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5456436 No.5456436 [Reply] [Original]

One million erections
standing gleefully
in the night
They are branches
I swing from them
like Tarzan.
Gleaming in the moonlight
from due
I am from the world
and I will return

>> No.5456458

Je cherche dans le vagin
Je vois Jésus et Mahomet
Je marchais dans le vagin
et j'entends les applaudissements
La nuit est jeune dans le vagin
et je suis perdu
Bien que je ne peux pas trouver mon chemin
et le soleil a déjà mis en
Je sais que j'ai enfin succeded
Je suis retourné à l'utérus

>> No.5456492

Give me a way to intervene
I am new in placing myself in the world
Building social order is a bad idea
Knowledge does not exist
God exist
I am leading to disaster
caught up in a system
How often I am surprised

>> No.5456500

Rush Limbaud
Russia buying Pabst
I am a communist.
Serving my erection
cold on a platter,
you eat it with a silver spoon;
you were born with it in your mouth.

>> No.5456507

I have pooped into
one million toilets;
I am floating in the seamen
of my father.
Wiping my ass
with the American dollar.
I inject estrogen
mixed with heroin
into my anus.

Follow the morning star....
(Venus, not Uranus)

>> No.5456525

Leftist sipping semen sanguinely -
it is shared (Marxist-Leninist)
And I cry out:

"Aye ! - Jane Austin , où êtes-vous sur
cette filature terre triste ? Placez mon visage
dans vos genoux pour que je puisse voir l'avenir ."

That night I went to bed with a dream,
beneath the ripe, brazen testicles of Rimbaud
tickled my fingures.

>> No.5456533

I have seen Satan in the dimples
of my younger brother
who passed swiftly and suddenly
from a brain hemorrhage.

He was reading the blog
of a Tumblr Feminist.
(White Privilege)

>> No.5456539

Docking is a term used to describe
the act of residing on penis in
the foreskin of another (pluralism)

"The Jewish populous
can not do this."
[implying a grudge]

>> No.5456556

I am building my ethics
_______the default assumption
_______is to let the thing be itself.
If you finish before I do
I will continue
____until you finish again.

In the morning the sun will rise
____and I will go fishing
____in a pond that is not far
____from my house in Russia;
____I will talk to Bakunin and
____Tolstoy; Dostoevsky
____and Putin.
____We are planning the true new world

it begins with Ethe urasian Economic Union

>> No.5456565

I saw the greatest minds of my generation
__pooping hysterically in the negro streets at __dawn
__looking for an angry fix.

They were talking about feminism,
I told them my favorite feminist was
Valerie Solanas

>> No.5456588

Finally, though ferociously,
I begin to end my

we have covered erections;
le vagin; Mahomet et Jésus;
Marx and Rasputin;
Heidegger; circumcisions;
the decline of the White Straight American Male; urbanology;
my thesis is complete.

I have dreamed this verse as
if Sophia I had become -
leaving trails of Gnostic jizm
in case I become lost;
Aye! - but I am not a hurricane,
Bob Dylan. -
Though through the muffled silence
I can hear tectonic plates shifting
under me,

Take me to the Four Winds.

>> No.5456601
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What is the edge other than an imperfection.
A ripple in space, a disturbance of matter.
But not so my edge, which,
born out of dionysian exuberance,
rid itself of the shackles of reality.
Now it stands elated,
irrational and free,
meaning without reason,
being without perception.

>> No.5456618

well, it's better than The Waste Land

>> No.5456620

Legacy of Totalitarianism already got written guys

>> No.5456645
File: 130 KB, 808x613, UNEMILL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of these poems are taken from my forthcoming book "Un million érections" published in France; there should be an American publisher soon.
Thanks for reading

>> No.5456673

Great phrasing going on here. I like it OP, keep it up.

>> No.5456678

>from due

You mean dew?

I don't mind if you spam the board with purposefully bad poetry, but at least spell shit right.

>> No.5456701

Perhaps there's a double meaning??

>> No.5456720

In the dorm room
I am fucking my professor
in the butt -
with my penis

>> No.5457261

What's the name of the house you're publishing with??

>> No.5457284

an episode of KNKND
a sea of asparagus
metamorphosed into a sea of phalli
your mother swims in it

>> No.5457303

Je me réjouis de te voir défendre ton bouquin chez Ruquier :v)

>> No.5457534
File: 37 KB, 500x442, 1391272801938.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Her limbs swayed violent
The tape is silver duct
How she gnashed and thrashed
What a treat here for you
Beauty is akin to sin
DANCE (and release the dogs)

>> No.5457764
