters.

>> No.5474579

>light beer
Jesus Christ it really exists.

>> No.5474675

>Ugandan image board
nice, did you make up this joke or did you read it somewhere?

>> No.5474696

>American beer
>It's good

Can't have both

>> No.5474711
File: 118 KB, 600x332, pbr.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

muh nigga

>> No.5474724

American craft beers are good. Big fan of Flying Dog.

>> No.5474849

you are right, he's still a good read. it's funny that Michio Kaku dis that a lot, too.

>> No.5474910

What's that big book that I think says "Invisibles?

>> No.5474936

I'm an American and I live in Germany, yeah PBR is nothing compared to German beer but if you're looking for something to drink when kicking back with a few friends trying to get fucked up it's pretty good.

>> No.5474955
File: 92 KB, 431x547, 1400547050662.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

is that from r/bookshelf?


the only things that both annoys me more than r/bookshelf are booktubers


>> No.5475198


Stop drinking PBR, faggot.

>> No.5475281

>I try to be friendly with everyone.
Such a politician's answer.

>> No.5475299

>being nice means people want something from you
fuck off

>> No.5475300

What made you think that I meant that?

>> No.5475303


>> No.5475310

Anon, will you be my friend?

>> No.5475324

I like how it looks. Is that a sin?

>> No.5475348


>> No.5475361

No. I have no idea who you are.

>> No.5475397

just go ahead and buy that helium tank ben

>> No.5475450
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>Drinking and enjoying PBR

>> No.5475460

Ben ?

>> No.5475666




>> No.5475681

>even ironically
>go to bed Frank

>> No.5475694
File: 16 KB, 230x300, 1334341465426.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>W-what's so funny?
>And w-why are you writing that down?

>> No.5475748


Hey if you are poor PBR is great. I can get a thirty rack for 15 bucks where I live. Can't beat roughly fifty cents per can. It is great to be a beer snob and all but only if you can afford to be one

>> No.5476014

>dat Spotmatic
Why does this excite me?

>> No.5476093


>> No.5476451
File: 398 KB, 1761x1446, trickery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2nd from left needs to keep that book over her face she looked better

>> No.5478004
File: 319 KB, 400x300, 5fd55d10-3ed5-4b0d-9305-c2fc2c2cc.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm actually a /b/tard so, you know, 10 times worse than a robot.

>> No.5478042

yeah like a brainy /pol/ dude jabbering about "logic"

>> No.5478813

I do this. But mainly because I have a small bookshelf in a small room in a small house. As soon as books start spilling off the shelves and taking up more space I grab everything I've read and take it to the library. It's doing more good there and I can live clutter free.

>> No.5478844

I found a 24 pint-sized cans in Oz for a dollar a can

I don't know what it's like in the US, but that's an offer too good to refuse

>> No.5479143

Thats look kinde of some Will hunting shit, not that bad. But srsly sell a camera and buy bookshelf.

>> No.5479154

I have only read two books in the last 5 years and I still comment on /lit/ like I'm a bloody philosophy teacher

>> No.5479411

kil you

>> No.5479746

What is a Patrician?

>> No.5479756

One who follows in the footsteps of St. Patrick.

>> No.5479772

>two books
>five years
Even when I was a delinquent teen I put away around 20 books in that time.

>> No.5479777

That's everybody who comments on philosophy on /lit/.

>> No.5479808

Thanks, and why seems to be so popular now on /lit/?

>> No.5479821

I did until I got married.
My wife sold them to make room for her Matryoshka collection.
>not lying.

>> No.5479828
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>> No.5479917

Three bottles of unopened quite expensive cherry wine - Tastes like shit or saving for later?

>> No.5479934

Snakes are making a big comeback.

>> No.5480008
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also World War Z

>> No.5480053
