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/lit/ - Literature

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5450324 No.5450324 [Reply] [Original]

>the single largest written work of fiction in literature is a Super Smash Brothers fanfiction

How does this make you feel?

>> No.5450343

I'm just mad that it wasn't a MLP/Sonic crossover.

>> No.5450346

I think it's fucking hilarious. I tried to read the first chapter and it's so fucking bad. I can't wait to randomly read snatches of it when I'm shithouse drunk and can't sleep.

>> No.5450354
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>very first line
>"It had been a long battle, but he managed to stop the imbeciles from defeating him for real."

>> No.5450384
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>218 chapters
>"Don't be afraid" Lucario said, "You still have me to defend yourself"
>"Lucario. . ."
I don't even have enough reaction pictures to convey a tenth of my emotions right now.

>> No.5450404
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>> No.5450407

is this the holy grail of autism

>> No.5450410

Please link the story here. I am unable to find it due to reasons.

>> No.5450417

literally google search "super smash bros fanfiction" you lazy fuck

>> No.5450419

Excellent advice; reading it now.

>> No.5450427
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>search ssb fanfiction at fanfiction.net
>filter to show only >100k words
>84 pages of results

>> No.5450579

The tvtropes page looks like the author wrote it himself.

>> No.5450597

Darger played Smash Bros?

>> No.5450620
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>currently over 3,500,000 words, making it almost three times as long as Marcel Proust’s seven-volume À la recherche du temps perdu, six times as long as Infinite Jest, and thirteen times as long as Ulysses.

Autism is one hell of a drug.

>> No.5450625

it's at 3.9 million right now

>> No.5450627

I wonder if his prose has even changed after all these years.

>> No.5450630

>currently over 3,500,000 words

and you praise that hedge-wizard looking dude for writing a 1mln words novel

>> No.5450634

Nevermind, I just compared some sentences from the first chapter to the latest one. I think it's actually been getting worse, what the fuck?

>> No.5450802


This is 4chan. Everybody always wants Moore ...

>> No.5450870

such is the price of insane genius

>> No.5450945

Of course it's getting worse. He doesn't care anymore.

>> No.5450953


>> No.5450962
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>three times as long as Marcel Proust’s seven-volume À la recherche du temps perdu, six times as long as Infinite Jest, and thirteen times as long as Ulysses.

jesus fucking christ

>> No.5450987
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>> No.5451013

In the Realms of the Unreal from Henry Darger has 15.145 pages and is probably longer, but no one has counted the words yet.

But the SSB fanfiction got written in 6 years by a guy who is only 22, so he got that going for him.

>> No.5451035

How long?

>> No.5451126

Has anyone actually read the whole thing .

>> No.5451150

I seriously doubt it, unless we're counting the guy who wrote it because technically I guess he has read it all.

>> No.5451165

It's The Subspace Emissary's Worlds Conquest. 3.548.675 words, about thrice À la recherche du temps perdu.

>> No.5451173

By now it's 3,929,194 words.

>> No.5451174

Out of curiosity, how long is the bible?

>> No.5451194

I don't know, but it's way shorter. Mine is 1.200 pages long, so it might be 900.000 words, something like that.

Fuck this shit.

>> No.5451197
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For some reason I feel like I have an obligation to read this at some point now.

>be like 90 years old in a retirement home
>have literally nothing to do
>"Well, now it's time to read the longest book ever written, cover to cover!"
>get a heart attack and die because of incessant laughter
>last words are "Fucking pleb"

>> No.5451198

why did I think the Bible was much bigger?

maybe it was because when I was forced to read it as a kid it seemed much larger to my kid brain but I remember it being fucking huge

>> No.5451201

King James is just under 800k words.

>> No.5451205

Here are some comparisons. À la recherche du temps perdu is 1,267,069 words, Infinite Jest is 543,709.

>> No.5451207

he should publish it and send as a gift to the biggest libraries

>> No.5451210

It's just really really hard to read. The Old Testament is basically a law book, and half of the references are now obscur and meaningless.

>> No.5451217

>The Old Testament is basically a law book
Now that's wrong. It has extensive laws in it, but most of it is chronicling.

>> No.5451218

the bible is partially a poetic book, it's significantly harder (and more pleasant too if it's good) to read poetry than a plain text of the same length

>> No.5451225

I'm an retard pls link

>> No.5451229

why haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.5451231


>> No.5451233

it just brings me to a collection of mario fanfic written by various authors

>> No.5451238

found it

>> No.5451534

It makes me feel nothing, because it isn't. Have people already forgotten about the novel Marienbad My Love? 12.5 million words long.

>> No.5451559

Here it is in 30 PDF files. The title alone is 60 pages http://www.marienbadmylove.com/download-marienbad-my-love.html

>> No.5451567

I underestimated because of the way they're numbered, it's actually 43 PDF files

>> No.5453098

mario fanfic seems better written

>> No.5454085
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Jesus Christ I couldn't get past the fist chapter. That was fucking awful.

>> No.5454126

>read FFIX fan fiction
>One character picks up a phone to see who borrowed his stereo

>> No.5454407

The Axis powers have won World War II, the greater German reich swallows up the west. Untermenschen (sub-humans) have all been exiled to live in underground slums, forced to perform menial labor in exchange for electronic tokens which allow the slave to loosen their colon collars enough to have a successful bowel movement. Global anti-miscegenation laws were enacted following the allies' defeat, and are now actively enforced. The punishment for race-traitors is thus: execution by live vivisection, or the castration of both parties (husband and wife).

Sonic the horsehog pace picante'd nervously up and down the walls of the hospital waiting room. He had been sitting for hours (by his measure), when suddenly the floor started to melt away and a colossal octopus stuck its scaly tentacle out from the abyss and suctioned him tightly, but then he didn't because he was hallucinating hehe. Still, sittingly, he waited, pacing in all directions. A straight-nosed WHITE aryan stallion doctor motioned for him to come in with his horse lips. The white hospital bed was his wife, Tails, stained with blood, and holding an object wrapped in a white cloth towel. Sonic staired at the towel for three flights and then finally said, "Ok................ open it," he finally said. Tails nodded, and blew air on the baby towel until he was yellow in the face attempting to part the towel, successfully. And then Sonic saw something that made his blood broil, his hooves tighten into fists, and his eyes gapen. "A brown baby... you fr*aking... dirty... whorse...," Sonic muttered exhaustedly. Sonic knew there was only one path for the honorable aryan to take. He unhinged his mighty horse jaw and opened his mighty gaping horse mouth three feet high. "NO, SONIC!" begged tails. Sonic swooped down and swallowed the baby whole in his gaping pelican mouth, but not before staring down Tails with ferocity the likes of which was known only to the Fuhrer himself. And Sonic was that Fuhrer. A black Fuhrer.

>> No.5454421
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>is this the holy grail of autism

You know I think it seriously might be.

>> No.5454431

>3,929,194 words
I don't care if this one of the most autistic things ever written, this is fucking incredible. How does one man find the dedication to actually write something this shit? I'm proud of this guy and I'm sure the book is shit. This man must dedicate his life to doing what he loves for no profit (reminds me of someone)
God bless you, you autistic fuck

>> No.5454444

Who does he remind you of?

>> No.5454446

The janitor

>> No.5454454

Like that janitor who wrote that book about the little girls with the penises

>> No.5454462


I really don't know what to make of this.

Are autists just prone to writing insanely long narratives? I can literally not think of a single thing that I would want to write over a million words about.

>> No.5454469


Also, holy shit, this guy was a freak. He makes /r9k/ look like well-adjusted and upstanding citizens. What the fuck.

>> No.5454470

At least it's not about some jap cartoon

>> No.5454481
File: 172 KB, 690x538, darger21.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am fascinated by Henry Darger. Really, outsider art in general, but Darger specifically. It's so bizarre and haunting, but still somewhat beautiful and touching that people who are "unwell" find a creative outlook despite how insane it often appears to normal society.

>> No.5454484

1milli is pretty big for one novel

>> No.5454487


>implying these aren't all japanese characters anyway

you can't have a grand achievement of autism and not have the japanese somehow related to it. it's impossiburrr. japan is the land of autism.

>> No.5454488


>I am fascinated by Henry Darger. Really, outsider art in general, but Darger specifically.

Read 'A High Wind in Jamaica'.
That book was written for you.

>> No.5454500

I'll have to check it out. Thanks.

>> No.5454501

"While some may find the existence of this fic baffling, it makes sense. Jason points out that Smash Bros is basically fan fiction in game form: "Sonic beats up Mario" and "Peach throws a turnip at Ganondorf" are the kind of normal, everyday things that happen in the game. Crossovers and unlikely, sometimes ridiculous situations are basically the appeal of the game, much like what fanfiction tends to do."

>> No.5454505

Deep down, we're all inhabitants of cwcville

>> No.5454517

The amount of energy that goes into cataloging people's wastes of time is disconcerting. It's almost like the autist's last fuck you to humanity is there will be people fascinated by them who get involved in their little world.

>> No.5454525

Ha! I never looked at it like that! I tend to gravitate towards that shit when i need a break from my own shit. Kind of a "I'm tired of writing this bullshit fucking short story" or "I've been reading this book for so long that the words are melting together and I'm tired of thinking about it right now." The joke was on me this whole time

>> No.5454536
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>Despite Darger's unusual lifestyle and strange behavior, he has not generally been considered mentally ill. This topic is addressed in the biographical film In the Realms of the Unreal, in which Darger, while certainly described as eccentric, is also mentioned to be "in complete control of his life". MacGregor, in the appendix to his book on Darger, speculates that the most fitting diagnosis is autism, of an Asperger syndrome type.

>> No.5454548

You realize Chris-Chan is one of the most documented people who has ever existed right?

>> No.5454549
File: 213 KB, 640x291, bowser.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that's a big novel

>> No.5454571


google "UTV philmarillion"

somehow, /sp/, which one would think to be a more "normalfag" board, produced the most stunning piece of autismal literature that has ever existed

if you actually want to read it:


>> No.5454573


Chapters: 161 Completed: Yes
Word count: 271416

>> No.5454587

Insanity is fascinating in all of it's flavours.

I think it has something to do with morbid curiosity, like not being able to look away from a train wreck. When you look at someone like Chris Chan or whatever you know that there is something fundamentally wrong with them but at the same time they're as human as you. It sort of gives you the creeps pondering what it means to be a human and how far down the rabbit hole it's possible for a person to go.

>> No.5454591

this is the weirdest thing i have ever seen

>> No.5454592

Millions of years from now, after humanity has nuked itself into extinction, aliens are going to visit the charred, sterile wasteland of earth and the only grand narrative that will have survived will be the Chris-chan wiki that some autist has buried in a capsule in his backyard.

They will base everything they know about humanity on Chris-chan. Although I can't say we didn't ask for it.

>> No.5454595
File: 52 KB, 1096x933, vitamin avenger files.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

christ how did I forget about that

you're right

the only thing that even comes close to that level of autism is the Vitamin Avenger guy on /fit/ who had folders full of pictures of every tripfag that had ever posted on /fit/ and was even able to tell anonymous posters apart based on their typing styles

pic related

>> No.5454676

for you

>> No.5454739

Doesn't Wheel of Time have 4.5 million?

>> No.5454740

it's not about series of novels

>> No.5454760

seriously why haven't you killed yourself yet

>> No.5454773

I thought it was that pony/farcry trash?

>> No.5454796

I have never seen so much autism in one thread.

I thought I would read through a few chapters of each....but I started on the UTV document.

I really do feel bad right now. I feel bad for the writer. I feel bad for the German tripfags that helped him. I feel bad for /sp/. I even feel bad for their janitor.

Quizás sea la reencarnación nueva de Gertrudis Gómez de Avellaneda.

>> No.5454804

>Pony/Far Cry
Excuse me?

>> No.5454816


Sorry. I meant My Little Pony/Fallout.

It is called "Fallout: Equestria"

I couldn't get past the first few pages.

>> No.5454819

can you link it?

>> No.5454826

Here is the wiki. There are 45 chapters and ~630k words.


>> No.5454831


Sorry to double post, but I just looked back at the wiki page out of morbid curiosity...

Apparently there is a large fanbase for the fanfic and they have done audio adaptations, spinoff novels, and spinoff fanfictions. As an anthology, it may be the longest work.

>> No.5454943

Reminds me of a passage in The Conspiracy Against the Human Race where seeing a man having an epileptic seizure is unnerving because of how uncanny it is, showing us that we are simple biological machines that can malfunction.

Is there really much of a difference between the person writing a 3 million word SSBB fanfiction and the person devoting his life to solving a single problem in theoretical physics?

>> No.5454980

>Is there really much of a difference between the person writing a 3 million word SSBB fanfiction and the person devoting his life to solving a single problem in theoretical physics?

the second one either solves themself or helps others to solve something which either directly or through helping other people would increase the power and knowledge which the humanity holds which will eventually increase, as efremov would say, the amount of joy and decrease the amount of sorrow of the whole humanity. as for the first one he wrote some shitty work nobody read and enjoy except himself

>> No.5454984


Why do you even fucking care, for heck's sake? Really, mind your own work, if you have any. Do you even literature?

>> No.5455016

>someone else on /lit/ read CATHR

Wouldn't expect that. I don't think I plagiarized him because I self-absorbedly ruminated on garbage like this before I read him, but when I did read CATHR I think in some ways he did a good job of putting those thoughts into acceptable prose.

>> No.5455024

>Super Smash Brothers fanfiction

>> No.5455031


>> No.5455035


>> No.5455036

not /sp/, but /trb/, which stands for /trollball/, which is what the game "football manager" is often called among its /sp/ players.
you watch terribly animated men run around playing football. you can not controll them directly, only give them orders. People get extremely emotionally etatched to it.

>> No.5455039

>you watch terribly animated men run around playing football. you can not controll them directly, only give them orders. People get extremely emotionally etatched to it.

so it's Blitz (vidya)

>> No.5455044


>> No.5455046

There's an MLP one about an Anon who becomes immortal and amoral that's getting close to 2 mil.

What a wonderful world we live in.

>> No.5455047
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>> No.5455054
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>the single largest written work of fiction in literature is a Super Smash Brothers fanfiction

what does this say about us as a species

>> No.5455069


>> No.5455073

Is this some sort of meta-autism?

>> No.5455078


If you ever wanted a tripfag to stop being a tripfag, showing them this shit would be way more effective than that Tyrone video.

>> No.5455083

No, I want link to the book.

>> No.5455086

Time to be an armchair psychologist, but I reckon it's because people with autism are prone to forming very strong habits, as well as obsessions over subject matters.

It's probably a case of someone sitting down to write a book, and then not stopping, because writing this book becomes a lifetime autism-hobby. They'll probably die before the books are even close to anything you can call finished.

>> No.5455087


>> No.5455088

So can I get a link?

>> No.5455089

you would think so but that doesn't abate narcissism

>> No.5455090

for all lazy retards, le link


>> No.5455093
File: 150 KB, 1264x1264, 1400626190657.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The most active thread on the /literature/ board is one criticizing Super Smash Brothers fanfiction.

>> No.5455098

I remember when /lit/ started and the most active threads were about Harry Potter and Atlas Shrugged trolling.

>> No.5455104
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>expecting anything else

how new

>> No.5455109


>12.5 million

it's 2.5 million

the mario fanfic has almost 4 million at this point, and it's only gonna increase

>> No.5455112

>Lying back and taking it

How Scottish

>> No.5455119

Marienbad is 17.8 million words long, spread over 17 volumes.

>> No.5455133

>lie back and think of England

I think you meant to say "How Britbong"

>> No.5455142

not that guy but a collective work doesn't count

if it did, wikipedia would be the single biggest work of literature ever written

>> No.5455184

god, i read that, partially
it's so, i dunno, sad, horrible. that poor guy, i mean archivist, probably didn't take his haloperidol. and that utv being stalked for his dog pics/ i recall i once said on /g/ that a dog on a gif who was watching sweets with horrified eyes was an existential dog who contemplated the horrors of war, they posted that existential dogs to me for days afterwards...

>> No.5455200

seriously why haven't you killed yourself yet

why do you refuse to respond

>> No.5455866
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Larger than Mahabharata?

>> No.5455872

mahabharata (how do you even shorten it? maha? bhara? rata? so annoying to type it each time ><) is just 1.8 mln words

>> No.5455884


>> No.5455888

I don't feel a THING.

>> No.5455895

Is it worth reading?
I'm reading the western canon, and I skipped it because it was long as fuck and I couldn't find a complete translation. (Also because I consider India far enough east that it can be excluded from the western canon)
I might come back to it at the end, but is it worth it?

>> No.5455921


>Is it worth reading?

maybe you should read it and find out, why would you let /lit/ decide

or maybe this was a disingenuous question, and you're really just trying to affect an air of educated contempt for the world

>> No.5455940

>maybe you should read it and find out, why would you let /lit/ decide
I'm on track to read Bloom's western canon up to Aquinas in a year. The three Indian epics might get me off track. I'm just asking for an opinion from someone who read them whether they are worth the massive effort it would take to get them.
I don't plan on treating whatever answer I get as gospel, it would just be nice to have a second opinion.

>> No.5455974

you're an idiot.

>> No.5456369

Oh, that. I've heard about that when I browse /mlp/
It's bad, it's really really bad,

>> No.5456400
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>UTV philmarillion
why did you remind me of this

>> No.5456434

I think the gap between what Darger's work was and CWC and this represents an obvious change to how people relate to media with the advent of the internet. All three of them are twisted equivalents of what was in pop culture at the time: Darger's work is the Christian child-soldier archetype of Narnia taken to its wildest., yet at the same time has dedication and a sense of beauty.

CWC, meanwhile, is slapdash and quickly made, like most modern webcomics, and rather than taking a pre-existing theme and building from it, it cribs outright from its source material. He also is more aware of how sex works, even if he speaks about it in more naive terms. Most importantly, the interaction between the creator and viewer, arguing in particular, ends up overriding dedication to the craft. If Darger had an internet connection, I doubt he'd ever be able to make what he made.

>> No.5456457

Which part?

>> No.5458721

I've read every chapter
The chapter about the ice climbers was my favorite

>> No.5458760
File: 115 KB, 429x599, 429px-WolfiBandHainLarge[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to really commit to appreciate it, it's like Romance of the Three Kingdoms with a cultural background probably even less familiar to the average Westerner.

This is a fair analysis, it seems like digital tools do not help the 'naive artists' of today develop the same wild imagination and attention to detail that we find in work like Adolf Wolfli's.

Hans Prinzhorn's book 'Artistry of the Mentally Ill' is a great read if you want to see what outsider art looked like a century ago.

>> No.5458807


The Sacrifices Arc fanfiction (a Harry/Draco story) is also about 3 million words long.'

I've read it

>> No.5458890
File: 32 KB, 344x427, what the fuck did you guys do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit, I used to read her Livejournal way back when. It was actually pretty useful for amateur writing tips. I didn't know she'd ever done Harry Potter slash of autistic length.

>> No.5458898

i personally read tiny parts of it, didn't like them

so, what's the proper way to shorten its name?

>> No.5460068

I'm mad that I don't have the kind of drive like that

>> No.5460334

I conversation I go with "The Maha-whatever"

>> No.5461086
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>made his blood broil

>> No.5461216
