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/lit/ - Literature

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5456438 No.5456438 [Reply] [Original]

Has anybody laughed at you for reading poetry?

>> No.5456443

That's quite common.

>> No.5456446
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>"Ooh Books!"
>"Why are you studying fairytales at university? Get a read degree!"
>"So you just sit there and read books - for fun?"
>"Poetry is gay"

>> No.5456473
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>Poetry is gay"

>> No.5456485

Is anyone else perfectly okay with being a fedora-wearing autist?

If someone was to laugh at me for reading poetry, I would retaliate and mock them for watching football and being fat and call them names like "philistine" and hold them down in the grass and put them in a submission hold and force them to eat insects.

>> No.5456522

to be fair, poetry is a trademark of the common homosexual

>> No.5456523
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>> No.5456637

>Be on bus, reading my brand new copy of Zizek's The Parallax View on my way to a party at a friend's apartment
>Massive crowd of partygoers boards bus
>All of a sudden I'm quite literally surrounded by attractive scantily clad 20-something girls
>I keep my eyes on the page
>Girl sitting next to me notices me reading
>"How do you focus on the book with all this noise?"
"I dunno, I just do. I read a lot."
>"Are you like a grad student?"
"No, I'm just some undergrad."
>"Wow, good for you, I could never read on the bus"
"Yeah, I mean, thanks, I guess."
>Not sure exactly what she expected me to say but whatever
>Bus stops at the last stop and I get off, one among the many partygoers, clutching my copy of The Parallax View as I walk to a party

If anyone makes something out of me reading poetry or anything, for that matter, I literally force them to debate me on something I learned about from reading books they'll never be exposed to because they're the kind of scum that laughs at someone for reading.

>> No.5456658
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>"Why would I ever want to watch or learn about history? I'd rather watch sports."

>> No.5456680

stop pls

>> No.5456683

>not watching sports
low test beta male detected

>> No.5456718


is wwe sports?

>> No.5456902

WWE is so shit lately, ever since the Authority storyline began.

>tfw CM Punk will never be holding the world championship over his head and commanding people to show him respect

>> No.5456906

No, but i think it's because I don't look like someone who would read poetry, so it doesn't look pretentious

>> No.5456911

I play sports but don't watch them, watching sports is fucking boring, whereas playing them is basically the funnest thing ever

>> No.5456918

It's bad to project your silly fantasies on other people. Most of us probably have those but we just laugh at our own ego and move on.

>> No.5456920

If someone asks if I'm writing poetry or is at my place and leans over a sheet of paper with something in rhythm/rhyme, I just whisper "poetry is for faggots, this is a play written in alexandrine".

>> No.5456927

>I literally force them to debate me
How do you leave knowing you're such a shitty stereotype? Don't you realize that you've been educated by the internet a bit too much?

>> No.5457174

>be on bus, on my way to the mall (tryna buy some fresh kick)
>sitting there without earphones reading Moby-Dick
>girl standing up holding on to the bar walks a little forward to get beside me
>"How are you liking that book so far?"
>"This is my second time reading it, actually. I love it."
>"That's like, my favorite book. I read it for an American lit class a couple years ago. Are you taking a class?"
>"No, I dropped out of high school, actually."
>for some reason I thought admitting that was more impressive than reading it for a course
>"Oh, well, lovely book."
>we stop talking
The first time I talk to a grill over a book and I blew it. I didn't even give up my seat to her.

>> No.5457247 [DELETED] 
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>forcing people to debate you

Fuck man you really aren't helping our cause here. You sound like a smug douchefaggot.

>> No.5457251
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>calling someone a faggot is a legitimate argument

>> No.5457253

>implying it's not

>> No.5457259


you didn't blow it. if she was that conceited she was going to bounce the second she found out anyway. if anything you saved yourself some date cash and potential frustration.


if you're acting like a faggot it is.

>> No.5457260
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>> No.5457263

>ever since the Authority storyline began.

It's been shit since McMahon bought WCW.

>> No.5457280
File: 34 KB, 491x541, LOL DEBATE ME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>I literally force them to debate me

you are the poetry equivalent of this loser and you don't even see it. good work you pseudo fuck.

>> No.5457288


Why would anyone even remotely sane WANT to debate someone who they know is not bright? That's like feeling proud of yourself for arguing with a wall.

>> No.5457297

>I literally force them to debate me
>because they're the kind of scum that laughs at someone for reading.
You are the kind of person who simply reads for the sake of personally perceived status without much concern about the content of literary work, a mentality found in 12 years old children.

>> No.5457308
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Angry Bros detected, go drink yourselves to death.

>> No.5457313

Ad hominem, unsurprisingly.
Why would anyone here be angry, anyway.

>> No.5457319
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That's what I'm wondering.

>> No.5457320


We are more mildly amused by you.

>> No.5457323
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>trying this hard to damage control after getting this btfo

just hide thread. it's for the best.

>> No.5457333

I'm not him I'm just making an observation
>people act like he's strange for reading
>"ok well debate me and I'll try to get to the bottom of it"

>> No.5457337


seems more of your speed

>> No.5457339

yes. on my steam profile i had random poetry and people on cs:go called me AuTisTic!

>> No.5457347

Yet another ad hominem, this time in childish image macro form.
Furthermore, if you honestly enjoyed the basic plot of Final Fantasy Tactics, a game I remember playing as a teenager, then you surely do not hold rights to visit literary discussion forum, even for the amusement purposes, and expect to not to get mocked.

>> No.5457352 [DELETED] 


If you're being serious here this guy is too insecure to be socially comfortable with his intellectual pursuits so he's forcing people into confrontations over them instead of just disregarding their informed opinions like any temperate mind would.

You see this kind of thing all the time. An insecure guy wanting to make people feel as foolish as they're making him feel. It's one big schoolyard joke.

>> No.5457358

Strawman figure fallacy.

>> No.5457360


If you're being serious here this guy is too insecure to be socially comfortable with his intellectual pursuits so he's forcing people into confrontations over them instead of just disregarding their uninformed opinions like any temperate mind would.

You see this kind of thing all the time. An insecure guy wanting to make people feel as foolish as they're making him feel. It's one big schoolyard joke.

>> No.5457377
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Why would using a reaction image featuring characters from a game I enjoyed when I was 9 deminish my right to discuss literature?

Furthermore why are you being such a mad fag mcfagbag?

>> No.5457382

Oh, and yet another ad hominem from your side.
Doesn't debating actually demands one to know the basics of argumentation theory in order to prevent such blatant spewing of logical fallacies?

>> No.5457384


It ranks high in the people that should understand a certain number of things before daring to laugh at poetry.

Because they're laughing at poetry, son, not at you, and more than laughing at poetry, laughing at the echoes of their own limitations.

Sooner or later, life, will teach them the meaning of those sacred lines, so cheer up, even if most of them won't even understand it.

>> No.5457387


lol @ this whole thread being derailed into how much of a pseudo you are

>> No.5457391

>Furthermore why are you being such a mad fag mcfagbag?
Four fallacies in a row of exact same type.
Tell me more about your abilities of participating in mentioned earlier debate.

>> No.5457393

How can he be socially comfortable when someone is literally calling him gay for reading? It's the only appropriate thing to do to assert himself and not be walked on, most likely others will respect him for it. It's not like he's running around wearing a t-shirt saying "Debate me". He's defending himself.

>> No.5457406

He does not, re-read his statement.
>If anyone makes something out of me reading poetry or anything, for that matter, I literally force them to debate me on something I learned about from reading books they'll never be exposed to because they're the kind of scum that laughs at someone for reading.
"Makes something out of me reading poetry" is not an attack and surely is not mocking.

>> No.5457410


>How can he be socially comfortable when someone is literally calling him gay for reading?

Not socially comfortable with the situation, socially comfortable with his understanding of the subject.

There is a big difference.

This guy is just intellectually insecure.

>> No.5457436

How else would "making something out of it" not be an attack of some sort? It's heavily implied, even OP says "laughing".

>> No.5457437


>> No.5457447

>How else would "making something out of it" not be an attack of some sort?
Criticism or disagreement is not an attack unless you're a highly sentimental high schooler.
>It's heavily implied, even OP says "laughing".
It is an evident hyperbole.

>> No.5457448

Maybe he is, maybe not, either way he has no reason not to defend himself if not for simply social reasons or for his own integrity and dignity.

>> No.5457452
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>socially comfortable when someone is literally calling him gay for reading

Prejudice is always uncomfortable, and makes you at first, suffer, that is undoubted.

But greatness, is achieved through overcoming other people's prejudices against you, whatever the shape those prejudices take, and standing tall for whatever you believe in, despite what other people have to say about it, provided, you don't force feed it through their throats.

In this spirit, take or leave this humble piece of advice.

>> No.5457459

>It is an evident hyperbole.
If you wish, the evidence is there.

>> No.5457463


>Maybe he is, maybe not

He's trying to pull people into an intellectual debate when he knows that they aren't versed enough to do so. Instead of walking away and being comfortable with his own intellectual understanding like any mature person would be he needs to make them look foolish to appease himself.

He is.

>> No.5457473

That just means it will be all the easier to defend himself from their anti-intellectual ways. Good for him I say.

>> No.5457481


>socially comfortable when someone is literally calling him gay for reading

Social comfortable with tempering ignorance.

Again, big difference.

>But greatness, is achieved through overcoming other people's prejudices against you

I agree. And you do it by simply overcoming it. Your platitudes are all well and good but they aren't speaking out that anon here.

>> No.5457487

His ways of "defending" himself are not in any way intellectual neither.

>> No.5457495


Because he is opting for an equal measure of insecurity. Only he wants to dress his up under the guise of intellectualism.

>> No.5457497

You value humility more than courage and encourage him to be weak in the face of durrest when it could be his finest hours at college.
>at party
>talking to people
>quotes poetry unflinchingly and appropriately
>someone laughs and says "Is that poetry lmao fag"
>he gracefully puts down the dissent and woos the females in earshot
>total victory

>> No.5457503


Great idea, do this and film yourself please

>> No.5457507
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You think this is a game? This shit works. He'll find the woman of his dreams and what he's really made of putting himself out there. There are smart girls dying for people with half a brain cell.

>> No.5457531


>You value humility more than courage

I know adolescent antics when I see them.

Dress this up however you want, but he is just another young man trying to make others feel foolish for making him feel foolish. He is no paragon of intellectual integrity. He's just another wounded egotist.

>> No.5457552

No he's no self righteous priest, just another soul trying to make it.

>> No.5457565


The first go-to example of "courage" that you offered up in your last post was literally defending the use of poetry quotes at a party.

This is what sprang to your mind when you got on the topic of "courage". I wish I were making that up.

Between that and your endless platitudes you come across as such a thoroughly unlikable little dilettante wank.

>> No.5457588

Everything you've offered in this thread has been destructive and counter intuitive. Please go back to your personal fart smelling chamber and stop trying to insult college students for defending the act of reading.

>> No.5457634 [DELETED] 


>Everything you've offered in this thread has been destructive and counter intuitive.

Apart from all the advocating of temperance, right?

>Please go back to your personal fart smelling chamber and stop trying to insult college students for defending the act of reading.


They aren't defending the act of reading, they are servicing their own egos out of insecurity.

This whole thing is has been -
Kids Will Be Kids: The Thread.

A bunch of adolescent mopes forcing confrontations because they are intellectual insecure.

>> No.5457645 [DELETED] 


>Everything you've offered in this thread has been destructive and counter intuitive.

Apart from all the advocating of temperance, right?

>Please go back to your personal fart smelling chamber and stop trying to insult college students for defending the act of reading.


They aren't defending the act of reading, they are servicing their own egos out of insecurity.

This whole thing is has been -
Kids Will Be Kids: The Thread.

A bunch of adolescent mopes forcing confrontations because they are intellectually insecure.

>> No.5457657


>Everything you've offered in this thread has been destructive and counter intuitive.

Apart from all the advocating of temperance, right?

>Please go back to your personal fart smelling chamber and stop trying to insult college students for defending the act of reading.


They aren't defending the act of reading, they are servicing their own egos out of insecurity.

This whole thing has been -
Kids Will Be Kids: The Thread.

A bunch of adolescent mopes forcing confrontations because they are intellectually insecure.

>> No.5457667

>Apart from all the advocating of temperance, right?
Just because you use the word doesn't mean you advocate it all. You're the shitstain with the weak ego, so weak you insult others for standing up for themselves.
>They aren't defending the act of reading, they are servicing their own egos out of insecurity

That's such a bad thing because this faggot on /lit/ won't think I'm at Christ conscious levels of enlightenment.

How old are you? Have you given up on yourself already or are you one of those /x/ goers who pump themselves full of hallucinogens so they experience "ego loss"?

Fucking gross.

>> No.5457684
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You pushed the joke too far

>> No.5457692
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>I'm so old plz stop being young

>> No.5457707


>You're the shitstain with the weak ego, so weak you insult others for standing up for themselves.

I'm not deriding people for standing up for themselves you disingenuous moron. I am saying that none of this is about defending themselves or "defending reading". I am saying this because it isn't. It's just bullshit adolescent pageantry under the guise of something higher. He wants to take shots at people who took shots at him. It's that simple.

>How old are you?

I should be asking you this. Between your hilarious post about quoting poetry at a party as being your first example of "courage" and your trumped up platitudes it really speaks to how young you seem. You post like every other teenage dilettante shitstain on this board.

Get a fucking clue you awkward dandy.

>> No.5457716
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>ok sure what do you want to debate

>> No.5457726

despite having glasses and a nerd walk, nobody has made fun of me for reading since junior high

>> No.5457730

just put your thumb on your nose and blow a razzberry at them. you lower yourself to your level without investing yourself in an argument down there.

>> No.5457739

>quoting poetry
>ever saying "here is a line from a poem" then reciting off the whole thing
>not just quoting random fragments of them

its so much fun you get the weirdest looks

>> No.5457754

>I'm not deriding people for standing up for themselves you disingenuous moron. I am saying that none of this is about defending themselves or "defending reading". I am saying this because it isn't. It's just bullshit adolescent pageantry under the guise of something higher. He wants to take shots at people who took shots at him. It's that simple.

But isn't he adolescent? You basically are mad at him for being young. He takes reading personally because it's helping him grow as a person, it only seems fair he would be offended on multiple levels allowing reading and himself victory against the party attacking both. Hell there are plenty of successful adults who take their reputation and their egos very seriously. Even old farts on 4chan get butthurt when they get called faggots.

>I should be asking you this. Between your hilarious post about quoting poetry at a party as being your first example of "courage" and your trumped up platitudes it really speaks to how young you seem. You post like every other teenage dilettante shitstain on this board.

You act like this doesn't work or something jeez you really are old and bitter, now I'm questioning if you aren't a old virgin because that would really put things into perspective.

>> No.5457759

the trips of truth

>> No.5457771

Is Pepe holding a swiss army knife?

>> No.5457797


>But isn't he adolescent? You basically are mad at him for being young.

My position isn't hard to understand. I am criticizing him for being disingenuous. He is launching the same sort of insecurity at people that he was met with to appease his wounded ego, and he is claiming intellectual motives whilst doing this because he can't come to terms with the hypocrisy of it. None of it is about intellectualism, just licking wounds.

That you'd try to actually defend this position proves how disingenuous you are in kind.

You should just stop.

>> No.5457847
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Ok. I go forth to conquer a new thread. My ancestors are smiling on me Imperial. Can you say the same of yours?

>> No.5457852

>Has anybody laughed at you for reading poetry?
no, but i was banned once for quoting william blake

>> No.5457855


>decides he's over it and wants to go maymay

Meh I've said all I want to. I'm over it too.

>> No.5457873
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You're such an adult holy shit fuck my mother!

>> No.5457881



>> No.5457893


>> No.5457897

>Be me, carrying around copy of The Wasteland
>Engi friend asks what book is that
>tell him its a poem
>he kinda laughs, says he just didn't have me pegged as a poetry person
>tell him to read it before hating, shove copy of Wastelands into his hands then walk off
>couple weeks later
>friend looks like shit
>says he read The Wasteland and spent all night reading criticisms and annotations of it

To be honest he probably understands more about the poem than I do, since he has access to JSTOR and the like

>> No.5457928
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I know this feel
>give friend fight club
>week later
>friend rereading it and memorizing favorite passages
>"It's just soo good"
>we both quote it for months after that
It was a glorious edgy chapter in our lives

>> No.5457934
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>"ooh trying to _broaden your horizons_ are you??? ;~)"

>> No.5457940

What does that even mean

>> No.5457990
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reading poetry actually got me some odd respect once
>reading leaves of grass over the summer
>friend asks what i'm reading
>tell him it's poetry and read a random passage out loud
>"damn dude that's pretty deep"
>yeah i guess
>"and you like understand it?"
it was kind of funny because i've never met anybody else that was impressed by poetry.

>> No.5458072

well the context is that i'm not an arts student.

>> No.5458076

So they're just being cunts, nice.

>> No.5458082

that's the theme of this thread isn't it

>> No.5458087

I suppose so anon.

>> No.5458098
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>> No.5458114

oh man that picture is comfy. I know those bears have some kind of special fur that protects them but I still can't believe they live that far North

>> No.5458129

seals not only live at the north they swim in the water there
white bears do it too though but not 24/7 like seals
anyway, imagine you took a dive in 4C water and then have no way to dry your fur on the cold wind, brrr

>> No.5458153
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their fur is oily which helps to repel water

>> No.5458187

Seals are like a lump of fat though, I guess polar bears probably have that too, but they have some crazy insulating hollow fur or something. It is bizarre though, I wonder if they die of cold before starvation if their food source is cut off

>> No.5458242

>you will never be a polar cub
why bother

>> No.5458248

i heard that white bears might be on their way to evolve into a new species/genus/whatever of seals, at least part of them. if part of them evolve and part don't the latter will probably feed on the former since bears eat seals

i think they probably die from cold before starvation... the nature is cruel, any cute puff of white fur you see on these pics will die or died a gruesome death of cold, trauma or illness

>> No.5458254

Every human you see will die a gruesome death of cold, trauma or illness, friend

>> No.5458273
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probably most of them will die relatively easy with their pain if they have any suppressed by drugs, many animals die an easy death in the jaws of predators too, but it's not so for polar bears who are apex predators themselves

>> No.5458280

well you're cheerful

>> No.5458282
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>> No.5458293

sorry ><
i'm quite moody, shouldn't express it that much probably

>> No.5458308

It's true though, nature is horrific. I suppose if we were closer to it we'd find it less jarring, but it's a violent thing

>> No.5458345

I used to write poetry with my friends in high school. We'd read each other poems and stuff. Pretty faggy but it was fun enough.

>> No.5458357

but we -are- nature. our human civilization is just the massive beehive we are in the process of building and probably won't stop building until humans become extinct. negative entropy. humans unique among species became subjects of hegelian history

>> No.5458362

Whoa man that's a pretty original thought you should write a poem :^)

>> No.5458370

>We'd read each other poems and stuff. Pretty faggy
how so? not masculine enough?

every single tiny single-celled living being builds negentropy

>> No.5458378

yeah but in the West our lives are cushy as fuck, for us Nature is pretty forests and skylines and beautiful shores from beaches and oceans, we don't remember at all anymore the horror of nature

>> No.5458384


We make no distinction between man and nature: the human essence of nature and the natural essence of man become one within nature in the form of production or industry, just as they do within the life of man as a species. Industry is then no longer considered from the extrinsic point of view of utility, but rather from the point of view of its fundamental identity with nature as production of man and by man. Not man as the king of creation , but rather as the being who is in intimate contact with the profound life of all forms or all types of beings, who is responsible for even the stars and animal life, and who ceaselessly plugs an organ-machine into an energy-machine, a tree into his body, a breast into his mouth, the sun into his asshole: the eternal custodian of the machines of the universe. This is the second meaning of process as we use the term: man and nature are not like two opposite terms confronting each other – not even in the sense of bipolar opposites within a relationship of causation, ideation, or expression (cause and effect, subject and object, etc.); rather, they are one and the same essential reality, the producer-product. Production as process overtakes all idealistic categories and constitutes a cycle whose relationship to desire is that of an immanent principle

>> No.5458408

I understand the notion *philosophically*, but there has been an enormous qualitative shift in humanity that can't be accounted for by comparing modes of production. We are not the same species we were in the wilderness, we are aliens to our own instinctual essences. The modern human's subjugation resembles his prior trials but the sheer physical torment isn't there anymore, and it would utterly ruin your average Modern to experience it.