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File: 181 KB, 452x572, Hegel_portrait_by_Schlesinger_1831.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5455986 No.5455986 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw you start to understand Hegel
This nigga was so goddamn right

>> No.5456002

>when you never define anything, you're always right about everything

Wow, what a surprise

>> No.5456010

This is what a wikipedia education will do to you

>> No.5456011

>yfw you realize Hegel was a fascist
feels good man

>> No.5456020

>teleological world spirit progressing towards self-awareness.

Aside from the fancy prose, I really don't see how Hegel is anything too far removed from new age philosophy.

>> No.5456033
File: 8 KB, 246x253, 1274854406513.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So there this like, world spirit right? wow it totally like, directs things, y'know? but its totally like transcendental n shit lol can u believe it? idealism is so cool guys

>> No.5456037

Do you idiots deliberately ignore the fact that at the his writing, that this was profound?

>> No.5456040

>muh materialism

>> No.5456042

Hegel is wonderful, but let's go ahead and displace the sense of his rightness.

He was definitely right about historical structures, and he pre-empted Freud in a lot of meaningful ways, but how was he right about the end direction of things?

>> No.5456049


>putting muh in front of something makes it automatically wrong

>> No.5456065


Fucking rekt

Hegel is some university-tier shit

Read Kant or gtfo

>> No.5456071

Spinoza h8r pls go

>> No.5456075

>Implying Kant isn't also too university-tier shit.

>> No.5456076

shut up, idiot

>> No.5456082

>thinking god is the master of the disjunctive
>thinking that's more reasoned than nature
Bby pls, you haven't read either

>> No.5456117

...troll? Hegel's an idealist, Marx was the materialist interpretation of his ideas, but he definitely didn't agree

>> No.5456125
File: 40 KB, 640x481, bfly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the apex of continental thinking, i almost died out of disgust

>> No.5456131

No, you're just an idiot. I have read both, but that is irrelevant, since you clearly don't understand Spinoza.

>> No.5456137


>> No.5456172

Which part do you think I misunderstood?

>> No.5456176

Ha, Ha, He!

>> No.5456184
File: 46 KB, 339x398, Schopenhauer.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>The chief objection I have to pantheism is that it says nothing. To call the world God is not to explain it; it is only to enrich our language with a superfluous synonym for the word "world".

Spinoza already got rekt by Schopenhauer m8, read P&P

>> No.5456188

Hegel's ideas about the state lead straight to Marx, and communism is responsible for the deaths of like 100 million people.

So maybe Hegel wasn't quite right after all

>> No.5456189

So did Kant, only that's a whole paper. This still has an undistributed middle being what I said and your claim I have misunderstood, which is a larger syllogistic flaw than Schopenhauer illustrates against Spinoza here, but rather the exact same flaw that Schoppy illustrates against Kant repeatedly.

>> No.5456220

>muh utilitarianism

>> No.5456226


>muh purges
>muh enforced starvation
>muh glorious propaganda state

>> No.5456232

>muh catcher in the rye got jfk shot

>> No.5456240
File: 35 KB, 293x399, hankhill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>communism is responsible for the deaths of like 100 million people.
>So maybe Hegel wasn't quite right after all

Did you ever consider maybe those people objectively deserved to die?

>> No.5456255

Communism also saved Russia from military defeat and conquest.

>> No.5456257
File: 11 KB, 251x240, steve mcqueen taking a shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.5456263

Hegel's ideas also led to anarchism, secular democratic state, fascism, nationalism and creation of German Empire which is responsible for saving like 100 million people through the medicine and agriculture it developed.

>> No.5456265

> Hegel's ideas about the state lead straight to Marx, and communism is responsible for the deaths of like 100 million people.
Hegel considered this to be a natural part of societies: that certain people have roles of subservient and some are rulers and that their power-relations are interlocked.

>> No.5456272

What's the telos, exactly? I was under the impression Hegel just thought that all possible zeitgeists would eventually occur, and then we would only be left with repetition, with nothing new, hence the "end". But not some final, static state.

>> No.5456276

Self-help generally doesn't contain as dense and deep symbolic views as Hegel's philosophy.

>> No.5456287

Is this a new trend? Hegel threads everyday? If so, I am so fucking okay with it as I have largely neglected Hegel unfortunately.

Anyone ever come across Half Hour Hegel? I watched the first 2 or 3 but decided it would take way too fucking long to watch the entire series. Just curious as to how well Sadler's interpretation fits the book.

Link for the interested: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QW8b_cnhql0&list=PL4gvlOxpKKIgR4OyOt31isknkVH2Kweq2

>> No.5456296

I am always cautious when approaching such youtube videos that are trying to explain me very complicated things like Hegelian philosophy.
I've watched several of those things but for instance one hour with a quality prof. has learned me more on Hegel than all those videos combined.

>> No.5456303

Contextualized self-reflection and meta-analysis is the current zeitgeist. So...Hegel is right.

>> No.5456314

Fair enough. The dude doing the videos is a professor, though. I've watched a fistful of his other videos for philosophers I'm more familiar with and he seems pretty clear.

Either way, I guess I'll bump Hegel up in my backlog (plus I'll feel like less of a faggot for owning three of his books without having opened them yet (I buy things faster than I could possibly read them)).