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5453396 No.5453396 [Reply] [Original]

am I the only one that does this /lit/? I went to barnes and noble today, looking at books. I noticed that had sherlock holmes book in stock with the collectors cover, and I already bought (similiar I am sure) sherlock holmes book
>pic related I bought the book on the left today, and the one on the right is from couple months ago.

Should I keep the new one on the left? I already have the foundation trilogy one from barnes and noble. I like the new one I bought just not sure what to do with my old one Donate it to or sell it?

>> No.5453448

>Buying a book for the collector's cover
Actually, I don't even know if comic book people do such dumb shit anymore.

>> No.5453594


Its a book not a comic.

>> No.5453801

Do you really have that kind of money to blow? Buying the same book twice? What a world.

>> No.5453833

As a /co/mic book "people" I can attest to the fact that this is a common practice. It's why every publisher produces a dozen variant covers for the most arbitrary of issues. Granted there is always a chance that a certain variant will be very limited and without reprints, so there is the possibility of it becoming an investment. Having said that, there is a sizable market of comic book collectors looking for specific back-issues. This is not the case with books. I've always thought that a shelf of books with interesting covers does make for nice decoration though. It's why I've gone back to buying certain books in hard back.

>> No.5453843


Its not the exact same book. I believe the one on the left doesnt have all the short stories.

>> No.5454089

Send it to me.

>> No.5454091
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>fetishizing literature

>> No.5454093

You should sell both of them and get an edition that's actually well made, or at least that has the original Paget illustrations.

It's really, really easy to get cheap versions of the collected Holmes corpus since the work is literally in the public domain, so there's little reason to settle for second best here.

>> No.5456238
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I hear ya OP. Those are some nice books. The KJV Bible has a trove of Dore prints which are amazing.

>> No.5456294

God does that shelf look terrible.

>> No.5456299

good god those editions look repulsive

>> No.5456306

tip for collecting: when something is billed as collectors or limited edition its not worth jack shivers

>> No.5456325

It look's like a poor person's idea of a rich person's bookshelf

>> No.5456388

the isaac asimov and neil gaiman books look ok

>> No.5456393

I'm super poor, so that probably explains it.

>> No.5456401


wata burn

be nice

>> No.5456411


You know, I kind of like them. Me and my gf both. My mom too, (I got her the Douglas Adams one). I mean, they are from Barnes and Noble, and I got them half-off. I know they aren't Oxford library shit or whatever. I like them though. They are the first thing a guest sees when they come to my place.

Now I'm sitting here thinking (way too long) about what you said and why it's bugging me. I don't know why it does, but it does.

Fuck it though, I like them.

>> No.5456431
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I think I know why now. I love my mom to pieces and she's been going through some hard times. Her husband (my step-dad) died just recently and it's hard on her. Big time. She likes those books and I remember her smile when I gave her one of the series. She's a huge reader, and she's poor as shit. She buys books from Salvation Army all the time. So when she got that nice book from me and I saw her smile, it's something I remembered. When I see those books, I think of my mom smiling, which isn't happening so much right now.

Pic related. It's my mum smiling (for the last time) with my step-dad.

>> No.5456452

Its the same reason casino's interiors are gawdy and tacky: to attract the stupid.

>> No.5456612

>It's really, really easy to get cheap versions of the collected Holmes corpus since the work is literally in the public domain

Sherlock Holmes is public domain in most places, but in the US the last ten stories are not, due to an artefact of the history of US copyright law.

This was the subject of a recent lawsuit:



>> No.5456647

Jesus Christ anon, now you're making me feel bad.
All I really meant to say is that I personally don't like the design of them, not bring up tons of feels.
If you like them, good for you, and good for you for making your mom happy.
My library is 90% paperbacks, so you really shouldn't put much weight on my aesthetic judgement of books.

I can't believe I'm actually doing this on 4chan, but your posts seem really sincere, so I apologize. I definitely did not mean to make any judgement based on wealth when commenting on those books, just on my own subjective view of their looks, and I definitely did not mean to rob you of the happiness those books have brought you and your family.

>> No.5456669
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oh shit

>> No.5456706



>> No.5456772

I definitely do it if it's the same price.
Some variant covers are just a blank white cardstock sheet over the normal cover with the title on it, so you can take it to a con and have dudes draw on it. I got one because it was the same price anyway, and now I have the possibility of getting a dude to draw on it (getting dudes to draw on shit is an important part of comics culture, for obvious reasons).
It's gonna be Grant Morrison dressed as Nix Uotan and Geoff Johns dressed as Mr. Stubbs, if you're interested.

>> No.5456901
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No man, you're cool. We're cool. It actually felt kinda good to talk about my mom to a bunch of strangers. I'm the oldest so I've been the shoulder everybody has been crying on, especially my mom.

But really, books are books and it's what is inside that matters. Have a good weekend anon.

Pic related. It's a portrait my sister did of my mom.

>> No.5457001

Glad to hear it. You have a good weekend as well anon, and godspeed.

Also, your sister has some mad drawing skills

>> No.5457079
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>seeking companionship from strangers on an imageboard
>being this autistic

>> No.5457085

If your mom actually looks like that, she seriously needs to go to a dermatologist, dude.

>> No.5457105
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>tfw legitimately touched by a post on 4chan

>> No.5457482

That shelf looks like it belongs to a fat girl trying to be unique.

>> No.5457533

I really like that style of binding but the graphic design kills it for most of them.

That Bible would probably be fine IF it were an illuminated version, but I doubt that's the case.

>> No.5457556

>book covers that aren't minimalistic

>> No.5457564

>book covers

Hardback books require two things: Name and title. They should be in a tasteful font with proper spacing and layout.

Dust jackets are made to be thrown away. And paperbacks don't matter because they're disposable so they can have all the ugly covers they want.

>> No.5457566

are they the editions published by barnes & noble?
how much are they?
are they actually reasonable quality?

(i am not in the US)

>> No.5457575
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i like a nice slipcase meself

>> No.5457578

They are $10 - $20. Great quality for that price. The ones that are not originally English often use lackluster translations.

Most are too gaudy IMO, but there are a handful that look incredible. The Lovecraft one is probably my favorite, even feels different than the others, in a good way.

>> No.5457583

>Dust jackets are made to be thrown away


>> No.5457612

Barnes and Noble did a good job making these look nice and I mean it. Plus they make classic literature that much more appealing to modern folks

>> No.5457620

well shit, sorry to hear it man
I wouldnt listen to anything on here seriously though, I just happen to like them old and dog-eared, each to his own

>> No.5457622

cool, i might look out for a couple when i am next in the US.

probably not that Star Wars one tho

>> No.5457660

What translation of The Odyssey do they use?

>> No.5457724

Samuel Butler

>> No.5457725

Butler translation, since it's public domain. I think all the B&N translations are public domain so that they keep the profit margin as large as possible.

>> No.5457740

Is that considered a good translation? I've got the Chapman, but it's far too dense for me to read.