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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 50 KB, 850x400, quote-he-who-is-not-everyday-conquering-some-fear-has-not-learned-the-secret-of-life-ralph-waldo-emerson-57836.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5460028 No.5460028 [Reply] [Original]

ok ,/lit/, you all hate the pretentious but emty quotes that your friends share on facebook. Lets see some /lit/ level top tier quotes

>> No.5460034
File: 40 KB, 623x566, vagoo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5460042
File: 72 KB, 804x563, hst.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


svrely you jest

>> No.5460047

Why do people think these guys have anything to say that's worth listening to? Because they existed before cameras took pictures in color? The only people who like quotes are those who big pappa wise man to tell them what to do.

>> No.5460073

I love how in evry one of these kind of quotes the author of the quote is always staring at a distance with in a state of contemplation to seem deep and/or smoking a cigarette to add to the "2deep&emotional4u" image. Jk I hate it.

>> No.5460083

>He who precedes others in speech, is awarded the privilege of staying aloft in the elevated vessel.

Sir W. Willson (MMXII)

>> No.5460114

This one is perfect for Facebook

"Whereof one cannot speak, thereof one must remain silent"

>> No.5460138

You're quite presumptuous, OP.
I don't use facebook and whether or not I have friends is an unresolved matter

>> No.5460209


>> No.5460223

<< Vagina. Someone's vagina is going to explode. Explode us all. >>

>> No.5460233

I'll spit on your graves.
- Boris Vian.

>> No.5460286

>To mortally wound a man before casting him down toward the ground far below is the definition of redundancy.

>> No.5460295
File: 57 KB, 700x350, stephen_hawking_philosophy_2545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5460695

Be all that you can be.
- United States Army.

>> No.5460705
File: 62 KB, 373x276, justcontinentalthings.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5460713
File: 98 KB, 504x768, Samuel_Beckett,_1977.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5460733

nice illustration of the superiority of Anglo philosophy.

>> No.5460744

Nobody does chicken like KFC.
- Frédéric Beigbeder.

>> No.5460764

can someone link that yt video

>> No.5460778

>He thinks there's no room for humor in philosophy

>> No.5460807

4chan. Deal with it.
- Anon.

>> No.5460829
File: 120 KB, 850x400, 1411000601376.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having interesting friends

A rare commodity.
Everyone shares le funny memes or those "I'm a bad bitch and you're ugly!".

>> No.5460840

Friends aren't commodities m8

>> No.5460884

shopenhaur is based as fuck.

>> No.5460894
File: 37 KB, 460x276, Portrait-of-Milton-006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ayy lmao

- John Milton

>> No.5460923


But they somewhat are. I don't mean to sound like a libertarian who perceives everything in terms of goods and services, but even in feudal days and long before that if the relationship isn't reciprocal you're not gonna continue it any longer.

If you do, (self-)respect goes down the drain.

>> No.5460945

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change himself." -- Tolstoy

This is a great one for raining on the parades of the naive.

>> No.5460964

A friend isn't a commodity. If you're holding onto a relationship when the person you're in it with is no longer a friend, it isn't a friendship. But that person is still a person. People aren't commodities.

>> No.5460982


The only people in your life you shouldn't treat as semi-commodities are your family, your children and your wife. And even she's still in that circle of people who need to reciprocate.

There's only so much self-sacrifice someone can do before they grow tired of another.

Don't go during the day as some sociopath who thinks everyone's worthless, but don't think too much about them either. People generally suck.

>> No.5461002

>The only people in your life you shouldn't treat as semi-commodities are your family, your children and your wife

Why should you not treat your family, children, and wife just like everyone else? That's kind of arbitrary, don't you think?

A friend is a friend. That tautology is the point you're missing. A friend ceases to be a friend, but he doesn't cease to be a person, and people are objectively not commodities and should not be treated as such.

What is a family but a burden you're born with?
What is a wife but a hole?
What is a child but a completed task?
What is a friend but a comforting presence?

>> No.5461066


The bond between family is natural and all that implies. It's not only a meeting of interests, which is what friends exactly are.

I'm just talking about the nature of this type of relationship being inherently reciprocal. Not about what people intrinsically are.

I'm not being anti-humanist, I'm just pointing at the core of the relationship.
See what will happen if a friend doesn't do anything for you in return. See how fast you will let the "he's a human being" prevail in your maintenance of that friendship.
You won't. That doesn't mean you want to kill him or use him as an object in any way or form, you just don't care anymore about engaging with him and that's the end of it.

>> No.5461083

>I'm just talking about the nature of this type of relationship being inherently reciprocal.
Right, and a friendship IS inherently reciprocal.
>The bond between family is natural
That doesn't mean anything at all, nor does it imply anything.
>It's only a meeting of interests, which is what friends exactly are
You have never had a friend if you think friendship is just a 'meeting of interests.'

>> No.5461169
File: 233 KB, 481x359, YEEEEEEEES.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"Have I ever told you I have cancer. It's a very special kind of cancer. Cancer of the soul." - Thom Yorke Impersonator

>> No.5461202

"...ideas, which have conquered our intellect and taken possession of our minds, ideas to which reason has fettered our conscience, are chains from which one cannot free oneself without a broken heart; they are demons which human beings can vanquish only by submitting to them."

>> No.5461251

>It's not only a meeting of interests, which is what friends exactly are

Maybe at first, but any real friendship is far more than a meeting of interests, and friendship doesn't even have to be based upon similar interests/goals.

My close friends are more important to me than my family, and occupy a position of unconditional love and loyalty that some other people have filled by family members.

>> No.5461273


I just don't delude myself with the idea there's some 'magic' to a friendship as soon as the meeting of interests ends where I'll unconditionally will stay true to the bond between us.
What you pull from a relationship with people is primarily something for yourself. You're not an altruist.

>> No.5461293

You don't 'pull' something from a friendship.

You have a friendship. The friendship is the means and end of the friendship.

If there is a different means or end, it isn't friendship.

>> No.5461295
File: 83 KB, 390x590, tumblr_m3meb7Gmwf1r14vxw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my friends post their bikinis, camel toes and comments about how the left is sinking the country.

>> No.5461312

the problem of nice people is not that they refuse to change themselves. It's that they refuse to try to change others.
At the same time, assholes are doing it all the time.

>> No.5461319

>Verily, the enormity of this enshrouded beast is thine and thine alone!

>> No.5461324

>Implying nice people aren't the people that need to change
Niceness has never been a virtue.

>> No.5461332

who wrote this?
>inb4 "I"

>> No.5461335
File: 75 KB, 960x375, 10622824_770199093026016_7403828687846092320_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5461354

did he write this before or after De Profundis, his vibrant praise of our Savior Jesus Christ ?

>> No.5461355

why the fuck are they your friends?

>> No.5461361

I don't mind camel toes.

>> No.5461363


>> No.5463250

>Our identities are of no consequence. It is what we intend to accomplish here that will be the legacy that dwarfs us. Can you not appreciate the irony that, when my name was freely known, it was of no consequence to anybody, but as soon as I obscured my face, I have become a spectre that never ceases to occupy your thoughts?

>> No.5464325

Nearly fell of my chair

>> No.5464342

>Christian Jihad


>> No.5464347

Shit, I was there.

"Les Français sont des veaux"
- Charles de Gaulle

>> No.5465109


>Where I take you, you shant be authorized to bring companions.

>> No.5465298
File: 397 KB, 1115x1970, bane.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love it when /lit/ baneposts. It's so much better than what can be found on /tv/

>> No.5465324

Too bad whoever made the image couldn't match up
>Surely Bane you had not planned,
>To end up captive in my hand?

>> No.5465350
File: 68 KB, 749x1066, jjba__dio_brando_detail_by_cogdis-d339amt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I think life is about conquering your fear

>> No.5465382


>> No.5465458
File: 31 KB, 668x374, This Nigga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5465548

This is beauty. This is art.

>> No.5465623

That's actually an older copypasta. It was written by /v/

>> No.5466606

here u go friend

>> No.5466625

>that this guy big crimes and so on

I'm crying

>> No.5466655

Doesn't have the same stigma you twat

>> No.5466660

>Sex without love is as hollow and pointless as love with sex
I love HST